@ -1298,7 +1298,59 @@ export default { |
发票回转:'Return of invoice', |
发票回转成功: 'The invoice has been successfully forwarded', |
最后更新人: 'Last Updated By', |
可开票数量范围是:'The range of invoices is' |
可开票数量范围是:'The range of invoices is', |
日程待开票数据查询: 'Schedule to be invoiced data query', |
离散待开票数据查询: 'Discrete invoicing data query', |
待开票删除数据查询: 'Pending invoicing delete data query', |
采购离散订单查看: 'Purchase discrete order view', |
供应商对账管理: 'Supplier reconciliation management', |
询证函日期管理: 'Confirmation date management', |
月份: 'month', |
日期: 'date', |
公司代码: 'company code', |
月: 'month', |
日: 'day', |
年度: 'year', |
月度: 'monthly', |
应付挂账金额: 'Amount payable payable', |
其他应付金额: 'Other amounts payable', |
预付金额: 'Amount paid in advance', |
暂估金额: 'Provisional estimated amount', |
暂估余额: 'Provisional estimated balance', |
活动金额: 'Amount of activity', |
打印开始时间: 'Print start time', |
打印结束时间: 'Print end time', |
票据总数: 'Total number of bills', |
实际开票数量: 'Actual invoice quantity', |
发票申请单号: 'Invoice application number', |
已读状态: 'Read state', |
价差合计: 'Total spread', |
发票未税金额: 'Invoice amount not taxed', |
发票税额: 'Invoice tax amount', |
发票价税合计: 'Invoice value and tax total', |
未税尾差: 'Untaxed residuals', |
税额尾差: 'The tax tail difference', |
价差合计尾差: 'Spread sum tail spread', |
价税合计尾差: 'Total difference in value and tax', |
财务凭证号: 'Financial Voucher No.', |
供应商维护税额: 'Supplier maintenance tax', |
供应商维护未税金额: 'supplier maintains the untaxed amount', |
供应商维护价税合计: 'Total supplier maintenance price and tax', |
回转日期: 'Date of return', |
说明: 'Notes', |
回转凭证号: 'Turn voucher number', |
凭证描述: 'Credential Description', |
恢复: 'recovery', |
部分开票: 'Partial billing', |
发票回转中: 'The invoice is being transferred', |
询证: 'confirmation', |
请选择年: 'Please select Year', |
请选择月: 'Please select month', |
请选择日: 'Please select day', |
回调函明细: 'Details of callback letter', |
履历表: 'Resume', |
更多: 'more' |
}, |