You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.9 KiB

"use strict";
// Copyright (c) Sindre Sorhus <> (
// Released under the MIT license
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Copyright (C) 2020 jeffy-g <>
Released under the MIT license
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const lcid = require("lcid");
const child_process_1 = require("child_process");
const defaultLocale = "en_US";
const getStdOut = async (command, args) => await new Promise((resolve) => {
child_process_1.execFile(command, args, (err, stdout) => {
resolve(err || stdout);
const getStdOutSync = (command, args) => {
try {
return child_process_1.execFileSync(command, args);
catch (e) {
return e;
const normalise = (input) => input.replace(/_/, "-");
function validate(result, processor) {
if (typeof result === "string" || result.length) {
return processor ? processor(result.toString()) : result.toString().trim();
return defaultLocale;
const getEnvLocale = (env = process.env) => env.LC_ALL || env.LC_MESSAGES || env.LANG || env.LANGUAGE || "";
function parseLocale(str) {
const env = str.split("\n").reduce((env, definition) => {
const [key, value] = definition.split("=");
if (key && value) {
env[key] = value.replace(/^"|"$/g, "");
return env;
}, {});
return getEnvLocale(env);
const purgeExtraToken = (str) => (str && str.replace(/[.:].*/, "")) || defaultLocale;
const getSupportedLocale = (locale, locales) => locales.includes(locale) ? locale : defaultLocale;
const [getAppleLocale, getAppleLocaleSync] = ((cmd0, args0, cmd1, args1) => {
return [
async () => {
const results = await Promise.all([
getStdOut(cmd0, args0).then(ret => validate(ret)),
getStdOut(cmd1, args1).then(ret => validate(ret))
return getSupportedLocale(results[0], results[1]);
() => getSupportedLocale(validate(getStdOutSync(cmd0, args0)), validate(getStdOutSync(cmd1, args1)))
})("defaults", ["read", "-globalDomain", "AppleLocale"], "locale", ["-a"]);
const getUnixLocale = async () => purgeExtraToken(parseLocale(await getStdOut("locale").then(ret => validate(ret))));
const getUnixLocaleSync = () => purgeExtraToken(parseLocale(validate(getStdOutSync("locale"))));
const parseLCID = (result) => {
const lcidCode = parseInt(result.replace("Locale", ""), 16);
return lcid.from(lcidCode);
const [getWinLocale, getWinLocaleSync] = ((cmd0, args0) => {
return [
async () => validate(await getStdOut(cmd0, args0), parseLCID),
() => validate(getStdOutSync(cmd0, args0), parseLCID)
})("wmic", ["os", "get", "locale"]);
let detector;
const gettersSlot = [
win32: getWinLocaleSync,
darwin: getAppleLocaleSync,
linux: getUnixLocaleSync,
}, {
win32: getWinLocale,
darwin: getAppleLocale,
linux: getUnixLocale,
const typeString = {}.toString;
const isPromise = (o) => === "[object Promise]";
let cacheLocal;
const base = (async) => (options = {}) => {
options = { spawn: true, cache: true, ...options };
const cache = options.cache;
if (cache && (cacheLocal === null || cacheLocal === void 0 ? void 0 : cacheLocal.length)) {
return (async ? Promise.resolve(cacheLocal) : cacheLocal);
const functions = gettersSlot[+(!!async)];
let locale;
const withCache = (l, mustPromise) => {
l = normalise(l);
cacheLocal = cache ? l : void 0;
return (mustPromise ? Promise.resolve(l) : l);
const envLocale = getEnvLocale();
if (envLocale || !options.spawn) {
locale = purgeExtraToken(envLocale);
else {
let { platform } = process;
if (platform !== "win32" && platform !== "darwin") {
platform = "linux";
locale = functions[platform]();
if (isPromise(locale)) {
return locale.then(result => withCache(result));
else {
return withCache(locale, async === true || void 0);
detector = (base(true));
detector.sync = base();
Object.defineProperties(detector, {
purge: {
value: () => cacheLocal = void 0,
enumerable: false,
version: {
value: "v1.0.8",
enumerable: true,
exports.osLocale = Object.freeze(detector);