39 changed files with 2004 additions and 356 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export const asyncLabData = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: `/lab/asynclab/asyncLabData`, |
params |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
// 动态获取下拉数据
// flag 1 冷拔-步进炉 ;2 冷拔-固熔炉 ; 3 冷拔-缝式炉 ; 4 冷拔-水表 ; 5 冷拔-智能电表 ; 6 冷拔-穿孔机 ; 7 冷拔-天然气总量
// type 1 数据点数据 ; 2 仪表数据
export const selectCdPros = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/pszccommon/selectCdPros`, params }) |
} |
// flag 1 环形加热炉 ;2 穿孔机 ; 3 延伸机 ; 4 定经机 ; 5 热轧水表
export const selectHr90Pros = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/pszccommon/selectHr90Pros`, params }) |
} |
// flag 1 环形加热炉 ;2 环形加热炉天然气管理 ; 3 穿孔机 ; 4 延伸机 ; 5 定经机 ; 6 热轧水表
export const selectHr108Pros = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/pszccommon/selectHr108Pros`, params }) |
} |
export const selectHrTrqPros = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/pszccommon/selectHrTrqPros`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ |
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type="daterange" |
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<script setup lang="ts"> |
import * as TjanalysisApi from '@/api/tjanalysis' |
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
defineOptions({ name: 'PlatscaleAnalysis' }) |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const route = useRoute() // 路由信息 |
const routeName = ref() |
routeName.value = route.name |
const loading = ref(true) |
const dataList = reactive({dList: [] , total: 0}) |
const queryParams = reactive({ |
dateRange: [] |
}) |
const handleQuery = async () => { |
getList() |
} |
const resetQuery = async () => { |
queryParams.dateRange = [] |
getList() |
} |
const getList = async () => { |
const res = await TjanalysisApi.queryElectricdataAllTj(queryParams) |
console.log(res) |
if (res != null && res.dataList != null) { |
dataList.dList = res.dataList |
} |
loading.value = false |
} |
const exportElecTotal = async () => { |
const res = await TjanalysisApi.exportElectricdataAllTj(queryParams) |
if (res != null) { |
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([res])); |
let link = document.createElement("a"); |
link.style.display = "none"; |
link.href = url; |
link.setAttribute("download", "智能报表统计数据.xlsx"); |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
} |
} |
function getSummaries(param) { |
const { columns, data } = param; |
const sums = []; |
columns.forEach((column, index) => { |
// console.log(column) |
if (index === 0) { |
sums[index] = '总'; |
// return; |
} |
const values = data.map(item => Number(item[column.property])); |
if (!values.every(value => isNaN(value))) { |
sums[index] = values.reduce((prev, curr) => { |
const value = Number(curr); |
if (!isNaN(value)) { |
return prev + curr; |
} else { |
return prev; |
} |
}, 0); |
// sums[index] += ' 元'; |
} else { |
// sums[index] = 'N/A'; |
} |
}); |
return sums; |
} |
/** 初始化 **/ |
onMounted(async () => { |
getList() |
}) |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
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<!-- 搜索工作栏 --> |
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value-format="YYYY-MM-DD" |
type="date" |
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<el-select v-model="queryParams.mcode" placeholder="请选择"> |
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v-for="item in types.flagList" |
:key="item.value" |
:label="item.name" |
:value="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
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</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 列表 --> |
<ContentWrap> |
<el-divider content-position="left"><div style="font-size:16px; float: left"><b>天然气:</b></div></el-divider> |
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header-row-style="height: 50px; text-align: center"> |
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</ContentWrap> |
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<script setup lang="ts"> |
import * as TjanalysisApi from '@/api/tjanalysis' |
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import { get } from 'http' |
defineOptions({ name: 'Natgasdatahr' }) |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const route = useRoute() // 路由信息 |
const routeName = ref() |
routeName.value = route.name |
const loading = ref(true) |
const types = reactive({flagList: [ |
{name: '步进炉' , value: 'Gas_hr_001'}, |
{name: '固熔炉' , value: '2'}, |
{name: '缝式炉' , value: '3'} |
]}) |
const dataList = reactive({dList: [] , days: 0}) |
const queryParams = reactive({ |
date: formatDate(new Date() , 'YYYY-MM-DD'), |
mcode: 'Gas_hr_001', |
flag: '2' |
}) |
const handleQuery = async () => { |
dataList.dList = [] |
getList() |
} |
const resetQuery = async () => { |
dataList.dList = [] |
queryParams.date = formatDate(new Date() , 'YYYY-MM-DD') |
getList() |
} |
const getList = async () => { |
const res = await TjanalysisApi.queryNatgasdataDay(queryParams) |
if (res != null && res.dataList != null) { |
dataList.dList = res.dataList |
} |
loading.value = false |
} |
/** 初始化 **/ |
onMounted(async () => { |
getList() |
}) |
</script> |
<style> |
.el-table .success-row { |
background: #f0f9eb; |
} |
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font-weight: bold; |
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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
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v-model="queryParams.date" |
style="width: 240px; height: 30px" |
value-format="YYYY-MM-DD" |
type="date" |
/> |
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<el-form-item label="位置" prop="mcode"> |
<el-select v-model="queryParams.mcode" placeholder="请选择"> |
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v-for="item in types.flagList" |
:key="item.value" |
:label="item.name" |
:value="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
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</el-form> |
</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 列表 --> |
<ContentWrap> |
<el-divider content-position="left"><div style="font-size:16px; float: left"><b>天然气:</b></div></el-divider> |
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v-loading="loading" :data="dataList.dList" border="true" highlight-current-row="true" |
header-row-style="height: 50px; text-align: center"> |
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<el-table-column label="24:00-12:00" prop="num1224" align="center" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" width="150" /> |
<el-table-column label="总(24:00-00:00)" prop="num0024" align="center" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" width="150" /> |
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<script setup lang="ts"> |
import * as TjanalysisApi from '@/api/tjanalysis' |
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import { get } from 'http' |
defineOptions({ name: 'Natgasdatahr' }) |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const route = useRoute() // 路由信息 |
const routeName = ref() |
routeName.value = route.name |
const loading = ref(true) |
const types = reactive({flagList: [ |
{name: '热轧108环炉' , value: 'Gas_hr_001'}, |
// {name: '热轧90环炉' , value: '2'} |
]}) |
const dataList = reactive({dList: [] , days: 0}) |
const queryParams = reactive({ |
date: formatDate(new Date() , 'YYYY-MM-DD'), |
mcode: 'Gas_hr_001', |
flag: '1' |
}) |
const handleQuery = async () => { |
dataList.dList = [] |
getList() |
} |
const resetQuery = async () => { |
dataList.dList = [] |
queryParams.date = formatDate(new Date() , 'YYYY-MM-DD') |
getList() |
} |
const getList = async () => { |
const res = await TjanalysisApi.queryNatgasdataDay(queryParams) |
if (res != null && res.dataList != null) { |
dataList.dList = res.dataList |
} |
loading.value = false |
} |
/** 初始化 **/ |
onMounted(async () => { |
getList() |
}) |
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<style> |
.el-table .success-row { |
background: #f0f9eb; |
} |
.el-table .success-cols { |
font-weight: bold; |
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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ |
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value-format="YYYY-MM-DD" |
type="date" |
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<el-select v-model="queryParams.mcode" placeholder="请选择"> |
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v-for="item in types.flagList" |
:key="item.value" |
:label="item.name" |
:value="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
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</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 列表 --> |
<ContentWrap> |
<el-divider content-position="left"><div style="font-size:16px; float: left"><b>天然气:</b></div></el-divider> |
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v-loading="loading" :data="dataList.dList" border="true" highlight-current-row="true" |
header-row-style="height: 50px; text-align: center"> |
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<el-table-column label="总(24:00-00:00)" prop="num0024" align="center" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" width="150" /> |
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</ContentWrap> |
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<script setup lang="ts"> |
import * as TjanalysisApi from '@/api/tjanalysis' |
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import { get } from 'http' |
defineOptions({ name: 'Waterday' }) |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const route = useRoute() // 路由信息 |
const routeName = ref() |
routeName.value = route.name |
const loading = ref(true) |
const types = reactive({flagList: [ |
{name: '冷拔循环水' , value: 'Gas_hr_001'}, |
{name: '冷拔生产水1' , value: '2'}, |
{name: '冷拔生产水2' , value: '2'}, |
{name: '热轧90循环水' , value: '2'}, |
{name: '热轧90生产水' , value: '2'}, |
{name: '热轧108循环水' , value: '2'}, |
{name: '热轧108生产水' , value: '2'} |
]}) |
const dataList = reactive({dList: [] }) |
const queryParams = reactive({ |
date: formatDate(new Date() , 'YYYY-MM-DD'), |
mcode: 'Gas_hr_001', |
flag: '1' |
}) |
const handleQuery = async () => { |
dataList.dList = [] |
getList() |
} |
const resetQuery = async () => { |
dataList.dList = [] |
queryParams.date = formatDate(new Date() , 'YYYY-MM-DD') |
getList() |
} |
const getList = async () => { |
const res = await TjanalysisApi.queryWaterDay(queryParams) |
if (res != null && res.dataList != null) { |
dataList.dList = res.dataList |
} |
loading.value = false |
} |
/** 初始化 **/ |
onMounted(async () => { |
getList() |
}) |
</script> |
<style> |
.el-table .success-row { |
background: #f0f9eb; |
} |
.el-table .success-cols { |
font-weight: bold; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue