@ -1379,8 +1379,56 @@ export default { |
条数据: ' data', |
条数据: ' data', |
是否已读: 'Yes or no read', |
是否已读: 'Yes or no read', |
采购订单类型: 'Purchase Order Type', |
采购订单类型: 'Purchase Order Type', |
// 数量: '',
PDA安装程序下载链接:'PDA installer download link', |
// 数量: '',
ASN直接收货: 'The ASN receives the goods directly', |
ASN外部收货: 'ASN external receipt', |
备件收货: 'Receiving spare parts', |
目标库位: 'Target location', |
是否已发送检验申请: 'Has the inspection application been sent', |
是否已生成上架申请: 'Whether the shelf application has been generated', |
物料类型: 'Item Type', |
明细备注: 'Detailed remarks', |
应收: 'Accounts receivable', |
实收: 'Paid in', |
缺收: 'Lack of harvest', |
Q2通知单: 'Q2 Notice', |
Q2通知单号: 'Q2 Advice No', |
退货原因: 'Reasons for return', |
退货原因描述: 'Description of reasons for return', |
返利税额: 'Tax rebate', |
返利价税合计: 'Total rebate value and tax', |
单价差额: 'Unit price difference', |
到货数量: 'Quantity of goods arriving', |
返利未税金额: 'Rebate the amount of unpaid tax', |
发票号码: 'Invoice number', |
尾差: 'Difference of tail', |
采购价格审批时间: 'Purchase price approval time', |
价差通过说明: 'The spread is explained', |
财务过账日期: 'Financial Posting date', |
工厂地点: 'Factory location', |
参考凭证描述: 'Reference credential Description', |
汇总信息: 'Summary information', |
含返利合计: 'Total rebate included', |
含返利未税: 'Including rebate without tax', |
含返利税额: 'Including rebate tax', |
物料描述: 'Material description', |
合同金额: 'Amount of contract', |
采购金额: 'Amount of purchase', |
'至少选择一条数据!':'Select at least one piece of data!', |
'请填写明细信息!':'Please fill in the details!', |
请选择采购员: 'Please select buyer', |
请选择用户信息: 'Please select user information', |
请选择供应商信息: 'Please select supplier information', |
请选择采购订单: 'Please select Purchase order', |
是否允许超发: 'Whether excessive hair is allowed', |
请选择库区代码: 'Please select the library code', |
请选择仓库代码: 'Please select the repository code', |
请选择库位组代码: 'Select the library bit group code', |
// 物料描述: '',
// 返利未税金额: '',
// 财务过账日期: '',
// Q2通知单: '',
// ASN外部收货: '',
// 数量: '',
// 数量: '',
}, |
}, |