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import {
} from '@/common/calc'
import {
} from 'decimal.js'; //引入
export function getTreeDataSource(dataList) {
let items = [];
let parentList = dataList.filter(r => r.parentPackingNumber == null || r
.parentPackingNumber == '');
let childList = dataList.filter(r => r.parentPackingNumber != '' && r.parentPackingNumber != null);
parentList.forEach(detail => {
var item = items.find(r =>
r.itemCode == detail.itemCode)
if (item == undefined) {
item = createItemInfo(detail);
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(detail); //
} else {
item.qty = calc.add(item.qty, detail.qty)
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(detail); //
if (childList.length > 0) {
items.forEach(r =>
r.subList.forEach(s => {
s.packList = childList.filter(c => c.parentPackingNumber == s.packingNumber)
s.packList.forEach(pac => {
pac.scaned = false;
pac.scanDate = new Date();
return items;
export function getDataSource(subList) {
let items = [];
subList.forEach(detail => {
var item = items.find(r =>
r.itemCode == detail.itemCode && r.batch == detail.batch)
if (item == undefined) {
item = createItemInfo(detail);
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(detail); //
} else {
item.qty = calc.add(item.qty, detail.qty)
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(detail); //
return items;
export function createItemInfo(detail) {
let item = {
itemCode: detail.itemCode,
itemName: detail.itemName,
packQty: Number(detail.packQty) || undefined,
packUnit: detail.packUnit,
qty: Number(detail.qty),
handleQty: 0,
uom: detail.uom,
subList: []
return item;
export function createDetailInfo(data) {
data.scaned = false;
data.scanDate = new Date();
let detail = data;
detail.packList = [];
return detail;
export function createRecordInfo(detail, balance) {
var record = {}
// let record = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(detail));
Object.assign(record, detail)
detail.scaned = true;
detail.balance = balance;
detail.recommendInventoryStatus = detail.inventoryStatus;
detail.inventoryStatus = balance.inventoryStatus;
record.qty = Number(balance.qty);
return record;
export function calcHandleQty(detailSource) {
for (let item of detailSource) {
item.handleQty = new Decimal(0).toNumber();
item.qty = new Decimal(0).toNumber();
for (let detail of item.subList) {
if (detail != undefined) {
if (detail.scaned) {
item.handleQty = calc.add(item.handleQty, detail.handleQty);
item.qty = calc.add(item.qty, detail.qty);
export function calcHandleNewQty(detailSource) {
for (let item of detailSource) {
item.handleQty = new Decimal(0).toNumber();
// item.qty = new Decimal(0).toNumber();
for (let detail of item.subList) {
if (detail ) {
if (!detail.isRecommend && detail.scaned) {
item.handleQty = calc.add(item.handleQty, detail.handleQty);
// if (!detail.isRecommend ) {
// item.qty = calc.add(item.qty, detail.qty);
// }
export function calcTreeHandleQty(detailSource) {
for (let item of detailSource) {
item.handleQty = new Decimal(0).toNumber();
for (let detail of item.subList) {
if (detail) {
if (detail.packList && detail.packList.length > 0) {
detail.handleQty = new Decimal(0).toNumber();
for (let pack of detail.packList) {
if (pack && pack.scaned) {
detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty, pack.handleQty);
item.handleQty = calc.add(item.handleQty, detail.handleQty);
export function getScanCount(subList) {
let items = subList.filter(r => {
if (r.scaned) {
return r;
let scanCount = items != null ? items.length : 0;
return scanCount;