@ -481,18 +481,18 @@ export default { |
number_all_plans: 'Number of All Plans', |
number_orders_received: 'Number of Orders Received', |
single: 'Single', |
latest_news : 'Latest News', |
number : 'Number', |
user_type : 'User Type', |
user_number : 'User Number', |
template_coding : 'Template Coding', |
sender_number : 'Sender Number', |
template_content : 'Template Content', |
template_parameters : 'Template Parameters', |
template_type : 'Template Type', |
read : 'Read', |
read_time : 'Read Time', |
create_time : 'Create Time', |
latest_news:'Latest News', |
number:'Number', |
user_type:'User Type', |
user_number:'User Number', |
template_coding:'Template Coding', |
sender_number:'Sender Number', |
template_content:'Template Content', |
template_parameters:'Template Parameters', |
template_type:'Template Type', |
read:'Read', |
read_time:'Read Time', |
create_time:'Create Time', |
latest_deduction_details: 'Latest Deduction Details', |
title: 'Title', |
publisher: 'Publisher', |
@ -531,86 +531,91 @@ export default { |
creater:'Creater', |
claim_details_month:'Claim Details for This Month', |
batch:'Batch', |
today_arrival_plan_shipped : 'Today\'s arrival plan(Shipped)', |
today_arrival_plan_shipped:'Today\'s arrival plan(Shipped)', |
material_preparation_plan_today_issued: 'Material preparation plan today(Issued)', |
call_material_today_issued : 'Call for material today(Issued)', |
pcs : 'pcs', |
free_library_bits_or_total_library_bits : 'Free library bits/Total library bits', |
slack_stock_warning : 'Slack stock warning', |
package_number : 'Package Number', |
appliance_code : 'Appliance Code', |
location_code : 'Location Code', |
warehouse_code : 'Warehouse Code', |
location_group_code : 'Location Group Code', |
location_area_code : 'Location Area Code', |
erp_location_code : 'ERP Location Code', |
arrival_date : 'Arrival Date', |
production_date : 'Production Date', |
expiry_date : 'Expiry Date', |
shipper_code : 'Shipper Code', |
lock_quantity : 'Lock Quantity', |
available_quantity : 'Available Quantity', |
warehouse_entry_time : 'Warehouse Entry Time', |
overstock_warning : 'Overstock warning', |
high_and_low_storage_warning : 'High and low storage warning', |
waiting_tasks : 'Waiting Tasks', |
purchase_return_tasks : 'Purchase Return Tasks', |
product_putway_tasks : 'Product Putway Tasks', |
purchase_and_receive_tasks : 'Purchase and Receive Tasks', |
production_receipt_tasks : 'Production Receipt Tasks', |
production_return_tasks : 'Production Return Tasks', |
supplement_materials_tasks : 'Supplement Materials Tasks', |
product_receiving_tasks : 'Product Receiving Tasks', |
send_materials_tasks : 'Send Materials Tasks', |
today_production_plan : 'Today\'s production plan', |
sequence : 'Sequence', |
workshop : 'Workshop', |
prouduction_line : 'Prouduction Line', |
schedule : 'Schedule', |
teams_and_groups : 'Teams and Groups', |
intended_date : 'Intended Date', |
start_date : 'Start Date', |
ending_date : 'Ending Date', |
business_type : 'Business Type', |
line_side_safety_stock : 'Line side safety stock', |
type : 'Type', |
laneway : 'Laneway', |
goods_shelf : 'Goods Shelf', |
line : 'Line', |
column : 'Column', |
stock_priority : 'Stock Priority', |
maximum_load_bearing : 'Maximum Load Bearing', |
maximum_area : 'Maximum Area', |
maximum_volume : 'Maximum Volume', |
user_group_code : 'User Group Code', |
inventory_of_finished_products_waiting_to_be_putway : 'Inventory of finished products waiting to be putway', |
source_warehouse_code : 'Source Warehouse Code', |
apply_time : 'Apply Time', |
request_cut_off_time : 'Request cut-off Time', |
state : 'State', |
department : 'Department', |
undertaker_user_name : 'Undertaker User Name', |
undertake_time : 'Undertake Time', |
source_location_type_range : 'Source Location Type Range', |
destination_location_type_range : 'Destination Location Type Range', |
destination_warehouse_code : 'Destination Warehouse Code', |
source_location_area_code_range : 'Source Location Area Code Range', |
destination_location_area_code_range : 'Destination Location Area Code Range', |
auto_ccomplete : 'Auto-complete', |
modifiable_location : 'Modifiable Location', |
modifiable_amount : 'Modifiable Amount', |
allow_greater_than_recommended : 'Allow greater than recommended', |
allow_less_than_recommended : 'Allow less than recommended', |
allow_modify_location_state : 'Allow modify Location state', |
allow_continuous_scanning : 'Allow continuous scanning', |
allow_partly_completed : 'Allow partly completed', |
modifiable_batch : 'Modifiable Batch', |
modifiable_casecode : 'Modifiable Casecode', |
pcs:'pcs', |
free_library_bits_or_total_library_bits:'Free library bits/Total library bits', |
slack_stock_warning:'Slack stock warning', |
package_number:'Package Number', |
appliance_code:'Appliance Code', |
location_code:'Location Code', |
warehouse_code:'Warehouse Code', |
location_group_code:'Location Group Code', |
location_area_code:'Location Area Code', |
erp_location_code:'ERP Location Code', |
arrival_date:'Arrival Date', |
production_date:'Production Date', |
expiry_date:'Expiry Date', |
shipper_code:'Shipper Code', |
lock_quantity:'Lock Quantity', |
available_quantity:'Available Quantity', |
warehouse_entry_time:'Warehouse Entry Time', |
overstock_warning:'Overstock warning', |
high_and_low_storage_warning:'High and low storage warning', |
waiting_tasks:'Waiting Tasks', |
purchase_return_tasks:'Purchase Return Tasks', |
product_putway_tasks:'Product Putway Tasks', |
purchase_and_receive_tasks:'Purchase and Receive Tasks', |
production_receipt_tasks:'Production Receipt Tasks', |
production_return_tasks:'Production Return Tasks', |
supplement_materials_tasks:'Supplement Materials Tasks', |
product_receiving_tasks:'Product Receiving Tasks', |
send_materials_tasks:'Send Materials Tasks', |
today_production_plan:'Today\'s production plan', |
sequence:'Sequence', |
workshop:'Workshop', |
prouduction_line:'Prouduction Line', |
schedule:'Schedule', |
teams_and_groups:'Teams and Groups', |
intended_date:'Intended Date', |
start_date:'Start Date', |
ending_date:'Ending Date', |
business_type:'Business Type', |
line_side_safety_stock:'Line side safety stock', |
type:'Type', |
laneway:'Laneway', |
goods_shelf:'Goods Shelf', |
line:'Line', |
column:'Column', |
stock_priority:'Stock Priority', |
maximum_load_bearing:'Maximum Load Bearing', |
maximum_area:'Maximum Area', |
maximum_volume:'Maximum Volume', |
user_group_code:'User Group Code', |
inventory_of_finished_products_waiting_to_be_putway:'Inventory of finished products waiting to be putway', |
source_warehouse_code:'Source Warehouse Code', |
apply_time:'Apply Time', |
request_cut_off_time:'Request cut-off Time', |
state:'State', |
department:'Department', |
undertaker_user_name:'Undertaker User Name', |
undertake_time:'Undertake Time', |
source_location_type_range:'Source Location Type Range', |
destination_location_type_range:'Destination Location Type Range', |
destination_warehouse_code:'Destination Warehouse Code', |
source_location_area_code_range:'Source Location Area Code Range', |
destination_location_area_code_range:'Destination Location Area Code Range', |
auto_ccomplete:'Auto-complete', |
modifiable_location:'Modifiable Location', |
modifiable_amount:'Modifiable Amount', |
allow_greater_than_recommended:'Allow greater than recommended', |
allow_less_than_recommended:'Allow less than recommended', |
allow_modify_location_state:'Allow modify Location state', |
allow_continuous_scanning:'Allow continuous scanning', |
allow_partly_completed:'Allow partly completed', |
modifiable_batch:'Modifiable Batch', |
modifiable_casecode:'Modifiable Casecode', |
expiration_time: 'Expiration Time', |
effective_time : 'Effective Time', |
code : 'Code', |
name : 'Name', |
effective_time:'Effective Time', |
code:'Code', |
name:'Name', |
}, |
ts: { |
代码:'Code', |
全部:'All', |
@ -628,14 +633,14 @@ export default { |
单据号:'Document Number', |
订单类型:'Order Type', |
状态:'State', |
采购订单号:'Purchase Order Number', |
采购订单号:'Purchase order number', |
日程:'Schedule', |
离散:'Discrete', |
离散:'Disperse', |
准备:'Get ready', |
发布:'Punblish', |
关闭:'Close', |
已完成:'Finished', |
发货单号:'Invoice number', |
发货单号:'Shipment tracking number', |
从批次:'Source Batch', |
到批次:'Destination Batch', |
从包装号:'Source Package Number', |
@ -653,11 +658,11 @@ export default { |
联系人邮件:'Contact Email', |
银行:'Bank', |
币种:'Currency Kind', |
税率:'Tax rate', |
税率:'Tax Rate', |
生效时间:'Effective Time', |
失效时间:'Expiration Time', |
供应商物料代码:'Supplier material code', |
供应商计量单位:'Supplier measuring Unit', |
供应商计量单位:'Supplier measuring unit', |
转换率:'Conversion Rate', |
默认收货库位:'Default receiving warehouse location', |
创建人:'Creater', |
@ -684,10 +689,10 @@ export default { |
最后更新时间:'Last update time', |
最后更新者:'Last Updater', |
要货计划:'Demand plan', |
申请单号:'Request number', |
申请单号:'Application Number', |
从仓库代码:'Code from the repository', |
到仓库代码:'to the repository code', |
到月台代码:'to the dock code', |
到仓库代码:'Destination Warehouse Code', |
到月台代码:'Destination dock code', |
时间窗口:'Time window', |
计划到货时间:'Scheduled arrival time', |
承运商:'Carriers', |
@ -696,19 +701,19 @@ export default { |
出库事务类型:'The type of outbound transaction', |
入库事务类型:'Inbound transaction type', |
执行时间:'Execution time', |
申请时间:'Application timeline', |
申请时间:'Application Time', |
截止时间:'Deadline', |
部门:'department', |
接口类型:'Interface type', |
包装号:'Package number', |
订单号:'Order number', |
包装号:'Package Number', |
订单号:'Order Number', |
订单数量:'Order quantity', |
数量:'quantity', |
数量:'Quantity', |
包装数量:'Packing quantity', |
供应商计量数量:'The quantity measured by the supplier', |
供应商:'vendor', |
从库位代码:'From the location code', |
到库位代码:'to the location code', |
供应商:'Supplier', |
从库位代码:'Source Location Area Code', |
到库位代码:'Destination Location Area Code', |
从库位组代码:'From the bin location group code', |
到库位组代码:'to the bin location group code', |
从库区代码:'Code from the depot', |
@ -719,10 +724,10 @@ export default { |
包装规格:'Packing specifications', |
单据打印:'Document printing', |
明细列表:'Itemized list', |
暂无数据:'No data yet', |
暂无数据:'No Data', |
供应商发货申请:'supplier Shipping Request', |
查询字段:'Query Field', |
供应商批次:'Measuring UnitSupplier batchDate of production', |
供应商批次:'Supplier Batch', |
生产日期:'Production Date', |
发货数量:'Number of shipments', |
主数据:'Primary data', |
@ -733,75 +738,64 @@ export default { |
供应商发货仓库代码:'Supplier shipments Repository code', |
运输方式车牌号:'Shipping method License plate number', |
自动提交:'Auto-submit', |
自动通过:'Automatically passed', |
自动通过:'Auto-execute', |
自动执行:'Automated', |
直接生成记录:'Generate records directly', |
明细:'Details', |
批次:'Batch', |
生产日期:'Date of manufacture', |
到货日期:'Arrival date', |
过期日期:'Expiration date', |
供应商计量单位 :'Supplier unit of measure', |
转换率:'Conversion rate', |
物料名称:'Material Name', |
物料描述1:'Material Description1', |
物料描述2:'Material Description2', |
项目代码:'Item Code', |
质检明细:'Quality inspection details', |
添加附件:'Add Attachment', |
请输入备注:'Please enter a comment', |
变更记录:'Changelog', |
添加明细:'Add details', |
变更记录:'Change Record', |
添加明细:'Add Detail', |
上传质量报告:'Upload quality report', |
上传质检报告:'Upload the quality inspection report', |
供应商批次:'Supplier lots', |
个:'piece', |
张:'sheet', |
克:'gram', |
克:'g', |
公斤:'kg', |
吨:'ton', |
米:'rice', |
平方米:'square metre', |
生成标签:'Generate labels', |
创建标签:'Create a label', |
包装规格1:'Packing Specification 1', |
包装规格2:'Package Specification 2', |
吨:'t', |
米:'m', |
平方米:'㎡', |
生成标签:'Generate label', |
创建标签:'Create label', |
包装规格1:'Packing Specification1', |
包装规格2:'Package Specification2', |
包装数量1:'Package Quantity1', |
包装数量2:'Package Quantity2', |
物品包装信息:'Item packaging information', |
系统提示:'System prompts', |
系统提示:'System Prompt', |
是否为此数据生成标签:'Do you generate labels for this data?', |
是否处理所选中数据:'Do you process the selected data?', |
发货:'shipments', |
包装号:'Package number', |
标签信息:'Label information', |
采购收货记录:'Purchase receipt records', |
表单数据:'Form data', |
任务单号:'Task ticket number', |
采购收货记录:'Purchase receipt record', |
表单数据:'Form Data', |
任务单号:'Task order number', |
ERP单据号:'ERP document number', |
检验申请单号:'Inspection requisition number', |
采购订单号:'Purchase order number', |
物料名称:'The name of the item', |
数据来源:'Data source', |
从库区类型范围:'From the range of reservoir types', |
到库区类型范围:'to the depot type range', |
从库区代码范围:'From the range of depot codes', |
到库区代码范围:'to the range of codes in the reservoir', |
数据来源:'Data Source', |
从库区类型范围:'Source Location Type Range', |
到库区类型范围:'Destination Location Type Range', |
从库区代码范围:'Source Location Area Code Range', |
到库区代码范围:'Destination Location Area Code Range', |
生效日期:'Effective Date', |
收货明细:'Receipt details', |
缺货明细:'Out-of-stock details', |
行类型:'Row type', |
收货数量:'The quantity received', |
到批次:'to the batch', |
从包装号:'From the package number', |
到包装号:'to the package number', |
库存状态:'Inventory status', |
从库位组:'From the bin location group', |
到库位组:'to the bin location group', |
从库区:'From the reservoir area', |
到库区:'to the reservoir area', |
从货主:'from the owner of the goods', |
到货主:'to the owner of the goods', |
收货明细:'Receipt Detail', |
缺货明细:'Stockout Detail', |
行类型:'Row Type', |
收货数量:'Quantity Received', |
库存状态:'Inventory Status', |
从库位组:'Source Location Group', |
到库位组:'Destination Location Group', |
从库区:'Source Location Area', |
到库区:'Destination Location Area', |
从货主:'Source Shipper', |
到货主:'Destination Shipper', |
采购退货记录:'Purchase return records', |
采购收货记录单号:'Purchase receipt record number', |
qad采购退货记录单号:'QAD purchase return record number', |
@ -809,8 +803,56 @@ export default { |
原因:'Cause', |
退货数量:'Number of returns', |
单位:'unit', |
金额:'amount', |
金额:'Amount', |
客户代码:'Customer Code', |
供应商发票申请:'Supplier invoice request', |
供应商名称:'Supplier Name', |
税额:'Tax', |
税后金额:'After-tax Amount', |
折扣金额:'Discount Amount', |
调整税额:'Adjusted Tax', |
总差额:'Under Coverage', |
金税票号:'Gold tax ticket number', |
发票日期:'Invoice Date', |
过账日期:'Posting Date', |
财务审批人:'Financial Approver', |
单据类型:'Document Type', |
合同价格:'Contract Price', |
采购价格:'Orocurement Price', |
未税差额:'Untaxed Difference', |
含税差额:'Difference including tax', |
可开票数量:'Number of tickets available', |
采购审批人:'Procurement Approver', |
采购审批时间:'Purchase approval time', |
财务审批时间:'Financial approval time', |
供应商发票记录:'Supplier invoice record', |
发票号:'Invoice Number', |
价税合计:'Total price with tax', |
价差:'Margin', |
索赔金额:'Claim Amount', |
发票时间:'Invoice Time', |
差额:'Difference', |
收货日期:'Date of taking the delivery', |
开票数量:'Invoice Quantity', |
财务审批用户名:'Financial approval user name', |
物流审核:'Logistics Audit', |
供应商送货日期:'Supplier delivery date', |
物流收货日期:'Supplier receiving date', |
物流单据号:'Logistics document number', |
零件号:'Part Number', |
供应商用户关联管理:'Supplier user association management', |
用户ID:'User ID', |
用户账号:'User Account', |
用户昵称:'User Nickname', |
订单:'Order', |
计划:'Plan', |
申请:'Request', |
任务:'Job', |
记录:'Record', |
编号:'Number', |
库位代码:'Location Code', |
库位组代码:'Location Group Code', |
库区代码:'Location Area Code', |
查询:'Query', |
重置:'Reset', |
新增:'Add', |
@ -820,45 +862,134 @@ export default { |
筛选:'Filter', |
设置:'Settings', |
确定:'Confirm', |
'确 定':'Confirm', |
取消:'Cancel', |
'取 消':'Cancel', |
编辑:'Edit', |
删除:'Delete', |
添加筛选条件:'Add Filter', |
前往:'Go to', |
页:'Page', |
共:'Total', |
打开:'Open', |
保存:'Save', |
// 单据打印:'Document Print',
// 上传质量报告:'Upload Quality Report',
// 打印标签:'Print Label',
// 发货:'Delivery',
// 生成标签:'Generate Label',
// 发送到货检验申请:'Send Arrival Inspection Application',
// 生成采购上架申请:'Generate Purchase Putaway Application',
// 生成生产计划单:'Generate Production Plan',
// 提交审批:'Submit Approval',
// 审核通过:'Approve',
// 作废:'Invalid',
// 生成采购收货申请:'Generate Purchase Receiving Application',
// 生成采购退货申请:'Generate Purchase Return Application',
// 生成生产收货申请:'Generate Production Receiving Application',
// 生成生产退货申请:'Generate Production Return Application',
// 生成生产计划:'Generate Production Plan',
// 上传:'Upload',
// 打印:'Print',
// 打印预览:'Print Preview',
// 打印设置:'Print Settings',
// 打印预览设置:'Print Preview
// 上传图片:'Upload Image',
// 上传文件:'Upload File',
// 上传视频:'Upload Video',
// 上传音频:'Upload Audio',
// 上传其他:'Upload Other',
// 上传图片:'Upload Image',
// 上传文件:'Upload File',
// 上传视频:'Upload Video',
// 上传音频:'Upload Audio',
// 上传其他:'Upload Other',
请选择筛选对象:'Please select filter', |
请输入内容:'Please inputr content', |
附件:'Attachment', |
'更新:新增并修改':'Update:Add and modify', |
'追加:只新增,不修改':'Add:Add,no modify', |
'覆盖:只修改不新增':'Cover:Modify,not add', |
下载模板:'Download Template', |
更新:'Update', |
追加:'Add', |
覆盖:'Cover', |
部分保存:'Save Partial', |
'部分保存:如存在错误数据,正确数据正常导入':'Save Partial :If incorrect data exists, correct data can be imported', |
'全部保存:全部数据正确,才能导入':'Save All:Import only when all data is correct', |
'将文件拖到此处,或点击上传':'Drag the file here, or click Upload', |
'将文件拖到此处,或':'Drag the file here, or', |
'点击上传':' click Upload', |
'是否确认导出数据项?':'Are you sure to export data items?', |
'请选择一条数据!':'Please select a piece of data!', |
等于:'Equal to', |
不等于:'Not Equal to', |
大于:'Greater than', |
小于:'Less than', |
大于等于:'Greater than or equal to', |
小于等于:'Less than or equal to', |
模糊:'obscure', |
包含:'contain', |
不包含:'Not included', |
是空:'is empty', |
不是空:'not empty', |
是空字符串:'is an empty string', |
不是空字符串:'Not an empty string', |
搜索:'Search', |
开始日期:'Start Date', |
结束日期:'Ending Date', |
序号:'Serial Number', |
版本:'Version', |
地点:'Place', |
'影响明细中物料代码,需在供应商物料中维护':'The material code in the details is affected , must be maintained in the supplier\'s material', |
是否外部资源:'External resource or not', |
导入模式:'Import Mode', |
请选择内容:'Please select content', |
请选择条件:'Please select condition', |
区间:'Interval', |
'您确定删除吗, 是否继续?':'Are you sure about deleting it? Do you want to continue?', |
'必须保留一条筛选条件!':'One filter must be preserved!', |
'请填写供应商代码!':'Please fill in the supplier code!', |
供应商信息:'Supplier Integration', |
物料基础信息:'Material basic information', |
库位信息:'Location Information', |
采购订单信息:'Purchase order information', |
供应商物料信息:'Supplier material information', |
要货计划信息:'Demand plan information', |
用户信息:'User Information', |
请选择供应商:'Please select a supplier', |
请选择供应商代码:'Please select a vendor code', |
请选择物料代码:'Please select material code', |
请输入供应商物料代码:'Please input the supplier material code', |
请选择库位代码:'Please input the location code', |
ERP库位:'ERP Location Code', |
单价:'Unit Price', |
'是否发布所选中数据?':'Do you publish the selected data?', |
'是否关闭所选中数据?':'Do you want to close the selected data?', |
'发布成功!':'Release Successfully!', |
'是否下架所选中数据?':'Do you want to remove selected data?', |
'下架成功!':'Removed Successfully!', |
'采购订单主':'Purchase order master data', |
'采购订单主导入模版':'The purchase order leads into the template', |
'是否打开所选中数据?':'Open the selected data?', |
'打开成功!':'Open Successfully!', |
'关闭成功!':'Closed Successfully', |
'失效时间要大于生效时间':'The expiration time must be longer than the effective time', |
'供应商导入模版':'Supplier import template', |
'供应商物料':'Supplier Material', |
'供应商物料导入模版':'Supplier material import template', |
'采购价格单':'Purchase price sheet', |
'采购价格单导入模版':'Purchase price list import template', |
已计划数量:'Planned Quantity', |
已发货数量:'Shipped Quantity', |
已收货数量:'Received Quantity', |
已退货数量:'Returned Quantity', |
已上架数量:'Stocked Quantity', |
启用:'Start Using', |
禁用:'Disable', |
中止:'Terminate', |
领取:'Get', |
完成:'Accomplish', |
绑定:'Binding', |
重新添加:'Readd', |
下架:'Sold Out', |
修改:'Amend', |
不接受:'Reject', |
接受:'Accept', |
承接:'Undertake', |
放弃:'Abandon', |
收货:'Receiving', |
包装:'Packaging', |
打印标签:'print Label', |
批量打印:'Bulk Print', |
生成采购收货申请:'Generate purchase receipt request', |
发送到货检验申请:'Send the arrival inspection request', |
生成采购上架申请:'Generate a purchase listing request', |
生成盘点调整申请:'Generate inventory adjustment request', |
重盘:'New Inventory', |
解冻:'Unfreeze', |
更新检验记录:'Update inspection record', |
使用决策:'Usage Decision', |
'是否接受所选中数据?':'Do you accept the selected data?', |
'接受成功!':'Accept Successfully!', |
'是否驳回所选中数据?':'Do you reject the selected data?', |
'驳回成功!':'Reject Succussfully!', |
'要货计划主':'Ask for master data of cargo plan', |
'要货计划数量不得大于订单数量-已计划数量':'The planned quantity of the requested goods shall not be greater than the order quantity - the planned quantity', |
'子列表数量不能空':'The number of sublists cannot be empty', |
'要货计划主导入模版':'The request plan leads into the template', |
物料代码已经存在:'The material code already exists', |
驳回:'Refusal', |
审批通过:'Approve', |
} |
} |