diff --git a/src/pages/issue/job/issueDetailBatch.vue b/src/pages/issue/job/issueDetailBatch.vue
index f6112f63..3043b8c7 100644
--- a/src/pages/issue/job/issueDetailBatch.vue
+++ b/src/pages/issue/job/issueDetailBatch.vue
@@ -8,17 +8,16 @@
+ :rawLocationCode="jobContent.detailToLocationCode" :itemGroup="jobContent.itemGroup"
+ :isShowItemGroup='true'>
@@ -40,11 +39,11 @@
@@ -75,8 +74,8 @@
import {
} from '@/common/calc.js';
import {
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@
} from '@/common/detail.js';
import {
} from '@/common/record.js';
@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@
scanMessage: '',
managementList: [],
managementType: "",
- fromLocationCode:''
+ fromLocationCode: ''
@@ -223,12 +222,12 @@
that.subList = res.data.subList;
that.detailSource = getDataSourceBatch(that.subList)
that.jobContent.detailToLocationCode = res.data.subList[0].toLocationCode
- that.toLocationCode= res.data.subList[0].toLocationCode
+ that.toLocationCode = res.data.subList[0].toLocationCode
that.fromLocationCode = that.subList[0].fromLocationCode
that.detailSource.forEach(r => {
r.subList.forEach(s => {
- s.isRecommTaskItem = true//为推荐任务
+ s.isRecommTaskItem = true //为推荐任务
@@ -266,213 +265,213 @@
getScanResult(result, managementTypeParams) {
- if(!result.package.number){
+ if (!result.package.number) {
this.managementType = managementTypeParams
- let array1 = []//记录推荐的库位
- let array2 = []//记录推荐的批次
- this.detailSource.forEach(item=>{
- item.subList.forEach(cur=>{
+ let array1 = [] //记录推荐的库位
+ let array2 = [] //记录推荐的批次
+ this.detailSource.forEach(item => {
+ item.subList.forEach(cur => {
// 扫描的库位是否在
- const obj1 = array1.find(item=>item == result.fromLocationCode)
- const obj2 = array2.find(item=>item == result.label.batch)
- if(this.jobContent.allowModifyLocation == 'FALSE'){
- if(!obj1){
+ const obj1 = array1.find(item => item == result.fromLocationCode)
+ const obj2 = array2.find(item => item == result.label.batch)
+ if (this.jobContent.allowModifyLocation == 'FALSE') {
+ if (!obj1) {
- if(this.jobContent.allowModifyBatch == 'FALSE'){
- if(!obj2){
+ if (this.jobContent.allowModifyBatch == 'FALSE') {
+ if (!obj2) {
- if(!obj1){
+ if (!obj1) {
this.recommendQty = 0
- }else{
+ } else {
this.recommendQty = result.balance.qty
// this.managementType = managementTypeParams
- if(managementTypeParams == "BY_BATCH" ||managementTypeParams == "BY_QUANTITY" ){
+ if (managementTypeParams == "BY_BATCH" || managementTypeParams == "BY_QUANTITY") {
setDataBatch11(result) {
try {
let that = this
- this.balanceinfo = result.balance
+ this.balanceinfo = result.balance
var packingNumber = result.label.packingNumber;
var batch = result.label.batch;
var qty = result.label.qty;
var itemCode = result.label.itemCode;
var locationCode = result.fromLocationCode;
if (!result.balance) {
// var inventoryStatus = "OK";
var detail = this.detailSource.find(r => r.itemCode == itemCode);
if (detail == undefined) {
this.showErrorMessage("物料号【" + itemCode + "】不在列表中")
} else {
var itemDetail = detail.subList.find(r => {
- return r.batch == batch &&
- r.fromLocationCode == result.fromLocationCode&&
- r.packingNumber==packingNumber
- })
- if (itemDetail == undefined) {
- var isExit;
- for (let subItem of detail.subList) {
- var item;
- // for (let pack of subItem.packList) {
- // if (pack.batch == batch) {
- // item = pack;
- // isExit = pack;
- // break;
- // }
- // }
- // if (item != undefined) {
- // subItem.scaned = true
- // subItem.handleQty = 0;
- // item = undefined
- // }
- }
- if (isExit == undefined) {
- // this.showErrorMessage("批次【" + batch + "】库位【" + result
- // .fromLocationCode + "】不在列表中")
- detail.subList.push({
- scaned:true,
- packingNumber:packingNumber,
- fromLocationCode:this.fromLocationCode,
- toLocationCode:this.toLocationCode,
- batch:result.label.batch,
- handleQty:result.label.qty,
- qty:0,
- inventoryStatus:result.balance.inventoryStatus,
- toLocation:result.balance.toLocation,
- balance:result.balance,
- balanceQty:result.balance.qty,
- packQty:result.package.packQty,
- packUnit:result.package.packUnit,
- uom:result.balance.uom,
- isRecommTaskItem:false,//不是推荐任务中的任务
- // packList:[{
- // scaned : true,
- // handleQty : Number(result.label.qty),
- // toLocationCode : result.balance.toLocationCode,
- // }]
- })
- detail.handleQty = 0
- detail.qty = 0
- detail.subList.forEach(item=>{
- item.handleQty =item.handleQty || 0
- detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
- detail.qty = calc.add(detail.qty,item.qty)
- // item.packList.forEach(cur=>{
- // cur.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
- // })
- })
- setTimeout(r => {
- that.resizeCollapse();
- that.$forceUpdate()
- }, 100)
+ return r.batch == batch &&
+ r.fromLocationCode == result.fromLocationCode &&
+ r.packingNumber == packingNumber
+ })
+ if (itemDetail == undefined) {
+ var isExit;
+ for (let subItem of detail.subList) {
+ var item;
+ // for (let pack of subItem.packList) {
+ // if (pack.batch == batch) {
+ // item = pack;
+ // isExit = pack;
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if (item != undefined) {
+ // subItem.scaned = true
+ // subItem.handleQty = 0;
+ // item = undefined
+ // }
+ }
+ if (isExit == undefined) {
+ // this.showErrorMessage("批次【" + batch + "】库位【" + result
+ // .fromLocationCode + "】不在列表中")
+ detail.subList.push({
+ scaned: true,
+ packingNumber: packingNumber,
+ fromLocationCode: this.fromLocationCode,
+ toLocationCode: this.toLocationCode,
+ batch: result.label.batch,
+ handleQty: result.label.qty,
+ qty: 0,
+ inventoryStatus: result.balance.inventoryStatus,
+ toLocation: result.balance.toLocation,
+ balance: result.balance,
+ balanceQty: result.balance.qty,
+ packQty: result.package.packQty,
+ packUnit: result.package.packUnit,
+ uom: result.balance.uom,
+ isRecommTaskItem: false, //不是推荐任务中的任务
+ // packList:[{
+ // scaned : true,
+ // handleQty : Number(result.label.qty),
+ // toLocationCode : result.balance.toLocationCode,
+ // }]
+ })
+ detail.handleQty = 0
+ detail.qty = 0
+ detail.subList.forEach(item => {
+ item.handleQty = item.handleQty || 0
+ detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty, item.handleQty)
+ detail.qty = calc.add(detail.qty, item.qty)
+ // item.packList.forEach(cur=>{
+ // cur.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
+ // })
+ })
+ setTimeout(r => {
+ that.resizeCollapse();
+ that.$forceUpdate()
+ }, 100)
+ } else {
+ if (!isExit.cancleScanedHiht && isExit.scaned) {
+ // this.showMessage("批次【" + batch + "】已经扫描")
} else {
- if (!isExit.cancleScanedHiht && isExit.scaned) {
- // this.showMessage("批次【" + batch + "】已经扫描")
+ isExit.scaned = true
+ let qty = 0;
+ if (result.balance != null) {
+ qty = Number(result.balance.qty);
} else {
- isExit.scaned = true
- let qty = 0;
- if (result.balance != null) {
- qty = Number(result.balance.qty);
- } else {
- qty = Number(result.label.qty);
- }
- isExit.handleQty = Number(result.label.qty);
- isExit.toLocationCode = this.toLocationCode;
+ qty = Number(result.label.qty);
- itemDetail.handleQty = calc.add(itemDetail.handleQty,result.label.qty);
- detail.handleQty = 0
- detail.balance = result.balance,
- detail.subList.forEach(item=>{
- item.handleQty =item.handleQty || 0
- detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
+ isExit.handleQty = Number(result.label.qty);
+ isExit.toLocationCode = this.toLocationCode;
+ }
+ itemDetail.handleQty = calc.add(itemDetail.handleQty, result.label.qty);
+ detail.handleQty = 0
+ detail.balance = result.balance,
+ detail.subList.forEach(item => {
+ item.handleQty = item.handleQty || 0
+ detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty, item.handleQty)
// item.packList.forEach(cur=>{
// cur.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
// })
- // calcHandleQtyAdd(this.detailSource, result.label);
- }
- this.continueScan()
- this.$forceUpdate()
+ // calcHandleQtyAdd(this.detailSource, result.label);
+ }
+ this.continueScan()
+ this.$forceUpdate()
+ } else {
+ var scanedLength = 0;
+ // itemDetail.packList.forEach(res => {
+ // if (res.scaned) {
+ // scanedLength++;
+ // }
+ // })
+ //大哥让加的
+ itemDetail.fromInventoryStatus = result.balance.inventoryStatus;
+ if (itemDetail.scaned) {
+ // this.showMessage("箱码【" + packingNumber + "】已经扫描")
+ // calcHandleQtyAdd(this.detailSource, result.label);
+ itemDetail.balance = result.balance
+ itemDetail.balanceQty = result.balance.qty
+ itemDetail.uom = result.balance.uom,
+ itemDetail.handleQty = calc.add(itemDetail.handleQty, result.label.qty);
+ detail.handleQty = 0
+ detail.subList.forEach(item => {
+ detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty, item.handleQty)
+ })
} else {
- var scanedLength = 0;
- // itemDetail.packList.forEach(res => {
- // if (res.scaned) {
- // scanedLength++;
- // }
+ itemDetail.scaned = true;
+ this.detailSource[0].subList.sort(compareAsc('scaned')); //按扫描信息排序
+ itemDetail.handleQty = result.label.qty;
+ itemDetail.scaned = true
+ itemDetail.balance = result.balance
+ itemDetail.balanceQty = result.balance.qty
+ itemDetail.uom = result.balance.uom
+ itemDetail.packQty = result.package.packQty
+ itemDetail.packUnit = result.package.packUnit
+ itemDetail.fromlocationCode = this.fromLocationCode
+ itemDetail.toLocationCode = this.toLocationCode
+ itemDetail.isRecommTaskItem = true //是推荐任务中的数量
+ // itemDetail.toInventoryStatus = "OK"
+ // itemDetail.packList.forEach(pac => {
+ // pac.scaned = true
+ // pac.handleQty = Number(result.label.qty);
+ // pac.toLocationCode = result.balance.toLocationCode;
// })
- //大哥让加的
- itemDetail.fromInventoryStatus = result.balance.inventoryStatus;
- if (itemDetail.scaned ) {
- // this.showMessage("箱码【" + packingNumber + "】已经扫描")
- // calcHandleQtyAdd(this.detailSource, result.label);
- itemDetail.balance=result.balance
- itemDetail.balanceQty=result.balance.qty
- itemDetail.uom=result.balance.uom,
- itemDetail.handleQty = calc.add(itemDetail.handleQty,result.label.qty);
- detail.handleQty = 0
- detail.subList.forEach(item=>{
- detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
- })
- } else {
- itemDetail.scaned = true;
- this.detailSource[0].subList.sort(compareAsc('scaned')); //按扫描信息排序
- itemDetail.handleQty = result.label.qty;
- itemDetail.scaned = true
- itemDetail.balance=result.balance
- itemDetail.balanceQty=result.balance.qty
- itemDetail.uom=result.balance.uom
- itemDetail.packQty=result.package.packQty
- itemDetail.packUnit=result.package.packUnit
- itemDetail.fromlocationCode=this.fromLocationCode
- itemDetail.toLocationCode=this.toLocationCode
- itemDetail.isRecommTaskItem = true//是推荐任务中的数量
- // itemDetail.toInventoryStatus = "OK"
- // itemDetail.packList.forEach(pac => {
- // pac.scaned = true
- // pac.handleQty = Number(result.label.qty);
- // pac.toLocationCode = result.balance.toLocationCode;
+ detail.handleQty = 0
+ detail.subList.forEach(item => {
+ console.log(item.handleQty)
+ item.handleQty = item.handleQty || 0
+ detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty, item.handleQty)
+ // item.packList.forEach(cur=>{
+ // cur.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
// })
- detail.handleQty = 0
- detail.subList.forEach(item=>{
- console.log(item.handleQty)
- item.handleQty =item.handleQty || 0
- detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
- // item.packList.forEach(cur=>{
- // cur.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
- // })
- })
- // calcTreeHandleQty(this.detailSource);
- this.continueScan()
- this.$forceUpdate()
- }
+ })
+ // calcTreeHandleQty(this.detailSource);
+ this.continueScan()
+ this.$forceUpdate()
+ }
// this.detailSource.forEach(item => {
// item.subList.forEach(detail => {
@@ -483,70 +482,71 @@
setDataBatch(result) {
try {
let that = this
- this.balanceinfo = result.balance
+ this.balanceinfo = result.balance
var packingNumber = result.label.packingNumber;
var batch = result.label.batch;
var qty = result.label.qty;
var itemCode = result.label.itemCode;
var locationCode = result.fromLocationCode;
if (!result.balance) {
// var inventoryStatus = "OK";
var detail = this.detailSource.find(r => r.itemCode == itemCode);
if (detail == undefined) {
this.showErrorMessage("物料号【" + itemCode + "】不在列表中")
} else {
var itemDetail = detail.subList.find(r => {
- return r.batch == batch &&
- r.fromLocationCode == result.fromLocationCode&&
- r.packingNumber==packingNumber
- })
- //扫描的数据不在任务中,添加到列表
- if (itemDetail == undefined) {
- var item ={
- scaned:true,
- packingNumber:packingNumber,
- fromLocationCode:this.fromLocationCode,
- toLocationCode:this.toLocationCode,
- batch:result.label.batch,
- handleQty:result.label.qty,
- qty:0,
- inventoryStatus:result.balance.inventoryStatus,
- toLocation:result.balance.toLocation,
- balance:result.balance,
- balanceQty:result.balance.qty,
- packQty:result.package.packQty,
- packUnit:result.package.packUnit,
- uom:result.balance.uom,
- isRecommTaskItem:false,//不是推荐任务中的任务
- }
- detail.subList.push(item)
- //计算数量
- detail.handleQty = 0
- detail.qty = 0
- detail.subList.forEach(item=>{
- item.handleQty =item.handleQty || 0
- detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty,item.handleQty)
- detail.qty = calc.add(detail.qty,item.qty)
- })
- setTimeout(r => {
- that.resizeCollapse();
- that.$forceUpdate()
- }, 100)
- }else {
- itemDetail.handleQty=calc.add(itemDetail.handleQty,result.label.qty)
+ return r.batch == batch &&
+ r.fromLocationCode == result.fromLocationCode &&
+ r.packingNumber == packingNumber
+ })
+ //扫描的数据不在任务中,添加到列表
+ if (itemDetail == undefined) {
+ var item = {
+ scaned: true,
+ packingNumber: packingNumber,
+ fromLocationCode: this.fromLocationCode,
+ toLocationCode: this.toLocationCode,
+ batch: result.label.batch,
+ handleQty: result.label.qty,
+ qty: 0,
+ inventoryStatus: result.balance.inventoryStatus,
+ toLocation: result.balance.toLocation,
+ balance: result.balance,
+ balanceQty: result.balance.qty,
+ packQty: result.package.packQty,
+ packUnit: result.package.packUnit,
+ uom: result.balance.uom,
+ isRecommTaskItem: false, //不是推荐任务中的任务
+ supplierCode: result.label.supplierCode
+ detail.subList.push(item)
+ //计算数量
+ detail.handleQty = 0
+ detail.qty = 0
+ detail.subList.forEach(item => {
+ item.handleQty = item.handleQty || 0
+ detail.handleQty = calc.add(detail.handleQty, item.handleQty)
+ detail.qty = calc.add(detail.qty, item.qty)
+ })
+ setTimeout(r => {
+ that.resizeCollapse();
+ that.$forceUpdate()
+ }, 100)
+ } else {
+ itemDetail.handleQty = calc.add(itemDetail.handleQty, result.label.qty)
+ }
} catch (e) {
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
submit() {
title: "提交中....",
@@ -589,23 +589,22 @@
submitJob() {
var params = this.setParams()
// if (!params.subList || params.subList.length == 0) {
// uni.hideLoading()
// this.showErrorMessage("请扫描您需要提交的发料任务")
// return
// }
- const isTrue = params.subList.some(item=>{
- return item.recordList.some(cur=>cur.scaned) == true
+ const isTrue = params.subList.some(item => {
+ return item.recordList.some(cur => cur.scaned) == true
- if(!isTrue){
- uni.hideLoading()
- this.showErrorMessage("请扫描您需要提交的发料任务")
- return
+ if (!isTrue) {
+ uni.hideLoading()
+ this.showErrorMessage("请扫描您需要提交的发料任务")
+ return
- console.log("提交参数", params);
issueJobSubmit(params).then(res => {
if (res.data) {
@@ -624,43 +623,47 @@
var creator = this.$store.state.user.id
this.detailSource.forEach(toLocationCode => {
let arr = []
- toLocationCode.subList.forEach(record=>{
- if(record.scaned){
- let obj = {...toLocationCode,...record}
- obj.recordList = []
- delete obj.balance
- delete obj.subList
- let obj1 ={}
- obj1.supplierCode = record.supplierCode;
- obj1.batch = record.batch;
- obj1.copyContent =record.copyContent;
- obj1.fromInventoryStatus =record.fromInventoryStatus;
- obj1.fromLocationCode =record.fromLocationCode;
- obj1.handleQty =record.handleQty;
- obj1.inventoryStatus =record.fromInventoryStatus;
- obj1.packQty =record.packQty;
- obj1.packUnit =record.packUnit;
- obj1.packingNumber =record.packingNumber;
- obj1.qty =record.qty;
- obj1.scaned =record.scaned;
- obj1.toLocationCode =record.toLocationCode;
- obj1.fromPackingNumber =record.packingNumber;
- obj1.fromBatch = record.batch;
- obj1.toBatch = record.batch;
- obj1.toInventoryStatus = record.inventoryStatus;
- obj1.toPackingNumber ="";
- obj1.packingNumber = "";
- let single_price = record.balance.singlePrice == null ? 0 : record.balance.singlePrice;
- obj1.singlePrice = single_price;
- obj1.amount = single_price *record.qty;
- obj.recordList.push(obj1)
- subList.push(obj)
+ toLocationCode.subList.forEach(record => {
+ if (record.scaned) {
+ let obj = {
+ ...toLocationCode,
+ ...record
+ }
+ obj.recordList = []
+ delete obj.balance
+ delete obj.subList
+ let obj1 = {}
+ obj1.supplierCode = record.supplierCode;
+ obj1.batch = record.batch;
+ obj1.copyContent = record.copyContent;
+ obj1.fromInventoryStatus = record.fromInventoryStatus;
+ obj1.fromLocationCode = record.fromLocationCode;
+ obj1.handleQty = record.handleQty;
+ obj1.inventoryStatus = record.fromInventoryStatus;
+ obj1.packQty = record.packQty;
+ obj1.packUnit = record.packUnit;
+ obj1.packingNumber = record.packingNumber;
+ obj1.qty = record.qty;
+ obj1.scaned = record.scaned;
+ obj1.toLocationCode = record.toLocationCode;
+ obj1.fromPackingNumber = record.packingNumber;
+ obj1.fromBatch = record.batch;
+ obj1.toBatch = record.batch;
+ obj1.toInventoryStatus = record.inventoryStatus;
+ obj1.toPackingNumber = "";
+ obj1.packingNumber = "";
+ let single_price = record.balance.singlePrice == null ? 0 : record.balance
+ .singlePrice;
+ obj1.singlePrice = single_price;
+ obj1.amount = single_price * record.qty;
+ obj.recordList.push(obj1)
+ subList.push(obj)
this.jobContent.subList = subList
this.jobContent.creator = creator;
return this.jobContent;
@@ -697,10 +700,10 @@
updateData(record) {
- this.detailSource.forEach(item=>{
- item.handleQty = 0
- item.subList.forEach(cur=>{
- item.handleQty = calc.add(cur.handleQty,item.handleQty)
+ this.detailSource.forEach(item => {
+ item.handleQty = 0
+ item.subList.forEach(cur => {
+ item.handleQty = calc.add(cur.handleQty, item.handleQty)
@@ -709,33 +712,33 @@
// this.autoCommit()
- autoCommit(){
- let str=""
- let str1=""
- let str2=""
- let str3=""
+ autoCommit() {
+ let str = ""
+ let str1 = ""
+ let str2 = ""
+ let str3 = ""
let isTrue = true
- this.detailSource.forEach(detail=>{
- var itemHandleQty=0
- detail.subList.forEach(item=>{
+ this.detailSource.forEach(detail => {
+ var itemHandleQty = 0
+ detail.subList.forEach(item => {
- if(item.scaned){
- itemHandleQty=calc.add(itemHandleQty,item.handleQty)
+ if (item.scaned) {
+ itemHandleQty = calc.add(itemHandleQty, item.handleQty)
- if(itemHandleQtydetail.qty){
- str1 += `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】提交数量【${detail.handleQty}】不允许大于任务数量【${detail.qty}\n】`
+ if (itemHandleQty > detail.qty) {
+ str1 += `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】提交数量【${detail.handleQty}】不允许大于任务数量【${detail.qty}\n】`
if (this.jobContent.allowSmallerQty == "FALSE") {
if (str) {
str = '不允许提交\n' + str
@@ -750,15 +753,15 @@
if (str2) {
str2 = '不允许提交\n' + str2
- if(str3){
- str3 = str3+"是否提交"
+ if (str3) {
+ str3 = str3 + "是否提交"
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage1(str3, 'red', res => {
if (res) {
@@ -767,48 +770,50 @@
- }else {
+ } else {
this.$throttle(this.submit, 2000, this)()
- autoCommit11(){
- // this.$throttle(this.submit, 2000, this)()
- // this.jobContent.allowSmallerQty = 'FALSE'
- // this.jobContent.allowBiggerQty = 'FALSE'
- let str=""
- let str1=""
- let str2=""
- let str3=""
+ autoCommit11() {
+ // this.$throttle(this.submit, 2000, this)()
+ // this.jobContent.allowSmallerQty = 'FALSE'
+ // this.jobContent.allowBiggerQty = 'FALSE'
+ let str = ""
+ let str1 = ""
+ let str2 = ""
+ let str3 = ""
let isTrue = true
this.detailSource.forEach(detail => {
- const isScaned = detail.subList.some(cur=>cur.scaned)
- if(isScaned){
- if(parseFloat(detail.handleQty) cur.scaned)
+ if (isScaned) {
+ if (parseFloat(detail.handleQty) < parseFloat(detail.qty)) {
+ str += `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】提交数量【${detail.handleQty}】不允许小于任务数量【${detail.qty}】\n`
- if(parseFloat(detail.handleQty)>parseFloat(detail.qty)){
- str1 += `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】提交数量【${detail.handleQty}】不允许大于任务数量【${detail.qty}\n】`
+ if (parseFloat(detail.handleQty) > parseFloat(detail.qty)) {
+ str1 += `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】提交数量【${detail.handleQty}】不允许大于任务数量【${detail.qty}\n】`
detail.subList.forEach(item => {
- if(item.scaned){
- if(parseFloat(item.handleQty)>parseFloat(item.balance.qty)){
- str2 += `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】批次【${item.batch}】提交数量【${parseFloat(item.handleQty)}】不可以大于库存数量【${item.balance.qty}】\n`
+ if (item.scaned) {
+ if (parseFloat(item.handleQty) > parseFloat(item.balance.qty)) {
+ str2 +=
+ `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】批次【${item.batch}】提交数量【${parseFloat(item.handleQty)}】不可以大于库存数量【${item.balance.qty}】\n`
- if(item.isRecommTaskItem){//扫描推荐任务中的任务时候才有这个提示
+ if (item.isRecommTaskItem) { //扫描推荐任务中的任务时候才有这个提示
item.handleQty = item.handleQty || 0
- if(item.handleQty == 0 && isTrue){
+ if (item.handleQty == 0 && isTrue) {
isTrue = false
str3 = '推荐的箱码没扫,'
- if(parseFloat(item.handleQty)!=parseFloat(item.qty)){
- str3 += `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】批次【${item.batch}】扫描数量【${parseFloat(item.handleQty)}】和任务数量【${item.qty}】不一致\n`
+ if (parseFloat(item.handleQty) != parseFloat(item.qty)) {
+ str3 +=
+ `物料号【${detail.itemCode}】批次【${item.batch}】扫描数量【${parseFloat(item.handleQty)}】和任务数量【${item.qty}】不一致\n`
@@ -826,15 +831,15 @@
if (str2) {
str2 = '不允许提交\n' + str2
- if(str3){
- str3 = str3+"是否提交"
+ if (str3) {
+ str3 = str3 + "是否提交"
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage1(str3, 'red', res => {
if (res) {
@@ -843,7 +848,7 @@
- }else {
+ } else {
this.$throttle(this.submit, 2000, this)()
@@ -932,7 +937,7 @@
closeScanPopup() {
// this.updateCommitBtn();
- confirmFromLocation(fromLocationCodeParams){
+ confirmFromLocation(fromLocationCodeParams) {
this.fromLocationCode = fromLocationCodeParams
diff --git a/src/pages/issue/record/directIssueByBatch.vue b/src/pages/issue/record/directIssueByBatch.vue
index 65531537..4be17a26 100644
--- a/src/pages/issue/record/directIssueByBatch.vue
+++ b/src/pages/issue/record/directIssueByBatch.vue
@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(balance, pack); //
newDetail.packingNumber = pack.number
newDetail.handleQty =label.qty
+ newDetail.supplierCode =label.supplierCode
} else {
@@ -260,6 +261,7 @@
let newDetail = createDetailInfo(balance, pack);
newDetail.packingNumber = pack.number
newDetail.handleQty =label.qty
+ newDetail.supplierCode =label.supplierCode
} else {
@@ -455,7 +457,6 @@
var params = {
- console.log("提交参数", JSON.stringify(params));
const isHaveItem = params.subList.find(item => item.handleQty > item.balanceQty)
if (isHaveItem) {
@@ -520,7 +521,8 @@
fromPackUnit: detail.packUnit,
toPackUnit: detail.packUnit,
fromPackQty: detail.packQty,
- toPackQty: detail.packQty
+ toPackQty: detail.packQty,
+ supplierCode:detail.supplierCode