using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using MESClassLibrary.BLL.Log; namespace MESClassLibrary.DAL.ZPPlan { public class ZPStepRecordDAL { public bool DelInfoByStation(string station, string barcode) { try { string sql = @"delete from tb_ZPStepRecord where StationID=(select StationID from dbo.tb_Station where StationNo ='" + station + @"' ) and BarCode='" + barcode + @"'"; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.GetConnSting(), CommandType.Text, sql, null); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(),MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); return false; } } public DataTable SearchStepByStation(string station,string PlanID,string barCode) { try { // string sql = @"SELECT r.*, s.StationNo // FROM dbo.tb_ZPStepRecord AS r LEFT OUTER JOIN // dbo.tb_Station AS s ON r.StationID = s.StationID // where s.StationNo='" + station + @"' // and r.BarCode='" + barcode + @"' order by r.ID"; string sql = @"SELECT r.ID, r.BarCode, r.StationID, r.Step, r.MouldNo, r.KeyBarCode, r.IsOK, r.CreateTime, r.PlanID, s.StationNo, dbo.tb_ZPPlan.PartNo FROM dbo.tb_ZPStepRecord AS r LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tb_ZPPlan ON r.PlanID = dbo.tb_ZPPlan.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tb_Station AS s ON r.StationID = s.StationID where s.StationNo='" + station + @"' and r.PlanID='" + PlanID + @"' and isnull(r.BarCode,'')='" + barCode + @"' and r.IsOK=1 "; return SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.GetConnSting(), CommandType.Text, sql, null).Tables[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(),MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); return null; } } /// /// 查询当前工位之前步骤的个数 /// /// /// /// public DataTable SearchBeforStep(string station, int step) { try { string sql = @"declare @i int, @station nvarchar(200), @s1 nvarchar(max); set @i=" + step+ @"; set @station='"+station+ @"'; set @s1='(select stationID from tb_station where stationNo=' + ''''+@station+''')' select top '+ @i+ ' * from tb_ZPStepRecord where stationID='+ @s1 + ' order by ID DESC"; return SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.GetConnSting(), CommandType.Text, sql, null).Tables[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(),MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); return null; } } public bool UpdateBarCode(string stationID,string barcode,string planID) { try { string sql = @"update tb_ZPStepRecord set BarCode='" + barcode + @"' where StationID='" + stationID + @"' and PlanID='" + planID + @"' and BarCode is null"; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.GetConnSting(), CommandType.Text, sql, null); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(),MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); return false; } } public int CompleteStep(string barcode) { try { string sql = @"select Count(*) as aa from tb_ZPStepRecord where BarCode='" + barcode + @"' and IsOK=1 "; DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.GetConnSting(), CommandType.Text, sql, null).Tables[0]; if (dt != null & dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["aa"]); } else { return 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(),MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); return 0; } } public int isScan(string barCode, string stationID,int step) { try { int res = 0; string sql = @"select BarCode from tb_ZPStepRecord where BarCode='" + barCode + @"'and StationID='" + stationID + @"' and Step=" + step; DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.GetConnSting(), CommandType.Text, sql, null).Tables[0]; if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { res = dt.Rows.Count; } return res; } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); return 0; } } } }