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const cgroup = require('./cgroup');
const perfNow = require('./perfNow');
const sleep = require('./sleep');
const memoize = require('./memoize');
const each = require('./each');
const isEmpty = require('./isEmpty');
const sum = require('./sum');
const isNaN = require('./isNaN');
const os = require('os');
const cpuNum = memoize(function() {
return cgroup.cpuset.cpus().effective.length;
const DEFAULT_PERIOD = 50;
let lastUsage = 0;
let lastNow = 0;
function cpuUsage(period = 0) {
if (!period && !lastNow) {
let now = lastNow;
let usage = lastUsage;
if (period) {
now = perfNow() * 1000;
usage = cgroup.cpu.stat().usage;
return new Promise(resolve => {
sleep(period).then(() => {
lastUsage = cgroup.cpu.stat().usage;
const delta = lastUsage - usage;
lastNow = perfNow() * 1000;
const totalTime = lastNow - now;
resolve(delta / totalTime);
let lastCpuLoad = 0;
function cpuLoad(period = 0) {
const cpus = cgroup.cpuset.cpus().effective;
return Promise.all([cpuUsage(period), realCpuLoads(cpus, period)]).then(
res => {
const realCpuLoads = res[1];
let cpuLoad = sum.apply(null, realCpuLoads) / cpus.length;
const max = cgroup.cpu.max();
if (max !== Infinity) {
const cpuUsage = res[0];
const quotaLoad = cpuUsage / max;
if (quotaLoad > cpuLoad) {
cpuLoad = quotaLoad;
if (isNaN(cpuLoad)) {
return lastCpuLoad;
lastCpuLoad = cpuLoad;
return cpuLoad;
let lastAllCpus = [];
function realCpuLoads(cpus, period = 0) {
const cpuLoads = [];
if (!period && isEmpty(lastAllCpus)) {
let allCpus = lastAllCpus;
if (period) {
allCpus = os.cpus();
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
sleep(period).then(() => {
lastAllCpus = os.cpus();
each(cpus, (cpu, idx) => {
cpuLoads[idx] = calculateCpuLoad(
function calculateCpuLoad(lastCpu, cpu) {
const lastTimes = lastCpu.times;
const times = cpu.times;
const lastLoad =
lastTimes.user + lastTimes.sys + lastTimes.nice + lastTimes.irq;
const lastTick = lastLoad + lastTimes.idle;
const load = times.user + times.sys + times.nice + times.irq;
const tick = load + times.idle;
return (load - lastLoad) / (tick - lastTick);
function memUsage() {
return cgroup.memory.current();
function memLoad() {
let max = os.totalmem();
let cgroupMax = cgroup.memory.max();
if (cgroupMax < max) {
max = cgroupMax;
return memUsage() / max;
exports = {
module.exports = exports;