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312 lines
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312 lines
15 KiB
6 months ago
using MESClassLibrary.BLL.Log;
using MESClassLibrary.DAL.Keep;
using MESClassLibrary.EFModel;
using MESClassLibrary.Model;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
namespace MESClassLibrary.BLL.Keep
public class KeepRecordBLL
KeepRecordDAL dal = new KeepRecordDAL();
BBMPTEntities ef = new BBMPTEntities();
BasicBLL<tb_KeepRecord> db = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepRecord>();
public string GetDate(string VersionID, string KeepTime, string DeviceID, string KeepLevelID)
string str = "";
string CheckUserID = "";
string ConfirmUserID = "";
string ErrMes = "";
BasicBLL<tb_KeepItemsVersion> db = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepItemsVersion>();
string jsonStr = "[]";
List<tb_KeepItemsVersion> list = null;
list = db.SearchInfoByKey("IsUseing", 1).Where(p => p.VersionID.Equals(VersionID)).ToList();
if (list.Count > 0)
BasicBLL<tb_KeepLevel> KeepLevel_db = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepLevel>();
var KeepLevelList = KeepLevel_db.SearchAllInfo().ToList();
string level = KeepLevelList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID.Equals(KeepLevelID)).KeepLevel;
BasicBLL<tb_KeepItems> CheckItem_db = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepItems>();
var CheckItemList = CheckItem_db.SearchAllInfo().ToList();
if (level.Contains("一"))
CheckItemList = CheckItem_db.SearchAllInfo().Where(p => p.KeepLevelID.Equals(KeepLevelID)).ToList();
string[] itemID = CheckItemList.Select(p => p.ID).ToArray();
list = list.Where(p => itemID.Contains(p.KeepItemsID)).ToList();
if (level.Contains("二"))
CheckItemList = CheckItem_db.SearchAllInfo().ToList();
//BasicBLL<tb_KeepItems> CheckItem_db = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepItems>();
//var CheckItemList = CheckItem_db.SearchAllInfo().ToList();
//BasicBLL<tb_KeepLevel> KeepLevel_db = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepLevel>();
//var KeepLevelList = KeepLevel_db.SearchAllInfo().ToList();
string[] arr_id = list.Select(s => s.ID).ToArray();
BasicBLL<tb_KeepRecord> CommonlyInspectionRecord_db = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepRecord>();
var _info = CommonlyInspectionRecord_db.SearchInfoByKey("CheckDate", Convert.ToDateTime(KeepTime)).Where(p => arr_id.Contains(p.KeepItemsVersionID)).ToList();
if (_info.Count > 0)
#region 修改
List<KeepItemsVersionModel> CommonlyInspectionList = new List<KeepItemsVersionModel>();
foreach (var item in list)
KeepItemsVersionModel dm = Tool.Mapper<KeepItemsVersionModel, tb_KeepItemsVersion>(item);
dm.KeepItems = CheckItemList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID.Equals(item.KeepItemsID)).KeepItems;
str = "<table border='1' width='900' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' id='KeepItemsTable' name='1'>";
str += "<tr>";
str += "<td width='200'>保养内容</td>";
str += "<td width='200'>检查结果</td>";
str += "</tr>";
for (int j = 0; j < CommonlyInspectionList.Count; j++)
str += "<tr>";
str += "<td>" + CommonlyInspectionList[j].KeepItems + "</td>";
var R_info = _info.FirstOrDefault(p => p.KeepItemsVersionID == CommonlyInspectionList[j].ID);
CheckUserID = R_info.CheckUser;
ConfirmUserID = R_info.ConfirmUser;
//ErrMes = R_info.ErrMes;
switch (R_info.Result)
case "0":
str += "<td><select class=\"easyui-combobox\" name='" + R_info.ID + "'><option value='1'>良好</option><option value='0' selected = 'selected'>故障</option></select></td>";
case "1":
str += "<td><select class=\"easyui-combobox\" name='" + R_info.ID + "'><option value='1' selected = 'selected'>良好</option><option value='0'>故障</option></select></td>";
str += "</tr>";
//str += "<tr>";
//str += "<td width='200'>异常情况描述</td>";
//str += "<td><input class='easyui-textbox' id='ErrMes' value='" + ErrMes + "'/></td>";
//str += "</tr>";
str += "</table>";
str += "<input id='CheckUserID' type='text' hidden='hidden' value='" + CheckUserID + "'/>";
str += "<input id='ConfirmUserID' type='text' hidden='hidden' value='" + ConfirmUserID + "'/>";
str += "<input id='KeepItemsFlag' type='text' hidden='hidden' value='1'/>";
#region 新增
List<KeepItemsVersionModel> CommonlyInspectionList = new List<KeepItemsVersionModel>();
foreach (var item in list)
KeepItemsVersionModel dm = Tool.Mapper<KeepItemsVersionModel, tb_KeepItemsVersion>(item);
dm.KeepItems = CheckItemList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID.Equals(item.KeepItemsID)).KeepItems;
str = "<table border='1' width='900' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' id='KeepItemsTable' name='0'>";
str += "<tr>";
str += "<td width='200'>保养内容</td>";
str += "<td width='200'>检查结果</td>";
str += "</tr>";
for (int j = 0; j < CommonlyInspectionList.Count; j++)
str += "<tr>";
str += "<td>" + CommonlyInspectionList[j].KeepItems + "</td>";
str += "<td><select class=\"easyui-combobox\" name='" + CommonlyInspectionList[j].ID + "'>" +
"<option value='1'>良好</option>" +
"<option value='0'>故障</option>" +
"</select>" +
str += "</tr>";
//str += "<tr>";
//str += "<td width='200'>异常情况描述</td>";
//str += "<td><input class='easyui-textbox' id='ErrMes' value=''/></td>";
//str += "</tr>";
str += "</table>";
str += "<input id='KeepItemsFlag' type='text' hidden='hidden' value='0'/>";
return str;
catch (Exception ex)
LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod());
return "";
public bool AddInfo(string CommonlyInspection, string CheckUserID, string ConfirmUserID, string UserID, string CheckDate, string KeepPlanID)
BasicBLL<tb_KeepRecord> Recorddb = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepRecord>();
DateTime dtime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime checktime = Convert.ToDateTime(CheckDate);
string[] arr = CommonlyInspection.Split(new Char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length - 1; i++)
int index = arr[i].IndexOf(":");
tb_KeepRecord md = new tb_KeepRecord();
md.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
md.KeepPlanID = KeepPlanID;
md.KeepItemsVersionID = arr[i].Substring(0, index);
md.Result = arr[i].Substring(index + 1, arr[i].Length - index - 1);
md.CheckUser = CheckUserID;
md.ConfirmUser = CheckUserID;
//md.CreateUserID = UserID;
md.CheckDate = checktime;
//md.CheckType = CheckType;
//md.ErrMes = ErrMes;
md.ConfirmUserDate = dtime;
md.CreateTime = dtime;
//md.IsUseing = 1;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod());
return false;
public bool UpdateInfo(string CommonlyInspection, string CheckUserID, string ConfirmUserID, string UserID, string CheckDate, string KeepPlanID)
string[] proNames = new string[6];
proNames[0] = "Result";
proNames[1] = "CheckUser";
proNames[2] = "CheckDate";
proNames[3] = "ConfirmUser";
proNames[4] = "ConfirmUserDate";
//proNames[5] = "UpdateUserID";
proNames[5] = "UpdateTime";
//proNames[7] = "CheckType";
//proNames[8] = "ErrMes";
BasicBLL<tb_KeepRecord> Recorddb = new BasicBLL<tb_KeepRecord>();
DateTime dtime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime checktime = Convert.ToDateTime(CheckDate);
string[] arr = CommonlyInspection.Split(new Char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length - 3; i++)
int index = arr[i].IndexOf(":");
tb_KeepRecord md = new tb_KeepRecord();
md.ID = arr[i].Substring(0, index);
md.Result = arr[i].Substring(index + 1, arr[i].Length - index - 1);
md.CheckUser = CheckUserID;
md.CheckDate = checktime;
//md.CheckType = CheckType;
//md.ErrMes = ErrMes;
md.ConfirmUser = ConfirmUserID;
md.ConfirmUserDate = dtime;
//md.UpdateUserID = UserID;
md.UpdateTime = dtime;
//md.CreateUserID = "";
md.KeepItemsVersionID = "";
Recorddb.UpdateInfo(md, proNames);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod());
return false;
public string GetReportDate(string PlanID)
string str = "";
str = "<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' id='InspectionContentTable' name='1' width='100%'>";
str += "<tr>";
str += "<td width='50'>序号</td>";
str += "<td width='250'>设备名称</td>";
str += "<td width='400'>保养内容</td>";
str += "<td width='100'>结果</td>";
str += "</tr>";
DataTable dt = dal.SearhByKeepPlanID(PlanID);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
IList<KeepRecordModel> list = Tool.ConvertTo<KeepRecordModel>(dt);
List<string> deviceNameList = list.GroupBy(p => p.DeviceName).Select(p => p.Key).ToList();
int n = 1;
foreach (var item in deviceNameList)
List<KeepRecordModel> recordList = list.Where(p => p.DeviceName != null && p.DeviceName.Equals(item)).ToList();
List<string> VersionList = recordList.GroupBy(p => p.Version).Select(p => p.Key).ToList();
if (VersionList.Count > 1)
string version = VersionList.OrderByDescending(p => p).FirstOrDefault();
recordList = recordList.Where(p => p.KeepLevel != null && p.Version.Equals(version)).ToList();
int k = 1;
foreach (var itemRecord in recordList)
if (k == 1)
str += "<tr>";
str += "<td width='50' rowspan='" + recordList.Count + "'>" + n.ToString() + "</td>";
str += "<td width='250' rowspan='" + recordList.Count + "'>" + item + "</td>";
str += "<td width='400'>" + itemRecord.KeepItems + "</td>";
string r = itemRecord.result == "1" ? "√" : "X";
str += "<td width='100'>" + r + "</td>";
str += "</tr>";
str += "<tr>";
str += "<td width='400'>" + itemRecord.KeepItems + "</td>";
string r = itemRecord.result == "1" ? "√" : "X";
str += "<td width='100'>" + r + "</td>";
str += "</tr>";
str += "</table>";
return str;
catch (Exception ex)
LogErrBLL.AddInfo(ex.ToString(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod());
return "";