import { reactive } from 'vue' import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios' import { findIndex } from '@/utils' import { eachTree, filter, treeMap } from '@/utils/tree' import { getBoolDictOptions, getDictOptions, getIntDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict' import { FormSchema } from '@/types/form' import { TableColumn } from '@/types/table' import { DescriptionsSchema } from '@/types/descriptions' import { TableFormColumn } from '@/types/tableForm' import { ComponentOptions, ComponentProps } from '@/types/components' import { DictTag } from '@/components/DictTag' import { cloneDeep, merge } from 'lodash-es' export type CrudSchema = Omit & { isSearch?: boolean // 是否在查询显示 hiddenSearchHigh?: boolean // 是否隐藏高级筛选 search?: CrudSearchParams // 查询的详细配置 isTable?: boolean // 是否在列表显示 table?: CrudTableParams // 列表的详细配置 isForm?: boolean // 是否在表单显示 form?: CrudFormParams // 表单的详细配置 isDetail?: boolean // 是否在详情显示 detail?: CrudDescriptionsParams // 详情的详细配置 isTableForm?: boolean // 是否在表格嵌套表单显示 tableForm?: CrudTableFormParams // 表格嵌套表单的详细配置 children?: CrudSchema[] dictType?: string // 字典类型 dictClass?: 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' // 字典数据类型 string | number | boolean } type CrudSearchParams = { // 是否显示在查询项 show?: boolean // 接口 api?: () => Promise // 搜索字段 field?: string } & Omit type CrudTableParams = { // 是否显示表头 show?: boolean // 列宽配置 width?: number | string // 最小列宽配置 minWidth?: number | string // 列是否固定在左侧或者右侧 fixed?: 'left' | 'right' } & Omit type CrudFormParams = { // 是否显示表单项 show?: boolean // 接口 api?: () => Promise } & Omit type CrudDescriptionsParams = { // 是否显示表单项 show?: boolean } & Omit type CrudTableFormParams = { // 是否显示表单项 show?: boolean } & Omit interface AllSchemas { searchSchema: FormSchema[] tableColumns: TableColumn[] formSchema: FormSchema[] detailSchema: DescriptionsSchema[] tableFormColumns: TableFormColumn[] tableMainColumns:TableColumn[] } const { t } = useI18n() // 过滤所有结构 export const useCrudSchemas = ( crudSchema: CrudSchema[] ): { allSchemas: AllSchemas } => { // 所有结构数据 const allSchemas = reactive({ searchSchema: [], tableColumns: [], formSchema: [], detailSchema: [], tableFormColumns:[], tableMainColumns:[], }) const searchSchema = filterSearchSchema(crudSchema, allSchemas) allSchemas.searchSchema = searchSchema || [] const tableColumns = filterTableSchema(crudSchema) allSchemas.tableColumns = tableColumns || [] allSchemas.tableMainColumns = tableColumns.filter(item=>!item.hiddenInMain) || [] const formSchema = filterFormSchema(crudSchema, allSchemas) allSchemas.formSchema = formSchema const detailSchema = filterDescriptionsSchema(crudSchema) allSchemas.detailSchema = detailSchema const tableFormColumns= filterTableFormSchema(crudSchema) allSchemas.tableFormColumns =tableFormColumns || [] return { allSchemas } } // 过滤 Search 结构 const filterSearchSchema = (crudSchema: CrudSchema[], allSchemas: AllSchemas): FormSchema[] => { const searchSchema: FormSchema[] = [] // 获取字典列表队列 const searchRequestTask: Array<() => Promise> = [] eachTree(crudSchema, (schemaItem: CrudSchema) => { // 判断是否显示 if (schemaItem?.isSearch || { let component = schemaItem?.search?.component || 'Input' const options: ComponentOptions[] = [] let comonentProps: ComponentProps = {} if (schemaItem.dictType) { const allOptions: ComponentOptions = { label: '全部', value: '' } options.push(allOptions) getDictOptions(schemaItem.dictType).forEach((dict) => { options.push(dict) }) comonentProps = { options: options } if (! component = 'Select' } // updated by AKing: 解决了当使用默认的dict选项时,form中事件不能触发的问题 const searchSchemaItem = merge( { // 默认为 input component,, field: schemaItem.field, label: || schemaItem.label, sortSearchDefault: schemaItem.sortSearchDefault || 999, }, { componentProps: comonentProps } ) if (searchSchemaItem.api) { searchRequestTask.push(async () => { const res = await (searchSchemaItem.api as () => AxiosPromise)() if (res) { const index = findIndex(allSchemas.searchSchema, (v: FormSchema) => { return v.field === searchSchemaItem.field }) if (index !== -1) { allSchemas.searchSchema[index]!.componentProps!.options = filterOptions( res, searchSchemaItem.componentProps.optionsAlias?.labelField ) } } }) } // 删除不必要的字段 delete searchSchema.push(searchSchemaItem) } }) for (const task of searchRequestTask) { task() } return searchSchema } // 过滤 table 结构 const filterTableSchema = (crudSchema: CrudSchema[]): TableColumn[] => { const tableColumns = treeMap(crudSchema, { conversion: (schema: CrudSchema) => { if (schema?.isTable !== false && schema?.table?.show !== false) { // add by 芋艿:增加对 dict 字典数据的支持 if (!schema.formatter && schema.dictType) { schema.formatter = (_: Recordable, __: TableColumn, cellValue: any) => { return h(DictTag, { type: schema.dictType!, // ! 表示一定不为空 value: cellValue }) } } return { ...schema.table, ...schema } } } }) // 第一次过滤会有 undefined 所以需要二次过滤 return filter(tableColumns as TableColumn[], (data) => { if (data.children === void 0) { delete data.children } return !!data.field }) } // 过滤 tableForm 结构 const filterTableFormSchema = (crudSchema: CrudSchema[]): TableFormColumn[] => { const tableFormColumns = treeMap(crudSchema, { conversion: (schema: CrudSchema) => { if (schema?.isTableForm !== false && schema?.tableForm?.show !== false) { // add by 芋艿:增加对 dict 字典数据的支持 if (!schema.formatter && schema.dictType) { schema.formatter = (_: Recordable, __: TableFormColumn, cellValue: any) => { return h(DictTag, { type: schema.dictType!, // ! 表示一定不为空 value: cellValue }) } } return { ...schema.tableForm, ...schema } } } }) // 第一次过滤会有 undefined 所以需要二次过滤 return filter(tableFormColumns as TableFormColumn[], (data) => { if (data.children === void 0) { delete data.children } return !!data.field }) } // 过滤 form 结构 const filterFormSchema = (crudSchema: CrudSchema[], allSchemas: AllSchemas): FormSchema[] => { const formSchema: FormSchema[] = [] // 获取字典列表队列 const formRequestTask: Array<() => Promise> = [] eachTree(crudSchema, (schemaItem: CrudSchema) => { // 判断是否显示 if (schemaItem?.isForm !== false && schemaItem?.form?.show !== false) { let component = schemaItem?.form?.component || 'Input' let defaultValue: any = '' if (schemaItem.form?.value) { defaultValue = schemaItem.form?.value } else { if (component === 'InputNumber') { defaultValue = 0 } } let comonentProps: ComponentProps = {} if (schemaItem.dictType) { const options: ComponentOptions[] = [] if (schemaItem.dictClass && schemaItem.dictClass === 'number') { getIntDictOptions(schemaItem.dictType).forEach((dict) => { options.push(dict) }) } else if (schemaItem.dictClass && schemaItem.dictClass === 'boolean') { getBoolDictOptions(schemaItem.dictType).forEach((dict) => { options.push(dict) }) } else { if(schemaItem.dictAllOption){ const allOptions: ComponentOptions = { label: '全选', value: schemaItem.dictAllValue||'' } options.push(allOptions) } getDictOptions(schemaItem.dictType).forEach((dict) => { options.push(dict) }) } comonentProps = { options: options } // 可编辑字典-下拉框默认选中第一条数据 --喜婷 if(options.length>0&&!schemaItem.form?.componentProps?.disabled){ defaultValue = options[0].value } if (!(schemaItem.form && schemaItem.form.component)) component = 'Select' } // updated by AKing: 解决了当使用默认的dict选项时,form中事件不能触发的问题 const formSchemaItem = merge( { // 默认为 input component, value: defaultValue, ...schemaItem.form, field: schemaItem.field, label: schemaItem.form?.label || schemaItem.label }, { componentProps: comonentProps } ) if (formSchemaItem.api) { formRequestTask.push(async () => { const res = await (formSchemaItem.api as () => AxiosPromise)() if (res) { const index = findIndex(allSchemas.formSchema, (v: FormSchema) => { return v.field === formSchemaItem.field }) if (index !== -1) { allSchemas.formSchema[index]!.componentProps!.options = filterOptions( res, formSchemaItem.componentProps.optionsAlias?.labelField ) } } }) } // 删除不必要的字段 delete formSchema.push(formSchemaItem) } }) for (const task of formRequestTask) { task() } return formSchema } // 过滤 descriptions 结构 const filterDescriptionsSchema = (crudSchema: CrudSchema[]): DescriptionsSchema[] => { const descriptionsSchema: FormSchema[] = [] eachTree(crudSchema, (schemaItem: CrudSchema) => { // 判断是否显示 if (schemaItem?.isDetail !== false && schemaItem.detail?.show !== false) { const descriptionsSchemaItem = { ...schemaItem.detail, field: schemaItem.field, label: schemaItem.detail?.label || schemaItem.label } if (schemaItem.dictType) { descriptionsSchemaItem.dictType = schemaItem.dictType } if (schemaItem.detail?.dateFormat || schemaItem.formatter == 'formatDate') { // 优先使用 detail 下的配置,如果没有默认为 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss descriptionsSchemaItem.dateFormat = schemaItem?.detail?.dateFormat ? schemaItem?.detail?.dateFormat : 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' } // 删除不必要的字段 delete descriptionsSchema.push(descriptionsSchemaItem) } }) return descriptionsSchema } // 给options添加国际化 const filterOptions = (options: Recordable, labelField?: string) => { return options?.map((v: Recordable) => { if (labelField) { v['labelField'] = t(v.labelField) } else { v['label'] = t(v.label) } return v }) } // 将 tableColumns 指定 fields 放到最前面 export const sortTableColumns = (tableColumns: TableColumn[], field: string) => { const fieldIndex = tableColumns.findIndex((item) => item.field === field) const fieldColumn = cloneDeep(tableColumns[fieldIndex]) tableColumns.splice(fieldIndex, 1) // 添加到开头 tableColumns.unshift(fieldColumn) } // 将 tableColumns 指定 fields 放到最前面 export const sortTableFormColumns = (tableFormColumns: TableFormColumn[], field: string) => { const fieldIndex = tableFormColumns.findIndex((item) => item.field === field) const fieldColumn = cloneDeep(tableFormColumns[fieldIndex]) tableFormColumns.splice(fieldIndex, 1) // 添加到开头 tableFormColumns.unshift(fieldColumn) }