23 changed files with 814 additions and 2704 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
import storage from '@/common/utils/storage' |
function service(options = {}) { |
var token = storage.getStorage(storage.constant.token) |
var tenantId = 1 |
if(getApp()!=undefined){ |
tenantId = getApp().globalData.tenantId |
} |
var requestUrl = "" |
if(getApp()!=undefined){ |
requestUrl = getApp().globalData.request_url |
} |
options.header = { |
"content-type": "application/json", |
"Authorization": "Bearer "+token, |
"dataType":"json", |
"tenant-id":tenantId |
}; |
options.timeout = 10000 |
options.url = requestUrl+options.url |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
options.success = (res) => { |
if (res ) { |
if(res.statusCode == 200){ |
if(res.data.code==0){ |
resolve(res.data); |
}else { |
reject( res.data.msg) |
} |
}else { |
reject( res.data.msg) |
} |
} else { |
reject(res.data.msg) |
} |
}; |
options.fail = (error) => { |
var message = error.errMsg |
if (message === 'Network Error') { |
message = '后端接口连接异常' |
} else if (message.includes('timeout')) { |
message = '系统接口请求超时' |
} else if (message.includes('Request failed with status code')) { |
message = '系统接口' + message.substr(message.length - 3) + '异常' |
} |
reject(message); |
}; |
uni.request(options); |
}); |
} |
export default service; |
@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<u-grid> |
<u-grid-item @click="onItemClick(item.menuSpace)" v-for="(item,index) in dataList"> |
<view class="content2"> |
<image src="/static/icons_ui/icons_common_sjadd.svg" style="width: 100rpx; height: 120rpx;"> |
</image> |
</view> |
<view class="content2" style="font-size: 30rpx;width: 100%; white-space: pre-wrap; text-align:center"> |
{{item.menuName}} |
</view> |
</u-grid-item> |
</u-grid> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
getBalanceByLocationcode, |
getBalanceByItemCode, |
getDictionaryItem |
} from '@/api/request.js'; |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
dataList: [{ |
menuName: '组件\n .. ', |
menuSpace: '/pages/demo/demo' |
}, { |
menuName: '采购收货\n (任务)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/purchaseReceipt/job/receiptJob' |
}, { |
menuName: '采购退货\n (任务)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/purchaseReturn/job/returnJob' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: '采购退货\n (直接)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/purchaseReturn/record/returnRecord' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: '按零件查询\n(库存)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/query/item' |
}, { |
menuName: '按库位查询\n(库存)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/query/location' |
}, { |
menuName: '按器具查询\n(库存)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/query/container' |
}, { |
menuName: '单据查询\n(库存)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/query/number' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: '发料\n(任务)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/issue/job/issueJob' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: '发料接收\n(任务)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/issue/job/issueReceiptJob'} |
, |
{ |
menuName: '直接发料\n ', |
menuSpace: '/pages/issue/record/issueRecord' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: '库存转移\n(自由)', |
menuSpace: '/pages/transfer/record/transferFree' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "库存转移\n(合格转隔离)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/transfer/record/transferOkToHold' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "库存转移\n(隔离转合格)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/transfer/record/transferHoldToOk' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "原料上架\n(任务)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/putaway/job/putawayJob' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "原料上架\n(记录)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/putaway/record/putawayRecord' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "生产退料\n(任务)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/productionreturn/job/returnJob' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "生产退料\n(合格退料)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/productionreturn/record/returnToStore' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "生产退料\n(隔离退料)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/productionreturn/record/returnToHold' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "盘点\n(任务)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/count/job/countJob' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "盘点\n(记录)", |
menuSpace: '/pages/count/record/countRecord' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "制品收货任务\n", |
menuSpace: '/pages/productionReceipt/job/productionReceiptJob' |
}, |
{ |
menuName: "制品直接收货\n", |
menuSpace: '/pages/productionReceipt/record/productionReceiptRecord' |
}, |
] |
}; |
}, |
onLoad() { |
var code ={ |
codes:["rwzt","kwlx","wpzt","jldw","kczt","qjzt","bzdw"] |
} |
uni.showLoading({ |
title:"获取配置信息..." |
}) |
getDictionaryItem(code).then(res=>{ |
uni.hideLoading() |
if(res.data){ |
var list =res.data; |
uni.setStorageSync("dictionary",list) |
}else { |
uni.showToast({ |
title:"没有获取到数据", |
duration:3000 |
}) |
} |
}).catch(error=>{ |
uni.hideLoading() |
uni.showToast({ |
title:error, |
duration:3000 |
}) |
}) |
}, |
methods: { |
onItemClick(menuSpace) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: menuSpace |
}); |
}, |
purchasePutawayClick(e) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/purchaseReceipt/job/receiptJob' |
}); |
}, |
demoClick() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/demo/demo' |
}); |
}, |
itemQuery() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/query/item' |
}); |
}, |
locationQuery() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/query/location' |
}); |
}, |
issue() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/issue/job/issueJob' |
}); |
} |
} |
}; |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
/* 下方这些scss变量为uView内置变量,详见开发 组件-指南-内置样式 */ |
.content { |
width: 100%; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: row; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
justify-content: flex-start; |
} |
.content2 { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: row; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
justify-content: center; |
} |
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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="about-container"> |
<view class="header-section text-center"> |
<image style="width: 150rpx;height: 150rpx;" src="/static/logo200.png" mode="widthFix"> |
</image> |
<uni-title type="h2" title="若依移动端"></uni-title> |
</view> |
<view class="content-section"> |
<view class="menu-list"> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view>版本信息</view> |
<view class="text-right">v{{version}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view>官方邮箱</view> |
<view class="text-right">ruoyi@xx.com</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view>服务热线</view> |
<view class="text-right">400-999-9999</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view>公司网站</view> |
<view class="text-right"> |
<uni-link :href="url" :text="url" showUnderLine="false"></uni-link> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="copyright"> |
<view>Copyright © 2022 ruoyi.vip All Rights Reserved.</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script setup> |
import config from '@/config.js' |
const url=config.appInfo.site_url; |
const version=config.appInfo.version; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
page { |
background-color: #f8f8f8; |
} |
.copyright { |
margin-top: 50rpx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 60rpx; |
color: #999; |
} |
.header-section { |
display: flex; |
padding: 30rpx 0 0; |
flex-direction: column; |
align-items: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,634 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="container"> |
<view class="page-body uni-content-info"> |
<view class='cropper-content'> |
<view v-if="isShowImg" class="uni-corpper" :style="'width:'+cropperInitW+'px;height:'+cropperInitH+'px;background:#000'"> |
<view class="uni-corpper-content" :style="'width:'+cropperW+'px;height:'+cropperH+'px;left:'+cropperL+'px;top:'+cropperT+'px'"> |
<image :src="imageSrc" :style="'width:'+cropperW+'px;height:'+cropperH+'px'"></image> |
<view class="uni-corpper-crop-box" @touchstart.stop="contentStartMove" @touchmove.stop="contentMoveing" @touchend.stop="contentTouchEnd" |
:style="'left:'+cutL+'px;top:'+cutT+'px;right:'+cutR+'px;bottom:'+cutB+'px'"> |
<view class="uni-cropper-view-box"> |
<view class="uni-cropper-dashed-h"></view> |
<view class="uni-cropper-dashed-v"></view> |
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<view class="uni-cropper-line-l" data-drag="left" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view> |
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<view class="uni-cropper-point point-tr" data-drag="topTight"></view> |
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<view class="uni-cropper-point point-rb" data-drag="rightBottom" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view> |
<view class="uni-cropper-point point-b" data-drag="bottom" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove" @touchend.stop="dragEnd"></view> |
<view class="uni-cropper-point point-bl" data-drag="bottomLeft"></view> |
<view class="uni-cropper-point point-l" data-drag="left" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view> |
<view class="uni-cropper-point point-lt" data-drag="leftTop"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class='cropper-config'> |
<button type="primary reverse" @click="getImage" style='margin-top: 30rpx;'> 选择头像 </button> |
<button type="warn" @click="getImageInfo" style='margin-top: 30rpx;'> 提交 </button> |
</view> |
<canvas canvas-id="myCanvas" :style="'position:absolute;border: 1px solid red; width:'+imageW+'px;height:'+imageH+'px;top:-9999px;left:-9999px;'"></canvas> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import config from '@/config' |
import store from "@/store" |
import { uploadAvatar } from "@/api/system/user" |
const baseUrl = config.baseUrl |
let sysInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync() |
let SCREEN_WIDTH = sysInfo.screenWidth |
let PAGE_X, // 手按下的x位置 |
PAGE_Y, // 手按下y的位置 |
PR = sysInfo.pixelRatio, // dpi |
T_PAGE_X, // 手移动的时候x的位置 |
T_PAGE_Y, // 手移动的时候Y的位置 |
CUT_L, // 初始化拖拽元素的left值 |
CUT_T, // 初始化拖拽元素的top值 |
CUT_R, // 初始化拖拽元素的 |
CUT_B, // 初始化拖拽元素的 |
CUT_W, // 初始化拖拽元素的宽度 |
CUT_H, // 初始化拖拽元素的高度 |
IMG_RATIO, // 图片比例 |
IMG_REAL_W, // 图片实际的宽度 |
IMG_REAL_H, // 图片实际的高度 |
DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO = 1, //移动时候的比例, |
INIT_DRAG_POSITION = 100, // 初始化屏幕宽度和裁剪区域的宽度之差,用于设置初始化裁剪的宽度 |
DRAW_IMAGE_W = sysInfo.screenWidth // 设置生成的图片宽度 |
export default { |
/** |
* 页面的初始数据 |
*/ |
data() { |
return { |
imageSrc: store.getters.avatar, |
isShowImg: false, |
// 初始化的宽高 |
cropperInitW: SCREEN_WIDTH, |
cropperInitH: SCREEN_WIDTH, |
// 动态的宽高 |
cropperW: SCREEN_WIDTH, |
cropperH: SCREEN_WIDTH, |
// 动态的left top值 |
cropperL: 0, |
cropperT: 0, |
transL: 0, |
transT: 0, |
// 图片缩放值 |
scaleP: 0, |
imageW: 0, |
imageH: 0, |
// 裁剪框 宽高 |
cutL: 0, |
cutT: 0, |
cutR: '100%', |
qualityWidth: DRAW_IMAGE_W, |
innerAspectRadio: DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
} |
}, |
/** |
* 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 |
*/ |
onReady: function () { |
this.loadImage() |
}, |
methods: { |
setData: function (obj) { |
let that = this |
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { |
that.$set(that.$data, key, obj[key]) |
}) |
}, |
getImage: function () { |
var _this = this |
uni.chooseImage({ |
success: function (res) { |
_this.setData({ |
imageSrc: res.tempFilePaths[0], |
}) |
_this.loadImage() |
}, |
}) |
}, |
loadImage: function () { |
var _this = this |
uni.getImageInfo({ |
src: _this.imageSrc, |
success: function success(res) { |
IMG_RATIO = 1 / 1 |
if (IMG_RATIO >= 1) { |
} else { |
} |
let minRange = IMG_REAL_W > IMG_REAL_H ? IMG_REAL_W : IMG_REAL_H |
// 根据图片的宽高显示不同的效果 保证图片可以正常显示 |
if (IMG_RATIO >= 1) { |
let cutB = cutT |
let cutR = cutL |
_this.setData({ |
cropperW: SCREEN_WIDTH, |
// 初始化left right |
cropperL: Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2), |
cropperT: Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH / IMG_RATIO) / 2), |
cutL: cutL, |
cutT: cutT, |
cutR: cutR, |
cutB: cutB, |
// 图片缩放值 |
imageW: IMG_REAL_W, |
imageH: IMG_REAL_H, |
qualityWidth: DRAW_IMAGE_W, |
innerAspectRadio: IMG_RATIO |
}) |
} else { |
let cutL = Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH * IMG_RATIO - (SCREEN_WIDTH * IMG_RATIO)) / 2) |
let cutR = cutL |
let cutT = Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - INIT_DRAG_POSITION) / 2) |
let cutB = cutT |
_this.setData({ |
cropperH: SCREEN_WIDTH, |
// 初始化left right |
cropperL: Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH * IMG_RATIO) / 2), |
cropperT: Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2), |
cutL: cutL, |
cutT: cutT, |
cutR: cutR, |
cutB: cutB, |
// 图片缩放值 |
imageW: IMG_REAL_W, |
imageH: IMG_REAL_H, |
qualityWidth: DRAW_IMAGE_W, |
innerAspectRadio: IMG_RATIO |
}) |
} |
_this.setData({ |
isShowImg: true |
}) |
uni.hideLoading() |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 拖动时候触发的touchStart事件 |
contentStartMove(e) { |
PAGE_X = e.touches[0].pageX |
PAGE_Y = e.touches[0].pageY |
}, |
// 拖动时候触发的touchMove事件 |
contentMoveing(e) { |
var _this = this |
var dragLengthX = (PAGE_X - e.touches[0].pageX) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
var dragLengthY = (PAGE_Y - e.touches[0].pageY) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
// 左移 |
if (dragLengthX > 0) { |
if (this.cutL - dragLengthX < 0) dragLengthX = this.cutL |
} else { |
if (this.cutR + dragLengthX < 0) dragLengthX = -this.cutR |
} |
if (dragLengthY > 0) { |
if (this.cutT - dragLengthY < 0) dragLengthY = this.cutT |
} else { |
if (this.cutB + dragLengthY < 0) dragLengthY = -this.cutB |
} |
this.setData({ |
cutL: this.cutL - dragLengthX, |
cutT: this.cutT - dragLengthY, |
cutR: this.cutR + dragLengthX, |
cutB: this.cutB + dragLengthY |
}) |
PAGE_X = e.touches[0].pageX |
PAGE_Y = e.touches[0].pageY |
}, |
contentTouchEnd() { |
}, |
// 获取图片 |
getImageInfo() { |
var _this = this |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: '图片生成中...', |
}) |
// 将图片写入画布 |
const ctx = uni.createCanvasContext('myCanvas') |
ctx.drawImage(_this.imageSrc, 0, 0, IMG_REAL_W, IMG_REAL_H) |
ctx.draw(true, () => { |
// 获取画布要裁剪的位置和宽度 均为百分比 * 画布中图片的宽度 保证了在微信小程序中裁剪的图片模糊 位置不对的问题 canvasT = (_this.cutT / _this.cropperH) * (_this.imageH / pixelRatio) |
var canvasW = ((_this.cropperW - _this.cutL - _this.cutR) / _this.cropperW) * IMG_REAL_W |
var canvasH = ((_this.cropperH - _this.cutT - _this.cutB) / _this.cropperH) * IMG_REAL_H |
var canvasL = (_this.cutL / _this.cropperW) * IMG_REAL_W |
var canvasT = (_this.cutT / _this.cropperH) * IMG_REAL_H |
uni.canvasToTempFilePath({ |
x: canvasL, |
y: canvasT, |
width: canvasW, |
height: canvasH, |
destWidth: canvasW, |
destHeight: canvasH, |
quality: 0.5, |
canvasId: 'myCanvas', |
success: function (res) { |
uni.hideLoading() |
let data = {name: 'avatarfile', filePath: res.tempFilePath} |
uploadAvatar(data).then(response => { |
//store.commit('SET_AVATAR', response.imgUrl) |
/*cloud*/ |
store.commit('SET_AVATAR',baseUrl + response.imgUrl) |
uni.showToast({ title: "修改成功", icon: 'success' }) |
uni.$emit('refresh'); |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}) |
} |
}) |
}) |
}, |
// 设置大小的时候触发的touchStart事件 |
dragStart(e) { |
T_PAGE_X = e.touches[0].pageX |
T_PAGE_Y = e.touches[0].pageY |
CUT_L = this.cutL |
CUT_R = this.cutR |
CUT_B = this.cutB |
CUT_T = this.cutT |
}, |
// 设置大小的时候触发的touchMove事件 |
dragMove(e) { |
var _this = this |
var dragType = e.target.dataset.drag |
switch (dragType) { |
case 'right': |
var dragLength = (T_PAGE_X - e.touches[0].pageX) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
if (CUT_R + dragLength < 0) dragLength = -CUT_R |
this.setData({ |
cutR: CUT_R + dragLength |
}) |
break |
case 'left': |
var dragLength = (T_PAGE_X - e.touches[0].pageX) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
if (CUT_L - dragLength < 0) dragLength = CUT_L |
if ((CUT_L - dragLength) > (this.cropperW - this.cutR)) dragLength = CUT_L - (this.cropperW - this.cutR) |
this.setData({ |
cutL: CUT_L - dragLength |
}) |
break |
case 'top': |
var dragLength = (T_PAGE_Y - e.touches[0].pageY) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
if (CUT_T - dragLength < 0) dragLength = CUT_T |
if ((CUT_T - dragLength) > (this.cropperH - this.cutB)) dragLength = CUT_T - (this.cropperH - this.cutB) |
this.setData({ |
cutT: CUT_T - dragLength |
}) |
break |
case 'bottom': |
var dragLength = (T_PAGE_Y - e.touches[0].pageY) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
if (CUT_B + dragLength < 0) dragLength = -CUT_B |
this.setData({ |
cutB: CUT_B + dragLength |
}) |
break |
case 'rightBottom': |
var dragLengthX = (T_PAGE_X - e.touches[0].pageX) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
var dragLengthY = (T_PAGE_Y - e.touches[0].pageY) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO |
if (CUT_B + dragLengthY < 0) dragLengthY = -CUT_B |
if (CUT_R + dragLengthX < 0) dragLengthX = -CUT_R |
let cutB = CUT_B + dragLengthY |
let cutR = CUT_R + dragLengthX |
this.setData({ |
cutB: cutB, |
cutR: cutR |
}) |
break |
default: |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
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flex-direction: column; */ |
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.cropper-config { |
padding: 20rpx 40rpx; |
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min-height: 750rpx; |
width: 100%; |
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@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="help-container"> |
<view v-for="(item, findex) in list" :key="findex" :title="item.title" class="list-title"> |
<view class="text-title"> |
<view :class="item.icon"></view>{{ item.title }} |
</view> |
<view class="childList"> |
<view v-for="(child, zindex) in item.childList" :key="zindex" class="question" hover-class="hover" |
@click="handleText(child)"> |
<view class="text-item">{{ child.title }}</view> |
<view class="line" v-if="zindex !== item.childList.length - 1"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script setup> |
import { ref } from "vue"; |
const list =ref([{ |
icon: 'iconfont icon-github', |
title: '若依问题', |
childList: [{ |
title: '若依开源吗?', |
content: '开源' |
}, { |
title: '若依可以商用吗?', |
content: '可以' |
}, { |
title: '若依官网地址多少?', |
content: 'http://ruoyi.vip' |
}, { |
title: '若依文档地址多少?', |
content: 'http://doc.ruoyi.vip' |
}] |
}, |
{ |
icon: 'iconfont icon-help', |
title: '其他问题', |
childList: [{ |
title: '如何退出登录?', |
content: '请点击[我的] - [应用设置] - [退出登录]即可退出登录', |
}, { |
title: '如何修改用户头像?', |
content: '请点击[我的] - [选择头像] - [点击提交]即可更换用户头像', |
}, { |
title: '如何修改登录密码?', |
content: '请点击[我的] - [应用设置] - [修改密码]即可修改登录密码', |
}] |
} |
]) |
function handleText(item) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: `/pages/common/textview/index?title=${item.title}&content=${item.content}` |
}); |
} |
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.question { |
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@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="mine-container" :style="{height: `${windowHeight}px`}"> |
<!--顶部个人信息栏--> |
<view class="header-section"> |
<view class="flex padding justify-between"> |
<view class="flex align-center"> |
<view v-if="!avatar" class="cu-avatar xl round bg-white"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-people text-gray icon"></view> |
</view> |
<image v-if="avatar" @click="handleToAvatar" :src="avatar" class="cu-avatar xl round" |
mode="widthFix"> |
</image> |
<view v-if="!name" @click="handleToLogin" class="login-tip"> |
点击登录 |
</view> |
<view v-if="name" @click="handleToInfo" class="user-info"> |
<view class="u_title"> |
用户名:{{ name }} |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view @click="handleToInfo" class="flex align-center"> |
<text>个人信息</text> |
<view class="iconfont icon-right"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="content-section"> |
<view class="mine-actions grid col-4 text-center"> |
<view class="action-item" @click="handleJiaoLiuQun"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-friendfill text-pink icon"></view> |
<text class="text">交流群</text> |
</view> |
<view class="action-item" @click="handleBuilding"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-service text-blue icon"></view> |
<text class="text">在线客服</text> |
</view> |
<view class="action-item" @click="handleBuilding"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-community text-mauve icon"></view> |
<text class="text">反馈社区</text> |
</view> |
<view class="action-item" @click="handleBuilding"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-dianzan text-green icon"></view> |
<text class="text">点赞我们</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="menu-list"> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow" @click="handleToEditInfo"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-user menu-icon"></view> |
<view>编辑资料</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow" @click="handleHelp"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-help menu-icon"></view> |
<view>常见问题</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow" @click="handleAbout"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-aixin menu-icon"></view> |
<view>关于我们</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow" @click="handleToSetting"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-setting menu-icon"></view> |
<view>应用设置</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import storage from '@/common/utils/storage' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
name: this.$store.state.user.name, |
// version: getApp().globalData.config.appInfo.version |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
avatar() { |
return this.$store.state.user.avatar |
}, |
windowHeight() { |
return uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight - 50 |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
handleToInfo() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/mine/info/index' |
}); |
}, |
handleToEditInfo() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/mine/info/edit' |
}); |
}, |
handleToSetting() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/mine/setting/index' |
}); |
}, |
handleToLogin() { |
uni.reLaunch({ |
url: '/pages/login' |
}); |
}, |
handleToAvatar() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/mine/avatar/index' |
}); |
}, |
handleLogout() { |
this.$modal.confirm('确定注销并退出系统吗?').then(() => { |
this.$store.dispatch('LogOut').then(() => { |
uni.reLaunch('/pages/index') |
}) |
}) |
}, |
handleHelp() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/mine/help/index' |
}); |
}, |
handleAbout() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/mine/about/index' |
}); |
}, |
handleJiaoLiuQun() { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: 'QQ群:133713780', |
mask: false, |
icon: "none", |
duration: 1000 |
}); |
}, |
handleBuilding() { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '模块建设中~', |
mask: false, |
icon: "none", |
duration: 1000 |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
page { |
background-color: #f5f6f7; |
} |
.mine-container { |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
.header-section { |
padding: 15px 15px 45px 15px; |
background-color: #3c96f3; |
color: white; |
.login-tip { |
font-size: 18px; |
margin-left: 10px; |
} |
.cu-avatar { |
border: 2px solid #eaeaea; |
.icon { |
font-size: 40px; |
} |
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.user-info { |
margin-left: 15px; |
.u_title { |
font-size: 18px; |
line-height: 30px; |
} |
} |
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.content-section { |
position: relative; |
top: -50px; |
.mine-actions { |
margin: 15px 15px; |
padding: 20px 0px; |
border-radius: 8px; |
background-color: white; |
.action-item { |
.icon { |
font-size: 28px; |
} |
.text { |
display: block; |
font-size: 13px; |
margin: 8px 0px; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="container"> |
<view class="example"> |
<uni-forms ref="form" :model="user" labelWidth="80px"> |
<uni-forms-item label="用户昵称" name="nickName"> |
<uni-easyinput v-model="user.nickName" placeholder="请输入昵称" /> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="手机号码" name="phonenumber"> |
<uni-easyinput v-model="user.phonenumber" placeholder="请输入手机号码" /> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="邮箱" name="email"> |
<uni-easyinput v-model="user.email" placeholder="请输入邮箱" /> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="性别" name="sex" required> |
<uni-data-checkbox v-model="user.sex" :localdata="sexs" /> |
</uni-forms-item> |
</uni-forms> |
<button type="primary" @click="submit">提交</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { getUserProfile ,updateUserProfile} from "@/api/request" |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
user: { |
nickName: "", |
phonenumber: "", |
email: "", |
sex: "" |
}, |
sexs: [{ |
text: '男', |
value: "0" |
}, { |
text: '女', |
value: "1" |
}], |
rules: { |
nickName: { |
rules: [{ |
required: true, |
errorMessage: '用户昵称不能为空' |
}] |
}, |
phonenumber: { |
rules: [{ |
required: true, |
errorMessage: '手机号码不能为空' |
}, { |
pattern: /^1[3|4|5|6|7|8|9][0-9]\d{8}$/, |
errorMessage: '请输入正确的手机号码' |
}] |
}, |
email: { |
rules: [{ |
required: true, |
errorMessage: '邮箱地址不能为空' |
}, { |
format: 'email', |
errorMessage: '请输入正确的邮箱地址' |
}] |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
onLoad() { |
// this.getUser() |
}, |
onReady() { |
this.$refs.form.setRules(this.rules) |
}, |
methods: { |
getUser() { |
getUserProfile().then(response => { |
this.user = response.data |
}) |
}, |
submit(ref) { |
this.$refs.form.validate().then(res => { |
updateUserProfile(this.user).then(response => { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '修改成功', |
mask: false, |
duration: 1000 |
}); |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
page { |
background-color: #ffffff; |
} |
.example { |
padding: 15px; |
background-color: #fff; |
} |
.segmented-control { |
margin-bottom: 15px; |
} |
.button-group { |
margin-top: 15px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-around; |
} |
.form-item { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
flex: 1; |
} |
.button { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
height: 35px; |
line-height: 35px; |
margin-left: 10px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="container"> |
<uni-list> |
<uni-list-item showExtraIcon="true" :extraIcon="{type: 'person-filled'}" title="昵称" :rightText="user.nickName" /> |
<uni-list-item showExtraIcon="true" :extraIcon="{type: 'phone-filled'}" title="手机号码" :rightText="user.phonenumber" /> |
<uni-list-item showExtraIcon="true" :extraIcon="{type: 'email-filled'}" title="邮箱" :rightText="user.email" /> |
<uni-list-item showExtraIcon="true" :extraIcon="{type: 'auth-filled'}" title="岗位" :rightText="postGroup" /> |
<uni-list-item showExtraIcon="true" :extraIcon="{type: 'staff-filled'}" title="角色" :rightText="roleGroup" /> |
<uni-list-item showExtraIcon="true" :extraIcon="{type: 'calendar-filled'}" title="创建日期" :rightText="user.createTime" /> |
</uni-list> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { getUserProfile } from "@/api/request.js" |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
user: {}, |
roleGroup: "", |
postGroup: "" |
} |
}, |
onLoad() { |
this.getUser() |
}, |
methods: { |
getUser() { |
getUserProfile().then(response => { |
this.user = response.data |
this.roleGroup = response.roleGroup |
this.postGroup = response.postGroup |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
page { |
background-color: #ffffff; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="pwd-retrieve-container"> |
<uni-forms ref="form" :value="user" labelWidth="80px"> |
<uni-forms-item name="oldPassword" label="旧密码"> |
<uni-easyinput type="password" v-model="user.oldPassword" placeholder="请输入旧密码" /> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item name="newPassword" label="新密码"> |
<uni-easyinput type="password" v-model="user.newPassword" placeholder="请输入新密码" /> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item name="confirmPassword" label="确认密码"> |
<uni-easyinput type="password" v-model="user.confirmPassword" placeholder="请确认新密码" /> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<button type="primary" @click="submit">提交</button> |
</uni-forms> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { updateUserPwd } from "@/api/request" |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
user: { |
oldPassword: undefined, |
newPassword: undefined, |
confirmPassword: undefined |
}, |
rules: { |
oldPassword: { |
rules: [{ |
required: true, |
errorMessage: '旧密码不能为空' |
}] |
}, |
newPassword: { |
rules: [{ |
required: true, |
errorMessage: '新密码不能为空', |
}, |
{ |
minLength: 6, |
maxLength: 20, |
errorMessage: '长度在 6 到 20 个字符' |
} |
] |
}, |
confirmPassword: { |
rules: [{ |
required: true, |
errorMessage: '确认密码不能为空' |
}, { |
validateFunction: (rule, value, data) => data.newPassword === value, |
errorMessage: '两次输入的密码不一致' |
} |
] |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
onReady() { |
this.$refs.form.setRules(this.rules) |
}, |
methods: { |
submit() { |
this.$refs.form.validate().then(res => { |
updateUserPwd(this.user.oldPassword, this.user.newPassword).then(response => { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '修改成功', |
mask: false, |
duration: 1000 |
}); |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
page { |
background-color: #ffffff; |
} |
.pwd-retrieve-container { |
padding-top: 36rpx; |
padding: 15px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="setting-container" :style="{height: `${windowHeight}px`}"> |
<view class="menu-list"> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow" @click="handleToPwd"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-password menu-icon"></view> |
<view>修改密码</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow" @click="handleToUpgrade"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-refresh menu-icon"></view> |
<view>检查更新</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-cell list-cell-arrow" @click="handleCleanTmp"> |
<view class="menu-item-box"> |
<view class="iconfont icon-clean menu-icon"></view> |
<view>清理缓存</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cu-list menu"> |
<view class="cu-item item-box"> |
<view class="content text-center" @click="handleLogout"> |
<text class="text-black">退出登录</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="dialog"> |
<uni-popup-dialog type="info" cancelText="关闭" confirmText="退出" |
title="通知" content="确定注销并退出系统吗" |
@confirm="dialogConfirm" |
@close="dialogClose"> |
</uni-popup-dialog> |
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<script setup> |
import { ref } from "vue"; |
import store from '@/store' |
const windowHeight=ref(uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight) ; |
const popup = ref(null); |
function handleToPwd() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/mine/pwd/index' |
}); |
}; |
function handleToUpgrade() { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '模块建设中~', |
mask: false, |
icon:"none", |
duration: 1000 |
}); |
}; |
function handleCleanTmp() { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '模块建设中~', |
mask: false, |
icon:"none", |
duration: 1000 |
}); |
}; |
function handleLogout() { |
popup.value.open(); |
}; |
function dialogConfirm() { |
//console.log('----------------点击确认------------') |
store.dispatch('LogOut').then(() => { |
uni.reLaunch({ |
url: '/pages/login' |
}); |
}) |
}; |
function dialogClose() { |
//console.log('点击关闭') |
}; |
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@ -1,439 +1,440 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="page-wraper"> |
<view class=""> |
<com-blank-view @goScan='showFromLocationPopup' v-if="detailSource.length==0"></com-blank-view> |
</view> |
<view class="page-wraper" v-if="detailSource.length>0"> |
<view class="page-main"> |
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="page-main-scroll"> |
<view class="detail-list" v-for="(item, index) in detailSource" :key="item.id"> |
<view class=""> |
<record-com-detail-card :dataContent="item" :index="index" :settingParam="jobContent" |
@removeItem="removeItem(index,item)" @updateData="updateData" @removePack="removePack"> |
</record-com-detail-card> |
</view> |
<u-line /> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
</view> |
<requiredLocation v-if="showToLoaction" title="目标库位" :locationCode="toLocationCode" @getLocation='getToLocationCode' |
:locationTypeList="tolocationTypeList"></requiredLocation> |
<view class="page-footer"> |
<view class="uni-flex u-col-center space-between padding_10" |
style="background-color:ghostwhite; width: 100%; "> |
<view class=""> |
</view> |
<view class=" uni-flex uni-row"> |
<button class="btn_single_commit" hover-class="btn_commit_after" @click="commit">提交</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<win-scan-button @goScan='openScanPopup'></win-scan-button> |
</view> |
<win-scan-pack-and-location ref="scanPopup" @getResult='getScanResult'></win-scan-pack-and-location> |
<comMessage ref="comMessage"></comMessage> |
<win-scan-location ref="scanLocationCode" title="来源库位" @getLocation='getLocation' |
:locationTypeList="fromlocationTypeList"></win-scan-location> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
putawayRequestSubmit, |
putawayRecordSubmit |
} from '@/api/request2.js'; |
import { |
goHome, |
updateTitle, |
getCurrDateTime, |
getPackingNumberAndBatch |
} from '@/common/basic.js'; |
import { |
getInventoryStatusDesc, |
getDirectoryItemArray |
} from '@/common/directory.js'; |
import { |
getDetailOption, |
getDetailRemoveOption, |
getDetailEditRemoveOption |
} from '@/common/array.js'; |
import { |
getBusinessType, |
createItemInfo, |
createDetailInfo, |
calcHandleQty |
} from '@/common/record.js'; |
import { |
getManagementPrecisions |
} from '@/common/balance.js'; |
import winScanButton from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanButton.vue' |
import winScanPack from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPack.vue' |
import requiredLocation from '@/mycomponents/location/requiredLocation.vue' |
import comBlankView from '@/mycomponents/common/comBlankView.vue' |
import winScanLocation from "@/mycomponents/scan/winScanLocation.vue" |
import comMessage from '@/mycomponents/common/comMessage.vue' |
import winScanPackAndLocation from "@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPackAndLocation.vue" |
import recordComDetailCard from '@/mycomponents/record/recordComDetailCard.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
winScanButton, |
winScanPack, |
requiredLocation, |
comBlankView, |
winScanLocation, |
comMessage, |
winScanPackAndLocation, |
recordComDetailCard |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
id: '', |
receiptJob: {}, |
received: false, |
jobContent: {}, //任务内容 |
detailSource: [], //绑定在页面上的数据源 |
locationTypeList: [], |
businessTypeInfo: {}, |
fromLocationInfo: {}, |
fromLocationCode: "", |
toLocationCode: "", |
isShowLocation: false, |
fromlocationTypeList: [], |
tolocationTypeList: [], |
inInventoryStatus: "", //目标入库库存状态 |
outInventoryStatus: "", //来源出库库存状态 |
businessType: {}, |
fromType: "", |
showToLoaction:true |
}; |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.fromType = option.fromType |
this.showToLoaction=false |
}else { |
updateTitle("原料上架记录") |
this.showToLoaction=true |
} |
var typeCode = "PurchasePutaway" |
getBusinessType(typeCode, res => { |
if (res.success) { |
this.businessType = res.businessType; |
this.fromlocationTypeList = res.fromlocationTypeList; |
this.tolocationTypeList = res.tolocationTypeList; |
this.showFromLocationPopup(); |
} else { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showBreakMessage(res.message ); |
} |
}); |
}, |
//返回首页 |
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) { |
if (e.index === 0) { |
goHome(); |
} |
}, |
//拦截返回按钮事件 |
onBackPress(e) {}, |
onPullDownRefresh() {}, |
mounted() { |
}, |
methods: { |
getScanResult(result) { |
let balance = result.balance; |
let label = result.label; |
let pack = result.package; |
var item = this.detailSource.find(res => { |
if (res.itemCode == balance.itemCode) { |
return res |
} |
}) |
if (item == undefined) { |
var itemp = createItemInfo(balance, pack); |
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(balance, pack); // |
itemp.subList.push(newDetail); |
this.detailSource.push(itemp) |
} else { |
var detail = item.subList.find(r => { |
if (r.packingNumber == balance.packingNumber && |
r.batch == balance.batch && |
r.locationCode == balance.locationCode && |
r.inventoryStatus == balance.inventoryStatus) { |
return r; |
} |
}) |
if (detail == undefined) { |
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(balance, pack); |
item.subList.push(newDetail); |
} else { |
if (detail.scaned == true) { |
this.showErrorMessage("箱码[" + balance.packingNumber + "批次[" + balance.batch + "]已经在列表中") |
} |
} |
} |
this.calcHandleQty(); |
}, |
showErrorMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
} |
}); |
}, |
calcHandleQty() { |
for (let item of this.detailSource) { |
item.qty = 0; |
for (let detail of item.subList) { |
if (detail != undefined) { |
item.qty += Number(detail.qty) |
} |
} |
} |
this.$forceUpdate(); |
}, |
updateData() { |
this.calcHandleQty(); |
}, |
removeItem(index, item) { |
this.detailSource.splice(index, 1) |
}, |
removePack() { |
for (var i = 0; i < this.detailSource.length; i++) { |
var item = this.detailSource[i]; |
if (item.subList.length == 0) { |
this.detailSource.splice(i, 1) |
} |
} |
this.updateData(); |
}, |
openScanPopup() { |
if (this.fromLocationCode == "") { |
this.showFromLocationPopup(); |
return |
} |
this.$refs.scanPopup.openScanPopupForType(this.fromLocationCode, this.businessType); |
}, |
showFromLocationPopup() { |
this.$nextTick(() => { |
this.$refs.scanLocationCode.openScanPopup(); |
}) |
}, |
closeScanPopup() { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.closeScanPopup(); |
}, |
scanPopupGetFocus() { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.getfocus(); |
}, |
scanLocationCode(location, code) { |
this.toLocationCode = code |
this.toLocationCode = location; |
}, |
commit() { |
if (this.showToLoaction &&this.toLocationCode == "") { |
this.showMessage("请先选择目标库位") |
return; |
} |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "提交中....", |
mask: true |
}); |
if(this.fromType=="requestType"){ |
var params = this.setParams(false) |
console.log("提交" + JSON.stringify(params)) |
// putawayRequestSubmit(params).then(res => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// if (res.data) { |
// this.showCommitSuccessMessage("提交成功<br>生成采购收货记录" + res.data, ) |
// } else { |
// this.showErrorMessage("提交失败[" + res.msg + "]") |
// } |
// }).catch(error => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// this.showErrorMessage(error) |
// }) |
}else { |
//记录有目标库位,需要查询管理模式 |
var itemCodes = [] |
this.detailSource.forEach(item => { |
itemCodes.push(item.itemCode) |
}) |
//获取管理模式,封装参数 |
getManagementPrecisions(itemCodes, this.toLocationCode, res => { |
if (res.success) { |
this.managementList = res.list; |
var params = this.setParams(true) |
console.log("提交参数", JSON.stringify(params)); |
// putawayRecordSubmit(params).then(res => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// if (res.data) { |
// this.showCommitSuccessMessage("提交成功<br>生成采购收货记录" + res.data, ) |
// } else { |
// this.showErrorMessage("提交失败[" + res.msg + "]") |
// } |
// }).catch(error => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// this.showErrorMessage(error) |
// }) |
} else { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
this.showErrorMessage(res.message); |
} |
}); |
} |
}, |
setParams(queryModel) { |
var subList = [] |
var creator = this.$store.state.user.id |
this.detailSource.forEach(item => { |
item.subList.forEach(detail => { |
if (detail.scaned) { |
// var subItem = {}; |
// Object.assign(subItem, detail) |
if (queryModel) { |
var info = getPackingNumberAndBatch(this.managementList, detail.itemCode, |
detail.packingNumber, detail.batch); |
detail.toPackingNumber = info.packingNumber;; |
detail.toContainerNumber = detail.containerNumber |
detail.toBatch = info.batch; |
detail.toInventoryStatus = detail.inventoryStatus |
detail.toLocationCode = this.toLocationCode |
} else { |
detail.toPackingNumber = detail.packingNumber; |
detail.toContainerNumber = detail.containerNumber |
detail.toBatch = detail.toBatch; |
detail.toInventoryStatus = detail.inventoryStatus |
detail.toLocationCode = "" |
} |
subList.push(detail) |
} |
}) |
}) |
this.jobContent.subList = subList |
this.jobContent.creator = creator; |
return this.jobContent; |
}, |
showMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) {} |
}); |
}, |
showErrorMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
} |
}); |
}, |
showScanMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showScanMessage(message); |
}, |
afterCloseMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
closeScanMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
getLocation(location, code) { |
this.getFromLocationCode(location, code) |
}, |
getFromLocationCode(location, code) { |
this.fromLocationInfo = location; |
this.fromLocationCode = code; |
this.openScanPopup(); |
}, |
getToLocationCode(location, code) { |
if (this.fromLocationCode == code) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: "来源库位[" + this.fromLocationCode + "]不能与目标库位[" + code + "]一致", |
duration: 2000 |
}) |
return |
} |
this.toLocationCode = code; |
}, |
showCommitSuccessMessage(hint) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showSuccessMessage(hint, res => { |
this.fromLocationCode = ''; |
}) |
}, |
updateData() { |
this.calcHandleQty(); |
for (var i = 0; i < this.detailSource.length; i++) { |
let item = this.detailSource[i]; |
if (item.qty == 0) { |
this.detailSource.splice(i, 1) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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page { |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
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background: #e0e0e0; |
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<template> |
<view class="page-wraper"> |
<view class=""> |
<com-blank-view @goScan='showFromLocationPopup' v-if="detailSource.length==0"></com-blank-view> |
</view> |
<view class="page-wraper" v-if="detailSource.length>0"> |
<view class="page-main"> |
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="page-main-scroll"> |
<view class="detail-list" v-for="(item, index) in detailSource" :key="item.id"> |
<view class=""> |
<record-com-detail-card :dataContent="item" :index="index" :settingParam="jobContent" |
@removeItem="removeItem(index,item)" @updateData="updateData" @removePack="removePack"> |
</record-com-detail-card> |
</view> |
<u-line /> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
</view> |
<requiredLocation v-if="showToLoaction" title="目标库位" :locationCode="toLocationCode" |
@getLocation='getToLocationCode' :locationTypeList="tolocationTypeList"></requiredLocation> |
<view class="page-footer"> |
<view class="uni-flex u-col-center space-between padding_10" |
style="background-color:ghostwhite; width: 100%; "> |
<view class=""> |
</view> |
<view class=" uni-flex uni-row"> |
<button class="btn_single_commit" hover-class="btn_commit_after" @click="commit">提交</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<win-scan-button @goScan='openScanPopup'></win-scan-button> |
</view> |
<win-scan-pack-and-location ref="scanPopup" @getResult='getScanResult'></win-scan-pack-and-location> |
<comMessage ref="comMessage"></comMessage> |
<win-scan-location ref="scanLocationCode" title="来源库位" @getLocation='getLocation' |
:locationTypeList="fromlocationTypeList"></win-scan-location> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
putawayRequestSubmit, |
putawayRecordSubmit |
} from '@/api/request2.js'; |
import { |
goHome, |
updateTitle, |
getCurrDateTime, |
getPackingNumberAndBatch |
} from '@/common/basic.js'; |
import { |
getInventoryStatusDesc, |
getDirectoryItemArray |
} from '@/common/directory.js'; |
import { |
getDetailOption, |
getDetailRemoveOption, |
getDetailEditRemoveOption |
} from '@/common/array.js'; |
import { |
getBusinessType, |
createItemInfo, |
createDetailInfo, |
calcHandleQty |
} from '@/common/record.js'; |
import { |
getManagementPrecisions |
} from '@/common/balance.js'; |
import winScanButton from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanButton.vue' |
import winScanPack from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPack.vue' |
import requiredLocation from '@/mycomponents/location/requiredLocation.vue' |
import comBlankView from '@/mycomponents/common/comBlankView.vue' |
import winScanLocation from "@/mycomponents/scan/winScanLocation.vue" |
import comMessage from '@/mycomponents/common/comMessage.vue' |
import winScanPackAndLocation from "@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPackAndLocation.vue" |
import recordComDetailCard from '@/mycomponents/record/recordComDetailCard.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
winScanButton, |
winScanPack, |
requiredLocation, |
comBlankView, |
winScanLocation, |
comMessage, |
winScanPackAndLocation, |
recordComDetailCard |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
id: '', |
receiptJob: {}, |
received: false, |
jobContent: {}, //任务内容 |
detailSource: [], //绑定在页面上的数据源 |
locationTypeList: [], |
businessTypeInfo: {}, |
fromLocationInfo: {}, |
fromLocationCode: "", |
toLocationCode: "", |
isShowLocation: false, |
fromlocationTypeList: [], |
tolocationTypeList: [], |
inInventoryStatus: "", //目标入库库存状态 |
outInventoryStatus: "", //来源出库库存状态 |
businessType: {}, |
fromType: "", |
showToLoaction: true |
}; |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.fromType = option.fromType |
if (this.fromType == "requestType") { |
this.showToLoaction = false |
updateTitle("原料上架申请") |
} else { |
updateTitle("原料上架记录") |
this.showToLoaction = true |
} |
var typeCode = "PurchasePutaway" |
getBusinessType(typeCode, res => { |
if (res.success) { |
this.businessType = res.businessType; |
this.fromlocationTypeList = res.fromlocationTypeList; |
this.tolocationTypeList = res.tolocationTypeList; |
this.showFromLocationPopup(); |
} else { |
this.showErrorMessage(res.message) |
} |
}); |
}, |
//返回首页 |
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) { |
if (e.index === 0) { |
goHome(); |
} |
}, |
//拦截返回按钮事件 |
onBackPress(e) {}, |
onPullDownRefresh() {}, |
mounted() {}, |
methods: { |
getScanResult(result) { |
let balance = result.balance; |
let label = result.label; |
let pack = result.package; |
var item = this.detailSource.find(res => { |
if (res.itemCode == balance.itemCode) { |
return res |
} |
}) |
if (item == undefined) { |
var itemp = createItemInfo(balance, pack); |
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(balance, pack); // |
itemp.subList.push(newDetail); |
this.detailSource.push(itemp) |
} else { |
var detail = item.subList.find(r => { |
if (r.packingNumber == balance.packingNumber && |
r.batch == balance.batch && |
r.locationCode == balance.locationCode && |
r.inventoryStatus == balance.inventoryStatus) { |
return r; |
} |
}) |
if (detail == undefined) { |
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(balance, pack); |
item.subList.push(newDetail); |
} else { |
if (detail.scaned == true) { |
this.showErrorMessage("箱码[" + balance.packingNumber + "批次[" + balance.batch + "]已经在列表中") |
} |
} |
} |
this.calcHandleQty(); |
}, |
showErrorMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
} |
}); |
}, |
calcHandleQty() { |
for (let item of this.detailSource) { |
item.qty = 0; |
for (let detail of item.subList) { |
if (detail != undefined) { |
item.qty += Number(detail.qty) |
} |
} |
} |
this.$forceUpdate(); |
}, |
updateData() { |
this.calcHandleQty(); |
}, |
removeItem(index, item) { |
this.detailSource.splice(index, 1) |
}, |
removePack() { |
for (var i = 0; i < this.detailSource.length; i++) { |
var item = this.detailSource[i]; |
if (item.subList.length == 0) { |
this.detailSource.splice(i, 1) |
} |
} |
this.updateData(); |
}, |
openScanPopup() { |
if (this.fromLocationCode == "") { |
this.showFromLocationPopup(); |
return |
} |
this.$refs.scanPopup.openScanPopupForType(this.fromLocationCode, this.businessType); |
}, |
showFromLocationPopup() { |
this.$nextTick(() => { |
this.$refs.scanLocationCode.openScanPopup(); |
}) |
}, |
closeScanPopup() { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.closeScanPopup(); |
}, |
scanPopupGetFocus() { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.getfocus(); |
}, |
scanLocationCode(location, code) { |
this.toLocationCode = code |
this.toLocationCode = location; |
}, |
commit() { |
if (this.showToLoaction && this.toLocationCode == "") { |
this.showMessage("请先选择目标库位") |
return; |
} |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "提交中....", |
mask: true |
}); |
if (this.fromType == "requestType") { |
var params = this.setParams(false) |
console.log("提交" + JSON.stringify(params)) |
// putawayRequestSubmit(params).then(res => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// if (res.data) { |
// this.showCommitSuccessMessage("提交成功<br>生成采购收货记录" + res.data, ) |
// } else { |
// this.showErrorMessage("提交失败[" + res.msg + "]") |
// } |
// }).catch(error => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// this.showErrorMessage(error) |
// }) |
} else { |
//记录有目标库位,需要查询管理模式 |
var itemCodes = [] |
this.detailSource.forEach(item => { |
itemCodes.push(item.itemCode) |
}) |
//获取管理模式,封装参数 |
getManagementPrecisions(itemCodes, this.toLocationCode, res => { |
if (res.success) { |
this.managementList = res.list; |
var params = this.setParams(true) |
console.log("提交参数", JSON.stringify(params)); |
// putawayRecordSubmit(params).then(res => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// if (res.data) { |
// this.showCommitSuccessMessage("提交成功<br>生成采购收货记录" + res.data, ) |
// } else { |
// this.showErrorMessage("提交失败[" + res.msg + "]") |
// } |
// }).catch(error => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// this.showErrorMessage(error) |
// }) |
} else { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
this.showErrorMessage(res.message); |
} |
}); |
} |
}, |
setParams(queryModel) { |
var subList = [] |
var creator = this.$store.state.user.id |
this.detailSource.forEach(item => { |
item.subList.forEach(detail => { |
if (detail.scaned) { |
// var subItem = {}; |
// Object.assign(subItem, detail) |
if (queryModel) { |
var info = getPackingNumberAndBatch(this.managementList, detail.itemCode, |
detail.packingNumber, detail.batch); |
detail.toPackingNumber = info.packingNumber;; |
detail.toContainerNumber = detail.containerNumber |
detail.toBatch = info.batch; |
detail.toInventoryStatus = detail.inventoryStatus |
detail.toLocationCode = this.toLocationCode |
} else { |
detail.toPackingNumber = detail.packingNumber; |
detail.toContainerNumber = detail.containerNumber |
detail.toBatch = detail.toBatch; |
detail.toInventoryStatus = detail.inventoryStatus |
detail.toLocationCode = "" |
} |
subList.push(detail) |
} |
}) |
}) |
this.jobContent.subList = subList |
this.jobContent.creator = creator; |
return this.jobContent; |
}, |
showMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) {} |
}); |
}, |
showErrorMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
} |
}); |
}, |
showScanMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showScanMessage(message); |
}, |
afterCloseMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
closeScanMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
getLocation(location, code) { |
this.getFromLocationCode(location, code) |
}, |
getFromLocationCode(location, code) { |
this.fromLocationInfo = location; |
this.fromLocationCode = code; |
this.openScanPopup(); |
}, |
getToLocationCode(location, code) { |
if (this.fromLocationCode == code) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: "来源库位[" + this.fromLocationCode + "]不能与目标库位[" + code + "]一致", |
duration: 2000 |
}) |
return |
} |
this.toLocationCode = code; |
}, |
showCommitSuccessMessage(hint) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showSuccessMessage(hint, res => { |
this.fromLocationCode = ''; |
}) |
}, |
updateData() { |
this.calcHandleQty(); |
for (var i = 0; i < this.detailSource.length; i++) { |
let item = this.detailSource[i]; |
if (item.qty == 0) { |
this.detailSource.splice(i, 1) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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@ -1,338 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<!-- <page-meta root-font-size="18px"></page-meta> --> |
<view class=""> |
<com-blank-view @goScan='openScanPopup' v-if="locationCode==''"></com-blank-view> |
<view class="top_card"> |
<location-info :locationDetail='locationDetail' v-if="locationCode"></location-info> |
</view> |
<view class="tabs" v-if="locationCode" style="height: 100%;"> |
<u-line></u-line> |
<scroll-view id="tab-bar" class="scroll-h" :scroll-x="true" :show-scrollbar="false"> |
<view class="title_tab"> |
<view v-for="(tab, index) in tabBars" :key="tab.id" class="uni-tab-item" :id="tab.id" |
:data-current="index" @click="ontabtap"> |
<text class="uni-tab-item-title" |
:class="tabIndex == index ? 'uni-tab-item-title-active' : ''">{{ tab.name }}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y="true" @scrolltoupper="upper" @scrolltolower="lower" |
@scroll="scroll"> |
<view v-if="tabIndex == 0" v-for="(item, index) in summarysList"> |
<comLocationDetailCard :isShowPack="false" :dataContent="item" style='margin: 10rpx;'> |
</comLocationDetailCard> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y="true" @scrolltoupper="upper" @scrolltolower="lower" |
@scroll="scroll"> |
<view v-if="tabIndex == 1" v-for="(item, index) in detailList"> |
<comLocationDetailCard :dataContent="item" style='margin: 10rpx;'></comLocationDetailCard> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<!-- 预计入 --> |
<scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y="true" @scrolltoupper="upper" @scrolltolower="lower" |
@scroll="scroll"> |
<view v-if="tabIndex == 2" v-for="(item, index) in detailList"> |
<comLocationDetailCard :dataContent="item" style='margin: 10rpx;'></comLocationDetailCard> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<!-- 预计出 --> |
<scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y="true" @scrolltoupper="upper" @scrolltolower="lower" |
@scroll="scroll"> |
<view v-if="tabIndex == 3" v-for="(item, index) in detailList"> |
<comLocationDetailCard :dataContent="item" style='margin: 10rpx;'></comLocationDetailCard> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
</view> |
<win-scan-button @goScan='openScanPopup' v-if="locationCode!=''"></win-scan-button> |
<winScanLocationCode ref="scanPopup" title="库位代码" @getLocation='getScanCode'></winScanLocationCode> |
<show-modal ref="modal"></show-modal> |
<comMessage ref="comMessage"></comMessage> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
getBalanceByLocationcodeGroup, |
getBalanceByLocationcode, |
} from '@/api/request.js'; |
import { |
getBasicLocationByCode, |
} from '@/api/request2.js'; |
import { |
maxPageSize, |
goHome |
} from '@/common/basic.js'; |
import locationInfo from '@/mycomponents/location/locationInfo.vue' |
import comBlankView from '@/mycomponents/common/comBlankView.vue' |
import winScanButton from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanButton.vue' |
import comMessage from '@/mycomponents/common/comMessage.vue' |
import comLocationDetailCard from '@/pages/query/coms/comLocationDetailCard.vue' |
import winScanLocation from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanLocation.vue' |
export default { |
name: 'location', |
components: { |
locationInfo, |
comBlankView, |
winScanButton, |
comMessage, |
comLocationDetailCard, |
winScanLocation |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
locationDetail: {}, |
locationCode: '', |
summarys: [], |
balances: [], |
dataIn: [], |
dataOut: [], |
// 每页数据量 |
pageSize: 1000, |
// 当前页 |
pageCurrent: 1, |
// 数据总量 |
tabIndex: 0, |
tabBars: [{ |
name: '汇总', |
id: 'huizong' |
}, |
{ |
name: '明细', |
id: 'mingxi' |
}, |
{ |
name: '预计入', |
id: 'in' |
}, |
{ |
name: '预计出', |
id: 'out' |
} |
], |
scrollTop: 0, |
old: { |
scrollTop: 0 |
}, |
dataList: [{ |
Name: "物料名称", |
itemCode: "CEVINR", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 20, |
list: [{ |
packingNumber: "1234", |
Lot: "202123", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 10 |
}, |
{ |
packingNumber: "1234", |
Lot: "202123", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 10 |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
Name: "测试2", |
itemCode: "CEVINR2", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 20, |
list: [{ |
packingNumber: "12342", |
Lot: "2021232", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 10 |
}, |
{ |
packingNumber: "12342", |
Lot: "2021232", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 10 |
} |
] |
} |
], |
testData: { |
Name: "物料名称", |
itemCode: "CEVINR", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 20, |
list: [{ |
packingNumber: "1234", |
Lot: "202123", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 10 |
}, |
{ |
packingNumber: "1234", |
Lot: "202123", |
uom: "件", |
qty: 10 |
} |
] |
}, |
detailList: [], |
summarysList: [] |
}; |
}, |
onLoad() {}, |
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) { |
if (e.index === 0) { |
goHome(); |
} |
}, |
filters: { |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.openScanPopup() |
}, |
methods: { |
openScanPopup() { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.openScanPopup(); |
}, |
closeScanPopup() { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.closeScanPopup(); |
}, |
getScanCode(location,code) { |
this.locationCode = ''; |
this.summarys = []; |
this.balances = []; |
this.locationCode = code; |
this.locationDetail=location |
this.getContentByTab(this.tabIndex); |
}, |
getSummary() { |
let that = this; |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "加载中...", |
mask: true |
}); |
getBalanceByLocationcodeGroup(this.locationCode).then(res => { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
if (res.data.total > 0) { |
this.summarysList = this.setShowList(res.data.list) |
} else { |
this.showMessage('未查找到库位【' + this.locationCode + '】'); |
} |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
this.showMessage(error); |
}) |
}, |
getDetailList() { |
let that = this; |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "加载中...", |
mask: true |
}); |
getBalanceByLocationcode(this.locationCode).then(res => { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
if (res.data.total > 0) { |
this.detailList = this.setShowList(res.data.list) |
} else { |
this.showMessage('未查找到库位【' + this.locationCode + '】'); |
} |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
this.showMessage(error); |
}) |
}, |
setShowList(list) { |
var resultlist = []; |
list.forEach(res => { |
var temp = resultlist.find(res1 => |
res1.itemCode == res.itemCode) |
if (temp == undefined) { |
var data = { |
itemCode: res.itemCode, |
qty: res.qty, |
uom: res.uom, |
list: [] |
} |
var item = { |
packingNumber: res.packingNumber, |
batch: res.batch, |
uom: res.uom, |
qty: res.qty, |
inventoryStatus: res.inventoryStatus, |
} |
data.list.push(item) |
resultlist.push(data) |
} else { |
temp.qty += res.qty |
var item = { |
packingNumber: res.packingNumber, |
batch: res.batch, |
uom: res.uom, |
qty: res.qty, |
inventoryStatus: res.inventoryStatus, |
} |
temp.list.push(item) |
} |
}) |
return resultlist; |
}, |
ontabtap(e) { |
let index = e.target.dataset.current || e.currentTarget.dataset.current; |
this.tabIndex = index; |
this.getContentByTab(this.tabIndex); |
}, |
getContentByTab(index) { |
if (index === 0) { |
this.getSummary(); |
} else if (index === 1) this.getDetailList() |
else if (index === 2) { |
this.dataIn = this.balances; |
} else if (index == 3) { |
this.dataOut = this.balances; |
} |
}, |
upper: function(e) { |
// console.log(e) |
}, |
lower: function(e) { |
// console.log(e) |
}, |
scroll: function(e) { |
// console.log(e) |
this.old.scrollTop = e.detail.scrollTop; |
}, |
showMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showWarningMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
this.afterCloseMessage() |
} |
}); |
}, |
afterCloseMessage() { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.getfocus(); |
} |
} |
}; |
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Reference in new issue