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<view class="page">
<uni-card :is-shadow="false" is-full>
<text class="uni-h6">数字输入框组件多用于购物车加减商品等场景</text>
<uni-section title="基本用法" type="line" padding>
<uni-number-box @change="changeValue" />
<uni-section :title="'使用v-model : '+ vModelValue" subTitle="使用 v-model 显示默认值" type="line" padding>
<uni-number-box v-model="vModelValue" @blur="blur" @focus="focus" @change="changeValue" />
<uni-section title="设置最小值和最大值" subTitle="使用 min \ max 属性设置最大最小值" type="line" padding>
<uni-number-box :min="2" :max="9" :value="555" />
<uni-section title="设置步长(步长0.1)" subTitle="使用 step 属性设置步长" type="line" padding>
<uni-number-box :value="1.1" :step="0.1" />
<uni-section title="自定义背景" type="line" subTitle="使用 background 属性设置自定义背景色" padding>
<uni-number-box :value="50" background="#2979FF" color="#fff" />
<uni-section title="禁用状态" subTitle="使用 disabled 属性设置组件禁用" type="line" padding>
<uni-number-box :disabled="true" />
<uni-section :title="'获取输入的值 : '+ numberValue" type="line" padding>
<uni-number-box :value="numberValue" @change="change" />
export default {
components: {},
data() {
return {
numberValue: 0,
vModelValue: 3
methods: {
change(value) {
this.numberValue = value
changeValue(value) {
console.log('返回数值:', value);
blur(e) {
console.log('-------blur:', e);
focus(e) {
console.log('-------focus:', e);
<style lang="scss">