You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

256 lines
6.8 KiB

import type { CrudSchema } from '@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas'
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
10 months ago
import * as LocationAreaApi from '@/api/eam/basic/locationArea'
import { LocationArea } from '@/views/eam/basic/locationArea/locationArea.data'
10 months ago
import * as LocationApi from '@/api/eam/basic/location'
import { Location } from '@/views/eam/basic/location/location.data'
import { validateNumber } from '@/utils/validator'
10 months ago
import * as ItemApi from '@/api/eam/basic/item'
import { Item } from '@/views/eam/basic/item/item.data'
import { getStrDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
const typeList = getStrDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.ITEM_ACCOUNT_LOCATION_TYPE).filter(item => item.value != '1')
const typeLists = getStrDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.ITEM_ACCOUNT_LOCATION_TYPE)
// 表单校验
export const ItemAccountsRules = reactive({
itemNumber: [required],
10 months ago
name: [required],
areaNumber: [required],
10 months ago
type: [required],
locationNumber: [required],
qty: [
{ validator: validateNumber, message: '数量不能等于0', trigger: 'blur' },
10 months ago
export const ItemAccounts = useCrudSchemas(
label: '备件编号',
field: 'itemNumber',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: true,
form: {
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
componentProps: {
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择备件编号', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'number', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: '备件信息', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: Item.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: ItemApi.getItemPage, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [
key: 'available',
value: 'TRUE',
isMainValue: false
10 months ago
label: '备件名称',
field: 'itemName',
sort: 'custom',
table: {
width: 110
isSearch: false
label: '库区编号',
field: 'areaNumber',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: false,
form: {
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
componentProps: {
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择库区编号', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'number', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: '库区信息', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: LocationArea.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: LocationAreaApi.getLocationAreaPage, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [
key: 'available',
value: 'TRUE',
isMainValue: false
10 months ago
label: '库区名称',
field: 'areaName',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: false,
label: '库位编号',
field: 'locationNumber',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: false,
form: {
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
componentProps: {
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择库位编号', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'number', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: '库位信息', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: Location.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: LocationApi.getLocationPage, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [
key: 'available',
value: 'TRUE',
isMainValue: false
key: 'areaNumber',
value: 'areaNumber',
isMainValue: true
10 months ago
label: '库位名称',
field: 'locationName',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: false,
// {
// label: '库位类型',
// field: 'type',
// dictClass: 'string',
// isSearch: true,
// isTable: true,
// sort: 'custom',
// table: {
// width: 130
// },
// form: {
// component: 'Select'
// }
// },
label: '库位类型',
field: 'type',
sort: 'custom',
table: {
width: '150',
isDetail: false,
formatter: (_: Recordable, __: TableColumn, cellValue: number) => {
return typeLists.find((account) => account.value == cellValue)?.label
isSearch: false,
search: {
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
options: typeList,
optionsAlias: {
labelField: 'label',
valueField: 'value'
filterable: true,
form: {
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
options: typeList,
optionsAlias: {
labelField: 'label',
valueField: 'value'
//disabled: true,
//filterable: true,
placeholder: "请选择类型"
// {
// label: '库位类型',
// field: 'type',
// dictClass: 'string',
// isSearch: true,
// isTable: true,
// sort: 'custom',
// table: {
// width: 130
// },
// form: {
// component: 'Select'
// }
// },
label: '库存数量',
field: 'qty',
sort: 'custom',
table: {
width: 110
component: 'InputNumber',
min: 0,//最小值`
precision: 2//精度`
label: '创建时间',
field: 'createTime',
sort: 'custom',
formatter: dateFormatter,
isSearch: false,
search: {
component: 'DatePicker',
componentProps: {
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
type: 'daterange',
defaultTime: [new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')]
isForm: false
10 months ago
// {
// label: '是否账内库',
// field: 'isInAccount',
// dictClass: 'string',
// isSearch: false,
// isTable: true,
// sort: 'custom',
// table: {
// width: 130
// },
label: '操作',
field: 'action',
isForm: false,
table: {
width: 250,
fixed: 'right'
10 months ago