using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using MESClassLibrary.BLL.Log; namespace MESClassLibrary.DAL.PunchAndWeld { public class PunchAndStationDAL { public DataTable IsMath(string partNo1, string partNo2) { try { string sql = @"SELECT tb_Product_1.PartNo AS PartNo1, tb_Product_1.ProductName AS ProductName1, dbo.tb_Product.PartNo AS PartNo2, dbo.tb_Product.ProductName AS ProductName2 FROM dbo.tb_PunchAndStation LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tb_Product ON dbo.tb_PunchAndStation.ProductID2 = dbo.tb_Product.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tb_Product AS tb_Product_1 ON dbo.tb_PunchAndStation.ProductID1 = tb_Product_1.ProductID where tb_Product_1.PartNo=@partNo1 and dbo.tb_Product.PartNo =@partNo2"; SqlParameter[] param = null; param = new SqlParameter[2]; param[0] = new SqlParameter("@partNo1", SqlDbType.VarChar); param[0].Value = partNo1; param[1] = new SqlParameter("@partNo2", SqlDbType.VarChar); param[1].Value = partNo2; return SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.GetConnSting(), CommandType.Text, sql, param).Tables[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); return null; } } public DataTable IsMath1(string partNo, string stationNo) { try { string sql = @"SELECT * FROM dbo.tb_PunchAndStation ps LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tb_Product p ON ps.ProductID1=p.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tb_Station s ON ps.StationID=s.StationID WHERE s.StationNo=@stationNo AND p.PartNo=@PartNo"; SqlParameter[] param = null; param = new SqlParameter[2]; param[0] = new SqlParameter("@PartNo", SqlDbType.VarChar); param[0].Value = partNo; param[1] = new SqlParameter("@stationNo", SqlDbType.VarChar); param[1].Value = stationNo; return SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.GetConnSting(), CommandType.Text, sql, param).Tables[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); return null; } } } }