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<view class="uni-content">
<uni-card is-full :is-shadow="false">
<text class="uni-h6"> 标题组件通常用于记录页面标题使用当前组件在 uni-app 开启统计的情况下将会自动统计页面标题.</text>
<uni-section title="不同类型" type="line">
<view class="example-body">
<uni-title type="h1" title="h1 一级标题"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h2" title="h2 二级标题"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h3" title="h3 三级标题"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h4" title="h4 四级标题"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h5" title="h5 五级标题"></uni-title>
<uni-section title="改变颜色" type="line">
<view class="example-body">
<uni-title type="h1" title="h1 一级标题" color="#027fff"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h2" title="h2 二级标题" color="#2490ff"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h3" title="h3 三级标题" color="#439ffc"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h4" title="h4 四级标题" color="#60adfb"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h5" title="h5 五级标题" color="#7db9f7"></uni-title>
<uni-section title="对齐方式" type="line">
<view class="example-body">
<uni-title type="h1" title="h1 左对齐" align="left"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h2" title="h2 居中" align="center"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h3" title="h3 右对齐" align="right"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h4" title="h4 居中" align="center"></uni-title>
<uni-title type="h5" title="h5 左对齐" align="left"></uni-title>
<uni-section title="组合示例" type="line">
<view class="example-body">
<view class="uni-box-head">
<uni-title type="h1" align="center" title="uni-app介绍"></uni-title>
<view class="uni-box">
<uni-title class="h3" type="h3" title="1 框架介绍"></uni-title>
<view class="uni-box">
<uni-title class="h4" type="h4" title="1.1 什么是uni-app"></uni-title>
<view class="uni-box">
<uni-title class="h4" type="h4" title="1.2 开发规范"></uni-title>
<view class="">
<uni-title class="h5" type="h5" color="#666" title="- 页面文件遵循 Vue 单文件组件 (SFC) 规范"></uni-title>
<uni-title class="h5" type="h5" color="#666" title="- 组件标签靠近小程序规范,详见uni-app 组件规范"></uni-title>
<uni-title class="h5" type="h5" color="#666"
title="- 接口能力(JS API)靠近微信小程序规范,但需将前缀 wx 替换为 uni,详见uni-app接口规范"></uni-title>
<uni-title class="h5" type="h5" color="#666" title="- 数据绑定及事件处理同 Vue.js 规范,同时补充了App及页面的生命周期">
<uni-title class="h5" type="h5" color="#666" title="- 为兼容多端运行,建议使用flex布局进行开发"></uni-title>
export default {
components: {},
data() {
return {
title: '标题组件通常用于记录页面标题,例如商品标题、新闻标题等,当前组件会自动上报内容统计数据'
onLoad() {},
methods: {
<style lang="scss">
.example-body {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: block;
/* #endif */
padding: 10px;
.uni-text {
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 22px;
color: #333;