7 changed files with 2139 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="" style="width: 100%;"> |
<view class="uni-flex uni-row space-between " style="align-items: center;" > |
<view class=""> |
<item :dataContent="dataContent" style="margin-left: 15rpx;"></item> |
<pack :packingCode="dataContent.packingNumber"></pack> |
<batch :batch="dataContent.batch"></batch> |
</view> |
<view class=""> |
<view class="uni-flex uni-row"> |
<compareQty :dataContent="dataContent" :recommendQty="dataContent.recommendQty" |
:handleQty="dataContent.handleQty" |
> </compareQty> |
</view> |
<!-- <view v-if="dataContent.scaned" style="margin-top: 10rpx; float: right;"> |
<button type="primary" size="mini" @click="edit">编辑</button> |
</view> --> |
<view class="uni-flex uni-row" style="vertical-align:center" v-if="isDevlement()"> |
<text style="font-size: 30rpx;color: #2979ff; " @click="copy">复制采购</text> |
<text style="font-size: 30rpx;color: #2979ff;" @click="copyPro">|制品</text> |
</view> |
<!-- <move-status :fromInventoryStatus="dataContent.inventoryStatus" > |
</move-status> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import item from '@/mycomponents/item/item.vue' |
import pack from '@/mycomponents/balance/pack.vue' |
import batch from '@/mycomponents/balance/batch.vue' |
import compareQty from '@/mycomponents/qty/compareQty.vue' |
import moveStatus from '@/mycomponents/balance/moveStatus.vue' |
import config from '@/static/config.js' |
export default { |
components: { |
item, |
pack, |
batch, |
compareQty, |
moveStatus |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
}; |
}, |
// 此处定义传入的数据 |
props: { |
dataContent: { |
type: Object, |
default: null |
}, |
handleQty: { |
type: Number, |
default: 0 |
}, |
isShowBalanceQty: { |
type: Boolean, |
default: true |
}, |
showStdPack: { |
type: Boolean, |
default: false |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
edit(){ |
this.$emit('editItem',this.dataContent) |
}, |
isDevlement() { |
return config.isDevelopment; |
}, |
copy() { |
// HPQ;V1.0;ICE115F11161AG;PP20230427000026;B20230427002;Q100 |
var content = "HPQ;V1.0;I" + this.dataContent.itemCode + ";P" + this.dataContent.packingNumber + ";B" + this.dataContent |
.batch + ";Q" + this.dataContent.qty |
// #ifdef H5 |
this.$copyText(content).then( |
res => { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '复制采购标签成功', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
) |
// #endif |
// #ifndef H5 |
uni.setClipboardData({ |
data: content, |
success: () => { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '复制采购标签成功' |
}) |
} |
}) |
// #endif |
}, |
copyPro() { |
// HPQ;V1.0;ICE115F11161AG;PP20230427000026;B20230427002;Q100 |
var content = "HMQ;V1.0;I" + this.dataContent.itemCode + ";P" + this.dataContent.packingNumber + ";B" + this.dataContent |
.batch + ";Q" + this.dataContent.qty |
// #ifdef H5 |
this.$copyText(content).then( |
res => { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '复制制品标签成功', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
) |
// #endif |
// #ifndef H5 |
uni.setClipboardData({ |
data: content, |
success: () => { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '复制制品标签成功' |
}) |
} |
}) |
// #endif |
}, |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,650 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="page-wraper"> |
<view class="header"> |
<view class=""> |
<job-top :dataContent="jobContent"></job-top> |
</view> |
<view class="cen_card" style="padding-top: 10rpx;padding-bottom: 10rpx;"> |
<view class="cell_box uni-flex uni-row" style=" font-weight: bold;"> |
<view class="cell_info" style="color: #000"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">阶段</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{getCountStageName(jobContent.stage)}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">策略</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{ isOpenCount(jobContent.isOpenCount) }}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">库位</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{fromLocationCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">已扫描</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{scanCount}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<u-line color="#D8D8D8" style="margin-bottom: 10rpx"></u-line> |
<view style="margin-top: 160rpx; margin-bottom: 50rpx;"> |
<u-line color="#D8D8D8" style="margin-bottom: 15rpx"></u-line> |
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="" style="margin-bottom: 50px;"> |
<view class="detail-list" v-for="(item, index) in showList" :key="item.id"> |
<uni-swipe-action ref="swipeAction"> |
<uni-swipe-action-item @click="swipeClick($event,item)" |
:right-options="item.scaned?scanOptions:detailOptions"> |
<view class="uni-flex uni-row " style="align-items: center;" |
:class="item.scaned?'scan_view':'item'"> |
<view class="" style="font-size: 30rpx; font-weight: bold;"> |
{{index+1}}. |
</view> |
<comCountDetailcards :ref="'countDetail_'+index" :dataContent="item" :index="index" |
@editItem="editItem" :settingParam="jobContent" @remove="updateData" |
@updateData="updateData"> |
</comCountDetailcards> |
</view> |
<view class='split_line'></view> |
</uni-swipe-action-item> |
</uni-swipe-action> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<uni-load-more :status="loadingType" v-if="showList.length>0" /> |
</view> |
<view class="page-footer"> |
<view class="uni-flex u-col-center space-between padding_10" |
style="background-color:ghostwhite; width: 100%; "> |
<view class=""> |
</view> |
<view class=" uni-flex uni-row"> |
<button class="btn_single_commit" hover-class="btn_commit_after" @click="commit">提交</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<win-scan-button @goScan='openScanPopup'></win-scan-button> |
<win-scan-pack-and-location ref="scanPopup" :noShowBalanceMessage="true" :queryBalance="false" @getResult='getScanResult'> |
</win-scan-pack-and-location> |
<count-qty-edit ref="countQtyEdit" @confirm="editConfirm" @close="editClose" :isShowStatus="true" |
:allowEditStatus="editInventoryStatus" :isShowBalance="jobContent.isOpenCount=='TRUE'"> |
</count-qty-edit> |
<detail-info-popup ref="detailInfoPopup"></detail-info-popup> |
<comMessage ref="comMessage"></comMessage> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
getCountJobDetail, |
takeCountJob, |
cancleTakeCountJob, |
countJobSubmit |
} from '@/api/request2.js'; |
import { |
calc |
} from '@/common/calc.js'; |
import { |
Decimal |
} from 'decimal.js'; //引入 |
import { |
goHome, |
navigateBack, |
getPackingNumberAndBatch, |
compare |
} from '@/common/basic.js'; |
import { |
getCountStageName |
} from '@/common/directory.js'; |
import { |
getDetailOption, |
getDetailEditRemoveOption, |
getClearOption |
} from '@/common/array.js'; |
import winScanButton from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanButton.vue' |
import winScanPack from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPack.vue' |
import comCountDetailcards from '@/pages/count/coms/comCountDetailcards.vue' |
import winScanPackAndLocation from "@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPackAndLocation.vue" |
import countQtyEdit from '@/mycomponents/qty/countQtyEdit.vue' |
import jobTop from '@/mycomponents/job/jobTop.vue' |
import detailInfoPopup from '@/pages/count/coms/detailInfoPopup.vue' |
export default { |
name: 'receipt_detail', |
components: { |
winScanButton, |
winScanPack, |
comCountDetailcards, |
winScanPackAndLocation, |
countQtyEdit, |
jobTop, |
detailInfoPopup |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
id: '', |
receiptJob: {}, |
fromLocationCode: '', |
isShowPackingCode: true, |
jobContent: {}, //任务内容 |
subList: [], //接口返回的任务subList |
detailSource: [], //绑定在页面上的数据源 |
balance: {}, //库存余额 |
editInventoryStatus: false, |
package: {}, //包装 |
label: {}, //标签 |
currentEditItem: {}, |
jobStatus: "", |
allCount: 0, |
scanCount: 0, |
index: 0, |
pageSize: 20, |
showList: [], |
loadingType: "", |
allDetails: [], |
scanOptions: [], |
detailOptions: [], |
}; |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.id = option.id; |
if (this.id != undefined) { |
//新建的任务自动接收 |
if (option.status == "1") { |
this.receive((callback => { |
this.getDetail(); |
})); |
} else { |
this.getDetail(); |
} |
} |
this.detailOptions = getDetailOption(); |
this.scanOptions = getDetailEditRemoveOption(); |
}, |
//返回首页 |
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) { |
if (e.index === 0) { |
goHome(); |
} |
}, |
//拦截返回按钮事件 |
onBackPress(e) { |
//已经接收但是没提交任务 |
if (e.from === 'backbutton') { |
if (this.jobStatus == "2") { |
//取消承接任务 |
cancleTakeCountJob(this.id).then(res => { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}) |
} else { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
} |
return true; |
} |
}, |
onPullDownRefresh() { |
this.initList(); |
uni.stopPullDownRefresh(); |
}, |
mounted() { |
}, |
onReachBottom() { |
console.log("onReachBottom") |
//避免多次触发 |
if (this.loadingType == 'nomore') { |
return; |
} |
this.index++; |
var list = this.getDataPage(this.index, this.pageSize) |
if (list.length > 0) { |
// this.showList=list |
this.showList = this.showList.concat(list) |
} else { |
//没有更多了 |
this.loadingType = "nomore"; |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
//接收 |
receive(callback) { |
if (this.id != null) { |
takeCountJob(this.id).then(res => { |
callback(); |
}).catch(error => { |
this.showErrorMessage(error) |
}) |
} |
}, |
getDetail() { |
var that = this; |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "加载中....", |
mask: true |
}); |
getCountJobDetail(that.id).then(res => { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
if (res.data == null) { |
that.showMessage('未获取到详情'); |
} else { |
that.jobContent = res.data; |
that.jobStatus = res.data.status; |
that.fromLocationCode = that.jobContent.locationCode; |
// res.data.subList.forEach(item => { |
// item.recommendQty = item.qty |
// item.handleQty = 0 |
// item.countTime = new Date() |
// item.fromLocationCode =that.fromLocationCode; |
// }) |
// that.allDetails = res.data.subList; |
// that.allCount = res.data.subList.length; |
that.initList() |
} |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.hideLoading() |
this.showErrorMessage(error) |
}) |
}, |
initList() { |
this.index = 1; |
this.showList = [] |
this.loadingType = ""; |
this.showList = this.getDataPage(this.index, this.pageSize) |
}, |
getDataPage(pageNo, pageSize) { |
//计算总页数 |
var totalPages = Math.ceil(this.allCount / pageSize); |
//当前页起始索引 |
const start = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize; |
const end = start + pageSize; //当前页结束索引 |
return this.allDetails.slice(start, end) |
}, |
swipeClick(e, item) { |
if (e.content.text == "详情") { |
this.detail(item) |
} else if (e.content.text == "编辑") { |
this.editItem(item) |
} else if (e.content.text == "移除") { |
this.remove(item) |
} |
}, |
detail(item) { |
this.showItem = item; |
this.$refs.detailInfoPopup.openPopup(item); |
}, |
remove(item, index) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("确定移除扫描信息?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
item.scaned = false; |
item.handleQty = 0; |
this.$emit('removePack') |
} |
}); |
}, |
updateData() {}, |
openScanPopup() { |
var fromlocationList = []; |
fromlocationList.push(this.fromLocationCode) |
this.$refs.scanPopup.openScanPopupForJob(this.fromLocationCode, fromlocationList, this.jobContent); |
}, |
closeScanPopup() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.closeScanPopup(); |
} |
}, |
scanPopupGetFocus() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.packGetFocus(); |
} |
}, |
scanPopupLoseFocus() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.packLoseFocus(); |
} |
}, |
//盲盘 |
getScanResult(result) { |
var itemCode = result.label.itemCode |
var packingNumber = result.label.packingNumber |
var pack = result.package |
var batch = result.label.batch |
var inventoryStatus = "OK" |
var qty = result.label.qty ? result.label.qty : 0; |
//按物料、箱码、批次、状态匹配 |
let items = this.allDetails.filter(r => |
r.itemCode === itemCode && |
r.packingNumber === packingNumber && |
r.batch === batch && |
r.inventoryStatus === inventoryStatus) |
//不在任务列表中,是否添加库存 |
if (items.length == 0) { |
var detail = this.createAddDetailInfo(pack,qty) |
detail.countTime = new Date(); |
this.allDetails.push(detail) |
this.updateList(); |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopupShowSeconds(detail, |
null); |
} else { |
var selectItem = items[0] |
//已经扫描 |
if (selectItem.scaned) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("包装【" + result.label.packingNumber + |
"】已经完成盘点,是否要编辑盘点结果?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
this.currentEditItem = selectItem; |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopup(selectItem, |
null); |
} else { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
} |
}) |
} else { |
//未扫描,赋值 |
selectItem.scaned = true; |
selectItem.recommendQty =Number(qty); |
selectItem.handleQty = Number(qty) |
selectItem.packQty = pack.packQty |
selectItem.packUnit = pack.packUnit |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopupShowSeconds(selectItem, |
null); |
selectItem.countTime = new Date(); |
this.updateList(); |
} |
} |
}, |
editConfirm(qty, inventoryStatus, mode) { |
let that = this; |
//编辑 |
if (mode == 'edit') { |
this.currentEditItem.handleQty = qty; |
this.currentEditItem.inventoryStatus = inventoryStatus; |
} |
//重新排序 |
this.currentEditItem.countTime = new Date(); |
this.updateList(); |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
updateList() { |
this.allDetails.sort(compare('countTime')); //按扫描信息排序 |
this.initList() |
this.scanPopupLoseFocus() |
this.calcAllCount() |
this.calcScanCount() |
}, |
calcAllCount() { |
this.allCount = this.allDetails.length; |
}, |
calcScanCount() { |
this.scanCount = this.allDetails.filter(r => r.scaned === true).length; |
}, |
editClose() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
//创建盘盈的明细 |
createAddDetailInfo(pack,qty) { |
var detail = { |
id: this.jobContent.masterId, //新增的明细 |
scaned: true, |
countDetailNumber: "", |
ownerCode: "", |
packingNumber: pack.number, |
containerNumber: "", |
batch: pack.batch, |
inventoryStatus: "OK", |
itemCode: pack.itemCode, |
itemName: pack.itemName, |
itemDesc1: pack.itemDesc1, |
itemDesc2: pack.itemDesc2, |
packQty: pack.packQty, |
packUnit: pack.packUnit, |
projectCode: "", |
recommendQty:Number(qty), |
qty: Number(qty), |
handleQty: Number(qty), |
uom: pack.uom, |
number: pack.number, |
remark: "", |
countQty: 0, |
balanceQty: 0, |
fromLocationCode: this.fromLocationCode, |
creator: this.$store.state.user.id, |
countTime: new Date() |
} |
return detail; |
}, |
commit() { |
this.calcAllCount() |
this.calcScanCount() |
if (this.scanCount == this.allCount) { |
this.submitJob(); |
} else if (this.scanCount < this.allCount) { |
//扫描数量小于任务数量,判断是否允许部分提交 |
if (this.jobContent.allowPartialComplete == "TRUE") { |
//提交 |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("已经扫描[" + this.scanCount + |
"]总共[" + |
this.allCount + "],是否把未扫描的盘点数量设置为0?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
this.allDetails.forEach(item => { |
if (!item.scaned) { |
item.scaned = true; |
item.handleQty = 0 |
} |
}) |
this.submitJob(); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
//不允许部分提交,提示 |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage('请完成扫描后,再进行提交<br>' + "已经扫描[" + this.scanCount + |
"]总共[" + this |
.getTotalCount() + "]", res => { |
if (res) { |
this.openScanPopup(); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
}, |
submitJob() { |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "提交中....", |
mask: true |
}); |
var params = this.setParams() |
console.log("提交参数", JSON.stringify(params)); |
countJobSubmit(params).then(res => { |
uni.hideLoading() |
if (res.data) { |
this.showCommitSuccessMessage("提交成功<br>生成盘点记录<br>" + res.data) |
} else { |
this.showErrorMessage("提交失败[" + res.msg + "]") |
} |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.hideLoading() |
this.showErrorMessage(error) |
}) |
}, |
setParams() { |
var subList = [] |
var creator = this.$store.state.user.id |
this.allDetails.forEach(item => { |
if (item.scaned) { |
item.countQty = item.handleQty; |
} |
subList.push(item) |
}) |
this.jobContent.subList = subList |
this.jobContent.creator = creator; |
return this.jobContent; |
}, |
showMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
this.afterCloseMessage() |
} |
}); |
}, |
showErrorMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
this.afterCloseMessage() |
} |
}); |
}, |
showScanMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showScanMessage(message); |
}, |
afterCloseMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
closeScanMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
editItem(item) { |
this.currentEditItem = item; |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopup(this.currentEditItem, |
null); |
}, |
showCommitSuccessMessage(hint) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showSuccessMessage(hint, res => { |
navigateBack(1); |
}) |
}, |
getCountStageName(value) { |
return getCountStageName(value) |
}, |
isOpenCount(value) { |
return value == "TRUE" ? "明盘" : "盲盘" |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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@ -0,0 +1,657 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="page-wraper"> |
<view class="header"> |
<view class=""> |
<job-top :dataContent="jobContent"></job-top> |
</view> |
<view class="cen_card" style="padding-top: 10rpx;padding-bottom: 10rpx;"> |
<view class="cell_box uni-flex uni-row" style=" font-weight: bold;"> |
<view class="cell_info" style="color: #000"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">阶段</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{getCountStageName(jobContent.stage)}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">策略</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{ isOpenCount(jobContent.isOpenCount) }}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">库位</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{fromLocationCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">总数</view> |
<view style="color: #000"> {{allCount}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">已扫描</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{scanCount}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style="margin-top: 170rpx; margin-bottom: 50rpx;"> |
<u-line color="#D8D8D8" style="margin-bottom: 15rpx"></u-line> |
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="" style="margin-bottom: 50px;"> |
<view class="detail-list" v-for="(item, index) in showList" :key="item.id"> |
<uni-swipe-action ref="swipeAction"> |
<uni-swipe-action-item @click="swipeClick($event,item)" |
:right-options="item.scaned?scanOptions:detailOptions"> |
<view class="uni-flex uni-row " style="align-items: center;" |
:class="item.scaned?'scan_view':'item'"> |
<view class="" style="font-size: 30rpx; font-weight: bold;"> |
{{index+1}}. |
</view> |
<comCountDetailcards :ref="'countDetail_'+index" :dataContent="item" :index="index" |
@editItem="editItem" :settingParam="jobContent" @remove="updateData" |
@updateData="updateData"> |
</comCountDetailcards> |
</view> |
<view class='split_line'></view> |
</uni-swipe-action-item> |
</uni-swipe-action> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<uni-load-more :status="loadingType" v-if="showList.length>0" /> |
</view> |
<view class="page-footer"> |
<view class="uni-flex u-col-center space-between padding_10" |
style="background-color:ghostwhite; width: 100%; "> |
<view class=""> |
</view> |
<view class=" uni-flex uni-row"> |
<button class="btn_single_commit" hover-class="btn_commit_after" @click="commit">提交</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<win-scan-button @goScan='openScanPopup'></win-scan-button> |
<win-scan-pack-and-location ref="scanPopup" :noShowBalanceMessage="true" @getCountScanResult='getScanResult'> |
</win-scan-pack-and-location> |
<count-qty-edit ref="countQtyEdit" @confirm="editConfirm" @close="editClose" :isShowStatus="true" |
:allowEditStatus="editInventoryStatus" :isShowBalance="jobContent.isOpenCount=='TRUE'"> |
</count-qty-edit> |
<detail-info-popup ref="detailInfoPopup"></detail-info-popup> |
<comMessage ref="comMessage"></comMessage> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
getCountJobDetail, |
takeCountJob, |
cancleTakeCountJob, |
countJobSubmit |
} from '@/api/request2.js'; |
import { |
calc |
} from '@/common/calc.js'; |
import { |
Decimal |
} from 'decimal.js'; //引入 |
import { |
goHome, |
navigateBack, |
getPackingNumberAndBatch, |
compare |
} from '@/common/basic.js'; |
import { |
getCountStageName |
} from '@/common/directory.js'; |
import { |
getDetailOption, |
getDetailEditRemoveOption, |
getClearOption |
} from '@/common/array.js'; |
import winScanButton from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanButton.vue' |
import winScanPack from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPack.vue' |
import comCountDetailcards from '@/pages/count/coms/comCountDetailcards.vue' |
import winScanPackAndLocation from "@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPackAndLocation.vue" |
import countQtyEdit from '@/mycomponents/qty/countQtyEdit.vue' |
import jobTop from '@/mycomponents/job/jobTop.vue' |
import detailInfoPopup from '@/pages/count/coms/detailInfoPopup.vue' |
export default { |
name: 'receipt_detail', |
components: { |
winScanButton, |
winScanPack, |
comCountDetailcards, |
winScanPackAndLocation, |
countQtyEdit, |
jobTop, |
detailInfoPopup |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
id: '', |
receiptJob: {}, |
fromLocationCode: '', |
isShowPackingCode: true, |
jobContent: {}, //任务内容 |
subList: [], //接口返回的任务subList |
detailSource: [], //绑定在页面上的数据源 |
balance: {}, //库存余额 |
editInventoryStatus: false, |
package: {}, //包装 |
label: {}, //标签 |
currentEditItem: {}, |
jobStatus: "", |
allCount: 0, |
scanCount: 0, |
index: 0, |
pageSize: 20, |
showList: [], |
loadingType: "", |
allDetails: [], |
scanOptions: [], |
detailOptions: [], |
}; |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.id = option.id; |
if (this.id != undefined) { |
//新建的任务自动接收 |
if (option.status == "1") { |
this.receive((callback => { |
this.getDetail(); |
})); |
} else { |
this.getDetail(); |
} |
} |
this.detailOptions = getDetailOption(); |
this.scanOptions = getDetailEditRemoveOption(); |
}, |
//返回首页 |
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) { |
if (e.index === 0) { |
goHome(); |
} |
}, |
//拦截返回按钮事件 |
onBackPress(e) { |
//已经接收但是没提交任务 |
if (e.from === 'backbutton') { |
if (this.jobStatus == "2") { |
//取消承接任务 |
cancleTakeCountJob(this.id).then(res => { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}) |
} else { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
} |
return true; |
} |
}, |
onPullDownRefresh() { |
this.initList(); |
uni.stopPullDownRefresh(); |
}, |
mounted() { |
}, |
onReachBottom() { |
console.log("onReachBottom") |
//避免多次触发 |
if (this.loadingType == 'nomore') { |
return; |
} |
this.index++; |
var list = this.getDataPage(this.index, this.pageSize) |
if (list.length > 0) { |
// this.showList=list |
this.showList = this.showList.concat(list) |
} else { |
//没有更多了 |
this.loadingType = "nomore"; |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
//接收 |
receive(callback) { |
if (this.id != null) { |
takeCountJob(this.id).then(res => { |
callback(); |
}).catch(error => { |
this.showErrorMessage(error) |
}) |
} |
}, |
getDetail() { |
var that = this; |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "加载中....", |
mask: true |
}); |
getCountJobDetail(that.id).then(res => { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
if (res.data == null) { |
that.showMessage('未获取到详情'); |
} else { |
that.jobContent = res.data; |
that.jobStatus = res.data.status; |
that.fromLocationCode = that.jobContent.locationCode; |
res.data.subList.forEach(item => { |
item.recommendQty = item.qty |
item.handleQty = 0 |
item.countTime = new Date() |
item.fromLocationCode =that.fromLocationCode; |
}) |
that.allDetails = res.data.subList; |
that.allCount = res.data.subList.length; |
that.initList() |
} |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.hideLoading() |
this.showErrorMessage(error) |
}) |
}, |
initList() { |
this.index = 1; |
this.showList = [] |
this.loadingType = ""; |
this.showList = this.getDataPage(this.index, this.pageSize) |
}, |
getDataPage(pageNo, pageSize) { |
//计算总页数 |
var totalPages = Math.ceil(this.allCount / pageSize); |
//当前页起始索引 |
const start = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize; |
const end = start + pageSize; //当前页结束索引 |
return this.allDetails.slice(start, end) |
}, |
swipeClick(e, item) { |
if (e.content.text == "详情") { |
this.detail(item) |
} else if (e.content.text == "编辑") { |
this.editItem(item) |
} else if (e.content.text == "移除") { |
this.remove(item) |
} |
}, |
detail(item) { |
this.showItem = item; |
this.$refs.detailInfoPopup.openPopup(item); |
}, |
remove(item, index) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("确定移除扫描信息?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
item.scaned = false; |
item.handleQty = 0; |
this.$emit('removePack') |
} |
}); |
}, |
updateData() {}, |
openScanPopup() { |
var fromlocationList = []; |
fromlocationList.push(this.fromLocationCode) |
this.$refs.scanPopup.openScanPopupForJob(this.fromLocationCode, fromlocationList, this.jobContent); |
}, |
closeScanPopup() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.closeScanPopup(); |
} |
}, |
scanPopupGetFocus() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.packGetFocus(); |
} |
}, |
scanPopupLoseFocus() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.packLoseFocus(); |
} |
}, |
//明盘 |
getScanResult(result) { |
var itemCode = result.label.itemCode |
var packingNumber = result.label.packingNumber |
var pack = result.package |
var batch = result.label.batch |
var inventoryStatus = result.balance ? result.balance.inventoryStatus : "OK" |
var qty = result.balance ? result.balance.qty : 0; |
//按物料、箱码、批次、状态匹配 |
let items = this.allDetails.filter(r => |
r.itemCode === itemCode && |
r.packingNumber === packingNumber && |
r.batch === batch && |
r.inventoryStatus === inventoryStatus) |
//不在任务列表中,是否添加库存 |
if (items.length == 0) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("包装【" + result.label.packingNumber + |
"】不在任务列表中,是否要添加到列表中?", |
res => { |
//创建盘点信息,标记为已经扫描 |
if (res) { |
var detail = this.createAddDetailInfo(pack) |
detail.countTime = new Date(); |
this.allDetails.push(detail) |
this.updateList(); |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopupShowSeconds(detail, |
null); |
} else { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
} |
}) |
} else { |
var selectItem = items[0] |
//已经扫描 |
if (selectItem.scaned) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("包装【" + result.label.packingNumber + |
"】已经完成盘点,是否要编辑盘点结果?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
this.currentEditItem = selectItem; |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopup(selectItem, |
null); |
} else { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
} |
}) |
} else { |
//未扫描,赋值 |
selectItem.scaned = true; |
selectItem.handleQty = Number(qty) |
selectItem.packQty = pack.packQty |
selectItem.packUnit = pack.packUnit |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopupShowSeconds(selectItem, |
null); |
selectItem.countTime = new Date(); |
this.updateList(); |
} |
} |
}, |
editConfirm(qty, inventoryStatus, mode) { |
let that = this; |
//编辑 |
if (mode == 'edit') { |
this.currentEditItem.handleQty = qty; |
this.currentEditItem.inventoryStatus = inventoryStatus; |
} |
//重新排序 |
this.currentEditItem.countTime = new Date(); |
this.updateList(); |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
updateList() { |
this.allDetails.sort(compare('countTime')); //按扫描信息排序 |
this.initList() |
this.scanPopupLoseFocus() |
this.calcAllCount() |
this.calcScanCount() |
}, |
calcAllCount() { |
this.allCount = this.allDetails.length; |
}, |
calcScanCount() { |
this.scanCount = this.allDetails.filter(r => r.scaned === true).length; |
}, |
editClose() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
//创建盘盈的明细 |
createAddDetailInfo(pack) { |
var detail = { |
id: this.jobContent.masterId, //新增的明细 |
scaned: true, |
countDetailNumber: "", |
ownerCode: "", |
packingNumber: pack.number, |
containerNumber: "", |
batch: pack.batch, |
inventoryStatus: "OK", |
itemCode: pack.itemCode, |
itemName: pack.itemName, |
itemDesc1: pack.itemDesc1, |
itemDesc2: pack.itemDesc2, |
packQty: pack.packQty, |
packUnit: pack.packUnit, |
projectCode: "", |
qty: 0, |
handleQty: 0, |
uom: pack.uom, |
number: pack.number, |
remark: "", |
countQty: 0, |
balanceQty: 0, |
fromLocationCode: this.fromLocationCode, |
creator: this.$store.state.user.id, |
countTime: new Date() |
} |
return detail; |
}, |
commit() { |
this.calcAllCount() |
this.calcScanCount() |
if (this.scanCount == this.allCount) { |
this.submitJob(); |
} else if (this.scanCount < this.allCount) { |
//扫描数量小于任务数量,判断是否允许部分提交 |
if (this.jobContent.allowPartialComplete == "TRUE") { |
//提交 |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("已经扫描[" + this.scanCount + |
"]总共[" + |
this.allCount + "],是否把未扫描的盘点数量设置为0?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
this.allDetails.forEach(item => { |
if (!item.scaned) { |
item.scaned = true; |
item.handleQty = 0 |
} |
}) |
this.submitJob(); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
//不允许部分提交,提示 |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage('请完成扫描后,再进行提交<br>' + "已经扫描[" + this.scanCount + |
"]总共[" + this |
.getTotalCount() + "]", res => { |
if (res) { |
this.openScanPopup(); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
}, |
submitJob() { |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "提交中....", |
mask: true |
}); |
var params = this.setParams() |
console.log("提交参数", JSON.stringify(params)); |
// countJobSubmit(params).then(res => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// if (res.data) { |
// this.showCommitSuccessMessage("提交成功<br>生成盘点记录<br>" + res.data) |
// } else { |
// this.showErrorMessage("提交失败[" + res.msg + "]") |
// } |
// }).catch(error => { |
// uni.hideLoading() |
// this.showErrorMessage(error) |
// }) |
}, |
setParams() { |
var subList = [] |
var creator = this.$store.state.user.id |
this.allDetails.forEach(item => { |
if (item.scaned) { |
item.countQty = item.handleQty; |
} |
subList.push(item) |
}) |
this.jobContent.subList = subList |
this.jobContent.creator = creator; |
return this.jobContent; |
}, |
showMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
this.afterCloseMessage() |
} |
}); |
}, |
showErrorMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
this.afterCloseMessage() |
} |
}); |
}, |
showScanMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showScanMessage(message); |
}, |
afterCloseMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
closeScanMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
editItem(item) { |
this.currentEditItem = item; |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopup(this.currentEditItem, |
null); |
}, |
showCommitSuccessMessage(hint) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showSuccessMessage(hint, res => { |
navigateBack(1); |
}) |
}, |
getCountStageName(value) { |
return getCountStageName(value) |
}, |
isOpenCount(value) { |
return value == "TRUE" ? "明盘" : "盲盘" |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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background: #e0e0e0; |
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background-color: #fff; |
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background-color: antiquewhite; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,659 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="page-wraper"> |
<view class="header"> |
<view class=""> |
<job-top :dataContent="jobContent"></job-top> |
</view> |
<view class="cen_card" style="padding-top: 10rpx;padding-bottom: 10rpx;"> |
<view class="cell_box uni-flex uni-row" style=" font-weight: bold;"> |
<view class="cell_info" style="color: #000"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">阶段</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{getCountStageName(jobContent.stage)}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">策略</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{ isOpenCount(jobContent.isOpenCount) }}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">库位</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{fromLocationCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">总数</view> |
<view style="color: #000"> {{allCount}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cell_info"> |
<view class="text_lightblue" style="color: #000">已扫描</view> |
<view style="color: #000">{{scanCount}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<u-line color="#D8D8D8" style="margin-bottom: 10rpx"></u-line> |
<view style="margin-top: 160rpx; padding-bottom: 130rpx;"> |
<u-line color="#D8D8D8" style="margin-bottom: 15rpx"></u-line> |
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="" style="margin-bottom: 0px;"> |
<view class="detail-list" v-for="(item, index) in showList" :key="item.id"> |
<uni-swipe-action ref="swipeAction"> |
<uni-swipe-action-item @click="swipeClick($event,item)" |
:right-options="item.scaned?scanOptions:detailOptions"> |
<view class="uni-flex uni-row " style="align-items: center;" |
:class="item.scaned?'scan_view':'item'"> |
<view class="" style="font-size: 30rpx; font-weight: bold;"> |
{{index+1}}. |
</view> |
<comCountDetailcards :ref="'countDetail_'+index" :dataContent="item" :index="index" |
@editItem="editItem" :settingParam="jobContent" @remove="updateData" |
@updateData="updateData"> |
</comCountDetailcards> |
</view> |
<view class='split_line'></view> |
</uni-swipe-action-item> |
</uni-swipe-action> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<uni-load-more :status="loadingType" v-if="showList.length>0" /> |
</view> |
<view class="page-footer"> |
<view class="uni-flex u-col-center space-between padding_10" |
style="background-color:ghostwhite; width: 100%; "> |
<view class=""> |
</view> |
<view class=" uni-flex uni-row"> |
<button class="btn_single_commit" hover-class="btn_commit_after" @click="commit">提交</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<win-scan-button @goScan='openScanPopup'></win-scan-button> |
<win-scan-pack-and-location ref="scanPopup" :noShowBalanceMessage="true" @getCountScanResult='getScanResult'> |
</win-scan-pack-and-location> |
<count-qty-edit ref="countQtyEdit" @confirm="editConfirm" @close="editClose" :isShowStatus="true" |
:allowEditStatus="editInventoryStatus" :isShowBalance="jobContent.isOpenCount=='TRUE'"> |
</count-qty-edit> |
<detail-info-popup ref="detailInfoPopup"></detail-info-popup> |
<comMessage ref="comMessage"></comMessage> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
getCountJobDetail, |
takeCountJob, |
cancleTakeCountJob, |
countJobSubmit |
} from '@/api/request2.js'; |
import { |
calc |
} from '@/common/calc.js'; |
import { |
Decimal |
} from 'decimal.js'; //引入 |
import { |
goHome, |
navigateBack, |
getPackingNumberAndBatch, |
compare |
} from '@/common/basic.js'; |
import { |
getCountStageName |
} from '@/common/directory.js'; |
import { |
getDetailOption, |
getDetailEditRemoveOption, |
getClearOption |
} from '@/common/array.js'; |
import winScanButton from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanButton.vue' |
import winScanPack from '@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPack.vue' |
import comCountDetailcards from '@/pages/count/coms/comCountDetailcards.vue' |
import winScanPackAndLocation from "@/mycomponents/scan/winScanPackAndLocation.vue" |
import countQtyEdit from '@/mycomponents/qty/countQtyEdit.vue' |
import jobTop from '@/mycomponents/job/jobTop.vue' |
import detailInfoPopup from '@/pages/count/coms/detailInfoPopup.vue' |
export default { |
name: 'receipt_detail', |
components: { |
winScanButton, |
winScanPack, |
comCountDetailcards, |
winScanPackAndLocation, |
countQtyEdit, |
jobTop, |
detailInfoPopup |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
id: '', |
receiptJob: {}, |
fromLocationCode: '', |
isShowPackingCode: true, |
jobContent: {}, //任务内容 |
subList: [], //接口返回的任务subList |
detailSource: [], //绑定在页面上的数据源 |
balance: {}, //库存余额 |
editInventoryStatus: false, |
package: {}, //包装 |
label: {}, //标签 |
currentEditItem: {}, |
jobStatus: "", |
allCount: 0, |
scanCount: 0, |
index: 0, |
pageSize: 20, |
showList: [], |
loadingType: "", |
allDetails: [], |
scanOptions: [], |
detailOptions: [], |
}; |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.id = option.id; |
if (this.id != undefined) { |
//新建的任务自动接收 |
if (option.status == "1") { |
this.receive((callback => { |
this.getDetail(); |
})); |
} else { |
this.getDetail(); |
} |
} |
this.detailOptions = getDetailOption(); |
this.scanOptions = getDetailEditRemoveOption(); |
}, |
//返回首页 |
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) { |
if (e.index === 0) { |
goHome(); |
} |
}, |
//拦截返回按钮事件 |
onBackPress(e) { |
//已经接收但是没提交任务 |
if (e.from === 'backbutton') { |
if (this.jobStatus == "2") { |
//取消承接任务 |
cancleTakeCountJob(this.id).then(res => { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
}) |
} else { |
uni.navigateBack(); |
} |
return true; |
} |
}, |
onPullDownRefresh() { |
this.initList(); |
uni.stopPullDownRefresh(); |
}, |
mounted() { |
}, |
onReachBottom() { |
console.log("onReachBottom") |
//避免多次触发 |
if (this.loadingType == 'nomore') { |
return; |
} |
this.index++; |
var list = this.getDataPage(this.index, this.pageSize) |
if (list.length > 0) { |
// this.showList=list |
this.showList = this.showList.concat(list) |
} else { |
//没有更多了 |
this.loadingType = "nomore"; |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
//接收 |
receive(callback) { |
if (this.id != null) { |
takeCountJob(this.id).then(res => { |
callback(); |
}).catch(error => { |
this.showErrorMessage(error) |
}) |
} |
}, |
getDetail() { |
var that = this; |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "加载中....", |
mask: true |
}); |
getCountJobDetail(that.id).then(res => { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
if (res.data == null) { |
that.showMessage('未获取到详情'); |
} else { |
that.jobContent = res.data; |
that.jobStatus = res.data.status; |
that.fromLocationCode = that.jobContent.locationCode; |
res.data.subList.forEach(item => { |
item.recommendQty = item.qty |
item.handleQty = 0 |
item.countTime = new Date() |
item.fromLocationCode =that.fromLocationCode; |
}) |
that.allDetails = res.data.subList; |
that.allCount = res.data.subList.length; |
that.initList() |
} |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.hideLoading() |
this.showErrorMessage(error) |
}) |
}, |
initList() { |
this.index = 1; |
this.showList = [] |
this.loadingType = ""; |
this.showList = this.getDataPage(this.index, this.pageSize) |
}, |
getDataPage(pageNo, pageSize) { |
//计算总页数 |
var totalPages = Math.ceil(this.allCount / pageSize); |
//当前页起始索引 |
const start = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize; |
const end = start + pageSize; //当前页结束索引 |
return this.allDetails.slice(start, end) |
}, |
swipeClick(e, item) { |
if (e.content.text == "详情") { |
this.detail(item) |
} else if (e.content.text == "编辑") { |
this.editItem(item) |
} else if (e.content.text == "移除") { |
this.remove(item) |
} |
}, |
detail(item) { |
this.showItem = item; |
this.$refs.detailInfoPopup.openPopup(item); |
}, |
remove(item, index) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("确定移除扫描信息?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
item.scaned = false; |
item.handleQty = 0; |
this.$emit('removePack') |
} |
}); |
}, |
updateData() {}, |
openScanPopup() { |
var fromlocationList = []; |
fromlocationList.push(this.fromLocationCode) |
this.$refs.scanPopup.openScanPopupForJob(this.fromLocationCode, fromlocationList, this.jobContent); |
}, |
closeScanPopup() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.closeScanPopup(); |
} |
}, |
scanPopupGetFocus() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.packGetFocus(); |
} |
}, |
scanPopupLoseFocus() { |
if (this.$refs.scanPopup != undefined) { |
this.$refs.scanPopup.packLoseFocus(); |
} |
}, |
//明盘 |
getScanResult(result) { |
var itemCode = result.label.itemCode |
var packingNumber = result.label.packingNumber |
var pack = result.package |
var batch = result.label.batch |
var inventoryStatus = result.balance ? result.balance.inventoryStatus : "OK" |
var qty = result.balance ? result.balance.qty : 0; |
//按物料、箱码、批次、状态匹配 |
let items = this.allDetails.filter(r => |
r.itemCode === itemCode && |
r.packingNumber === packingNumber && |
r.batch === batch && |
r.inventoryStatus === inventoryStatus) |
//不在任务列表中,是否添加库存 |
if (items.length == 0) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("包装【" + result.label.packingNumber + |
"】不在任务列表中,是否要添加到列表中?", |
res => { |
//创建盘点信息,标记为已经扫描 |
if (res) { |
var detail = this.createAddDetailInfo(pack,qty) |
detail.countTime = new Date(); |
this.allDetails.push(detail) |
this.updateList(); |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopupShowSeconds(detail, |
null); |
} else { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
} |
}) |
} else { |
var selectItem = items[0] |
//已经扫描 |
if (selectItem.scaned) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("包装【" + result.label.packingNumber + |
"】已经完成盘点,是否要编辑盘点结果?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
this.currentEditItem = selectItem; |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopup(selectItem, |
null); |
} else { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
} |
}) |
} else { |
//未扫描,赋值 |
selectItem.scaned = true; |
selectItem.balanceQty= Number(qty) |
selectItem.handleQty = Number(qty) |
selectItem.packQty = pack.packQty |
selectItem.packUnit = pack.packUnit |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopupShowSeconds(selectItem, |
null); |
selectItem.countTime = new Date(); |
this.updateList(); |
} |
} |
}, |
editConfirm(qty, inventoryStatus, mode) { |
let that = this; |
//编辑 |
if (mode == 'edit') { |
this.currentEditItem.handleQty = qty; |
this.currentEditItem.inventoryStatus = inventoryStatus; |
} |
//重新排序 |
this.currentEditItem.countTime = new Date(); |
this.updateList(); |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
updateList() { |
this.allDetails.sort(compare('countTime')); //按扫描信息排序 |
this.initList() |
this.scanPopupLoseFocus() |
this.calcAllCount() |
this.calcScanCount() |
}, |
calcAllCount() { |
this.allCount = this.allDetails.length; |
}, |
calcScanCount() { |
this.scanCount = this.allDetails.filter(r => r.scaned === true).length; |
}, |
editClose() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
//创建盘盈的明细 |
createAddDetailInfo(pack,qty) { |
var detail = { |
id: this.jobContent.masterId, //新增的明细 |
scaned: true, |
countDetailNumber: "", |
ownerCode: "", |
packingNumber: pack.number, |
containerNumber: "", |
batch: pack.batch, |
inventoryStatus: "OK", |
itemCode: pack.itemCode, |
itemName: pack.itemName, |
itemDesc1: pack.itemDesc1, |
itemDesc2: pack.itemDesc2, |
packQty: pack.packQty, |
packUnit: pack.packUnit, |
projectCode: "", |
recommendQty:Number(qty), |
qty: Number(qty), |
handleQty: Number(qty), |
uom: pack.uom, |
number: pack.number, |
remark: "", |
countQty: 0, |
balanceQty: Number(qty), |
fromLocationCode: this.fromLocationCode, |
creator: this.$store.state.user.id, |
countTime: new Date() |
} |
return detail; |
}, |
commit() { |
this.calcAllCount() |
this.calcScanCount() |
if (this.scanCount == this.allCount) { |
this.submitJob(); |
} else if (this.scanCount < this.allCount) { |
//扫描数量小于任务数量,判断是否允许部分提交 |
if (this.jobContent.allowPartialComplete == "TRUE") { |
//提交 |
this.$refs.comMessage.showQuestionMessage("已经扫描[" + this.scanCount + |
"]总共[" + |
this.allCount + "],是否把未扫描的盘点数量设置为0?", |
res => { |
if (res) { |
this.allDetails.forEach(item => { |
if (!item.scaned) { |
item.scaned = true; |
item.handleQty = 0 |
} |
}) |
this.submitJob(); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
//不允许部分提交,提示 |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage('请完成扫描后,再进行提交<br>' + "已经扫描[" + this.scanCount + |
"]总共[" + this |
.getTotalCount() + "]", res => { |
if (res) { |
this.openScanPopup(); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
}, |
submitJob() { |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: "提交中....", |
mask: true |
}); |
var params = this.setParams() |
console.log("提交参数", JSON.stringify(params)); |
countJobSubmit(params).then(res => { |
uni.hideLoading() |
if (res.data) { |
this.showCommitSuccessMessage("提交成功<br>生成盘点记录<br>" + res.data) |
} else { |
this.showErrorMessage("提交失败[" + res.msg + "]") |
} |
}).catch(error => { |
uni.hideLoading() |
this.showErrorMessage(error) |
}) |
}, |
setParams() { |
var subList = [] |
var creator = this.$store.state.user.id |
this.allDetails.forEach(item => { |
if (item.scaned) { |
item.countQty = item.handleQty; |
} |
subList.push(item) |
}) |
this.jobContent.subList = subList |
this.jobContent.creator = creator; |
return this.jobContent; |
}, |
showMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
this.afterCloseMessage() |
} |
}); |
}, |
showErrorMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showErrorMessage(message, res => { |
if (res) { |
this.afterCloseMessage() |
} |
}); |
}, |
showScanMessage(message) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showScanMessage(message); |
}, |
afterCloseMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
closeScanMessage() { |
this.scanPopupGetFocus(); |
}, |
editItem(item) { |
this.currentEditItem = item; |
this.$refs.countQtyEdit.openEditPopup(this.currentEditItem, |
null); |
}, |
showCommitSuccessMessage(hint) { |
this.$refs.comMessage.showSuccessMessage(hint, res => { |
navigateBack(1); |
}) |
}, |
getCountStageName(value) { |
return getCountStageName(value) |
}, |
isOpenCount(value) { |
return value == "TRUE" ? "明盘" : "盲盘" |
} |
} |
} |
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Reference in new issue