let jobStatusList = []; let itemStatusList = []; let itemTypeList =[]; let locationTypeList = []; let uomList = []; let inventoryStatusList = []; let containerTypeList = []; let packUnitList = []; let requestStatusList = []; let unplannedReceiptReasonList = []; let unplannedIssueReasonList = []; let unplannedIissueReason = []; let scrapReasonList = []; let inspectFailedReasonList = []; let inspectResultList = []; let nextActionList = []; let inspectTypeList = []; let sampleMethodList = []; let transferModeList = []; let countStageList = []; // 获取业务类型字典项 export function getBusinessTypeDesc(type) { if (type == "SupplierDeliver") { return "供应商发货" } else if (type = "PurchaseReceipt") { return "采购收货"; } else if (type = "PurchaseReturn") { return "采购退货"; } else if (type = "PurchasePutaway") { return "采购上架"; } } //获取字典信息 export function clearCacheData() { jobStatusList = []; itemStatusList = []; itemTypeList =[]; locationTypeList = []; uomList = []; inventoryStatusList = []; containerTypeList = []; packUnitList = []; requestStatusList = []; unplannedReceiptReasonList = []; unplannedIssueReasonList = []; unplannedIissueReason = []; scrapReasonList = []; inspectFailedReasonList = []; inspectResultList = []; nextActionList = []; inspectTypeList = []; sampleMethodList = []; transferModeList = []; countStageList = []; } //获取字典信息 export function getDirectoryInfo(type) { var result = []; var list = uni.getStorageSync("dictionary") if (list != undefined && list.length > 0) { for (let item of list) { if (item.type == type) { result = item.subList break; } } } return result } //将字典项转为数组 export function getDirectoryItemArray(data) { var array = [] if (data == undefined || data == null || data == "") { return array } if (data.indexOf(',') < 0) { array.push(data) } else { var arrayItems = data.split(',') arrayItems.forEach(res => { array.push(res) }) } return array } //查询字典项是否在列表中 export function checkDirectoryItemExist(list, type) { let exist = false; if (list == null || list.length == 0) { exist = true; } else { var temp = list.filter(res => { if (res == type) { return res } }) if (temp != undefined && temp.length > 0) { exist = true } } return exist } //获取任务状态 export function getJobStateInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (jobStatusList.length == 0) { jobStatusList = getDirectoryInfo("job_status") } if (jobStatusList.length > 0) { for (let item of jobStatusList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取任务状态样式 export function getJobStateStyle(value) { let item = getJobStateInfo(value); if (item == null || item == '') { return 'other' } else { if (item.remark == '') { return 'other' } else { return item.remark; } } } //获取库位描述(多个库位) export function getListLocationTypeDesc(list) { let desc = ''; list.forEach(res => { desc += getLocationTypeInfo(res).label + "," }) desc = desc.slice(0, -1); return desc; } //获取物品状态(多个状态) export function getListItemStateDesc(list) { let desc = ''; list.forEach(res => { desc += getItemStateInfo(res).label + "," }) desc = desc.slice(0, -1); return desc; } //获取物品类型(多个) export function getListItemTypeDesc(list) { let desc = ''; list.forEach(res => { desc += getItemTypeInfo(res).label + "," }) desc = desc.slice(0, -1); return desc; } //获取物品类型 export function getItemTypeInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (itemTypeList.length == 0) { itemTypeList = getDirectoryInfo("item_type") } if (itemTypeList.length > 0) { for (let item of itemTypeList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取物品状态 export function getItemStateInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (itemStatusList.length == 0) { itemStatusList = getDirectoryInfo("item_status") } if (itemStatusList.length > 0) { for (let item of itemStatusList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取库位类型 export function getLocationTypeInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (locationTypeList.length == 0) { locationTypeList = getDirectoryInfo("location_type") } if (locationTypeList.length > 0) { for (let item of locationTypeList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取库位类型名称 export function getLocationTypeName(value) { let location = getLocationTypeInfo(value); return location == '' ? value : location.label; } //获取库位类型名称 export function getLocationTypeNameList(lst) { let desc = ''; lst.forEach(res => { desc += getLocationTypeInfo(res).label + "," }) desc = desc.slice(0, -1); return desc; } //获取计量单位 export function getUomInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (uomList.length == 0) { uomList = getDirectoryInfo("uom") } if (uomList.length > 0) { for (let item of uomList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取包装单位 export function getStdPackUnitInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (packUnitList.length == 0) { packUnitList = getDirectoryInfo("pack_unit") } if (packUnitList.length > 0) { for (let item of packUnitList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取申请状态 export function getRequestStateInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (requestStatusList.length == 0) { requestStatusList = getDirectoryInfo("request_status") } if (requestStatusList.length > 0) { for (let item of requestStatusList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取库存状态 export function getInventoryStatusInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (inventoryStatusList.length == 0) { inventoryStatusList = getDirectoryInfo("inventory_status") } if (inventoryStatusList.length > 0) { for (let item of inventoryStatusList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取库存样式 export function getInventoryStatusStyle(value) { let item = getInventoryStatusInfo(value); if (item == null || item == '') { return 'other' } else { if (item.remark == '') { return 'other' } else { return item.remark; } } } //获取库存样式 export function getInventoryStatusName(value) { let item = getInventoryStatusInfo(value); if (item == null || item == '') { return value } else { if (item.label == '') { return value } else { return item.label; } } } //获取状态描述 list export function getInventoryStatusDesc(lst) { let desc = ''; lst.forEach(res => { desc += getInventoryStatusInfo(res).label + "," }) desc = desc.slice(0, -1); return desc; } //获取器具状态 export function getContainerStatusInfo(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (containerTypeList.length == 0) { containerTypeList = getDirectoryInfo("container_type") } if (containerTypeList.length > 0) { for (let item of containerTypeList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取计划外入库原因 export function getUnPlannedReceiptReasonList(value) { if (unplannedReceiptReasonList.length == 0) { unplannedReceiptReasonList = getDirectoryInfo("unplanned_receipt_reason") } unplannedReceiptReasonList.forEach(res => { res.text = res.label; res.value = res.value }) return unplannedReceiptReasonList } //获取计划外出库原因 export function getUnPlannedIssuseReasonList(value) { if (unplannedIssueReasonList.length == 0) { unplannedIssueReasonList = getDirectoryInfo("unplanned_issue_reason") } unplannedIssueReasonList.forEach(res => { res.text = res.label; res.value = res.value }) return unplannedIssueReasonList } //获取报废出库原因 export function getScarpReasonList(value) { if (scrapReasonList.length == 0) { scrapReasonList = getDirectoryInfo("scrap_reason") } scrapReasonList.forEach(res => { res.text = res.label; res.value = res.value }) return scrapReasonList } //获取检验失败原因 export function getInspectFailedReasonList(value) { if (inspectFailedReasonList.length == 0) { inspectFailedReasonList = getDirectoryInfo("inspect_failed_reason") } inspectFailedReasonList.forEach(res => { res.text = res.label; res.value = res.value }) return inspectFailedReasonList } //获取检验结果 export function getInspectResultList(value) { if (inspectResultList.length == 0) { inspectResultList = getDirectoryInfo("inspect_result") } inspectResultList.forEach(res => { res.text = res.label; res.value = res.value }) return inspectResultList } //获取下一步动作 export function getNextActionList(value) { if (nextActionList.length == 0) { nextActionList = getDirectoryInfo("next_action") } nextActionList.forEach(res => { res.text = res.label; res.value = res.value }) return nextActionList } //获取检验类型 export function getInspectType(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (inspectTypeList.length == 0) { inspectTypeList = getDirectoryInfo("inspect_type") } if (inspectTypeList.length > 0) { for (let item of inspectTypeList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item.label break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取抽检方式 export function getSampleMethod(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (sampleMethodList.length == 0) { sampleMethodList = getDirectoryInfo("sample_method") } if (sampleMethodList.length > 0) { for (let item of sampleMethodList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item.label break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取运输方式 export function getTransferModeName(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (transferModeList.length == 0) { transferModeList = getDirectoryInfo("transfer_mode") } if (transferModeList.length > 0) { for (let item of transferModeList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item.label break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取盘点阶段名称 export function getCountStageName(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (countStageList.length == 0) { countStageList = getDirectoryInfo("count_stage") } if (countStageList.length > 0) { for (let item of countStageList) { if (item.value == value) { resultInfo = item.label break; } } } return resultInfo } //获取包装规格 export function getPackUnitName(value) { var resultInfo = ""; if (packUnitList.length == 0) { packUnitList = uni.getStorageSync('packunit'); } if (packUnitList.length > 0) { for (let item of packUnitList) { if (item.code == value) { resultInfo = item.name break; } } } return resultInfo }