You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
450 lines
12 KiB
450 lines
12 KiB
import type { CrudSchema } from '@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas'
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
import * as QadCostcentreApi from '@/api/wms/qadCostcentre'
import { QadCostcentre } from '@/views/wms/basicDataManage/subject/qadCostcentre/'
import * as InspectionQ1Api from '@/api/qms/inspectionQ1'
import { Q1 } from '@/views/qms/inspectionQ1/'
import * as SupplieritemApi from '@/api/wms/supplieritem'
import { Supplieritem } from '@/views/wms/basicDataManage/supplierManage/supplieritem/'
import * as SupplierApi from '@/api/wms/supplier'
import { Supplier } from '@/views/wms/basicDataManage/supplierManage/supplier/'
import * as PurchasereceiptRecordDetailApi from '@/api/wms/purchasereceiptRecordDetail'
import { PurchasereceiptRecordMain1 } from '@/views/wms/purchasereceiptManage/purchasereturn/purchasereturnRequestMain/'
import { useUserStore } from '@/store/modules/user'
const userStore = useUserStore()
// 表单校验
export const Q2Rules = reactive({
number: [required],
supplierCode: [required],
itemCode: [required],
purchaseReceiptNumber: [required],
qty: [required],
code: [required],
priority: [required],
claimAmount: [required],
costCode: [required],
claimTime: [required],
handleTime: [required],
available: [required],
concurrencyStamp: [required]
export const Q2 = useCrudSchemas(
label: '通知单号',
field: 'number',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: true,
isForm: false,
table: {
width: 150,
fixed: 'left'
label: 'Q1通知单号',
field: 'q1Number',
sort: 'custom',
table: {
width: 150
form: {
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
componentProps: {
enterSearch: true,
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择Q1通知单', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'number', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: 'Q1通知单', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: Q1.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: InspectionQ1Api.getQ1Page, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [
key: 'available',
value: 'TRUE',
isMainValue: false
key: 'status',
value: '0',
isMainValue: false
verificationParams: [{
key: 'number',
action: '==',
value: '',
isMainValue: false,
isSearch: true,
isFormModel: true,
}], // 失去焦点校验参数
isSearch: true
label: '状态',
field: 'status',
sort: 'custom',
dictClass: 'string',
isForm: false,
isSearch: false,
tableForm: {
type: 'Select',
disabled: true
form: {
componentProps: {
disabled: true
label: '供应商编码',
field: 'supplierCode',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: true,
table: {
width: 175
form: {
componentProps: {
enterSearch: true,
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择供应商', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'code', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: '供应商信息', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: Supplier.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: SupplierApi.getSupplierPage, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [
key: 'available',
value: 'TRUE',
isMainValue: false
verificationParams: [{
key: 'code',
action: '==',
value: '',
isMainValue: false,
isSearch: true,
isFormModel: true,
}], // 失去焦点校验参数
label: '物料代码',
field: 'itemCode',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: true,
table: {
width: 190
form: {
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
componentProps: {
enterSearch: true,
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择物料代码', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'itemCode', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: '供应商物料信息', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: Supplieritem.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: SupplieritemApi.getSupplieritemPage, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [
key: 'supplierCode',
value: 'supplierCode',
message: '请填写供应商代码!',
isMainValue: true
key: 'available',
value: 'TRUE',
isMainValue: false
verificationParams: [
key: 'itemCode',
action: '==',
value: '',
isMainValue: false,
isSearch: true,
isFormModel: true
] // 失去焦点校验参数
label: '单位',
field: 'uom',
sort: 'custom',
dictType: DICT_TYPE.UOM,
dictClass: 'string',
isSearch: false,
isTable: true,
tableForm: {
type: 'Select',
disabled: true
form: {
componentProps: {
disabled: true
label: '采购收货单号',
field: 'purchaseReceiptNumber',
sort: 'custom',
table: {
width: 180
form: {
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
componentProps: {
enterSearch: true,
disabled: true,
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择采购收货记录单号', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'number', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: '采购收货记录', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: PurchasereceiptRecordMain1.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: PurchasereceiptRecordDetailApi.getPurchasereceiptRecordDetailPageReturn, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [
key: 'supplierCode',
value: 'supplierCode',
isMainValue: true
key: 'itemCode',
value: 'itemCode',
isMainValue: true
verificationParams: [{
key: 'number',
action: '==',
value: '',
isMainValue: false,
isSearch: true,
isFormModel: true,
}], // 失去焦点校验参数
label: '数量',
field: 'qty',
sort: 'custom',
isTable: false,
isSearch: false,
table: {
width: 150
form: {
component: 'InputNumber',
componentProps: {
min: 0.01,
precision: 2
label: '编码',
field: 'code',
sort: 'custom',
dictClass: 'string',
isSearch: false,
isTable: true,
tableForm: {
type: 'Select'
label: '优先级',
field: 'priority',
sort: 'custom',
dictClass: 'string',
isSearch: false,
isTable: true,
tableForm: {
type: 'Select'
label: '负责用户',
field: 'responUser',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: false,
isForm: true,
form: {
componentProps: {
value: userStore.getUser.nickname,
disabled: true
label: '索赔金额',
field: 'claimAmount',
sort: 'custom',
isTable: false,
isSearch: false,
table: {
width: 150
form: {
component: 'InputNumber',
componentProps: {
min: 0.01,
precision: 2
label: '成本中心代码',
field: 'costCode',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: false,
isTable: true,
isForm: true,
form: {
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
componentProps: {
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择成本中心', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'costcentreCode', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: '成本中心信息', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: QadCostcentre.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: QadCostcentreApi.getQadCostcentrePage, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [
key: 'available',
value: 'TRUE',
isMainValue: false
verificationParams: [{
key: 'costcentreCode',
action: '==',
value: '',
isMainValue: false,
isSearch: true,
isFormModel: true,
}], // 失去焦点校验参数
label: '索赔日期',
field: 'claimTime',
sort: 'custom',
formatter: dateFormatter,
isSearch: false,
search: {
component: 'DatePicker',
componentProps: {
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
type: 'daterange',
defaultTime: [new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')]
form: {
component: 'DatePicker',
componentProps: {
type: 'datetime',
valueFormat: 'x'
label: '处理时间',
field: 'handleTime',
sort: 'custom',
formatter: dateFormatter,
isSearch: false,
isTable: false,
search: {
component: 'DatePicker',
componentProps: {
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
type: 'daterange',
defaultTime: [new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')]
form: {
component: 'DatePicker',
componentProps: {
type: 'datetime',
valueFormat: 'x'
label: '描述',
field: 'desc',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: false,
table: {
width: '150'
form: {
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
type: 'textarea'
label: '是否可用',
field: 'available',
sort: 'custom',
isSearch: false,
isForm: false
label: '创建时间',
field: 'createTime',
sort: 'custom',
formatter: dateFormatter,
isSearch: false,
search: {
component: 'DatePicker',
componentProps: {
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
type: 'daterange',
defaultTime: [new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')]
isForm: false
label: '操作',
field: 'action',
isForm: false,
table: {
width: 150,
fixed: 'right'