494 lines
16 KiB

<view class="uni-container">
<template v-if="showSetTabBarPage">
<set-tab-bar @unmount="leaveSetTabBarPage"></set-tab-bar>
<template v-else>
<view v-if="!hasLeftWin" class="uni-header-logo">
<image class="uni-header-image" src="/static/apiIndex.png"></image>
<view v-if="!hasLeftWin" class="uni-hello-text">
<text class="hello-text">以下将演示uni-app接口能力,详细文档见:</text>
<u-link class="hello-link" :href="'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/'" :text="'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/'"
<view class="uni-panel" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="item.id">
<view class="uni-panel-h" :class="item.open ? 'uni-panel-h-on' : ''" @click="triggerCollapse(index, item.id)">
<text class="uni-panel-text">{{item.name}}</text>
<text class="uni-panel-icon uni-icon" :class="item.open ? 'uni-panel-icon-on' : ''">{{item.pages ? '&#xe581;' : '&#xe470;'}}</text>
<view class="uni-panel-c" v-if="item.open">
<view :class="{'left-win-active': leftWinActive === item2.url && hasLeftWin, 'pc-hide': item2.name === '设置TabBar' && hasLeftWin}" class="uni-navigate-item" v-for="(item2,key) in item.pages" :key="key" :url="item.url" @click="goDetailPage(item.id, item2.url)">
<text class="uni-navigate-text">{{item2.name ? item2.name : item2}}</text>
<text class="uni-navigate-icon uni-icon">&#xe470;</text>
import setTabBar from '@/components/api-set-tabbar.nvue';
export default {
components: {
props: {
hasLeftWin: {
type: Boolean
leftWinActive: {
type: String
data() {
// 暂时这么写,后面看怎么优化。
let mediaPages = [{
name: '图片',
url: 'image'
// #ifndef MP-LARK
name: '音频',
url: 'inner-audio'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP-WEIXIN || MP-BAIDU || MP-QQ|| MP-JD
name: '录音',
url: 'voice'
name: '背景音频',
url: 'background-audio'
// #endif
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
name: '视频',
url: 'video'
// #endif
// #ifndef H5
name: '文件',
url: 'file'
// #endif
// #ifndef H5 || MP-ALIPAY
name: '保存媒体到本地',
url: 'save-media'
// #endif
const list = [{
id: 'page',
name: '界面',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '设置导航条',
url: 'set-navigation-bar-title'
//#ifdef APP-PLUS
name: '原生子窗体',
url: 'subnvue'
name: '页面跳转',
url: 'navigator'
//#ifndef MP-TOUTIAO
name: '设置TabBar',
url: 'set-tabbar'
name: '下拉刷新',
url: 'pull-down-refresh'
name: '创建动画',
url: 'animation'
name: '创建绘画',
url: 'canvas'
// #endif
// #ifndef MP-LARK
name: '节点信息',
url: 'get-node-info'
// #endif
name: '节点布局交互状态',
url: 'intersection-observer'
name: '显示操作菜单',
url: 'action-sheet'
name: '显示模态弹窗',
url: 'modal'
name: '显示加载提示框',
url: 'show-loading'
name: '显示消息提示框',
url: 'toast'
id: 'device',
name: '设备',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '获取设备网络状态',
url: 'get-network-type'
name: '获取设备系统信息',
url: 'get-system-info'
name: '打电话',
url: 'make-phone-call'
//#ifndef H5
name: '震动',
url: 'vibrate'
name: '添加手机联系人',
url: 'add-phone-contact'
name: '扫码',
url: 'scan-code'
//#ifndef H5 || MP-JD
name: '剪贴板',
url: 'clipboard'
// #ifndef H5 || MP-ALIPAY
name: '屏幕亮度',
url: 'brightness'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || MP-JD
name: '蓝牙',
url: 'bluetooth'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ
name: '生物认证',
url: 'soter'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP-WEIXIN
name: 'iBeacon',
url: 'ibeacon'
// #endif
// #ifndef H5
name: '监听加速度传感器',
url: 'on-accelerometer-change'
// #endif
// #ifndef H5 || MP-JD
name: '监听罗盘数据',
url: 'on-compass-change'
// #endif
//#ifdef APP-PLUS
name: '监听距离传感器',
url: '/platforms/app-plus/proximity/proximity'
name: '监听方向传感器',
url: '/platforms/app-plus/orientation/orientation'
id: 'network',
name: '网络',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '发起一个请求',
url: 'request'
name: '上传文件',
url: 'upload-file'
name: '下载文件',
url: 'download-file'
id: 'websocket',
name: 'websocket',
open: false,
pages: [
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
name: 'socketTask',
url: 'websocket-socketTask'
// #endif
name: '全局websocket',
url: 'websocket-global'
id: 'media',
name: '媒体',
open: false,
pages: mediaPages
// #ifndef MP-KUAISHOU
id: 'location',
name: '位置',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '获取当前位置',
url: 'get-location'
name: '使用地图查看位置',
url: 'open-location'
// #ifndef MP-TOUTIAO
name: '使用地图选择位置',
url: 'choose-location'
// #endif
// #ifndef MP-QQ || MP-TOUTIAO || MP-LARK
name: '地图控制',
url: 'map'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
name: '地图搜索',
url: 'map-search'
// #endif
// #endif
id: 'storage',
name: '数据',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '数据存储(key-value)',
url: 'storage'
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
name: 'SQLite',
url: 'sqlite'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP-WEIXIN
url: 'rewarded-video-ad',
name: '激励视频广告',
open: false
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
url: 'full-screen-video-ad',
name: '全屏视频广告',
open: false
// #endif
id: 'login',
name: '登录',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '登录',
url: 'login'
name: '获取用户信息',
url: 'get-user-info'
// #endif
id: 'share',
name: '分享',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '分享',
url: 'share'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP-WEIXIN
id: 'payment',
name: '支付',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '发起支付',
url: 'request-payment'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
id: 'speech',
name: '语音',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '语音识别',
url: '/platforms/app-plus/speech/speech'
id: 'push',
name: '推送',
open: false,
pages: [{
name: '推送',
url: '/platforms/app-plus/push/push'
return {
showSetTabBarPage: false,
list: list,
notForPc: [{
name: '设置TabBar',
url: 'set-tabbar'
onShareAppMessage() {
return {
title: '欢迎体验uni-app',
path: '/pages/tabBar/API/API'
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) {
url: '/pages/about/about'
onLoad() {
onReady() {
onShow() {
this.navigateFlag = false;
onHide() {
// #ifdef H5
$route: {
immediate: true,
handler(newRoute) {
if (newRoute.matched.length) {
let path = newRoute.path.split('/')[3]
for (const item of this.list) {
if (Array.isArray(item.pages)) {
for (const page of item.pages) {
if (page === path || page.url && page.url === path) {
item.open = true
// #endif
methods: {
triggerCollapse(e, id) {
if (!this.list[e].pages) {
this.goDetailPage('', this.list[e].url);
for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i) {
if (e === i) {
this.list[i].open = !this.list[i].open;
} else {
this.list[i].open = false;
goDetailPage(panel, e) {
if (e === 'set-tabbar') {
this.showSetTabBarPage = true;
let url = ~e.indexOf('platform') ? e : '/pages/API/' + e + '/' + e;
if (this.hasLeftWin) {
url: url
} else {
url: url
leaveSetTabBarPage() {
this.showSetTabBarPage = false;
@import '../../../common/uni-nvue.css';