@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using System.Runtime.Serialization; |
using System.Text.Json; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using AutoMapper; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; |
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; |
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; |
@ -32,17 +33,20 @@ namespace Win_in.Sfs.Scp.WebApi |
{ |
private readonly AsnOptions _options; |
private readonly IObjectMapper _objectMapper; |
private readonly IPostService _postService; |
public AsnBackgroundWorker( |
AbpAsyncTimer timer, |
IOptions<AsnOptions> options, |
IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory, |
IObjectMapper objectMapper |
IObjectMapper objectMapper, |
IPostService postService |
) : base(timer, serviceScopeFactory) |
{ |
_options = options.Value; |
_objectMapper = objectMapper; |
Timer.Period = options.Value.PeriodSeconds * 1000; //default 5 minutes
_postService = postService; |
} |
[UnitOfWork] |
@ -96,24 +100,60 @@ namespace Win_in.Sfs.Scp.WebApi |
await scpAsnManager.GetUnreadAsnsAsync(siteCode, lastUid, _options.BatchSize); |
Logger.LogInformation($"{siteCode}: {scpAsns.Count} ASNs were Found"); |
var baseUrl = _options.BaseUrl; |
var username = _options.Username; |
var password = _options.Password; |
foreach (var asn in scpAsns) |
{ |
var barcodes = await scpAsnManager.GetBarcodesAsync(siteCode, asn.AsnBillNum); |
var noPoAsn = CreateNoPoAsn(asn, barcodes); |
asnX12List.Add(noPoAsn); |
asn.IsPort = 1; |
var apiUrl = ""; |
if (asn.AsnBillNum.StartsWith(_options.QadAsnPrefix))//ASN to QAD
var jsonString = noPoAsn.JsonString; |
try |
{ |
//埃驰要求不传托盘信息 @20220905
barcodes.ForEach(p => p.PalletCode = ""); |
//埃驰要求不传托盘信息 @20220905
var asnX12 = CreateX12Asn(site, asn, barcodes); |
asnX12List.Add(asnX12); |
var a = 0; |
var ss = 8 / a; |
var result = await _postService.PostAsync(baseUrl, apiUrl, jsonString, username, password); |
if (result == null) |
{ |
noPoAsn.SetError("Boomi", EnumExchangeDataErrorCode.None, "Boomi没有返回值"); |
} |
if (result?.Status == "SUCCESS") |
{ |
noPoAsn.SetSuccess("Boomi", "Boomi接口执行成功"); |
} |
else if (result?.Status == "EXCEPTION") |
{ |
noPoAsn.SetError("Boomi", EnumExchangeDataErrorCode.Exception, "EXCEPTION" + result?.ErrorMessage); |
} |
else if (result?.Status == "FAIL") |
{ |
noPoAsn.SetError("Boomi", EnumExchangeDataErrorCode.FAIL, "FAIL" + result?.ErrorMessage); |
} |
} |
catch (Exception e) |
{ |
Logger.LogException(e); |
e = e.GetBaseException(); |
noPoAsn.SetError("Boomi", EnumExchangeDataErrorCode.Exception, "接口程序异常"+e.Message); |
} |
finally |
{ |
asnX12List.Add(noPoAsn); |
} |
//if (asn.AsnBillNum.StartsWith(_options.QadAsnPrefix))//ASN to QAD
// //埃驰要求不传托盘信息 @20220905
// barcodes.ForEach(p => p.PalletCode = "");
// //埃驰要求不传托盘信息 @20220905
// var asnX12 = CreateX12Asn(site, asn, barcodes);
// asnX12List.Add(asnX12);
Logger.LogInformation($"{siteCode}:{asn.Id} {asn.AsnBillNum} was loaded"); |
} |
@ -132,56 +172,57 @@ namespace Win_in.Sfs.Scp.WebApi |
Logger.LogInformation("Get ASN from SCP: Complete"); |
} |
private X12Asn CreateNoPoAsn(TB_ASN asn, List<TS_BARCODE> barcodes) |
{ |
var asnMstr = new AsnMstr() |
{ |
UID = asn.Id, |
Company = asn.Site, |
Site = asn.Site, |
AsnNbr = asn.AsnBillNum, |
RpNbr = asn.AskBillNum, |
PoNbr = asn.PoBillNum, |
VendorCode = asn.VendId, |
Contacts = asn.ReceiveUser, |
Phone = "", |
TruckNbr = asn.PlateNumber, |
Whse = "", |
Dock = "", |
ShipDate = asn.ShipTime, |
DueDate = asn.ReceiveTime, |
TimeWindow = asn.ReceivedPort, |
Remark = asn.Remark, |
traceId = asn.Site+"-"+ asn.Id .ToString()+ "-"+ Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), |
uid = asn.Id, |
company = asn.Site, |
site = asn.Site, |
asnNbr = asn.AsnBillNum, |
rpNbr = asn.AskBillNum, |
poNbr = asn.PoBillNum, |
vendorCode = asn.VendId, |
contacts = asn.ReceiveUser, |
phone = "", |
status = null, |
truckNbr = asn.PlateNumber, |
whse = "", |
dock = "", |
shipDate = asn.ShipTime, |
dueDate = asn.ReceiveTime, |
timeWindow = asn.ReceivedPort, |
remark = asn.Remark, |
}; |
foreach (var barcode in barcodes) |
{ |
var det = new AsnDet() |
{ |
AsnNbr = asn.AsnBillNum, |
PoNbr = asn.PoBillNum, |
PoLine = barcode.PoBillLine, |
PartCode = barcode.PartCode, |
Lot = barcode.Batch, |
Qty = barcode.Qty, |
ProductionDate = barcode.ProduceDate, |
WareClass = "", |
WareCode = "", |
StdPackQty = barcode.PackQty, |
PoUm = barcode.PoUnit, |
LocUm = barcode.LocUnit, |
UmConv = 1, |
PartType = "", |
Supplierlot = barcode.VendBatch, |
Status = barcode.State.ToString(), |
LabelCode = barcode.Extend2, |
EntireBarCode = barcode.FullBarCode, |
PalletLabelCode = barcode.PalletCode, |
Remark = barcode.Remark, |
asnNbr = asn.AsnBillNum, |
poNbr = asn.PoBillNum, |
poLine = barcode.PoBillLine, |
partCode = barcode.PartCode, |
lot = barcode.Batch, |
qty = barcode.Qty, |
productionDate = barcode.ProduceDate, |
wareClass = "", |
wareCode = "", |
stdPackQty = barcode.PackQty, |
poUm = barcode.PoUnit, |
locUm = barcode.LocUnit, |
umConv = 1, |
partType = "", |
supplierlot = barcode.VendBatch, |
status = barcode.State.ToString(), |
labelCode = barcode.Extend2, |
entireBarCode = barcode.FullBarCode, |
palletLabelCode = barcode.PalletCode, |
remark = barcode.Remark, |
}; |
asnMstr.Details.Add(det); |
asnMstr.details.Add(det); |
} |
var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(asnMstr); |
var ediString = jsonString; |
@ -189,7 +230,6 @@ namespace Win_in.Sfs.Scp.WebApi |
asn.ShipTime ?? DateTime.Today); |
return asnX12; |
} |
private static X12Asn CreateX12Asn(AsnOptions.Site site, TB_ASN asn, List<TS_BARCODE> barcodes) |
{ |
var asnFactory = new AsnFactory(); |