4 changed files with 703 additions and 201 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ |
<!-- 检验策略弹窗 --> |
<template> |
<Dialog :title="dialogTitle" v-model="dialogVisible"> |
<div class="p-20px m--10px" style="max-height: 500px;overflow-y: auto;"> |
<!-- 规则 --> |
<div class="item"> |
<div class="title">规则</div> |
<el-form ref="formRef1" :model="formData" :rules="rules" label-width="120px" label-position="left"> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="代码" prop="code"> |
<el-input v-model="formData.code" placeholder="请输入代码" clearable /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="名称" prop="name"> |
<el-input v-model="formData.name" placeholder="请输入名称" clearable /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="描述" prop="describe"> |
<el-input v-model="formData.describe" placeholder="请输入描述" clearable /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-form-item label="优先级" prop="priority"> |
<el-input-number v-model="formData.priority" :min="1" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-form-item label="状态" prop="status"> |
<el-switch v-model="formData.status" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
<!-- 规则条件 --> |
<div class="item mt-20px"> |
<div class="title">规则条件</div> |
<el-form ref="formRef2" :model="formData" :rules="rules" label-width="120px" label-position="left"> |
<el-row> |
<!-- 供应商类型 --> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="供应商类型" class="flex-top err-120" prop="supplierType"> |
<el-select v-model="formData.supplierTypeRange" placeholder="请选择范围" |
style="width: 110px;;margin-right: 10px;"> |
<el-option :label="item.label" :value="item.value" v-for="item in options.rangeOptions" |
:key="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
<el-select v-model="formData.supplierType" placeholder="请选择供应商类型" style="flex: 1;" clearable> |
<el-option v-for="item in options.supplierTypeOptions" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" |
:value="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<!-- 供应商 --> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="供应商" prop="supplier" class="err-120"> |
<el-select v-model="formData.supplierRange" placeholder="请选择范围" style="width: 110px;margin-right: 10px;"> |
<el-option :label="item.label" :value="item.value" v-for="item in options.rangeOptions" |
:key="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
<el-select v-model="formData.supplier" placeholder="请选择供应商" style="flex: 1;" clearable> |
<el-option v-for="item in options.supplierList" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" |
:value="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<!-- 物品 --> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="物品" prop="items" class="err-120"> |
<el-select v-model="formData.itemsRange" placeholder="请选择范围" style="width: 110px;;margin-right: 10px;"> |
<el-option :label="item.label" :value="item.value" v-for="item in options.rangeOptions" |
:key="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
<el-select v-model="formData.items" placeholder="请选择物品" style="flex: 1;" clearable> |
<el-option v-for="item in options.itemsList" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" |
:value="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
<!-- 规则配置 --> |
<div class="item mt-20px"> |
<div class="title">规则配置</div> |
<el-form ref="formRef3" :model="formData" :rules="rules" label-width="120px" label-position="left"> |
<el-row> |
<!-- 检验方式 --> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="检验方式" class="flex-top" prop="inspectWay"> |
<div class="checkbox"> |
<el-checkbox-group v-model="formData.inspectWay"> |
<el-checkbox :label="item.label" v-for="item in options.inspectWayOptions" :key="item.value" /> |
</el-checkbox-group> |
</div> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<!-- 抽检方式 --> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="抽检方式" class="flex-top" prop="spotceckWay"> |
<div class="checkbox"> |
<el-radio-group v-model="formData.spotceckWay"> |
<el-radio :label="item.value" v-for="item in options.spotceckWayOptions" :key="item.value">{{ |
item.label }}</el-radio> |
</el-radio-group> |
</div> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<!-- 抽检规则 --> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="抽检规则" class="flex-top" prop="spotceckRules1"> |
<div style="flex:1;display:flex;align-items:center;margin-bottom:10px" |
v-for="(item, index) in formData.spotceckRules" :key="index"> |
<div style="width: 26px;display: flex;"> |
<Icon icon="ep:remove" color="#757575" size="26" style="cursor: pointer;" |
@click="handleDeleteTable(item, index)" v-if="formData.spotceckRules?.length>1" /> |
</div> |
<el-input-number v-model="item.minNum" :min="0" :max="item.maxNum - 1" class='ml-20px mr-20px' |
style="width:100px" controls-position="right" @blur="inputNumberBlur" /> |
<div>至</div> |
<el-input-number v-model="item.maxNum" :min="item.minNum + 1" class='ml-20px mr-20px' |
style="width:100px" controls-position="right" @blur="inputNumberBlur"/> |
<div>抽样数</div> |
<el-input-number v-model="item.num" :min="0" class='ml-20px mr-20px' |
style="width:100px" controls-position="right" @blur="inputNumberBlur"/> |
<div>EA</div> |
</div> |
<div class="button flex"> |
<div @click="handleAddTable"> |
<Icon icon="ep:circle-plus" color="#409eff" size="26" style="cursor: pointer;" /> |
<div>添加条件</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</div> |
<template #footer> |
<!-- 按钮--> |
<TableHead :HeadButttondata="Butttondata" @buttonBaseClick="buttonBaseClick" /> |
</template> |
</Dialog> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import * as defaultButtons from '@/utils/disposition/defaultButtons' |
import { |
validateInteger, |
} from "@/utils/validator"; |
defineOptions({ name: 'InspectStrategyAddForm' }) |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const dialogVisible = ref(false) // 弹窗的是否展示 |
const dialogTitle = ref('') // 弹窗的标题 |
const formLoading = ref(false) // 表单的加载中:1)修改时的数据加载;2)提交的按钮禁用 |
const formType = ref('') // 表单的类型:create - 新增;update - 修改 |
const formRef1 = ref() // 表单 Ref |
const formRef2 = ref() // 表单 Ref |
const formRef3 = ref() // 表单 Ref |
// form表单数据 |
const formData = ref({ |
code: '',//代码 |
name: '',//名称 |
describe: '',//描述 |
priority: '',//优先级 |
status: false,//状态 |
supplierTypeRange: 1,//供应商类型范围 |
supplierType: '',//选择的供应商类型 |
supplierRange: 1,//供应商范围 |
supplier: '',//选择的供应商 |
itemsRange: 1,//物品范围 |
items: '',//选择的物品 |
inspectWay: [],//选择的检验方式 |
spotceckWay: 1,//选择的抽检方式 |
spotceckRules: [{ |
minNum: 0, |
maxNum: 1, |
num: 0, |
}],//抽检规则 |
spotceckRules1: '' |
}) |
// 验证规则 |
const rules = ref({ |
code: [{ required: true, message: '请输入代码', trigger: 'blur' }], |
name: [{ required: true, message: '请输入名字', trigger: 'blur' }], |
describe: [{ required: true, message: '请输入描述', trigger: 'blur' }], |
priority: [{ required: true, message: '请输入优先级', trigger: 'blur' }], |
supplierType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择供应商类型', trigger: 'change' }], |
supplier: [{ required: true, message: '请选择供应商', trigger: 'change' }], |
items: [{ required: true, message: '请选择物品', trigger: 'change' }], |
inspectWay: [{ required: true, message: '请选择检验方式', trigger: 'change' }], |
spotceckWay: [{ required: true, message: '请选择抽检方式', trigger: 'change' }], |
spotceckRules1: [{ required: true, message: '抽检规则请填写完全', trigger: 'blur' }, |
{ validator: validateInteger, message: '请输入整数', trigger: 'blur' }], |
}) |
// 下拉框列表集合 |
const options = reactive({ |
// 范围下拉框列表 |
rangeOptions: [{ value: 1, label: '包含' }, { value: 2, label: '大于', }], |
// 供应商类型列表 |
supplierTypeOptions: [{ value: 1, label: '标准' }, { value: 2, label: '委外' }, { value: 3, label: '其他' }], |
//供应商列表 |
supplierList: [{ value: 1, label: '供应商1' }, { value: 2, label: '供应商2' }, { value: 3, label: '供应商3' }], |
//物品列表 |
itemsList: [{ value: 1, label: '物品1' }, { value: 2, label: '物品2' }], |
//检验方式列表 |
inspectWayOptions: [{ value: 1, label: '免检' }, { value: 2, label: '全检' }, { value: 3, label: '抽检' }], |
//抽检方式列表 |
spotceckWayOptions: [{ value: 1, label: '数量' }, { value: 2, label: '半分比' }], |
}) |
/** 打开弹窗 */ |
const open = async (type: string, id?: number) => { |
dialogVisible.value = true |
dialogTitle.value = t('action.' + type) |
formType.value = type |
resetForm() |
// 修改时,设置数据 |
} |
defineExpose({ open }) // 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗 |
//失去焦点的时候验证 |
const inputNumberBlur = ()=>{ |
const isEmpty = formData.value.spotceckRules.some((item, index) => { |
return item.minNum < 0 || item.minNum == null || item.maxNum < 0 || item.maxNum == null || item.num < 0 || item.num == null |
}) |
console.log(isEmpty); |
if (isEmpty) { |
formData.value.spotceckRules1 = '' |
} else { |
formData.value.spotceckRules1 = '1' |
} |
} |
/** 提交表单 */ |
const emit = defineEmits(['success']) // 定义 success 事件,用于操作成功后的回调 |
const submitForm = async () => { |
// 校验抽检规则是否全部填写 |
const isEmpty = formData.value.spotceckRules.some((item, index) => { |
return item.minNum<0|| item.minNum==null || item.maxNum < 0 || item.maxNum == null || item.num < 0 || item.num == null |
}) |
if (isEmpty) { |
formData.value.spotceckRules1 = '' |
} else { |
formData.value.spotceckRules1 = '1' |
} |
// 校验表单 |
if (!formRef1 || !formRef2 || !formRef3) return |
const valid2 = formRef2.value.validate() |
const valid1 = formRef1.value.validate() |
const valid3 = await formRef3.value.validate() |
if (!valid1 || !valid2 || !valid3) return |
// 提交请求 |
formLoading.value = true |
} |
/** 重置表单 */ |
const resetForm = () => { |
formData.value = { |
code: '', |
name: '', |
describe: '', |
priority: '', |
status: false, |
supplierTypeRange: 1,//供应商类型范围 |
supplierType: '',//选择的供应商类型 |
supplierRange: 1,//供应商范围 |
supplier: '',//选择的供应商 |
itemsRange: 1,//物品范围 |
items: '',//选择的物品 |
inspectWay: [],//选择的检验方式 |
spotceckWay: 1,//选择的抽检方式 |
spotceckRules: [{ |
minNum: 0, |
maxNum: 1, |
num: 0, |
}],//抽检规则 |
} |
} |
// 弹窗按钮 |
const Butttondata = [ |
defaultButtons.formSaveBtn(null), // 保存 |
defaultButtons.formCloseBtn(null), // 关闭 |
] |
// 按钮事件 |
const buttonBaseClick = (val, item) => { |
// 保存 |
if (val == 'save') { |
submitForm() |
} |
// 关闭 |
else if (val == 'close') { |
dialogVisible.value = false |
} |
} |
// 添加抽查规则 |
const handleAddTable = () => { |
console.log(formData.value.spotceckRules); |
formData.value.spotceckRules.push({ |
minNum: 0, |
maxNum: 1, |
num: 0, |
}) |
} |
// 删除抽查规则 |
const handleDeleteTable = (item, index) => { |
formData.value.spotceckRules.splice(index, 1) |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
.item { |
border: 1px solid #dedede; |
border-radius: 4px; |
padding: 30px 30px 5px; |
position: relative; |
.title { |
position: absolute; |
background: white; |
padding: 0px 10px; |
position: absolute; |
top: 0px; |
height: 30px; |
line-height: 30px; |
margin-top: -15px; |
} |
} |
.checkbox { |
background: #f5f5f5; |
flex: 1; |
padding: 0px 15px; |
border-radius: 2px; |
} |
::v-deep .flex-top .el-form-item__content { |
align-items: flex-start !important; |
} |
::v-deep .err-120 .el-form-item__error { |
padding-left: 120px !important; |
} |
.button { |
>div { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
cursor: pointer; |
>div { |
margin-left: 6px; |
text-decoration: underline; |
color: #409eff; |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue