1 changed files with 330 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ |
<template> |
<!-- 表单弹窗:添加/修改 --> |
<!-- 供应商发货申请 --> |
<BasicForm |
ref="formRef" |
:isOpenSearchTable="true" |
:indexTableColumn="0" |
@success="getList" |
:rules="SupplierdeliverRequestMainRules" |
:formAllSchemas="SupplierdeliverRequestMain.allSchemas" |
:tableAllSchemas="SupplierdeliverRequestDetail.allSchemas" |
:tableFormRules="SupplierdeliverRequestDetailRules" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:apiUpdate="SupplierdeliverRequestMainApi.updateSupplierdeliverRequestMain" |
:apiCreate="SupplierdeliverRequestMainApi.createSupplierdeliverRequestMain" |
:isBusiness="true" |
@handleAddTable="handleAddTable" |
@handleDeleteTable="handleDeleteTable" |
@searchTableSuccess="searchTableSuccess" |
@submitForm="submitForm" |
@formFormDateChange="formFormDateChange" |
@onEnter="onEnter" |
> |
<template v-slot="{row}"> |
<el-date-picker v-bind:modelValue="row['expireTime']?addDay(row['produceDate'],row['expireTime']).format('YYYY-MM-DD'):'2099-12-31'" |
:clearable="true" |
style="width: 100%" |
:disabled="true" |
placeholder="选择日期"/> |
</template> |
</BasicForm> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { |
SupplierdeliverRequestMain, |
SupplierdeliverRequestMainRules, |
SupplierdeliverRequestDetail, |
SupplierdeliverRequestDetailRules, |
SupplierdeliverRequestDetailLabel, |
SupplierdeliverRequestPackage |
} from './supplierdeliverRequestMain.data' |
import { Supplier } from '@/views/wms/basicDataManage/supplierManage/supplier/supplier.data' |
import * as SupplierdeliverRequestMainApi from '@/api/wms/supplierdeliverRequestMain' |
import * as PurchasePlanDetailApi from '@/api/wms/purchasePlanDetail' |
import * as SupplierApi from '@/api/wms/supplier' |
import * as ItembasicApi from '@/api/wms/itembasic' |
import { addDay } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import { PurchasePlanDetail } from '../purchasePlanMain/purchasePlanMain.data' |
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
const emit = defineEmits(['getList']) |
const getList = () =>{ |
emit('getList') |
} |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const planArriveTimeStr = ref() |
//添加/修改操作 |
const formRef = ref() |
const tableData = ref([]) |
const tableFormKeys = {} |
SupplierdeliverRequestDetail.allSchemas.tableFormColumns.forEach((item) => { |
tableFormKeys[item.field] = item.default ? item.default : '' |
}) |
// 添加明细 |
const handleAddTable = () => { |
tableData.value.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tableFormKeys))) |
} |
// 删除明细 |
const handleDeleteTable = (item, index) => { |
tableData.value.splice(index, 1) |
} |
const openFormByCreate = async ( data ) => { |
SupplierdeliverRequestMain.allSchemas.formSchema.forEach((item) => { |
if(item.field == 'supplierCode'){ |
item.componentProps.isSearchList = true |
} |
if(item.field == 'ppNumber'){ |
item.componentProps.isSearchList = true |
} |
if(item.field == 'asnNumber'){ |
item.componentProps.disabled = false |
} |
if(item.field == 'planArriveTime'){ |
item.componentProps.disabled = false |
} |
}) |
const setV = {} |
// 供应商代码回显 |
setV['supplierCode'] = data['supplierCode'] // 供应商代码 |
setV['ppNumber'] = data['number'] // 要货单号 |
searchPage: SupplierApi.getSupplierPage |
//新增--选择完要货计划,自动展示明细 |
getSearchTableData(data['number'],'ppNumber','number') |
// 设置计划到货时间 |
let beginTime = data['endTime'] |
let deliveryDate = formatDate(data['deliveryDate'],'YYYY-MM-DD') |
planArriveTimeStr.value = deliveryDate + ' '+ beginTime+":00" |
setV['planArriveTime']= new Date(planArriveTimeStr.value).valueOf(); |
formRef.value.open('create', null) |
// 根据供应商代码获取联系人信息 |
const {tableObject ,tableMethods} = useTable({ |
defaultParams:{code:data['supplierCode']}, |
getListApi: SupplierApi.getSupplierPage // 分页接口 |
}) |
const { getList } = tableMethods |
await getList() |
if(tableObject.tableList.length>0){ |
setV['contactName'] = tableObject.tableList[0]['contacts'] //联系人 |
setV['contactPhone'] = tableObject.tableList[0]['phone'] //联系邮件 |
setV['contactEmail'] = tableObject.tableList[0]['email'] //联系电话 |
} |
nextTick(() => { |
console.log('formRef.value.formRef',formRef.value.formRef) |
formRef.value.formRef.setValues(setV) |
}) |
} |
const openForm = async (type: string, row?: number) => { |
if(type == "update"){ |
SupplierdeliverRequestMain.allSchemas.formSchema.forEach((item) => { |
if(item.field == 'supplierCode'){ |
item.componentProps.isSearchList = false |
item.componentProps.disabled = true |
} |
if(item.field == 'ppNumber'){ |
item.componentProps.isSearchList = false |
item.componentProps.disabled = true |
} |
if(item.field == 'asnNumber'){ |
item.componentProps.disabled = true |
} |
if(item.field == 'planArriveTime'){ |
item.componentProps.disabled = true |
} |
}) |
}else { |
SupplierdeliverRequestMain.allSchemas.formSchema.forEach((item) => { |
if(item.field == 'supplierCode'){ |
item.componentProps.isSearchList = true |
} |
if(item.field == 'ppNumber'){ |
item.componentProps.isSearchList = true |
} |
if(item.field == 'asnNumber'){ |
item.componentProps.disabled = false |
} |
if(item.field == 'planArriveTime'){ |
item.componentProps.disabled = false |
} |
}) |
} |
tableData.value = [] // 重置明细数据 |
formRef.value.open(type, row) |
} |
// 查询页面返回 |
const searchTableSuccess = (formField, searchField, val, formRef, type, row) => { |
nextTick(() => { |
console.log("type:",type) |
console.log("formField:",formField) |
console.log(formField, searchField, val, formRef, type, row) |
if (type == 'tableForm') { |
// 明细查询页赋值 |
// row[formField] = val[0][searchField] |
// if (formField == 'poNumber') { |
// row['poNumber'] = val[0]['poNumber'] |
// row['itemCode'] = val[0]['itemCode'] |
// row['poLine'] = val[0]['poLine'] |
// row['orderQty'] = val[0]['orderQty'] |
// row['uom'] = val[0]['uom'] |
// } |
//添加费用明细--点击确定 |
const itemCodes = [] |
val.forEach(item=>{ |
if(tableData.value.find(item1=>item1['id'] == item['id'])) return |
const newRow = {...row} |
newRow[formField] = item[searchField] |
newRow['poNumber'] = item['poNumber'] |
newRow['itemCode'] = item['itemCode'] |
newRow['poLine'] = item['poLine'] |
newRow['orderQty'] = item['orderQty'] |
newRow['uom'] = item['uom'] |
itemCodes.push(item['itemCode']) |
tableData.value.push(newRow) |
}) |
//有效期 |
ItembasicApi.getItembasicPage({ |
code:itemCodes.join(',') |
}).then((res)=>{ |
res.list.forEach((item,index)=>{ |
const findItem = tableData.value.find(item1=>item1['itemCode']==item['code']) |
findItem['expireTime'] = findItem['expireTime'] |
}) |
}) |
} else { |
const setV = {} |
setV[formField] = val[0][searchField] |
if(formField == 'ppNumber'){ |
//新增--选择完要货计划,自动展示明细 |
getSearchTableData(val[0]['number'],formField,searchField) |
// 设置计划到货时间 |
let beginTime = val[0]['endTime'] |
let deliveryDate = formatDate(val[0]['deliveryDate'],'YYYY-MM-DD') |
planArriveTimeStr.value = deliveryDate + ' '+ beginTime+":00" |
setV['planArriveTime']= new Date(planArriveTimeStr.value).valueOf(); |
// 清空子表数据 |
tableData.value = [] |
} |
if(formField == 'supplierCode'){ |
setV['contactName'] = val[0]['contacts'] |
setV['contactPhone'] = val[0]['phone'] |
setV['contactEmail'] = val[0]['email'] |
} |
formRef.setValues(setV) |
} |
}) |
} |
const getSearchTableData = async (number,formField,searchField)=>{ |
const {tableObject ,tableMethods} = useTable({ |
defaultParams:{number}, |
getListApi: PurchasePlanDetailApi.getPurchasePlanDetailPage // 分页接口 |
}) |
// 获得表格的各种操作 |
const { getList:getList1 } = tableMethods |
await getList1() |
const tableColumns = PurchasePlanDetail.allSchemas.tableFormColumns |
tableColumns.forEach((item) => { |
item.width = item.table?.width || 150 |
}) |
tableData.value = [] |
const itemCodes = [] |
tableObject.tableList.forEach(row=>{ |
const newRow = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({...tableFormKeys,...row})) |
newRow[formField] = row[searchField] |
newRow['poNumber'] = row['poNumber'] |
newRow['itemCode'] = row['itemCode'] |
newRow['poLine'] = row['poLine'] |
newRow['orderQty'] = row['orderQty'] |
newRow['uom'] = row['uom'] |
tableData.value.push(newRow) |
itemCodes.push(row['itemCode']) |
}) |
//有效期 |
ItembasicApi.getItembasicPage({ |
code:itemCodes.join(',') |
}).then((res)=>{ |
res.list.forEach((item,index)=>{ |
const findItem = tableData.value.find(item1=>item1['itemCode']==item['code']) |
findItem['expireTime'] = findItem['expireTime'] |
}) |
}) |
} |
// 主子数据 提交 |
const submitForm = async (formType, data) => { |
data.subList = tableData.value // 拼接子表数据参数 |
let isHave = data.subList.some((item) => { |
console.log("CCCCC",item.expireDate) |
if(item.expireDate != null){ |
item.produceDate > item.expireDate |
} |
}) |
if (isHave) { |
message.error('生产日期不可以大于过期日期') |
formRef.value.formLoading = false |
return |
} |
try { |
if (formType === 'create') { |
let planArriveStr = formatDate(data.planArriveTime); |
if(planArriveStr > planArriveTimeStr.value){ |
let confirmFlag = false; |
await message.confirm("计划到货时间大于要货计划送达日期是否继续?").then(() => { |
console.log("选择了OK") |
//选择OK |
}).catch(() => { |
//选择取消 |
console.log("选择了cancel") |
confirmFlag = true; |
formRef.value.formLoading = false |
return; |
}) |
if(confirmFlag){ |
return; |
} |
} |
if(tableData.value.length <= 0){ |
message.warning(`子表明细不能为空!`) |
formRef.value.formLoading = false |
return; |
} |
await SupplierdeliverRequestMainApi.createSupplierdeliverRequestMain(data) |
message.success(t('common.createSuccess')) |
} else { |
await SupplierdeliverRequestMainApi.updateSupplierdeliverRequestMain(data) |
message.success(t('common.updateSuccess')) |
} |
formRef.value.dialogVisible = false |
// 刷新当前列表 |
getList() |
} finally { |
formRef.value.formLoading = false |
} |
} |
const formFormDateChange = (field, val,row, index) => { |
if(field == 'produceDate'){ |
let produceDateStr = formatDate(val,'YYYYMMDD'); |
row.batch = produceDateStr |
row.supplierBatch = produceDateStr |
} |
} |
//供应商代码 回车搜索 |
const onEnter = async (field,value)=>{ |
console.log(field,value) |
formRef.value.opensearchTable('supplierCode', 'code', '供应商信息', Supplier.allSchemas, SupplierApi.getSupplierPage,[{ |
key:'code', |
value:value |
}]) |
} |
defineExpose({ openForm , openFormByCreate}) // 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗 |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped></style> |
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