23 changed files with 462 additions and 67 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
import CollectionTable from './src/CollectionTable.vue' |
export { CollectionTable } |
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ |
<template> |
<el-checkbox-group v-model="checkList" @change="checkChange"> |
<el-checkbox v-for="item in fields.filter(item=>item.checkBoxOption)" :label="item.label" :value="item.label" :disabled="item.checkedDisabled"/> |
</el-checkbox-group> |
<!-- v-clientTableForm="{ |
isShowPagination:false, |
isShowButton: false, |
isFullscreen:isFullscreen |
}" --> |
<el-table class="collection" :data="showList" border :style="{width:tableWidth+'px'}"> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="60" label="序号" align="center"/> |
<el-table-column border row-key="id" |
v-for="headerItem in fields.filter((item) => !!item.checked)" |
:label="headerItem.label" |
:prop="headerItem.field" |
align="center" |
:width="headerItem.width" |
> |
<template v-if="headerItem.label=='状态'" #default="scope"> |
<span>{{ getStatus(scope.row,headerItem.field) }}</span> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { DICT_TYPE, getIntDictOptions, getStrDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict' |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const props = defineProps({ |
// 列表数据 |
tableData: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { |
return [] |
} |
}, |
// 列表头定义 |
tableFields: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { |
return [] |
} |
} |
}) |
const fields = ref([{ |
field: 'itemCode', |
label:'物料', |
checkBoxOption:true, // 显示在checkbox中作为选项 |
checked:true, //checkbox 是否勾选 |
checkedDisabled:true, // checkbox 是否禁用 |
width:200 |
},{ |
field: 'batch', |
label:'批次', |
checkBoxOption:true, // 显示在checkbox中作为选项 |
checked:false, //checkbox 是否勾选 |
checkedDisabled:false, // checkbox 是否禁用 |
width:100 |
},{ |
field: 'locationCode', |
label:'库位', |
checkBoxOption:true, // 显示在checkbox中作为选项 |
checked:false, //checkbox 是否勾选 |
checkedDisabled:false, // checkbox 是否禁用 |
width:150 |
},{ |
field: 'inventoryStatus', |
label:'状态', |
checkBoxOption:true, // 显示在checkbox中作为选项 |
checked:false, //checkbox 是否勾选 |
checkedDisabled:false, // checkbox 是否禁用 |
width:100, |
},{ |
field: 'totalCount', |
label:'数量', |
checkBoxOption:false, // 显示在checkbox中作为选项 |
checked:true, |
width:100 |
}]) |
const inventoryStatusList = getStrDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.INVENTORY_STATUS) |
const getStatus = (row,field)=>{ |
let findStatus = inventoryStatusList.find(item=>item.value == row[field]) |
if(findStatus){ |
return findStatus.label |
}else{ |
return row[field] |
} |
} |
// 批次 |
let batchField = props.tableFields.find(item=>item.field=='fromBatch'||item.field=='batch') |
if(batchField){//更新使用字段 |
fields.value[1].field = batchField.field |
fields.value[1].checkBoxOption = true |
}else{//子表没有的字段隐藏 |
fields.value[1].checkBoxOption = false |
} |
// 库位 |
let locationField = props.tableFields.find(item=>item.field=='fromLocationCode'||item.field=='locationCode') |
if(locationField){//更新使用字段 |
fields.value[2].field = locationField.field |
fields.value[2].checkBoxOption = true |
}else{//子表没有的字段隐藏 |
fields.value[2].checkBoxOption = false |
} |
// 状态 |
let inventoryStatusField = props.tableFields.find(item=>item.field=='fromInventoryStatus'||item.field=='inventoryStatus') |
if(inventoryStatusField){//更新使用字段 |
fields.value[3].field = inventoryStatusField.field |
fields.value[3].checkBoxOption = true |
}else{//子表没有的字段隐藏 |
fields.value[3].checkBoxOption = false |
} |
console.log('fields',fields.value) |
const tableWidth = ref(360) |
const checkList = ref(['物料']) |
const checkChange = (value)=>{ |
console.log('checkChange',value) |
let width = 0 |
fields.value.forEach(item=>{ |
if(value.includes(item.label) || item.field=='totalCount'){ |
item.checked = true |
width += item.width |
}else{ |
item.checked = false |
} |
}) |
tableWidth.value = width + 60 |
nextTick(()=>{ |
updateShowList() |
}) |
} |
const showList = ref([]) |
const updateShowList = ()=>{ |
showList.value = [] |
//数量的field 对象 |
const qtyField = props.tableFields.find(item=>item['field']=='qty') |
//子表所有数据 |
let tableData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(props.tableData)) |
//用于存入重复数据index |
let removeIndexs = [] |
for(let i=0;i<tableData.length;i++){ |
//重复数据进行过滤 |
if(removeIndexs.indexOf(i)>-1){ |
continue |
} |
let tableItem = tableData[i] |
//不存在的数量,根据ts配置进行默认赋值 |
if(!tableItem['qty']){ |
tableItem['totalCount'] =Number(qtyField.min) |
}else{ |
tableItem['totalCount'] = Number(tableItem['qty']) |
} |
//查找是否有相同数据 |
for(let j=i+1;j<tableData.length;j++){ |
let tempItem = tableData[j] |
if(!tempItem['qty']){ |
//不存在 赋默认值 |
tempItem['qty'] = Number( qtyField.min) || 0 |
} |
//默认相等 |
let equal = true; |
for (let k = 0; k < fields.value.length; k++) { |
const fieldItem = fields.value[k]; |
// checkBoxOption:在checkbox的列表中 |
// checked:被勾选 |
if(fieldItem.checkBoxOption&&fieldItem.checked){ |
if(tableItem[fieldItem['field']]+''!==tempItem[fieldItem['field']]+''){ |
equal = false |
break |
} |
} |
} |
//匹配到的相同数据存入removeIndexs中不进行下次计算,并且数量进行累计 |
if(equal){ |
removeIndexs.push(j) |
tableItem['totalCount'] = Number(tableItem['totalCount'])+Number(tempItem['qty']) |
} |
} |
showList.value.push(tableItem) |
} |
console.log('汇总showList',showList.value) |
} |
updateShowList() |
watch( |
() => props.tableData, |
() => { |
console.log('汇总props.tableData',props.tableData) |
updateShowList() |
}, |
{ |
deep: true |
} |
) |
const isFullscreen = ref(false) |
const reloadFullscreen = (fullscreen)=>{ |
isFullscreen.value = fullscreen |
} |
defineExpose({ |
reloadFullscreen |
}) |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
</style> |
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