4 changed files with 2323 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,455 @@ |
<template> |
<ContentWrap> |
<!-- 搜索工作栏 --> |
<Search :schema="SupplierinvoiceRecordMain.allSchemas.searchSchema" @search="searchList" @reset="searchList" /> |
</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 列表头部 --> |
<TableHead |
:HeadButttondata="HeadButttondata" |
@button-base-click="buttonBaseClick" |
:routeName="routeName" |
@updataTableColumns="updataTableColumns" |
@searchFormClick="searchFormClick" |
:allSchemas="SupplierinvoiceRecordMain.allSchemas" |
/> |
<!-- 列表 --> |
<ContentWrap> |
<Table ref="tableRef" |
:selection="true" |
v-clientTable |
:columns="tableColumns" |
:data="tableObject.tableList" |
:loading="tableObject.loading" |
:pagination="{ |
total: tableObject.total |
}" |
v-model:pageSize="tableObject.pageSize" |
v-model:currentPage="tableObject.currentPage" |
v-model:sort="tableObject.sort" |
@getSelectionRows="getSelectionRows" |
> |
<template #number="{row}"> |
<el-button type="primary" link @click="openDetail(row, t('ts.单据号'), row.number)"> |
<span>{{ row.number }}</span> |
</el-button> |
</template> |
<template #differencePrice="{row}"> |
<span :class="{'red-text':row.differencePrice!=0}">{{ row.differencePrice }}</span> |
</template> |
<template #action="{ row,$index }"> |
<ButtonBase :Butttondata="butttondata(row,$index)" @button-base-click="buttonTableClick($event,row)" /> |
</template> |
</Table> |
</ContentWrap> |
<!-- 表单弹窗:发票回转 --> |
<!-- |
:apiUpdate="BasicEamProductionlineApi.updateBasicEamProductionline" |
:apiCreate="BasicEamProductionlineApi.createBasicEamProductionline" |
@searchTableSuccess="searchTableSuccess" --> |
<BasicForm |
ref="basicFormRef" |
@success="submitForm" |
:rules="SupplierinvoiceRecordMainTransferRules" |
:formAllSchemas="SupplierinvoiceRecordMainTransfer.allSchemas" |
:isBusiness="false" |
/> |
<!-- 详情 --> |
<Detail |
ref="detailRef" |
:annexTable="[{ |
label: t('ts.合同附件'), |
prop: 'Annex', |
tableName:'contract', |
showDownload:true, |
showPreview: true, |
hiddenDelete:true, |
hiddenUpload:true, |
queryParams:[{ |
queryField:'tableId', |
rowField:'annexMasterId', |
}], |
},{ |
label: t('ts.发票附件'), |
prop: 'Annex', |
tableName:'invoice', |
showDownload:true, |
showPreview: true, |
hiddenDelete:true, |
hiddenUpload:true, |
queryParams:[{ |
queryField:'tableId', |
rowField:'annexMasterId', |
}], |
},{ |
label: t('ts.货运单附件'), |
prop: 'Annex', |
tableName:'waybill', |
showDownload:true, |
hiddenDelete:true, |
queryParams:[{ |
queryField:'tableId', |
rowField:'annexMasterId', |
}], |
},{ |
label: t('ts.其他附件'), |
prop: 'Annex', |
tableName:'invoiceOther', |
showDownload:true, |
hiddenDelete:true, |
queryParams:[{ |
queryField:'tableId', |
rowField:'annexMasterId', |
}], |
}]" |
:annexAlias="{ |
hidden:true, |
label:t('ts.其他附件'), |
showDownload:true, |
hiddenDelete:true |
}" |
:otherHeadButttonData="[{ |
label: t('ts.打印明细'), |
name: 'printing', |
hide: false, |
type: 'primary', |
// icon: 'ep:operation', |
color: '', |
float:'left', |
hasPermi: '' |
},{ |
label: t('ts.导出明细'), |
name: 'export-detail', |
hide: false, |
type: 'primary', |
// icon: 'ep:operation', |
color: '', |
float:'left', |
hasPermi: '' |
}]" |
:isBasic="false" |
direction="horizontal" |
:column="3" |
:allSchemas="SupplierinvoiceRecordDetailMain.allSchemas" |
:detailAllSchemas="SupplierinvoiceRecordDetail.allSchemas" |
:detailAllSchemasRules="SupplierinvoiceRecordDetailRules" |
:apiPage="SupplierinvoiceRecordDetailApi.getSupplierinvoiceRecordDeatilPage" |
@buttonBaseClick="detailButtonBaseClick" |
> |
<!-- 价税合计尾差 --> |
<template #Descriptions_totalTaxDiffAmount="{ row }"> |
<span>{{row['totalTaxDiffAmount']}}<span class="red-text"> (含返利合计:{{ row['rebateTotal'] }})</span></span> |
</template> |
<!-- 未税尾差 --> |
<template #Descriptions_beforeTaxDiffAmount="{ row }"> |
<span>{{row['beforeTaxDiffAmount']}}<span class="red-text"> (含返利未税:{{ row['discountAmount1'] }})</span></span> |
</template> |
<!-- 税额尾差 --> |
<template #Descriptions_taxAmountDiff="{ row }"> |
<span>{{row['taxAmountDiff']}}<span class="red-text"> (含返利税额:{{ row['rebateTax'] }})</span></span> |
</template> |
<template #differencePrice="{row}"> |
<span :class="{'red-text':row.differencePrice!=0}">{{ row.differencePrice }}</span> |
</template> |
</Detail> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import download from '@/utils/download' |
import { SupplierinvoiceRecordMain,SupplierinvoiceRecordDetail,SupplierinvoiceRecordDetailRules,SupplierinvoiceRecordDetailMain,SupplierinvoiceRecordMainTransfer,SupplierinvoiceRecordMainTransferRules } from './purchaseDiscreteOrderMain.data' |
import * as SupplierinvoiceRecordMainApi from '@/api/wms/supplierinvoiceRecordMain' |
import * as SupplierinvoiceRecordDetailApi from '@/api/wms/supplierinvoiceRecordDeatil' |
import * as defaultButtons from '@/utils/disposition/defaultButtons' |
import { CACHE_KEY, useCache } from '@/hooks/web/useCache' |
import * as SupplierinvoiceRequestDetailApi from '@/api/wms/supplierinvoiceRequestDetail' |
import * as PackageApi from "@/api/wms/package"; |
import {getAccessToken} from "@/utils/auth"; |
import {getJmreportBaseUrl} from "@/utils/systemParam"; |
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime' |
import { usePageLoading } from '@/hooks/web/usePageLoading' |
import dayjs from 'dayjs' |
const { loadStart, loadDone } = usePageLoading() |
// 供应商发票记录主 |
defineOptions({ name: 'purchaseDiscreteOrderMain' }) |
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 |
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 |
const route = useRoute() // 路由信息 |
const routeName = ref() |
routeName.value = route.name |
const tableColumns = ref(SupplierinvoiceRecordMain.allSchemas.tableColumns) |
// 字段设置 更新主列表字段 |
const updataTableColumns = (val) => { |
tableColumns.value = val |
} |
const { tableObject, tableMethods } = useTable({ |
getListApi: SupplierinvoiceRecordMainApi.getSupplierinvoiceRecordMainPage // 分页接口 |
}) |
// 获得表格的各种操作 |
const { getList, setSearchParams } = tableMethods |
// 列表头部按钮 |
const HeadButttondata = [ |
// defaultButtons.defaultExportBtn({hasPermi:'wms:supplierinvoice-record-main:export'}), // 导出 |
defaultButtons.mainLisSelectiontPointBtn(null), // 批量打印 |
defaultButtons.defaultFreshBtn(null), // 刷新 |
defaultButtons.defaultFilterBtn(null), // 筛选 |
defaultButtons.defaultSetBtn(null), // 设置 |
// { |
// label: '自定义扩展按钮', |
// name: 'zdy', |
// hide: false, |
// type: 'primary', |
// icon: 'Select', |
// color: '' |
// }, |
] |
// 头部按钮事件 |
const buttonBaseClick = (val, item) => { |
if (val == 'export') { // 导出 |
handleExport() |
}else if (val=='selection_point'){// 批量打印 |
handleSelectionPoint() |
} else if (val == 'refresh') { // 刷新 |
if (tableObject.params.filters && tableObject.params.filters.length > 0 ) { |
searchFormClick({ |
filters: tableObject.params.filters |
}) |
} else { |
getList() |
} |
} else if (val == 'filtrate') { // 筛选 |
}else { // 其他按钮 |
console.log('其他按钮', item) |
} |
} |
const BASE_URL = getJmreportBaseUrl() |
const srcPoint = ref(BASE_URL + '/jmreport/view/970966724605804544?token=' + getAccessToken()) |
const handleSelectionPoint = async ()=>{ |
let rows:any = [] |
selectionRows.value.forEach(item=>{ |
rows = [...rows,...item.selectionRows.map(item1=>item1.id)] |
}) |
if(rows.length==0){ |
message.warning('至少选择一条数据!') |
return |
} |
console.log('批量打印',rows.join(',')) |
window.open(srcPoint.value+'&ids='+rows.join(',')) |
} |
// 列表-操作按钮 |
const butttondata = (row,$index) => { |
return [ |
{ |
label: t('ts.未读'), |
name: 'unread', |
type: 'primary', |
icon: '', |
color: '', |
hasPermi: '', |
link: true, // 文本展现按钮 |
}, |
{ |
label: t('ts.已读'), |
name: 'read', |
type: 'info', |
icon: '', |
color: '', |
hasPermi: '', |
link: true, // 文本展现按钮 |
}, |
{ |
label: t('ts.查看明细'), |
name: 'open_detail', |
type: 'primary', |
icon: '', |
color: '', |
hasPermi: '', |
link: true, // 文本展现按钮 |
} |
] |
} |
/** 添加/修改操作 */ |
const basicFormRef = ref() |
// 列表-操作按钮事件 |
const buttonTableClick = async (val, row) => { |
if (val == 'open_detail') { // 查看明细 |
openDetail(row, '单据号', row.number) |
}else if(val == 'unread'){ |
//未读走接口 |
}else if(val == 'read'){ |
//已读 |
} |
} |
//发票回转 |
const submitForm = async (formType, data) => { |
data.reverseInvoiceJournal = 'APINVCOR' |
data.adjustmentJournal = 'APADJ' |
console.log('发票回转',formType, data) |
loadStart() |
try{ |
await SupplierinvoiceRecordMainApi.reverseSupplierinvoiceRecordMain(data) |
message.success(t('ts.发票回转成功')) |
basicFormRef.value.dialogVisible = false |
buttonBaseClick('refresh', null) |
} finally { |
loadDone() |
} |
} |
// 获取部门 用于详情 部门回显 |
const { wsCache } = useCache() |
/** 详情操作 */ |
const detailRef = ref() |
const clicKRowId = ref(); |
const openDetail = async (row: any, titleName: any, titleValue: any) => { |
console.log('openDetail',row) |
clicKRowId.value = row.id |
const departmentCode = wsCache.get(CACHE_KEY.DEPT).find((account) => account.id == row.departmentCode)?.name |
//获取申请中的masterId |
const { tableObject: requestTableObject, tableMethods:requestTableMethods } = useTable({ |
getListApi: SupplierinvoiceRequestDetailApi.getSupplierinvoiceRequestDetailPage // 分页接口 |
}) |
const { getList:requestGetList } = requestTableMethods |
requestTableObject.params.number = row.requestNumber |
await requestGetList() |
if(requestTableObject.tableList.length>0){ |
row.annexMasterId = requestTableObject.tableList[0].masterId |
} |
if (departmentCode) row.departmentCode = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(departmentCode)) |
detailRef.value.openDetail(row, titleName, titleValue,"recordSupplierinvoiceMain") |
} |
const searchList = (model)=>{ |
if(model.postingDate&&model.postingDate.length>1){ |
model.postingDate[1] = model.postingDate[1].replace('00:00:00','23:59:59') |
} |
selectionRows.value = [] |
let model1 = { |
...model, |
statuss: model.status.join(',')?model.status.join(','):'' |
} |
delete model1.status |
setSearchParams(model1) |
} |
const selectionRows = ref<any>([]) |
const tableRef = ref() |
const getSelectionRows = (currentPage,currentPageSelectionRows) => { |
console.log("getSelectionRows",currentPage,currentPageSelectionRows) |
const currentRows = selectionRows.value.find(item=>item.currentPage==currentPage) |
if(currentRows){ |
currentRows.selectionRows = currentPageSelectionRows |
}else{ |
selectionRows.value.push({ |
currentPage, |
selectionRows:currentPageSelectionRows |
}) |
} |
} |
/** 导出按钮操作 */ |
const handleExport = async () => { |
let rows:any = [] |
selectionRows.value.forEach(item=>{ |
rows = [...rows,...item.selectionRows.map(item1=>item1.number)] |
}) |
if (!tableObject.params.createTime || tableObject.params.createTime && tableObject.params. createTime.length == 0) { |
delete tableObject.params.createTime |
} |
try { |
// 导出的二次确认 |
await message.exportConfirm() |
// 发起导出 |
loadStart() |
const excelTitle = ref(route.meta.title) |
const data = await SupplierinvoiceRecordMainApi.exportSupplierinvoiceRecordMain({...tableObject.params,checkNums:rows}) |
download.excel(data, `【${excelTitle.value}】【${formatDate(new Date())}】.xlsx`) |
} catch { |
} finally { |
loadDone() |
} |
} |
const detailButtonBaseClick = (val, item) => { |
console.log("点击的按钮",val) |
if(val == 'printing'){ |
// 单据打印 |
handleDocumentPrint(clicKRowId.value) |
}else if(val === 'export-detail'){ |
console.log("导出明细:",clicKRowId.value) |
handleDetailExport(clicKRowId.value) |
} |
} |
// 单据打印 |
const documentSrc = ref(BASE_URL + '/jmreport/view/972639553789239296?token=' + getAccessToken()) |
const handleDocumentPrint = async (id) => { |
window.open(documentSrc.value + '&id=' + id) |
} |
/** 导出明细按钮操作 */ |
const exportLoadingDetail = ref(false) // 导出的加载中 |
const handleDetailExport = async (masterId) => { |
try { |
// 导出的二次确认 |
await message.exportConfirm() |
// 发起导出导出明细 |
exportLoadingDetail.value = true |
let params = { |
masterId: masterId |
} |
const excelTitle = ref(route.meta.title) |
const data = await SupplierinvoiceRecordMainApi.exportSupplierinvoiceRecordDetail(params) |
download.excel(data, `【${excelTitle.value}明细】【${formatDate(new Date())}】.xlsx`) |
} catch { |
} finally { |
exportLoadingDetail.value = false |
} |
} |
// 筛选提交 |
const searchFormClick = (searchData) => { |
tableObject.params = { |
isSearch: true, |
filters: searchData.filters |
} |
getList() // 刷新当前列表 |
} |
/** 初始化 **/ |
onMounted(async () => { |
getList() |
}) |
</script> |
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border:1px solid var(--el-color-danger); |
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--el-color-danger) inset; |
} |
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color:var(--el-color-danger); |
font-weight:700; |
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Reference in new issue