70 changed files with 3715 additions and 1414 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
# 生产环境 |
NODE_ENV=test |
VITE_DEV=false |
# 请求路径 |
VITE_BASE_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25400/api' |
# 上传路径 |
VITE_UPLOAD_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25400/api/admin-api/infra/file/upload' |
# 接口前缀 |
# 接口地址 |
VITE_API_URL=/admin-api |
# 是否删除debugger |
# 是否删除console.log |
# 是否sourcemap |
# 打包路径 |
# 输出路径 |
VITE_OUT_DIR=sfms3.0 |
# 自定义接口路径 |
VITE_INTERFACE_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25311/magic/web/index.html' |
# 积木报表请求路径 |
VITE_JMREPORT_BASE_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25311' |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
# 设置基础镜像 |
FROM win-nginx |
WORKDIR /opt/sfms3.0 |
COPY nginx_scp.conf /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf |
# 将dist文件中的内容复制到 /opt/sfms3.0 这个目录下面 |
COPY sfms3.0/ /opt/sfms3.0 |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
user root; |
worker_processes 2; |
events { |
worker_connections 1024; |
} |
http { |
include mime.types; |
charset utf-8,gbk; |
default_type application/octet-stream; |
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' |
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' |
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" "$request_time $upstream_response_time"'; |
access_log logs/access.log main; |
sendfile on; |
#tcp_nopush on; |
keepalive_timeout 600s; |
client_max_body_size 200m; |
gzip on; |
gzip_min_length 10k; |
gzip_comp_level 9; |
gzip_buffers 4 16k; |
gzip_types text/plain application/javascript text/css application/xml text/javascript image/jpeg image/gif image/png; |
gzip_vary on; |
gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\."; |
upstream sfms3.0 { |
server localhost:25311 weight=10 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s; |
} |
server { |
listen 25400; |
server_name_in_redirect off; |
server_name _; |
location /api/ { |
proxy_pass http://sfms3.0/; |
proxy_next_upstream http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504 error timeout invalid_header; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwared-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_set_header Host $http_host; |
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $http_x_forwarded_for; |
} |
location /profile/ { |
alias /opt/profile/; |
index index.html index.htm; |
} |
location / { |
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; |
root /opt/sfms3.0; |
index index.html index.htm; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface RelegateRequestVO { |
id: number |
itemCode: string |
downItemCode: string |
businessType: string |
uom: string |
qty: number |
fromBatch: string |
fromPackingNumber: string |
fromLocationCode: string |
fromAreaTypes: string |
fromAreaCodes: string |
fromWarehouseCode: string |
toPackingNumber: string |
toBatch: string |
toLocationCode: string |
toWarehouseCode: string |
toAreaTypes: string |
toAreaCodes: string |
number: string |
available: string |
remark: string |
departmentCode: string |
siteId: number |
extraProperties: string |
status: string |
concurrencyStamp: number |
serialNumber: string |
ruleUserId: number |
} |
// 查询物料降级信息列表
export const getRelegateRequestPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return await request.post({ url: '/wms/relegate-request/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/relegate-request/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询物料降级信息详情
export const getRelegateRequest = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/relegate-request/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增物料降级信息
export const createRelegateRequest = async (data: RelegateRequestVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/relegate-request/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改物料降级信息
export const updateRelegateRequest = async (data: RelegateRequestVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/relegate-request/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除物料降级信息
export const deleteRelegateRequest = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/relegate-request/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出物料降级信息 Excel
export const exportRelegateRequest = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/relegate-request/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/relegate-request/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface SaleShipmentDetailVO { |
id: number |
soNumber: string |
soLine: string |
fromOwnerCode: string |
packingNumber: string |
batch: string |
inventoryStatus: string |
fromLocationCode: string |
masterId: number |
number: string |
itemCode: string |
itemName: string |
itemDesc1: string |
itemDesc2: string |
projectCode: string |
qty: number |
uom: string |
remark: string |
concurrencyStamp: string |
siteId: number |
} |
// 查询销售发运申请子列表
export const getSaleShipmentDetailPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return await request.post({ url: '/wms/sale-shipment-detail/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-detail/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询销售发运申请子详情
export const getSaleShipmentDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-detail/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增销售发运申请子
export const createSaleShipmentDetail = async (data: SaleShipmentDetailVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-detail/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改销售发运申请子
export const updateSaleShipmentDetail = async (data: SaleShipmentDetailVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-detail/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除销售发运申请子
export const deleteSaleShipmentDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-detail/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出销售发运申请子 Excel
export const exportSaleShipmentDetail = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-detail/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/sale-shipment-detail/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface SaleShipmentMainVO { |
id: number |
customerCode: string |
number: string |
businessType: string |
remark: string |
extraProperties: string |
siteId: number |
invoiceTime: Date |
requestTime: Date |
dueTime: Date |
departmentCode: string |
status: string |
autoCommit: string |
autoAgree: string |
autoExecute: string |
directCreateRecord: string |
concurrencyStamp: string |
ruleUserId: number |
serialNumber: string |
} |
// 查询销售发运申请主列表
export const getSaleShipmentMainPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return await request.post({ url: '/wms/sale-shipment-main-request/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-main-request/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询销售发运申请主详情
export const getSaleShipmentMain = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-main-request/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增销售发运申请主
export const createSaleShipmentMain = async (data: SaleShipmentMainVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-main-request/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改销售发运申请主
export const updateSaleShipmentMain = async (data: SaleShipmentMainVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-main-request/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除销售发运申请主
export const deleteSaleShipmentMain = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-main-request/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出销售发运申请主 Excel
export const exportSaleShipmentMain = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/sale-shipment-main-request/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/sale-shipment-main-request/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
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const pdfRef = ref() // pdf组件 |
const frameHeight = ref(0) |
const imageArray = ref<string[]>([]) // 图片数组 |
const closeView = () => { |
showDialog.value = false |
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// 打开预览 |
const openPreview = async (data:string[]|string)=>{ |
showDialog.value = true |
if(Array.isArray(data)){ |
//图片数组 |
isPDF.value = false |
pdfUrl.value = '' |
imageArray.value = data.filter(item=>(item.replace('/get/','/show/'))) |
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isPDF.value = true |
pdfUrl.value = data.replace('/get/','/show/') |
nextTick(()=>{ |
frameHeight.value = window.innerHeight - 2*pdfRef.value.getBoundingClientRect().top |
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} |
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defineExpose({openPreview}) |
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.preview.el-dialog { |
--el-dialog-box-shadow:null; |
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.carousel-item{ |
display: flex; |
justify-content: center; |
align-items: center; |
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@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ |
import type { CrudSchema } from '@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas' |
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import * as DictTypeApi from '@/api/system/dict/dict.type' |
const optionsList = await DictTypeApi.getDictTypeAndData('inspection') |
optionsList.forEach(element => { |
element.options = element.dictDataRespVOList.map(item => { |
return { |
value: element.type + "-%%%-" + item.value, |
label: element.name + "-" + item.label |
} |
}) |
}) |
// 表单校验
export const SelectedProjectRules = reactive({ |
code: [required], |
dictionaryTypeAndCode: [required], |
estimateCode: [required], |
defectLevel: [required], |
}) |
export const SelectedProject = useCrudSchemas(reactive<CrudSchema[]>([ |
{ |
label: '编码', |
field: 'code', |
sort: 'custom', |
isTableForm: false, |
isSearch: true, |
fixed: 'left', |
form: { |
componentProps:{ |
disabled:true |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '字典及字典项', |
field: 'dictionaryTypeAndCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
formatter: (_: Recordable, __: TableColumn, cellValue: boolean) => { |
return optionsList.find(item => item.options.some(option => option.value === cellValue))?.options.find(option => option.value === cellValue)?.label |
}, |
isSearch: false, |
isDetail: false, |
isTable: true, |
isForm: true, |
tableForm: { |
type: 'SelectGroup', |
initOptions: optionsList, |
filterable: true, |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'Select', |
componentProps: { |
options: optionsList, |
filterable: true, |
} |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '字典', |
field: 'dictionaryCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: false, |
isTableForm: false, |
isDetail: false, |
isTable: false, |
isForm: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '字典项', |
field: 'dictionaryValue', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: false, |
isTableForm: false, |
isDetail: false, |
isTable: false, |
isForm: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '字典名称', |
field: 'dictionaryLabel', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: false, |
isTableForm: false, |
isDetail: false, |
isTable: false, |
isForm: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '评估代码', |
field: 'estimateCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
dictClass: 'string', |
tableForm: { |
type: 'Select', |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'Select', |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '缺陷级别', |
field: 'defectLevel', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
dictClass: 'string', |
tableForm: { |
type: 'Select', |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'Select', |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '操作', |
field: 'action', |
isForm: false, |
table: { |
width: 150, |
fixed: 'right' |
}, |
isTableForm: false, |
} |
])) |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ |
import type { CrudSchema } from '@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas' |
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import * as DictTypeApi from '@/api/system/dict/dict.type' |
// 表单校验
export const SelectedProjectRules = reactive({ |
code: [required], |
// dictionaryTypeAndCode: [required],
estimateCode: [required], |
defectLevel: [required], |
dictionaryValue: [required] |
}) |
export const SelectedProject = useCrudSchemas(reactive<CrudSchema[]>([ |
{ |
label: '编码', |
field: 'code', |
sort: 'custom', |
isTableForm: false, |
isSearch: true, |
fixed: 'left', |
form: { |
componentProps:{ |
disabled:true |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '字典项', |
field: 'dictionaryValue', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
isTableForm: true, |
isDetail: true, |
isTable: true, |
isForm: true, |
}, |
{ |
label: '评估代码', |
field: 'estimateCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
dictClass: 'string', |
tableForm: { |
type: 'Select', |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'Select', |
} |
}, |
// {
// label: '缺陷级别',
// field: 'defectLevel',
// sort: 'custom',
// isSearch: true,
// dictClass: 'string',
// tableForm: {
// type: 'Select',
// },
// form: {
// component: 'Select',
// }
// },
{ |
label: '操作', |
field: 'action', |
isForm: false, |
table: { |
width: 150, |
fixed: 'right' |
}, |
isTableForm: false, |
} |
])) |
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ |
<template> |
<ContentWrap> |
<!-- 搜索工作栏 --> |
<Search :schema="RelegateRequest.allSchemas.searchSchema" @search="setSearchParams" @reset="setSearchParams" /> |
</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 列表头部 --> |
<TableHead |
:HeadButttondata="HeadButttondata" |
@button-base-click="buttonBaseClick" |
:routeName="routeName" |
@updataTableColumns="updataTableColumns" |
@searchFormClick="searchFormClick" |
:allSchemas="RelegateRequest.allSchemas" |
/> |
<!-- 列表 --> |
<ContentWrap> |
<Table |
:columns="tableColumns" |
:data="tableObject.tableList" |
:loading="tableObject.loading" |
:pagination="{ |
total: tableObject.total |
}" |
v-model:pageSize="tableObject.pageSize" |
v-model:currentPage="tableObject.currentPage" |
v-model:sort="tableObject.sort" |
> |
<template #code="{row}"> |
<el-button type="primary" link @click="openDetail(row, '代码', row.code)"> |
<span>{{ row.code }}</span> |
</el-button> |
</template> |
<template #action="{ row }"> |
<ButtonBase :Butttondata="butttondata" @button-base-click="buttonTableClick($event,row)" /> |
</template> |
</Table> |
</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 表单弹窗:添加/修改 --> |
<BasicForm |
ref="basicFormRef" |
@success="formsSuccess" |
:rules="RelegateRequestRules" |
:formAllSchemas="RelegateRequest.allSchemas" |
:apiUpdate="RelegateRequestApi.updateRelegateRequest" |
:apiCreate="RelegateRequestApi.createRelegateRequest" |
@searchTableSuccess="searchTableSuccess" |
:isBusiness="false" |
/> |
<!-- 详情 --> |
<Detail ref="detailRef" :isBasic="true" :allSchemas="RelegateRequest.allSchemas" /> |
<!-- 导入 --> |
<ImportForm ref="importFormRef" url="/wms/relegate-request/import" :importTemplateData="importTemplateData" @success="importSuccess" /> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import download from '@/utils/download' |
import { RelegateRequest,RelegateRequestRules } from './relegateRequest.data' |
import * as RelegateRequestApi from '@/api/wms/relegateRequest' |
import * as defaultButtons from '@/utils/disposition/defaultButtons' |
import TableHead from '@/components/TableHead/src/TableHead.vue' |
import ImportForm from '@/components/ImportForm/src/ImportForm.vue' |
import Detail from '@/components/Detail/src/Detail.vue' |
defineOptions({ name: 'RelegateRequest' }) |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const route = useRoute() // 路由信息 |
const routeName = ref() |
routeName.value = route.name |
const tableColumns = ref(RelegateRequest.allSchemas.tableColumns) |
// 查询页面返回 |
const searchTableSuccess = (formField, searchField, val, formRef) => { |
nextTick(() => { |
const setV = {} |
setV[formField] = val[0][searchField] |
formRef.setValues(setV) |
}) |
} |
// 字段设置 更新主列表字段 |
const updataTableColumns = (val) => { |
tableColumns.value = val |
} |
const { tableObject, tableMethods } = useTable({ |
getListApi: RelegateRequestApi.getRelegateRequestPage // 分页接口 |
}) |
// 获得表格的各种操作 |
const { getList, setSearchParams } = tableMethods |
// 列表头部按钮 |
const HeadButttondata = [ |
defaultButtons.defaultAddBtn({hasPermi:'wms:relegate-request:create'}), // 新增 |
defaultButtons.defaultImportBtn({hasPermi:'wms:relegate-request:import'}), // 导入 |
defaultButtons.defaultExportBtn({hasPermi:'wms:relegate-request:export'}), // 导出 |
defaultButtons.defaultFreshBtn(null), // 刷新 |
defaultButtons.defaultFilterBtn(null), // 筛选 |
defaultButtons.defaultSetBtn(null), // 设置 |
// { |
// label: '自定义扩展按钮', |
// name: 'zdy', |
// hide: false, |
// type: 'primary', |
// icon: 'Select', |
// color: '' |
// }, |
] |
// 头部按钮事件 |
const buttonBaseClick = (val, item) => { |
if (val == 'add') { // 新增 |
openForm('create') |
} else if (val == 'import') { // 导入 |
handleImport() |
} else if (val == 'export') { // 导出 |
handleExport() |
} else if (val == 'refresh') { // 刷新 |
getList() |
} else if (val == 'filtrate') { // 筛选 |
} else { // 其他按钮 |
console.log('其他按钮', item) |
} |
} |
// 列表-操作按钮 |
const butttondata = [ |
defaultButtons.mainListEditBtn({hasPermi:'wms:relegate-request:update'}), // 编辑 |
defaultButtons.mainListDeleteBtn({hasPermi:'wms:relegate-request:delete'}), // 删除 |
] |
// 列表-操作按钮事件 |
const buttonTableClick = async (val, row) => { |
if (val == 'edit') { // 编辑 |
openForm('update', row) |
} else if (val == 'delete') { // 删除 |
handleDelete(row.id) |
} |
} |
/** 添加/修改操作 */ |
const basicFormRef = ref() |
const openForm = (type: string, row?: any) => { |
basicFormRef.value.open(type, row) |
} |
// form表单提交 |
const formsSuccess = async (formType,data) => { |
if (formType === 'create') { |
await RelegateRequestApi.createRelegateRequest(data) |
message.success(t('common.createSuccess')) |
} else { |
await RelegateRequestApi.updateRelegateRequest(data) |
message.success(t('common.updateSuccess')) |
} |
basicFormRef.value.dialogVisible = false |
getList() |
} |
/** 详情操作 */ |
const detailRef = ref() |
const openDetail = (row: any, titleName: any, titleValue: any) => { |
detailRef.value.openDetail(row, titleName, titleValue, 'basicRelegateRequest') |
} |
/** 删除按钮操作 */ |
const handleDelete = async (id: number) => { |
try { |
// 删除的二次确认 |
await message.delConfirm() |
// 发起删除 |
await RelegateRequestApi.deleteRelegateRequest(id) |
message.success(t('common.delSuccess')) |
// 刷新列表 |
await getList() |
} catch {} |
} |
/** 导出按钮操作 */ |
const exportLoading = ref(false) // 导出的加载中 |
const handleExport = async () => { |
try { |
// 导出的二次确认 |
await message.exportConfirm() |
// 发起导出 |
exportLoading.value = true |
const data = await RelegateRequestApi.exportRelegateRequest(tableObject.params) |
download.excel(data, '物料降级信息.xlsx') |
} catch { |
} finally { |
exportLoading.value = false |
} |
} |
/** 导入 */ |
const importFormRef = ref() |
const handleImport = () => { |
importFormRef.value.open() |
} |
// 导入附件弹窗所需的参数 |
const importTemplateData = reactive({ |
templateUrl: '', |
templateTitle: '物料降级信息导入模版.xlsx' |
}) |
// 导入成功之后 |
const importSuccess = () => { |
getList() |
} |
// 筛选提交 |
const searchFormClick = (searchData) => { |
tableObject.params = { |
isSearch: true, |
filters: searchData.filters |
} |
getList() // 刷新当前列表 |
} |
/** 初始化 **/ |
onMounted(async () => { |
getList() |
importTemplateData.templateUrl = await RelegateRequestApi.importTemplate() |
}) |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ |
import type { CrudSchema } from '@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas' |
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import * as ItembasicApi from '@/api/wms/itembasic' |
import { Itembasic } from '@/views/wms/basicDataManage/itemManage/itembasic/itembasic.data' |
// 表单校验
export const RelegateRequestRules = reactive({ |
itemCode: [required], |
downItemCode: [required], |
businessType: [required], |
available: [required], |
departmentCode: [required], |
concurrencyStamp: [required], |
}) |
export const RelegateRequest = useCrudSchemas(reactive<CrudSchema[]>([ |
{ |
label: '单据号', |
field: 'number', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
}, |
{ |
label: '物料代码', |
field: 'itemCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
form: { |
componentProps: { |
isSearchList: true, |
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择物料代码', |
searchField: 'itemCode', |
searchTitle: '客户物料基础信息', |
searchAllSchemas: Itembasic.allSchemas, |
searchPage: ItembasicApi.getItembasicPage, |
searchCondition: [{ |
key: 'available', |
value: 'TRUE', |
isMainValue: false |
}] |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '降级后物料代码', |
field: 'downItemCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
}, |
{ |
label: '计量单位', |
field: 'uom', |
sort: 'custom', |
form: { |
componentProps: { |
disabled: true, |
} |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '数量', |
field: 'qty', |
sort: 'custom', |
}, |
{ |
label: '从批次', |
field: 'fromBatch', |
sort: 'custom', |
form: { |
componentProps: { |
disabled: true, |
} |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '从包装号', |
field: 'fromPackingNumber', |
sort: 'custom', |
form: { |
componentProps: { |
disabled: true, |
} |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '从库位代码', |
field: 'fromLocationCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
form: { |
componentProps: { |
disabled: true, |
} |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '从库区类型', |
field: 'fromAreaTypes', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '从库区代码', |
field: 'fromAreaCodes', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '从仓库代码', |
field: 'fromWarehouseCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '到包装号', |
field: 'toPackingNumber', |
sort: 'custom', |
}, |
{ |
label: '到批次', |
field: 'toBatch', |
sort: 'custom', |
}, |
{ |
label: '到库位代码', |
field: 'toLocationCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
}, |
{ |
label: '到仓库代码', |
field: 'toWarehouseCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '到库区类型', |
field: 'toAreaTypes', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '到库区代码', |
field: 'toAreaCodes', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '是否可用', |
field: 'available', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '备注', |
field: 'remark', |
sort: 'custom', |
}, |
{ |
label: '部门', |
field: 'departmentCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '地点ID', |
field: 'siteId', |
sort: 'custom', |
form: { |
component: 'InputNumber', |
value: 0 |
}, |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '扩展属性', |
field: 'extraProperties', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '创建时间', |
field: 'createTime', |
sort: 'custom', |
formatter: dateFormatter, |
search: { |
component: 'DatePicker', |
componentProps: { |
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', |
type: 'daterange', |
defaultTime: [new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')] |
} |
}, |
isForm: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '状态', |
field: 'status', |
dictClass: 'string', |
isSearch: true, |
isForm: false, |
isTable: true, |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '并发乐观锁', |
field: 'concurrencyStamp', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
form: { |
component: 'InputNumber', |
value: 0 |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '工作流流水号', |
field: 'serialNumber', |
isForm:false, |
sort: 'custom', |
}, |
{ |
label: '权限所属人员id', |
field: 'ruleUserId', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm:false, |
form: { |
component: 'InputNumber', |
value: 0 |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '操作', |
field: 'action', |
isForm: false, |
table: { |
width: 150, |
fixed: 'right' |
} |
} |
])) |
@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ |
<template> |
<ContentWrap> |
<!-- 搜索工作栏 --> |
<Search :schema="SaleShipmentMain.allSchemas.searchSchema" @search="setSearchParams" @reset="setSearchParams" /> |
</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 列表头部 --> |
<TableHead |
:HeadButttondata="HeadButttondata" |
@button-base-click="buttonBaseClick" |
:routeName="routeName" |
@updataTableColumns="updataTableColumns" |
@searchFormClick="searchFormClick" |
:allSchemas="SaleShipmentMain.allSchemas" |
:detailAllSchemas="SaleShipmentDetail.allSchemas" |
/> |
<!-- 列表 --> |
<ContentWrap> |
<Table |
:columns="tableColumns" |
:data="tableObject.tableList" |
:loading="tableObject.loading" |
:pagination="{ |
total: tableObject.total |
}" |
v-model:pageSize="tableObject.pageSize" |
v-model:currentPage="tableObject.currentPage" |
v-model:sort="tableObject.sort" |
> |
<template #code="{row}"> |
<el-button type="primary" link @click="openDetail(row, '单据号', row.number)"> |
<span>{{ row.number }}</span> |
</el-button> |
</template> |
<template #action="{ row }"> |
<ButtonBase :Butttondata="butttondata" @button-base-click="buttonTableClick($event,row)" /> |
</template> |
</Table> |
</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 表单弹窗:添加/修改 --> |
<BasicForm |
ref="basicFormRef" |
@success="getList" |
:rules="SaleShipmentMainRules" |
:formAllSchemas="SaleShipmentMain.allSchemas" |
:tableAllSchemas="SaleShipmentDetail.allSchemas" |
:tableFormRules="SaleShipmentDetailRules" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:apiUpdate="SaleShipmentMainApi.updateSaleShipmentMain" |
:apiCreate="SaleShipmentMainApi.createSaleShipmentMain" |
:isBusiness="true" |
fromeWhere="SaleShipmentRequestMain" |
@handleAddTable="handleAddTable" |
@handleDeleteTable="handleDeleteTable" |
@searchTableSuccess="searchTableSuccess" |
@submitForm="submitForm" |
:isShowButton = isShowButton |
/> |
<!-- 详情 --> |
<Detail |
ref="detailRef" |
:isBasic="false" |
:allSchemas="SaleShipmentMain.allSchemas" |
:detailAllSchemas="SaleShipmentDetail.allSchemas" |
:detailAllSchemasRules="SaleShipmentDetailRules" |
:apiCreate="SaleShipmentDetailApi.createSaleShipmentDetail" |
:apiUpdate="SaleShipmentDetailApi.updateSaleShipmentDetail" |
:apiPage="SaleShipmentDetailApi.getSaleShipmentDetailPage" |
:apiDelete="SaleShipmentDetailApi.deleteSaleShipmentDetail" |
fromeWhere="SaleShipmentRequestDetail" |
@searchTableSuccessDetail="searchTableSuccessDetail" |
:detailButtonIsShowAdd="trueFalse" |
:detailButtonIsShowDelete="trueFalse" |
@detailOpenForm="detailOpenForm" |
/> |
<!-- 导入 --> |
<ImportForm ref="importFormRef" url="/wms/sale-shipment-main/import" :importTemplateData="importTemplateData" @success="importSuccess" /> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import download from '@/utils/download' |
import { SaleShipmentMain,SaleShipmentMainRules,SaleShipmentDetail,SaleShipmentDetailRules } from './saleShipmentMain.data' |
import * as SaleShipmentMainApi from '@/api/wms/saleShipmentMain' |
import * as SaleShipmentDetailApi from '@/api/wms/saleShipmentDetail' |
import * as defaultButtons from '@/utils/disposition/defaultButtons' |
import TableHead from '@/components/TableHead/src/TableHead.vue' |
import ImportForm from '@/components/ImportForm/src/ImportForm.vue' |
import Detail from '@/components/Detail/src/Detail.vue' |
defineOptions({ name: 'SaleShipmentMain' }) |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const route = useRoute() // 路由信息 |
const routeName = ref() |
routeName.value = route.name |
const tableColumns = ref(SaleShipmentMain.allSchemas.tableColumns) |
//定义 展示子表数据时是否显示新增/修改/删除按钮 |
const trueFalse = ref(false) |
// 查询页面返回 |
const searchTableSuccess = (formField, searchField, val, formRef, type, row ) => { |
nextTick(() => { |
if (type == 'tableForm') { |
row['soLine'] = val[0]['lineNumber'] |
row['soNumber'] = val[0]['number'] |
row['itemCode'] = val[0]['itemCode'] |
row['projectCode'] = val[0]['projectCode'] |
row['uom'] = val[0]['uom'] |
}else { |
const setV = {} |
if(formField == 'CustomerCode') { |
setV['CustomerCode'] = val[0]['CustomerCode'] |
} else { |
setV[formField] = val[0][searchField] |
} |
formRef.setValues(setV) |
} |
}) |
} |
// 查询页面返回——详情 |
const searchTableSuccessDetail = (formField, searchField, val, formRef ) => { |
nextTick(() => { |
const setV = {} |
if(formField == 'soLine') { |
setV['soLine'] = val[0]['lineNumber'] |
setV['soNumber'] = val[0]['number'] |
setV['itemCode'] = val[0]['itemCode'] |
setV['projectCode'] = val[0]['projectCode'] |
setV['uom'] = val[0]['uom'] |
}else { |
setV[formField] = val[0][searchField] |
} |
formRef.setValues(setV) |
}) |
} |
const isShowButton = ref(true) |
// 字段设置 更新主列表字段 |
const updataTableColumns = (val) => { |
tableColumns.value = val |
} |
const { tableObject, tableMethods } = useTable({ |
getListApi: SaleShipmentMainApi.getSaleShipmentMainPage // 分页接口 |
}) |
// 获得表格的各种操作 |
const { getList, setSearchParams } = tableMethods |
// 列表头部按钮 |
const HeadButttondata = [ |
defaultButtons.defaultAddBtn({hasPermi:'wms:sale-shipment-main-request:create'}), // 新增 |
defaultButtons.defaultImportBtn({hasPermi:'wms:sale-shipment-main-request:import'}), // 导入 |
defaultButtons.defaultExportBtn({hasPermi:'wms:sale-shipment-main-request:export'}), // 导出 |
defaultButtons.defaultFreshBtn(null), // 刷新 |
defaultButtons.defaultFilterBtn(null), // 筛选 |
defaultButtons.defaultSetBtn(null), // 设置 |
// { |
// label: '自定义扩展按钮', |
// name: 'zdy', |
// hide: false, |
// type: 'primary', |
// icon: 'Select', |
// color: '' |
// }, |
] |
// 头部按钮事件 |
const buttonBaseClick = (val, item) => { |
if (val == 'add') { // 新增 |
openForm('create') |
} else if (val == 'import') { // 导入 |
handleImport() |
} else if (val == 'export') { // 导出 |
handleExport() |
} else if (val == 'refresh') { // 刷新 |
if (tableObject.params.filters && tableObject.params.filters.length > 0 ) { |
searchFormClick({ |
filters: tableObject.params.filters |
}) |
} else { |
getList() |
} |
} else if (val == 'filtrate') { // 筛选 |
} else { // 其他按钮 |
console.log('其他按钮', item) |
} |
} |
// 列表-操作按钮 |
const butttondata = [ |
defaultButtons.mainListEditBtn({hasPermi:'wms:sale-shipment-main-request:update'}), // 编辑 |
defaultButtons.mainListDeleteBtn({hasPermi:'wms:sale-shipment-main-request:delete'}), // 删除 |
] |
const tableData = ref([]) |
// 列表-操作按钮事件 |
const buttonTableClick = async (val, row) => { |
if (val == 'edit') { // 编辑 |
openForm('update', row) |
} else if (val == 'delete') { // 删除 |
handleDelete(row.id) |
} |
} |
/** |
* 详情 编辑页面打开 |
* @param row |
*/ |
const detailOpenForm = (type) => { |
} |
/** 添加/修改操作 */ |
const basicFormRef = ref() |
const openForm = (type: string, row?: any) => { |
basicFormRef.value.open(type, row) |
} |
// 主子数据 提交 |
const submitForm = async (formType, data) => { |
data.subList = tableData.value // 拼接子表数据参数 |
let isExist = false |
tableData.value.forEach(item => { |
let rs = tableData.value.filter(filterItem => (filterItem.itemCode == item.itemCode)) |
if(rs.length > 1) isExist = true |
}) |
if (isExist) { |
basicFormRef.value.formLoading = false |
return message.warning('物料代码重复') |
} |
try { |
if (formType === 'create') { |
if(tableData.value.length <= 0){ |
message.warning(`子表明细不能为空!`) |
basicFormRef.value.formLoading = false |
return; |
} |
await SaleShipmentMainApi.createSaleShipmentMain(data) |
message.success(t('common.createSuccess')) |
} else { |
await SaleShipmentMainApi.updateSaleShipmentMain(data) |
message.success(t('common.updateSuccess')) |
} |
basicFormRef.value.dialogVisible = false |
// 刷新当前列表 |
getList() |
} finally { |
basicFormRef.value.formLoading = false |
} |
} |
/** |
* tableForm方法 |
*/ |
const tableFormKeys = {} |
SaleShipmentDetail.allSchemas.tableFormColumns.forEach(item => { |
tableFormKeys[item.field] = item.default ? item.default : '' |
}) |
// 添加明细 |
const handleAddTable = () => { |
let tableForm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tableFormKeys)) |
tableData.value.push(tableForm) |
} |
// 删除明细 |
const handleDeleteTable = (item, index) => { |
tableData.value.splice(index, 1) |
} |
/** 详情操作 */ |
const detailRef = ref() |
const openDetail = (row: any, titleName: any, titleValue: any) => { |
detailRef.value.openDetail(row, titleName, titleValue, 'basicSaleShipmentMain') |
} |
/** 删除按钮操作 */ |
const handleDelete = async (id: number) => { |
try { |
// 删除的二次确认 |
await message.delConfirm() |
// 发起删除 |
await SaleShipmentMainApi.deleteSaleShipmentMain(id) |
message.success(t('common.delSuccess')) |
// 刷新列表 |
await getList() |
} catch {} |
} |
/** 导出按钮操作 */ |
const exportLoading = ref(false) // 导出的加载中 |
const handleExport = async () => { |
try { |
// 导出的二次确认 |
await message.exportConfirm() |
// 发起导出 |
exportLoading.value = true |
const data = await SaleShipmentMainApi.exportSaleShipmentMain(tableObject.params) |
download.excel(data, '销售发运申请主.xlsx') |
} catch { |
} finally { |
exportLoading.value = false |
} |
} |
/** 导入 */ |
const importFormRef = ref() |
const handleImport = () => { |
importFormRef.value.open() |
} |
// 导入附件弹窗所需的参数 |
const importTemplateData = reactive({ |
templateUrl: '', |
templateTitle: '销售发运申请主导入模版.xlsx' |
}) |
// 导入成功之后 |
const importSuccess = () => { |
getList() |
} |
// 筛选提交 |
const searchFormClick = (searchData) => { |
tableObject.params = { |
isSearch: true, |
filters: searchData.filters |
} |
getList() // 刷新当前列表 |
} |
/** 初始化 **/ |
onMounted(async () => { |
getList() |
importTemplateData.templateUrl = await SaleShipmentMainApi.importTemplate() |
}) |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ |
import type { CrudSchema } from '@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas' |
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import * as CustomerApi from '@/api/wms/customer' |
import { Customer } from '@/views/wms/basicDataManage/customerManage/customer/customer.data' |
import * as SaleDetailApi from '@/api/wms/saleDetail' |
import { SaleDetail } from '@/views/wms/deliversettlementManage/deliverplan/saleMain/saleMain.data' |
import * as getRequestsettingApi from '@/api/wms/requestsetting/index' |
// 获取自动提交自动通过自动执行,跳过任务直接删生成记录的默认值
const queryParams = { |
pageSize:10, |
pageNo:1, |
code:'DeliverRequest' |
} |
const data = await getRequestsettingApi.getRequestsettingPage(queryParams) |
const requestsettingData =data?.list[0]||{} |
// 表单校验
export const SaleShipmentMainRules = reactive({ |
}) |
export const SaleShipmentMain = useCrudSchemas(reactive<CrudSchema[]>([ |
{ |
label: '客户代码', |
field: 'customerCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
form: { |
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
componentProps: { |
enterSearch: true, |
isSearchList: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择客户代码', // 输入框占位文本
searchField: 'code', // 查询弹窗赋值字段
searchTitle: '客户信息', // 查询弹窗标题
searchAllSchemas: Customer.allSchemas, // 查询弹窗所需类
searchPage: CustomerApi.getCustomerPage, // 查询弹窗所需分页方法
searchCondition: [{ |
key: 'available', |
value: 'TRUE', |
isMainValue: false |
}] |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '单据号', |
field: 'number', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
isForm: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '业务类型', |
field: 'businessType', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm: false, |
table: { |
width: 150 |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '备注', |
field: 'remark', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '发票时间', |
field: 'invoiceTime', |
sort: 'custom', |
formatter: dateFormatter, |
search: { |
component: 'DatePicker', |
componentProps: { |
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', |
type: 'daterange', |
defaultTime: [new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')] |
} |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'DatePicker', |
componentProps: { |
type: 'datetime', |
valueFormat: 'x' |
} |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '地点', |
field: 'siteId', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
hiddenInMain: true, |
}, |
{ |
label: '部门', |
field: 'departmentCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isForm: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '状态', |
field: 'status', |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
}, |
dictClass: 'string', |
isSearch: true, |
isForm:false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '自动提交', |
field: 'autoCommit', |
dictClass: 'string', |
isTable: false, |
isForm: false, |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'Switch', |
value: requestsettingData.autoCommit, |
componentProps: { |
inactiveValue: 'FALSE', |
activeValue: 'TRUE', |
disabled: true |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '自动通过', |
field: 'autoAgree', |
dictClass: 'string', |
isTable: false, |
isForm: false, |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'Switch', |
value: requestsettingData.autoAgree, |
componentProps: { |
inactiveValue: 'FALSE', |
activeValue: 'TRUE', |
disabled: true |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '自动执行', |
field: 'autoExecute', |
dictClass: 'string', |
isTable: false, |
isForm: false, |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'Switch', |
value: requestsettingData.autoExecute, |
componentProps: { |
inactiveValue: 'FALSE', |
activeValue: 'TRUE', |
disabled: true |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '直接生成记录', |
field: 'directCreateRecord', |
dictClass: 'string', |
isForm: false, |
isTable: false, |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
}, |
form: { |
component: 'Switch', |
value: requestsettingData.directCreateRecord, |
componentProps: { |
inactiveValue: 'FALSE', |
activeValue: 'TRUE', |
disabled: true |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: '创建时间', |
field: 'createTime', |
sort: 'custom', |
formatter: dateFormatter, |
search: { |
component: 'DatePicker', |
componentProps: { |
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', |
type: 'daterange', |
defaultTime: [new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')] |
} |
}, |
isForm: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: '操作', |
field: 'action', |
isForm: false, |
table: { |
width: 150, |
fixed: 'right' |
} |
} |
])) |
// 表单校验
export const SaleShipmentDetailRules = reactive({ |
}) |
export const SaleShipmentDetail = useCrudSchemas(reactive<CrudSchema[]>([ |
{ |
label: '单据号', |
field: 'number', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
table: { |
width: 180 |
}, |
isTable: false, |
isTableForm: false, |
form: { |
componentProps: { |
disabled: true |
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{ |
label: '销售订单号', |
field: 'soNumber', |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
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tableForm: { |
type: 'Select', |
disabled: true |
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form: { |
componentProps: { |
disabled: true |
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{ |
label: '销售订单行', |
field: 'soLine', |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
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tableForm:{ |
isInpuFocusShow: true, // 开启查询弹窗
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择销售订单行', |
searchField: 'lineNumber', |
searchTitle: '销售订单信息', |
searchAllSchemas: SaleDetail.allSchemas, |
searchPage: SaleDetailApi.getSaleDetailPage, |
searchCondition: [{ |
key: 'available', |
value: 'TRUE', |
isMainValue: false |
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form: { |
// labelMessage: '信息提示说明!!!',
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isSearchList: true, |
searchListPlaceholder: '请选择销售订单行', |
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searchTitle: '销售订单信息', |
searchAllSchemas: SaleDetail.allSchemas, |
searchPage: SaleDetailApi.getSaleDetailPage, |
searchCondition: [{ |
key: 'available', |
value: 'TRUE', |
isMainValue: false |
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{ |
key: 'customerCode', |
value: 'customerCode', |
isMainValue: true |
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label: '物品代码', |
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isSearch: true, |
tableForm: { |
type: 'Select', |
disabled: true |
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form: { |
componentProps: { |
disabled: true |
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label: '批次', |
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sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
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label: '从货主代码', |
field: 'fromOwnerCode', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
isForm: false, |
isTableForm: false |
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label: '包装号', |
field: 'packingNumber', |
sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
isForm: false, |
isTableForm: false |
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label: '库存状态', |
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width: 150 |
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isTableForm: false, |
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isForm: false, |
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{ |
label: '从库位代码', |
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isSearch: true, |
isTableForm: false |
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label: '物品名称', |
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width: 150 |
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isForm: false, |
isTableForm: false |
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{ |
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table: { |
width: 150 |
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isForm: false, |
isTableForm: false |
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{ |
label: '物品描述2', |
field: 'itemName', |
sort: 'custom', |
table: { |
width: 150 |
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isForm: false, |
isTableForm: false |
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{ |
label: '项目代码', |
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sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
isTableForm: false, |
hiddenInMain: true, |
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{ |
label: '数量', |
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isSearch: true, |
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label: '计量单位', |
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dictType: DICT_TYPE.UOM, |
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width: 150 |
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tableForm: { |
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componentProps: { |
disabled: true |
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{ |
label: '备注', |
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sort: 'custom', |
isSearch: true, |
isTableForm: false |
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label: '创建时间', |
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formatter: dateFormatter, |
isSearch: true, |
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component: 'DatePicker', |
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valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', |
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defaultTime: [new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')] |
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isForm: false, |
isTableForm: false |
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{ |
label: '操作', |
field: 'action', |
isForm: false, |
table: { |
width: 150, |
fixed: 'right' |
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} |
])) |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Reference in new issue