'两次输入的密码不一致,请重新输入!':'The password you entered twice is different, please enter it again!',
// 物料描述: '',
// 返利未税金额: '',
// 财务过账日期: '',
// Q2通知单: '',
// ASN外部收货: '',
// 数量: '',
请输入正确的手机号:'Please enter the correct mobile phone number',
请输入类型:'Please enter a type',
请输入默认库位代码:'Please enter the default library bit code',
请选择是否是功能区:'Please select whether it is a functional area',
请选择类型:'Please select type',
请输入简称:'Please enter the abbreviation',
不得超过128个字符:'Maximum 128 characters',
请输入正确的邮箱格式:'Please enter the correct email format',
请输入正确的传真:'Please enter the correct fax',
用户名称:'User name',
子表版本:'Subtable version',
请选择版本号:'Please select the version number',
请输入未税金额:'Please enter the untaxed amount',
请输入税额:'Please enter the tax amount',
请选择是否跳过任务直接生成记录:'Choose whether to skip the task and generate the record directly',
请选择是否自动执行:'Select whether to execute automatically',
请选择是否自动通过:'Please select whether to pass automatically',
请选择是否自动提交:'Choose whether to submit automatically',
请输入部门:'Please enter the department',
请输入金税票号:'Please enter the gold tax voucher number',
请选择发票日期:'Please select the invoice date',
请输入价差通过说明:'Please enter the spread through the description',
最多100字符:'Up to 100 characters',
'请填订单类型!':'Please fill in the order type!',
请输入合同价格:'Please enter the contract price',
'请确认该申请中是否包含返利金额,请注意填写的返利金额应为负数':'Please confirm whether the rebate amount is included in the application. Please note that the rebate amount should be negative',
重要提示:'Important Notes',
'调整事项(减项以负数列示):':'Adjustment items (minus items are shown as negative numbers) :',
'请输入':'Please enter',
经办人:'Person in charge',
对账日期:'Date of reconciliation',
请选择对账日期:'Please select the reconciliation date',
调整事项合计:'Total adjustment items',
调整后余额:'Adjusted balance',
账面金额如下:'the carrying amount is as follows',
截止年月日账面金额如下:'The book amount at the end of the year is as follows',