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515 lines
14 KiB

6 months ago
<!-- background-size-polyfill v0.2.0 | (c) 2012-2013 Louis-Rémi Babé | MIT License -->
<PUBLIC:COMPONENT lightWeight="true">
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="oncontentready" ONEVENT="o.init()" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="ondocumentready" ONEVENT="o.init()" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onpropertychange" ONEVENT="o.handlePropertychange()" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="ondetach" ONEVENT="o.restore()" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onresize" FOR="window" ONEVENT="o.handleResize()" />
<PUBLIC:EVENT NAME="onbackgroundupdate" ID="updateEvent" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var o; // and so it is
(function( element, window ) {
var rsrc = /url\(["']?(.*?)["']?\)/,
rprespace = /^\s\s*/,
rpostspace = /\s\s*$/,
rmidspace = /\s\s*/g,
rpercent = /%$/,
positions = {
top: 0,
left: 0,
bottom: 1,
right: 1,
center: 0.5
doc = element.document,
wrapperClass = "background-size-polyfill",
noop = function() {},
resizeInterval = 100,
// remove the background-image and emulate it with a wrapped <img/>
function init() {
var wrapper = doc.createElement( "div" ),
img = doc.createElement( "img" ),
wrapperStyle = wrapper.style,
elementStyle = element.style,
elementCurrentStyle = element.currentStyle,
expando = element.bgsExpando,
cloneWrapper = element.firstChild;
if ( expando ) {
if ( expando.restore ) {
elementStyle.backgroundImage = expando.restore.backgroundImage;
elementStyle.position = expando.restore.position;
elementStyle.zIndex = expando.restore.zIndex;
if ( cloneWrapper &&
( cloneWrapper.nodeName || "" ).toUpperCase() === "DIV" &&
cloneWrapper.className === wrapperClass) {
element.removeChild( cloneWrapper );
setStyles( wrapper );
wrapper.className = wrapperClass;
wrapperStyle.top =
wrapperStyle.right =
wrapperStyle.bottom =
wrapperStyle.left = 0;
wrapperStyle.position = "fixed"; // test value
setStyles( img );
img.alt = "";
wrapper.appendChild( img );
element.insertBefore( wrapper, element.firstChild );
// save useful data for quick access
element.bgsExpando = expando = {
wrapper: wrapper,
img: img,
// styles to restore on detach
restore: {
backgroundImage: elementStyle.backgroundImage,
position: elementStyle.position,
zIndex: elementStyle.zIndex
current: {}, // current snapshot
next: null, // next snapshot to process
processing: false, // whether we are in the middle of processing the next snapshot
loadImg: null, // temp img element/object from getImageDimensions
display: false, // element's display property
changed: false, // whether element's display property has changed
ignore: false, // whether to ignore the next property change event
// whether we can support background-attachment: fixed for this element/browser
canFixed: element.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "BODY" && wrapper.offsetHeight > 0
wrapperStyle.position = "absolute";
// This is the part where we mess with the existing DOM
// to make sure that the background image is correctly zIndexed
if ( elementCurrentStyle.zIndex === "auto" ) {
elementStyle.zIndex = 0;
if ( elementCurrentStyle.position === "static" ) {
elementStyle.position = "relative";
o = {
init: noop, // allow init() to be called only once
handlePropertychange: handlePropertychange,
restore: restore,
handleResize: handleResize
function setStyles( el ) {
var style = el.style;
style.position = "absolute";
style.display = "block";
style.zIndex = -1;
style.overflow = "hidden";
style.visibility = "inherit";
style.width =
style.height =
style.top =
style.right =
style.bottom =
style.left =
style.cursor = "auto";
style.margin =
style.padding =
style.border =
style.outline =
style.minWidth =
style.minHeight = 0;
style.background =
style.maxWidth =
style.maxHeight = "none";
style.fontSize =
style.lineHeight = "1em";
function getImageDimensions( expando, src, callback ) {
var img;
if ( src ) {
img = doc.createElement( "img" );
img.onload = img.onerror = function() {
var width = this.width,
height = this.height;
if ( window.event.type === "error" ) {
width = height = 0;
expando.loadImg = this.onload = this.onerror = null;
callback( width, height );
img.src = src;
} else {
img = {
callbackId: window.setTimeout( function() {
expando.loadImg = null;
callback( 0, 0 );
}, 0 )
expando.loadImg = img;
img = null;
// this prevents handling propertychange events caused by this script
function suspendPropertychange( callback ) {
var fn = o.handlePropertychange;
o.handlePropertychange = noop;
o.handlePropertychange = fn;
function refreshDisplay( element, expando ) {
var display = element.currentStyle.display;
if ( display !== expando.display ) {
expando.display = display;
expando.changed = true;
return display !== "none";
function takeSnapshot( element, expando ) {
var elementStyle = element.style,
elementCurrentStyle = element.currentStyle,
expandoRestore = expando.restore,
size = normalizeCSSValue( elementCurrentStyle["background-size"] ),
sizeList = size.split( " " ),
snapshot = {
innerWidth: element.offsetWidth -
( parseFloat( elementCurrentStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0 ) -
( parseFloat( elementCurrentStyle.borderRightWidth ) || 0 ),
innerHeight: element.offsetHeight -
( parseFloat( elementCurrentStyle.borderTopWidth ) || 0 ) -
( parseFloat( elementCurrentStyle.borderBottomWidth ) || 0 ),
size: size,
sizeIsKeyword: size === "contain" || size === "cover",
sizeX: sizeList[0],
sizeY: sizeList.length > 1 ? sizeList[1] : "auto",
posX: elementCurrentStyle.backgroundPositionX,
posY: elementCurrentStyle.backgroundPositionY,
attachment: elementCurrentStyle.backgroundAttachment,
src: "",
imgWidth: 0,
imgHeight: 0
// length / percentage size
if ( !snapshot.sizeIsKeyword ) {
// negative lengths or percentages are not allowed
if ( !( ( parseFloat( snapshot.sizeX ) >= 0 || snapshot.sizeX === "auto" ) &&
( parseFloat( snapshot.sizeY ) >= 0 || snapshot.sizeY === "auto" ) ) ) {
snapshot.sizeX = snapshot.sizeY = "auto";
// percentages are relative to the element, not image, width/height
if ( rpercent.test( snapshot.sizeX ) ) {
snapshot.sizeX = ( snapshot.innerWidth * parseFloat( snapshot.sizeX ) / 100 || 0 ) + "px";
if ( rpercent.test( snapshot.sizeY ) ) {
snapshot.sizeY = ( snapshot.innerHeight * parseFloat( snapshot.sizeY ) / 100 || 0 ) + "px";
// keyword / percentage positions
if ( snapshot.posX in positions || rpercent.test( snapshot.posX ) ) {
snapshot.posX = positions[ snapshot.posX ] || parseFloat( snapshot.posX ) / 100 || 0;
if ( snapshot.posY in positions || rpercent.test( snapshot.posY ) ) {
snapshot.posY = positions[ snapshot.posY ] || parseFloat( snapshot.posY ) / 100 || 0;
// image
if ( ( rsrc.exec( elementStyle.backgroundImage ) || [] )[1] === spacer ) {
// inline style wasn't set, but a class change could change the background image
// so restore the previous inline style before measuring
suspendPropertychange( function() {
elementStyle.backgroundImage = expandoRestore.backgroundImage;
} );
} else {
// inline style was set, so save it in our restore list
expandoRestore.backgroundImage = elementStyle.backgroundImage;
snapshot.src = ( rsrc.exec( elementCurrentStyle.backgroundImage ) || [] )[1];
// set inline background image to the transparent spacer gif
// this allows JavaScript to later set it to "none"
suspendPropertychange( function() {
elementStyle.backgroundImage = "url(" + spacer + ")";
} );
return snapshot;
function normalizeCSSValue( value ) {
return String( value ).replace( rprespace, "" ).replace( rpostspace, "" ).replace( rmidspace, " " );
function processSnapshot( element, expando ) {
var snapshot = expando.next;
function loop() {
processSnapshotId = window.setTimeout( function() {
expando.processing = false;
processSnapshot( element, expando );
}, 0 );
if ( !expando.processing && snapshot ) {
expando.next = null;
expando.processing = true;
getImageDimensions( expando, snapshot.src, function( width, height ) {
snapshot.imgWidth = width;
snapshot.imgHeight = height;
if ( isChanged( expando, snapshot ) ) {
updateBackground( element, expando, snapshot, loop );
} else {
} );
function isChanged( expando, snapshot ) {
var expandoCurrent = expando.current,
changed = false,
if ( expando.changed ) {
// display changed
expando.changed = false;
changed = true;
} else {
for ( prop in snapshot ) {
if ( snapshot[prop] !== expandoCurrent[prop] ) {
changed = true;
return changed;
function updateBackground( element, expando, snapshot, callback ) {
var img = expando.img,
imgStyle = img.style,
size = snapshot.size,
innerWidth = snapshot.innerWidth,
innerHeight = snapshot.innerHeight,
imgWidth = snapshot.imgWidth,
imgHeight = snapshot.imgHeight,
posX = snapshot.posX,
posY = snapshot.posY,
posXIsPercent = typeof posX === "number",
posYIsPercent = typeof posY === "number",
display = "none",
left = 0,
top = 0,
width = "auto",
height = "auto",
px = "px",
oneHundredPercent = "100%",
if ( innerWidth && innerHeight && imgWidth && imgHeight ) {
expando.wrapper.style.position =
snapshot.attachment === "fixed" && expando.canFixed ?
"fixed" : "absolute";
img.src = snapshot.src;
// can we do Math.round() instead of flooring towards zero?
if ( snapshot.sizeIsKeyword ) {
elemRatio = innerWidth / innerHeight;
imgRatio = imgWidth / imgHeight;
if ( ( size === "contain" && imgRatio > elemRatio ) ||
( size === "cover" && elemRatio > imgRatio ) ) {
top = floorTowardsZero( ( innerHeight - innerWidth / imgRatio ) * posY ) + px;
width = oneHundredPercent;
// size === "contain" && elemRatio > imgRatio ||
// size === "cover" && imgRatio > elemRatio
} else {
left = floorTowardsZero( ( innerWidth - innerHeight * imgRatio ) * posX ) + px;
height = oneHundredPercent;
imgStyle.left = posXIsPercent ? left : posX;
imgStyle.top = posYIsPercent ? top : posY;
imgStyle.width = width;
imgStyle.height = height;
display = "block";
} else {
// need to set width/height then calculate left/top from the actual width/height
imgStyle.display = "block";
imgStyle.width = snapshot.sizeX;
imgStyle.height = snapshot.sizeY;
imgWidth = img.width;
imgHeight = img.height;
if ( imgWidth && imgHeight ) {
imgStyle.left = posXIsPercent ? floorTowardsZero( ( innerWidth - imgWidth ) * posX ) + px : posX;
imgStyle.top = posYIsPercent ? floorTowardsZero( ( innerHeight - imgHeight ) * posY ) + px : posY;
display = "block";
imgStyle.display = display;
expando.current = snapshot;
// img onload may be called synchronously, leading to us trying to
// fire onbackgroundupdate within init(), causing an error
// so wrap it with setTimeout()
updateEventId = window.setTimeout( function() {
updateBackgroundCallbackId = window.setTimeout( callback, 0 );
// if any properties are changed here, processSnapshot() will process them later
// if ondetach is triggered, updateBackgroundCallbackId will be cleared
}, 0 );
function floorTowardsZero( value ) {
var isNegative = value < 0;
value = Math.floor( Math.abs( value ) );
return isNegative ? -value : value;
// handle different style changes
function handlePropertychange() {
var expando = element.bgsExpando,
propertyName = ( window.event || {} ).propertyName,
backgroundImageProperty = "style.backgroundImage";
if ( expando.ignore ) {
expando.ignore = false;
if ( propertyName === backgroundImageProperty ) {
// if the changed property is style.backgroundImage
// and its value is set to a non-empty string,
// then the propertychange event will be fired twice
// http://blog.csdn.net/hax/article/details/1346542
if ( propertyName === backgroundImageProperty && element.style.backgroundImage ) {
expando.ignore = true;
if ( refreshDisplay( element, expando ) ) {
// since each snapshot includes changes all previous snapshots,
// we can replace the old next snapshot with a new one
expando.next = takeSnapshot( element, expando );
processSnapshot( element, expando );
function handleResize() {
window.clearTimeout( resizeId );
resizeId = window.setTimeout( handlePropertychange, resizeInterval );
function restore() {
var expando = element.bgsExpando,
o = {
init: noop,
handlePropertychange: noop,
restore: noop,
handleResize: noop
window.clearTimeout( resizeId );
window.clearTimeout( processSnapshotId );
window.clearTimeout( updateEventId );
window.clearTimeout( updateBackgroundCallbackId );
try {
if ( expando ) {
loadImg = expando.loadImg;
if ( loadImg ) {
loadImg.onload = loadImg.onerror = null;
window.clearTimeout( loadImg.callbackId );
elementStyle = element.style;
expandoRestore = expando.restore;
if ( elementStyle ) {
elementStyle.backgroundImage = expandoRestore.backgroundImage;
elementStyle.position = expandoRestore.position;
elementStyle.zIndex = expandoRestore.zIndex;
element.removeChild( expando.wrapper );
element.bgsExpando = null;
} catch ( e ) {}
element = window = doc = noop = null;
// don't allow anything until init() is called
// IE seems to think it needs to attach the behavior a second time for printing
o = {
init: doc.media !== "print" ? init : noop,
handlePropertychange: noop,
restore: noop,
handleResize: noop
if ( element.readyState === "complete" ) {
})( element, window );
Work around IE sillyness, see:
<script type="text/vbscript"></script>