using DBUtility; using foda.Model; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; namespace foda { public class DF { #region tb_ZPPlan public static List GetZPP(string stationNo) { List list = new List(); try { BBMPT1Entities db = new BBMPT1Entities(); string sql = @" select top 1 a.ID, b.StationNo, a.OrderNo, a.PartNo, (select ProductName from tb_Product where PartNo = a.PartNo) PName, a.OrderCount,a.ProductCount,a.BadCount from tb_ZPPlan a left join tb_Station b on a.StationID = b.StationID where a.StationID = ( select StationID from tb_Station where StationNo = '" + stationNo + @"' ) and a.OrderDate = Convert(varchar(10),(select getdate()),120) and a.IsFinish = 0 order by a.Item asc "; list = db.Database.SqlQuery(sql, null).ToList(); return list; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLogBase(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); return list; } } public static bool AddProductCount(tb_ZPPlan md) { BasicBLL db = new BasicBLL(); try { string[] proNames = new string[1]; proNames[0] = "ProductCount"; return db.UpdateInfo(md, proNames); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLogBase(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); return false; } } public static bool AddBadCount(tb_ZPPlan md) { BasicBLL db = new BasicBLL(); try { string[] proNames = new string[1]; proNames[0] = "BadCount"; return db.UpdateInfo(md, proNames); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLogBase(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); return false; } } public static bool PlanFinish(tb_ZPPlan md) { BasicBLL db = new BasicBLL(); try { string[] proNames = new string[1]; proNames[0] = "IsFinish"; return db.UpdateInfo(md, proNames); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLogBase(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); return false; } } public static List GetPLCMould() { BasicBLL db = new BasicBLL(); return db.SearchAllInfo(); } public static List GetPLCBreak() { BasicBLL db = new BasicBLL(); return db.SearchAllInfo(); } #endregion #region Common public static string GetProNameBySP(string stockNo, string PartNo) { string res = ""; try { if (stockNo.Contains(",") || PartNo.Contains(",")) { //计划生产两个产品 string[] stocks = {"","" }; string[] parts = { "", "" }; if (stockNo.Contains(",")) { stocks = stockNo.Split(','); } if (PartNo.Contains(",")) { parts = PartNo.Split(','); } if (stocks.Length < 2) { stocks = new string[] { stocks[0], "" }; } if (parts.Length < 2) { parts = new string[] { parts[0], "" }; } string sql = @" select top 1 a.ProductName+','+b.ProductName as [Plan] from ( select ProductName from tb_Product where partNo in ('" + parts[0] + @"','" + parts[1] + @"') ) a, ( select ProductName from tb_Product where partNo in ('" + parts[0] + @"','" + parts[1] + @"') ) b where a.ProductName != b.ProductName "; object aa = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(SqlHelper.SqlConnString, CommandType.Text, sql, null); if (aa != null) { res = aa.ToString(); } } else { //计划生产一个产品 string sql = @" select top 1 ProductName as [Plan] from tb_Product where PartNo = '" + PartNo + "' "; object aa = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(SqlHelper.SqlConnString, CommandType.Text, sql, null); if (aa != null) { res = aa.ToString(); } } return res; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLogBase(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); return res; } } #endregion } }