You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
243 lines
6.3 KiB
243 lines
6.3 KiB
11 months ago
import download from '@/utils/download'
import { Table, TableExpose } from '@/components/Table'
import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox, ElTable } from 'element-plus'
import { computed, nextTick, reactive, ref, unref, watch } from 'vue'
import type { TableProps } from '@/components/Table/src/types'
import { TableSetPropsType } from '@/types/table'
import { emit } from 'process'
const { t } = useI18n()
interface ResponseType<T = any> {
list: T[]
total?: number
interface UseTableConfig<T = any> {
getListApi: (option: any) => Promise<T>
delListApi?: (option: any) => Promise<T>
exportListApi?: (option: any) => Promise<T>
// 返回数据格式配置
response?: ResponseType
// 默认传递的参数
defaultParams?: Recordable
props?: TableProps
interface TableObject<T = any> {
pageSize: number
currentPage: number
total: number
tableList: T[]
params: any
loading: boolean
exportLoading: boolean
currentRow: Nullable<T>
sort: any
export const useTable = <T = any>(config?: UseTableConfig<T>) => {
const tableObject = reactive<TableObject<T>>({
// 页数
pageSize: 10,
// 当前页
currentPage: 1,
// 总条数
total: 10,
// 表格数据
tableList: [],
// AxiosConfig 配置
params: {
...(config?.defaultParams || {})
// 加载中
loading: true,
// 导出加载中
exportLoading: false,
// 当前行的数据
currentRow: null,
// 排序
sort: {
order: '', // 排序规则
prop: '' // 排序字段
const paramsObj = computed(() => {
return {
pageSize: tableObject.pageSize,
pageNo: tableObject.currentPage,
sort: tableObject.sort.prop,
by: tableObject.sort.order == 'descending'?'DESC':'ASC'
() => tableObject.currentPage,
() => {
() => tableObject.pageSize,
() => {
// 当前页不为1时,修改页数后会导致多次调用getList方法
if (tableObject.currentPage === 1) {
} else {
tableObject.currentPage = 1
() => tableObject.sort,
() => {
// Table实例
const tableRef = ref<typeof Table & TableExpose>()
// ElTable实例
const elTableRef = ref<ComponentRef<typeof ElTable>>()
const register = (ref: typeof Table & TableExpose, elRef: ComponentRef<typeof ElTable>) => {
tableRef.value = ref
elTableRef.value = elRef
const getTable = async () => {
await nextTick()
const table = unref(tableRef)
if (!table) {
console.error('The table is not registered. Please use the register method to register')
return table
const delData = async (ids: string | number | string[] | number[]) => {
let idsLength = 1
if (ids instanceof Array) {
idsLength = ids.length
await Promise.all(
| (id: string | number) => {
await (config?.delListApi && config?.delListApi(id))
} else {
await (config?.delListApi && config?.delListApi(ids))
// 计算出临界点
tableObject.currentPage =
| % tableObject.pageSize === idsLength || tableObject.pageSize === 1
? tableObject.currentPage > 1
? tableObject.currentPage - 1
: tableObject.currentPage
: tableObject.currentPage
await methods.getList()
const methods = {
getList: async () => {
tableObject.loading = true
const res = await config?.getListApi(unref(paramsObj)).finally(() => {
tableObject.loading = false
if (res) {
tableObject.tableList = (res as unknown as ResponseType).list
| = (res as unknown as ResponseType).total ?? 0
setProps: async (props: TableProps = {}) => {
const table = await getTable()
setColumn: async (columnProps: TableSetPropsType[]) => {
const table = await getTable()
getSelections: async () => {
const table = await getTable()
return (table?.selections || []) as T[]
// 与Search组件结合
setSearchParams: (data: Recordable) => {
tableObject.params = Object.assign(tableObject.params, {
pageSize: tableObject.pageSize,
pageNo: 1,
// 查询/重置时,删除筛选相关属性
delete tableObject.params.filters
delete tableObject.params.isSearch
// 页码不等于1时更新页码重新获取数据,页码等于1时重新获取数据
if (tableObject.currentPage !== 1) {
tableObject.currentPage = 1
} else {
// 删除数据
delList: async (
ids: string | number | string[] | number[],
multiple: boolean,
message = true
) => {
const tableRef = await getTable()
if (multiple) {
if (!tableRef?.selections.length) {
if (message) {
ElMessageBox.confirm(t('common.delMessage'), t('common.confirmTitle'), {
confirmButtonText: t('common.ok'),
cancelButtonText: t('common.cancel'),
type: 'warning'
}).then(async () => {
await delData(ids)
} else {
await delData(ids)
// 导出列表
exportList: async (fileName: string) => {
tableObject.exportLoading = true
ElMessageBox.confirm(t('common.exportMessage'), t('common.confirmTitle'), {
confirmButtonText: t('common.ok'),
cancelButtonText: t('common.cancel'),
type: 'warning'
.then(async () => {
const res = await config?.exportListApi?.(unref(paramsObj) as unknown as T)
if (res) {
download.excel(res as unknown as Blob, fileName)
.finally(() => {
tableObject.exportLoading = false
config?.props && methods.setProps(config.props)
return {
// add by 芋艿:返回 tableMethods 属性,和 tableObject 更统一
tableMethods: methods