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387 lines
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387 lines
14 KiB
10 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Script.Services;
using System.Web.Services;
using MESClassLibrary;
using MESClassLibrary.BLL.BasicInfo;
using MESClassLibrary.BLL.Injection;
using MESClassLibrary.EFModel;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Webservice;
using WebService.Model;
using JSONTools = Tools.JSONTools;
namespace WebService
/// <summary>
/// APSWebService 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消注释以下行。
// [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]
public class APSWebService : System.Web.Services.WebService
public string HelloWorld()
return "Hello World";
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string UpdatePlan(string str)
LogHelper.WriteSysLogBase("[增加或修改计划]" + str, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
string res = "";
string errorReason = "";
string stationID = "",stockNo="";
tb_InjectionPlan md1=new tb_InjectionPlan();
InjectionPlanBLL bll = new InjectionPlanBLL();
StationBLL sbll=new StationBLL();
ProductBLL pbll=new ProductBLL();
JsonModel<NoModel> model=new JsonModel<NoModel>();
model.Result = "0";
model.ResultType = "Result";
model.ResultRowsCount = "0";
model.ErrReason = errorReason;
model.DataList = null;
//str = "{\"dataList\":[{\"beginTime\":\"2022-06-13 11:04:44\",\"commandType\":\"1\",\"endTime\":\"2022-06-13 19:07:54\",\"partNo\":\"A2138851203-P\",\"planCount\":446,\"stationNo\":\"IM01\"}]}";
//str = "{\"dataList\":[{\"beginTime\":\"2022-05-27 08:58:31\",\"commandType\":\"2\",\"endTime\":\"2022-05-15 15:07:00\",\"partNo\":\"A2058850838-P\",\"planCount\":444,\"stationNo\":\"IM01\",\"u_EndTime\":\"2022-04-24 13:49:00\"}]}";
InjectionUpdatePlanModel md = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<InjectionUpdatePlanModel>(str);
foreach (var item in md.datalist)
#region 校验工位是否存在
DataTable dt1 = sbll.SearchInfoByNo(item.StationNo);
if (dt1 != null && dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
md1.StationID = dt1.Rows[0]["StationID"].ToString();
model.Result = "0";
model.ErrReason = "工位号:" + item.StationNo + "不存在!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
#region 校验零件号是否存在
DataTable dt2 = pbll.SearchInfoByPartNo(item.PartNo);
if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
md1.StockNo = dt2.Rows[0]["StockNo"].ToString();
stockNo = md1.StockNo;
model.ErrReason = "零件号:" + item.PartNo + "不存在!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
#region 校验开始时间是否小于结束时间
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.U_EndTime))
if (Convert.ToDateTime(item.BeginTime) >= Convert.ToDateTime(item.EndTime))
model.ErrReason = "开始时间不能大于结束时间!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
if (Convert.ToDateTime(item.BeginTime) >= Convert.ToDateTime(item.U_EndTime))
model.ErrReason = "开始时间不能大于结束时间!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
md1.BeginTime = item.BeginTime;
md1.PlanCount = item.PlanCount;
md1.PartNo = item.PartNo;
if (item.CommandType == "1") //添加
md1.InjectionPlanID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
md1.EndTime = item.EndTime;
if (!bll.AddInfo(md1))
model.ErrReason = "添加计划失败!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
else if (item.CommandType == "2") //修改
#region 校验计划是否存在
var list = bll.isExit(item.BeginTime, item.EndTime, stationID, stockNo);
if (list.Count ==0)
model.ErrReason = "计划不存在!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
DataTable dt5 = Tool.ListToDataTable(list);
if (dt5 != null && dt5.Rows.Count > 0)
md1.InjectionPlanID = dt5.Rows[0]["InjectionPlanID"].ToString();
md1.EndTime = item.U_EndTime;
if (!bll.UpdateInfo(md1))
model.ErrReason = "编辑计划失败!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
model.Result = "1";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
LogHelper.WriteSysLogBase("[编辑计划入参]" + str + ";出参" + JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
return res;
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string DelPlan(string str)
LogHelper.WriteSysLogBase("[删除计划]" + str, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
string res = "";
string errorReason = "";
string stationID = "",planID="",stockNo="";
tb_InjectionPlan md1 = new tb_InjectionPlan();
InjectionPlanBLL bll = new InjectionPlanBLL();
InjectionRecordBLL rbll = new InjectionRecordBLL();
StationBLL sbll = new StationBLL();
ProductBLL pbll = new ProductBLL();
JsonModel<NoModel> model = new JsonModel<NoModel>();
model.Result = "0";
model.ResultType = "Result";
model.ResultRowsCount = "0";
model.ErrReason = errorReason;
model.DataList = null;
//str = "{\"dataList\":[{\"beginTime\":\"2022-04-24 11:49:00\",\"endTime\":\"2022-04-24 13:49:00\",\"partNo\":\"A2058850838-P\",\"stationNo\":\"IM01\"}]}";
InjectionDelPlanModel md = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<InjectionDelPlanModel>(str);
foreach (var item in md.datalist)
#region 校验工位是否存在
DataTable dt1 = sbll.SearchInfoByNo(item.StationNo);
if (dt1 != null && dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
stationID = dt1.Rows[0]["StationID"].ToString();
md1.StationID = dt1.Rows[0]["StationID"].ToString();
model.Result = "0";
model.ErrReason = "工位号:" + item.StationNo + "不存在!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
#region 校验零件号是否存在
DataTable dt2 = pbll.SearchInfoByPartNo(item.PartNo);
if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
md1.StockNo = dt2.Rows[0]["StockNo"].ToString();
stockNo = md1.StockNo;
model.ErrReason = "零件号:" + item.PartNo + "不存在!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
#region 校验计划是否存在
var list = bll.isExit(item.BeginTime, item.EndTime, stationID, stockNo);
if (list.Count == 0)
model.ErrReason = "计划不存在!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
#region 校验计划是否已经生产
DataTable dt = Tool.ListToDataTable(list);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (dt.Rows[0]["IsFinish"].ToString() == "1")
model.ErrReason = "工位:"+ item.StationNo +"的计划删除失败,该计划已完成!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
planID = dt.Rows[0]["InjectionPlanID"].ToString();
DataTable dt3 = rbll.SearchInfoByPlanID(planID);
if (dt3 != null && dt3.Rows.Count > 0)
model.ErrReason = "工位:" + item.StationNo + "的计划删除失败,该计划生产中!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
#region 删除计划
md1.InjectionPlanID = planID;
if (!bll.DeleteInfo(md1))
model.ErrReason = "工位:" + item.StationNo + "的计划删除失败!";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
return res;
model.Result = "1";
res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
LogHelper.WriteSysLogBase("[删除计划入参]" + str + ";出参" + JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
return res;
//[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
//public string GetState(string str)
// LogHelper.WriteSysLogBase("[返回计划状态]" + str, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
// string res = "";
// string errorReason = "";
// string stationID = "", planID = "";
// tb_InjectionPlan md1 = new tb_InjectionPlan();
// InjectionPlanBLL bll = new InjectionPlanBLL();
// InjectionRecordBLL rbll = new InjectionRecordBLL();
// StationBLL sbll = new StationBLL();
// ProductBLL pbll = new ProductBLL();
// JsonModel<NoModel> model = new JsonModel<NoModel>();
// model.Result = "0";
// model.ResultType = "Result";
// model.ResultRowsCount = "0";
// model.ErrReason = errorReason;
// model.DataList = null;
// InjectionUpdatePlanModel md = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<InjectionUpdatePlanModel>(str);
// foreach (var item in md.datalist)
// {
// #region 校验工位是否存在
// DataTable dt1 = sbll.SearchInfoByNo(item.StationNo);
// if (dt1 != null && dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
// {
// stationID = dt1.Rows[0]["StationID"].ToString();
// md1.StationID = dt1.Rows[0]["StationID"].ToString();
// }
// else
// {
// model.Result = "0";
// model.ErrReason = "工位号:" + item.StationNo + "不存在!";
// res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
// return res;
// }
// #endregion
// #region 校验零件号是否存在
// DataTable dt2 = pbll.SearchInfoByPartNo(item.PartNo);
// if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
// {
// md1.StockNo = dt2.Rows[0]["StockNo"].ToString();
// }
// else
// {
// model.ErrReason = "零件号:" + item.PartNo + "不存在!";
// res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
// return res;
// }
// #endregion
// #region 校验计划是否存在
// var list = bll.isExit(item.BeginTime, item.EndTime, stationID, item.PartNo);
// if (list == null)
// {
// model.ErrReason = "计划不存在!";
// res = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<JsonModel<NoModel>>(model);
// return res;
// }
// else
// {
// planID = Tool.ListToDataTable(list).Rows[0]["InjectionPlanID"].ToString();
// }
// #endregion
// }
// return res;