export default { common: { inputText: 'Please input', selectText: 'Please select', startTimeText: 'Start time', endTimeText: 'End time', login: 'Login', required: 'This is required', loginOut: 'Login out', document: 'Document', profile: 'User Center', reminder: 'Reminder', loginOutMessage: 'Exit the system?', back: 'Back', ok: 'OK', save: 'Save', cancel: 'Cancel', close: 'Close', reload: 'Reload current', success: 'Success', closeTab: 'Close current', closeTheLeftTab: 'Close left', closeTheRightTab: 'Close right', closeOther: 'Close other', closeAll: 'Close all', prevLabel: 'Prev', nextLabel: 'Next', skipLabel: 'Jump', doneLabel: 'End', menu: 'Menu', menuDes: 'Menu bar rendered in routed structure', collapse: 'Collapse', collapseDes: 'Expand and zoom the menu bar', tagsView: 'Tags view', tagsViewDes: 'Used to record routing history', tool: 'Tool', toolDes: 'Used to set up custom systems', query: 'Query', reset: 'Reset', shrink: 'Put away', expand: 'Expand', confirmTitle: 'System Hint', exportMessage: 'Whether to confirm export data item?', importMessage: 'Whether to confirm import data item?', createSuccess: 'Create Success', updateSuccess: 'Update Success', delMessage: 'Delete the selected data?', delDataMessage: 'Delete the data?', delNoData: 'Please select the data to delete', delSuccess: 'Deleted successfully', index: 'Index', status: 'Status', createTime: 'Create Time', updateTime: 'Update Time', copy: 'Copy', copySuccess: 'Copy Success', copyError: 'Copy Error', closeSuccess: 'Close Success', reAddSuccess: 'ReAdd Success', submitSuccess: 'Submit Success', agreeSuccess: 'Agree Success', refusedSuccess: 'Refused Success', handleSuccess: 'Handle Success', publishSuccess: 'Publish Success', acceptSuccess: 'Accept Success', giveupSuccess: 'Giveup Success', dealwithSuccess: 'Dealwith Success', confirmColse: 'Confirm Close?', confirmReAdd: 'Confirm ReAdd?', confirmAgree: 'Confirm Agree?', confirmRefused: 'Confirm Refused?', confirmHandle: 'Confirm Handle?', confirmSubmit: 'Confirm Submit?', confirmAccept: 'Confirm Accept', confirmGiveup: 'Confirm Giveup', confirmPublish: 'Confirm Publish', }, error: { noPermission: `Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page.`, pageError: 'Sorry, the page you visited does not exist.', networkError: 'Sorry, the server reported an error.', returnToHome: 'Return to home' }, permission: { hasPermission: `Please set the operation permission label value`, hasRole: `Please set the role permission tag value` }, setting: { projectSetting: 'Project setting', theme: 'Theme', layout: 'Layout', systemTheme: 'System theme', menuTheme: 'Menu theme', interfaceDisplay: 'Interface display', breadcrumb: 'Breadcrumb', breadcrumbIcon: 'Breadcrumb icon', collapseMenu: 'Collapse menu', hamburgerIcon: 'Hamburger icon', screenfullIcon: 'Screenfull icon', sizeIcon: 'Size icon', localeIcon: 'Locale icon', messageIcon: 'Message icon', tagsView: 'Tags view', logo: 'Logo', greyMode: 'Grey mode', fixedHeader: 'Fixed header', headerTheme: 'Header theme', cutMenu: 'Cut Menu', copy: 'Copy', clearAndReset: 'Clear cache and reset', copySuccess: 'Copy success', copyFailed: 'Copy failed', footer: 'Footer', uniqueOpened: 'Unique opened', tagsViewIcon: 'Tags view icon', reExperienced: 'Please exit the login experience again', fixedMenu: 'Fixed menu' }, size: { default: 'Default', large: 'Large', small: 'Small' }, login: { welcome: 'Welcome to the system', message: 'Backstage management system', tenantname: 'TenantName', username: 'Username', password: 'Password', code: 'verification code', login: 'Sign in', relogin: 'Sign in again', otherLogin: 'Sign in with', register: 'Register', checkPassword: 'Confirm password', remember: 'Remember me', hasUser: 'Existing account? Go to login', forgetPassword: 'Forget password?', tenantNamePlaceholder: 'Please Enter Tenant Name', usernamePlaceholder: 'Please Enter Username', passwordPlaceholder: 'Please Enter Password', codePlaceholder: 'Please Enter Verification Code', mobileTitle: 'Mobile sign in', mobileNumber: 'Mobile Number', mobileNumberPlaceholder: 'Plaease Enter Mobile Number', backLogin: 'back', getSmsCode: 'Get SMS Code', btnMobile: 'Mobile sign in', btnQRCode: 'QR code sign in', qrcode: 'Scan the QR code to log in', btnRegister: 'Sign up', SmsSendMsg: 'code has been sent' }, captcha: { verification: 'Please complete security verification', slide: 'Swipe right to complete verification', point: 'Please click', success: 'Verification succeeded', fail: 'verification failed' }, router: { login: 'Login', home: 'Home', analysis: 'Analysis', workplace: 'Workplace' }, analysis: { newUser: 'New user', unreadInformation: 'Unread information', transactionAmount: 'Transaction amount', totalShopping: 'Total Shopping', monthlySales: 'Monthly sales', userAccessSource: 'User access source', january: 'January', february: 'February', march: 'March', april: 'April', may: 'May', june: 'June', july: 'July', august: 'August', september: 'September', october: 'October', november: 'November', december: 'December', estimate: 'Estimate', actual: 'Actual', directAccess: 'Airect access', mailMarketing: 'Mail marketing', allianceAdvertising: 'Alliance advertising', videoAdvertising: 'Video advertising', searchEngines: 'Search engines', weeklyUserActivity: 'Weekly user activity', activeQuantity: 'Active quantity', monday: 'Monday', tuesday: 'Tuesday', wednesday: 'Wednesday', thursday: 'Thursday', friday: 'Friday', saturday: 'Saturday', sunday: 'Sunday' }, workplace: { welcome: 'Hello', happyDay: 'Wish you happy every day!', toady: `It's sunny today`, notice: 'Announcement', project: 'Project', access: 'Project access', toDo: 'To do', introduction: 'A serious introduction', shortcutOperation: 'Quick entry', operation: 'Operation', index: 'Index', personal: 'Personal', team: 'Team', quote: 'Quote', contribution: 'Contribution', hot: 'Hot', yield: 'Yield', dynamic: 'Dynamic', push: 'push', follow: 'Follow' }, form: { input: 'Input', inputNumber: 'InputNumber', default: 'Default', icon: 'Icon', mixed: 'Mixed', textarea: 'Textarea', slot: 'Slot', position: 'Position', autocomplete: 'Autocomplete', select: 'Select', selectGroup: 'Select Group', selectV2: 'SelectV2', cascader: 'Cascader', switch: 'Switch', rate: 'Rate', colorPicker: 'Color Picker', transfer: 'Transfer', render: 'Render', radio: 'Radio', button: 'Button', checkbox: 'Checkbox', slider: 'Slider', datePicker: 'Date Picker', shortcuts: 'Shortcuts', today: 'Today', yesterday: 'Yesterday', aWeekAgo: 'A week ago', week: 'Week', year: 'Year', month: 'Month', dates: 'Dates', daterange: 'Date Range', monthrange: 'Month Range', dateTimePicker: 'DateTimePicker', dateTimerange: 'Datetime Range', timePicker: 'Time Picker', timeSelect: 'Time Select', inputPassword: 'input Password', passwordStrength: 'Password Strength', operate: 'operate', change: 'Change', restore: 'Restore', disabled: 'Disabled', disablement: 'Disablement', delete: 'Delete', add: 'Add', setValue: 'Set value', resetValue: 'Reset value', set: 'Set', subitem: 'Subitem', formValidation: 'Form validation', verifyReset: 'Verify reset', remark: 'Remark' }, watermark: { watermark: 'Watermark' }, table: { table: 'Table', index: 'Index', title: 'Title', author: 'Author', createTime: 'Create time', action: 'Action', pagination: 'pagination', reserveIndex: 'Reserve index', restoreIndex: 'Restore index', showSelections: 'Show selections', hiddenSelections: 'Restore selections', showExpandedRows: 'Show expanded rows', hiddenExpandedRows: 'Hidden expanded rows', header: 'Header' }, action: { create: 'Create', add: 'Add', del: 'Delete', delete: 'Delete', edit: 'Edit', update: 'Update', execute: 'Execute', preview: 'Preview', more: 'More', sync: 'Sync', save: 'Save', detail: 'Detail', export: 'Export', import: 'Import', generate: 'Generate', logout: 'Login Out', test: 'Test', typeCreate: 'Dict Type Create', typeUpdate: 'Dict Type Eidt', dataCreate: 'Dict Data Create', dataUpdate: 'Dict Data Eidt', fileUpload: 'File Upload', createLabel: 'create label', viewDetail:'Detailed list', updataRecode:'Updata recode', applyDecision:'Apply Decision', }, dialog: { dialog: 'Dialog', open: 'Open', close: 'Close' }, sys: { api: { operationFailed: 'Operation failed', errorTip: 'Error Tip', errorMessage: 'The operation failed, the system is abnormal!', timeoutMessage: 'Login timed out, please log in again!', apiTimeoutMessage: 'The interface request timed out, please refresh the page and try again!', apiRequestFailed: 'The interface request failed, please try again later!', networkException: 'network anomaly', networkExceptionMsg: 'Please check if your network connection is normal! The network is abnormal', errMsg401: 'The user does not have permission (token, user name, password error)!', errMsg403: 'The user is authorized, but access is forbidden!', errMsg404: 'Network request error, the resource was not found!', errMsg405: 'Network request error, request method not allowed!', errMsg408: 'Network request timed out!', errMsg500: 'Server error, please contact the administrator!', errMsg501: 'The network is not implemented!', errMsg502: 'Network Error!', errMsg503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained!', errMsg504: 'Network timeout!', errMsg505: 'The http version does not support the request!', errMsg901: 'Demo mode, no write operations are possible!' }, app: { logoutTip: 'Reminder', logoutMessage: 'Confirm to exit the system?', menuLoading: 'Menu loading...' }, exception: { backLogin: 'Back Login', backHome: 'Back Home', subTitle403: "Sorry, you don't have access to this page.", subTitle404: 'Sorry, the page you visited does not exist.', subTitle500: 'Sorry, the server is reporting an error.', noDataTitle: 'No data on the current page.', networkErrorTitle: 'Network Error', networkErrorSubTitle: 'Sorry, Your network connection has been disconnected, please check your network!' }, lock: { unlock: 'Click to unlock', alert: 'Lock screen password error', backToLogin: 'Back to login', entry: 'Enter the system', placeholder: 'Please enter the lock screen password or user password' }, login: { backSignIn: 'Back sign in', mobileSignInFormTitle: 'Mobile sign in', qrSignInFormTitle: 'Qr code sign in', signInFormTitle: 'Sign in', signUpFormTitle: 'Sign up', forgetFormTitle: 'Reset password', signInTitle: 'Backstage management system', signInDesc: 'Enter your personal details and get started!', policy: 'I agree to the xxx Privacy Policy', scanSign: `scanning the code to complete the login`, loginButton: 'Sign in', registerButton: 'Sign up', rememberMe: 'Remember me', forgetPassword: 'Forget Password?', otherSignIn: 'Sign in with', // notify loginSuccessTitle: 'Login successful', loginSuccessDesc: 'Welcome back', // placeholder accountPlaceholder: 'Please input username', passwordPlaceholder: 'Please input password', smsPlaceholder: 'Please input sms code', mobilePlaceholder: 'Please input mobile', policyPlaceholder: 'Register after checking', diffPwd: 'The two passwords are inconsistent', userName: 'Username', password: 'Password', confirmPassword: 'Confirm Password', email: 'Email', smsCode: 'SMS code', mobile: 'Mobile' } }, profile: { user: { title: 'Personal Information', username: 'User Name', nickname: 'Nick Name', mobile: 'Phone Number', email: 'User Mail', dept: 'Department', posts: 'Position', roles: 'Own Role', sex: 'Sex', man: 'Man', woman: 'Woman', createTime: 'Created Date' }, info: { title: 'Basic Information', basicInfo: 'Basic Information', resetPwd: 'Reset Password', userSocial: 'Social Information' }, rules: { nickname: 'Please Enter User Nickname', mail: 'Please Input The Email Address', truemail: 'Please Input The Correct Email Address', phone: 'Please Enter The Phone Number', truephone: 'Please Enter The Correct Phone Number' }, password: { oldPassword: 'Old PassWord', newPassword: 'New Password', confirmPassword: 'Confirm Password', oldPwdMsg: 'Please Enter Old Password', newPwdMsg: 'Please Enter New Password', cfPwdMsg: 'Please Enter Confirm Password', diffPwd: 'The Passwords Entered Twice No Match' } }, cropper: { selectImage: 'Select Image', uploadSuccess: 'Uploaded success!', modalTitle: 'Avatar upload', okText: 'Confirm and upload', btn_reset: 'Reset', btn_rotate_left: 'Counterclockwise rotation', btn_rotate_right: 'Clockwise rotation', btn_scale_x: 'Flip horizontal', btn_scale_y: 'Flip vertical', btn_zoom_in: 'Zoom in', btn_zoom_out: 'Zoom out', preview: 'Preivew' }, home:{ number_orders: 'Number of orders', number_planned_shipments: 'Number of planned shipments', number_invoices: 'Number of invoices', invoice_trend_month: 'Invoice trend for this month', TOP10_parts_shipped_month: 'TOP10 parts shipped this month', number_open: 'Nmuber of open', number_open_plans: 'Number of Open Plans', number_unreceived_orders: 'Number of Unreceived Orders', number_total_order: 'Total Order Number', number_all_plans: 'Number of All Plans', number_orders_received: 'Number of Orders Received', single: 'Single', latest_news : 'Latest News', number : 'Number', user_type : 'User Type', user_number : 'User Number', template_coding : 'Template Coding', sender_number : 'Sender Number', template_content : 'Template Content', template_parameters : 'Template Parameters', template_type : 'Template Type', read : 'Read', read_time : 'Read Time', create_time : 'Create Time', latest_deduction_details: 'Latest Deduction Details', title: 'Title', publisher: 'Publisher', publish_date: 'Publish Date', month_return_detials:'This month\'s return detials', document_number:'Document number', source_package_number:'Source Package Number', destination_package_number:'Destination Package Number', source_appliance_number:'Source Appliance Number', destination_appliance_number:'Destination Appliance Number', source_batch:'Source Batch', destination_batch:'Destination Batch', replace_batch:'Replace batch', source_location_code:'Source Location Code', destination_location_code:'Destination Location Code', source_location_group_code:'Source Location Group Code', destination_location_group_code:'Destination Location Group Code', source_location_area_code:'Source Location Area Code', destination_location_area_code:'Destination Location Area Code', source_shipper_code:'Source Shipper Code', destination_shipper_code:'Destination Shipper Code', inventory_state:'Inventory State', order_number:'Order Number', order_line:'Order Line', cause:'Cause', unit_price:'Unit Price', money:'Money', material_code:'Material Code', material_name:'Material Name', material_description1:'Material Description1', material_description2:'Material Description2', amount:'Amount', measuring_unit:'Measuring Unit', item_cde:'Item Code', comment:'Comment', creater:'Creater', claim_details_month:'Claim Details for This Month', batch:'Batch', today_arrival_plan_shipped : 'Today\'s arrival plan(Shipped)', material_preparation_plan_today_issued: 'Material preparation plan today(Issued)', call_material_today_issued : 'Call for material today(Issued)', pcs : 'pcs', free_library_bits_or_total_library_bits : 'Free library bits/Total library bits', slack_stock_warning : 'Slack stock warning', package_number : 'Package Number', appliance_code : 'Appliance Code', location_code : 'Location Code', warehouse_code : 'Warehouse Code', location_group_code : 'Location Group Code', location_area_code : 'Location Area Code', erp_location_code : 'ERP Location Code', arrival_date : 'Arrival Date', production_date : 'Production Date', expiry_date : 'Expiry Date', shipper_code : 'Shipper Code', lock_quantity : 'Lock Quantity', available_quantity : 'Available Quantity', warehouse_entry_time : 'Warehouse Entry Time', overstock_warning : 'Overstock warning', high_and_low_storage_warning : 'High and low storage warning', waiting_tasks : 'Waiting Tasks', purchase_return_tasks : 'Purchase Return Tasks', product_putway_tasks : 'Product Putway Tasks', purchase_and_receive_tasks : 'Purchase and Receive Tasks', production_receipt_tasks : 'Production Receipt Tasks', production_return_tasks : 'Production Return Tasks', supplement_materials_tasks : 'Supplement Materials Tasks', product_receiving_tasks : 'Product Receiving Tasks', send_materials_tasks : 'Send Materials Tasks', today_production_plan : 'Today\'s production plan', sequence : 'Sequence', workshop : 'Workshop', prouduction_line : 'Prouduction Line', schedule : 'Schedule', teams_and_groups : 'Teams and Groups', intended_date : 'Intended Date', start_date : 'Start Date', ending_date : 'Ending Date', business_type : 'Business Type', line_side_safety_stock : 'Line side safety stock', type : 'Type', laneway : 'Laneway', goods_shelf : 'Goods Shelf', line : 'Line', column : 'Column', stock_priority : 'Stock Priority', maximum_load_bearing : 'Maximum Load Bearing', maximum_area : 'Maximum Area', maximum_volume : 'Maximum Volume', user_group_code : 'User Group Code', inventory_of_finished_products_waiting_to_be_putway : 'Inventory of finished products waiting to be putway', source_warehouse_code : 'Source Warehouse Code', apply_time : 'Apply Time', request_cut_off_time : 'Request cut-off Time', state : 'State', department : 'Department', undertaker_user_name : 'Undertaker User Name', undertake_time : 'Undertake Time', source_location_type_range : 'Source Location Type Range', destination_location_type_range : 'Destination Location Type Range', destination_warehouse_code : 'Destination Warehouse Code', source_location_area_code_range : 'Source Location Area Code Range', destination_location_area_code_range : 'Destination Location Area Code Range', auto_ccomplete : 'Auto-complete', modifiable_location : 'Modifiable Location', modifiable_amount : 'Modifiable Amount', allow_greater_than_recommended : 'Allow greater than recommended', allow_less_than_recommended : 'Allow less than recommended', allow_modify_location_state : 'Allow modify Location state', allow_continuous_scanning : 'Allow continuous scanning', allow_partly_completed : 'Allow partly completed', modifiable_batch : 'Modifiable Batch', modifiable_casecode : 'Modifiable Casecode', expiration_time: 'Expiration Time', effective_time : 'Effective Time', code : 'Code', name : 'Name', }, ts: { 代码:'Code', 全部:'All', 标准:'Standard', 委外:'Out-source', 其它:'Others', 其他:'Others', 是否可用:'Available', 类型:'Type', 名称:'Name', 是:'Yes', 否:'No', 供应商代码:'Supplier Code', 物料代码:'Material Code', 单据号:'Document Number', 订单类型:'Order Type', 状态:'State', 采购订单号:'Purchase Order Number', 日程:'Schedule', 离散:'Discrete', 准备:'Get ready', 发布:'Punblish', 关闭:'Close', 已完成:'Finished', 发货单号:'Invoice number', 从批次:'Source Batch', 到批次:'Destination Batch', 从包装号:'Source Package Number', 到包装号:'Destination Package Number', 从器具号:'Source Appliance Number', 到器具号:'Destination Appliance Number', 简称: 'Abbreviation', 地址:'Address', 国家:'Country', 城市:'City', 电话:'Phone', 传真:'Fax', 邮编:'Postcode', 联系人:'Contact', 联系人邮件:'Contact Email', 银行:'Bank', 币种:'Currency Kind', 税率:'Tax rate', 生效时间:'Effective Time', 失效时间:'Expiration Time', 供应商物料代码:'Supplier material code', 供应商计量单位:'Supplier measuring Unit', 转换率:'Conversion Rate', 默认收货库位:'Default receiving warehouse location', 创建人:'Creater', 创建者:'Creater', 创建时间:'Create Time', 备注:'Comment', 货币:'Currency', 价格:'Price', 订单日期:'Order Date', 行号:'Line Number', 操作:'Operations', 计量单位:'Measuring Unit', // ------ // 客户代码:'Customer Code', }, btn:{ 查询:'Query', 重置:'Reset', 新增:'Add', 导入:'Import', 导出:'Export', 刷新:'Refresh', 筛选:'Filter', 设置:'Settings', 确定:'Confirm', 取消:'Cancel', 操作:'Operations', 编辑:'Edit', 删除:'Delete', 添加附件:'Add Attachment', 添加筛选条件:'Add Filter', 关闭:'Close', 打开:'Open', 保存:'Save', 发布:'Punblish', //-------- // 单据打印:'Document Print', // 上传质量报告:'Upload Quality Report', // 打印标签:'Print Label', // 发货:'Delivery', // 生成标签:'Generate Label', // 发送到货检验申请:'Send Arrival Inspection Application', // 生成采购上架申请:'Generate Purchase Putaway Application', // 生成生产计划单:'Generate Production Plan', // 提交审批:'Submit Approval', // 审核通过:'Approve', // 作废:'Invalid', //-------- // 生成采购收货申请:'Generate Purchase Receiving Application', // 生成采购退货申请:'Generate Purchase Return Application', // 生成生产收货申请:'Generate Production Receiving Application', // 生成生产退货申请:'Generate Production Return Application', // 生成生产计划:'Generate Production Plan', // 上传:'Upload', // 打印:'Print', // 打印预览:'Print Preview', // 打印设置:'Print Settings', // 打印预览设置:'Print Preview // 上传图片:'Upload Image', // 上传文件:'Upload File', // 上传视频:'Upload Video', // 上传音频:'Upload Audio', // 上传其他:'Upload Other', // 上传图片:'Upload Image', // 上传文件:'Upload File', // 上传视频:'Upload Video', // 上传音频:'Upload Audio', // 上传其他:'Upload Other', } }