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95 lines
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95 lines
2.3 KiB
import * as buildTools from "turbo-gulp";
import { LibTarget, registerLibTasks } from "turbo-gulp/targets/lib";
import { MochaTarget, registerMochaTasks } from "turbo-gulp/targets/mocha";
import gulp from "gulp";
import minimist from "minimist";
interface Options {
devDist?: string;
const options: Options & minimist.ParsedArgs = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: ["devDist"],
default: {devDist: undefined},
alias: {devDist: "dev-dist"},
const project: buildTools.Project = {
root: __dirname,
packageJson: "package.json",
buildDir: "build",
distDir: "dist",
srcDir: "src",
typescript: {}
const lib: LibTarget = {
name: "lib",
srcDir: "src/lib",
scripts: ["**/*.ts"],
mainModule: "index",
dist: {
packageJsonMap: (old: buildTools.PackageJson): buildTools.PackageJson => {
const version: string = options.devDist !== undefined ? `${old.version}-build.${options.devDist}` : old.version;
return <any> {...old, version, scripts: undefined, private: false};
npmPublish: {
tag: options.devDist !== undefined ? "next" : "latest",
tscOptions: {
declaration: true,
skipLibCheck: true,
typedoc: {
dir: "typedoc",
name: "Helpers for V8 coverage files",
deploy: {
repository: "",
branch: "gh-pages",
copy: [
files: ["**/*.json"],
clean: {
dirs: ["build/lib", "dist/lib"],
const test: MochaTarget = {
name: "test",
srcDir: "src",
scripts: ["test/**/*.ts", "lib/**/*.ts", "e2e/*/*.ts"],
customTypingsDir: "src/custom-typings",
tscOptions: {
allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
skipLibCheck: true,
// generateTestMain: true,
copy: [
src: "e2e",
// <project-name>/(project|test-resources)/<any>
files: ["*/project/**/*", "*/test-resources/**/*"],
dest: "e2e",
clean: {
dirs: ["build/test"],
const libTasks: any = registerLibTasks(gulp, lib);
registerMochaTasks(gulp, test);
buildTools.projectTasks.registerAll(gulp, project);
gulp.task("all:tsconfig.json", gulp.parallel("lib:tsconfig.json", "test:tsconfig.json"));
gulp.task("dist", libTasks.dist);
gulp.task("default", libTasks.dist);