You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
102 lines
3.7 KiB
102 lines
3.7 KiB
1 year ago
#Deploy Plan
we will deploy the first rocketmq-console-ng use rocketmq-tools 3.5.8(or 4.0.0),base on [rocket-console](,thanks
## Framework
* 0. we use spring-boot + bootstrap + angularjs
## something to improve
* 0. clean code (checkStyle codeStyle to be done)
* 1. international
* 2. compress fe'resource
* 3. navigation bar can improve
* 4. write operation need confirm,action show the detail result
* 5. layout/UI should improve
* 6. change to spring-boot
## something to fix
* query Message by topic and time is not accurate, will lost some message
* consumer can consume the message when topic has been deleted
* can't show producerList,we can only query a online producer use topic and groupName,not easy to use.
* resetOffset should be improve,online consumer can return the reset result but offline's can't
* we can't set clusterName when create topic or consumer
* when create a new consumer,if not be consumed,can't be found in consumerList
## something to add
* 1. dashboard
# Roadmap
## Improve
- [x] clean code (checkStyle codeStyle to be done) -- StyleTang
- [x] international -- Deploy by [tcrow](
- [x] layout/UI -- Deploy by [tcrow](
- [x] compress fe'resource
- [x] navigation bar can improve
- [x] write operation need confirm,action show the detail result || already have
- [x] layout/UI should improve
- [x] change to spring-boot -- Deploy by syzjava
- [x] change to bootstrap angularjs -- Deploy by [tcrow](
- [x] improve search message --StyleTang
## Fix
- [x] query Message by topic and time is not accurate, will lost some message -- StyleTang (need test)
- [x] consumer can consume the message when topic has been deleted // offset be clear.if have problem,reopen it.
- [ ] can't show producerList,we can only query a online producer use topic and groupName,not easy to use. [need this issues]( milestone)
- [ ] resetOffset should be improve,online consumer can return the reset result but offline's can't //this version(3.5.8) may be can't fix (next milestone)
- [x] we can't set clusterName when create topic or consumer -- StyleTang
- [x] when create a new consumer,if not be consumed,can't be found in consumerList //it Fixed,But this page is too slow,need improve --StyleTang
- [x] message view page,resend message (version >=3.5.8) have bug -- StyleTang
## Add
- [ ] DashboardController -- Deploy by [tcrow](
- [x] rocketmq topic tps 5m line chart
- [x] rocketmq topic top10 table
- [x] broker load 5m line chart
- [x] broker load top10 table
- [ ] topic exception table(next milestone)
## Already Have (Deploy by StyleTang) But Can Improve
### Cluster
- [x] ClusterController
- [x] Cluster OverView
- [x] Broker Status
- [x] Broker Config
### Topic
- [x] TopicController
- [x] TopicList
- [x] Topic Status
- [x] Topic Router
- [x] View Topic Config
- [x] Topci Add / Update
- [X] Send A Test Topic
- [x] Reset ConsumerGroup's Offset Under This Topic
- [x] Delete This Topic
### Producer
- [x] ProducerController
- [x] Producer Client Info
### Consumer
- [x] ConsumerController
- [x] ConsumerList
- [x] Consumer Client Info
- [x] Topic Consume Status Under This Consumer Group
- [x] View Consumer Config
- [x] Consumer Add / Update
- [x] Delete This Consumer
### Message
- [x] MessageController
- [x] Query By Topic And Time
- [x] Query By Topic And Key
- [x] Query By MessageId(OffsetMessageId)
- [x] A Nice Message Detail View
- [x] Message Consume Status
- [x] Resend Message To A Consume Group