You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
3.8 KiB

var last = require('./last');
var arrToMap = require('./arrToMap');
var startWith = require('./startWith');
var lowerCase = require('./lowerCase');
exports = function(html, handler) {
var stack = [];
var text;
var lastHtml = html;
while (html) {
text = true;
if (!last(stack) || !SPECIAL[last(stack)]) {
if (startWith(html, '<!--')) {
var endIdx = html.indexOf('-->');
if (endIdx >= 0) {
if (handler.comment) {
handler.comment(html.substring(4, endIdx));
html = html.substring(endIdx + 3);
text = false;
} else if (startWith(html, '<!')) {
var match = html.match(regDoctype);
if (match) {
if (handler.text)
handler.text(html.substring(0, match[0].length));
html = html.substring(match[0].length);
text = false;
} else if (startWith(html, '</')) {
var _match = html.match(regEndTag);
if (_match) {
html = html.substring(_match[0].length);
_match[0].replace(regEndTag, parseEndTag);
text = false;
} else if (startWith(html, '<')) {
var _match2 = html.match(regStartTag);
if (_match2) {
html = html.substring(_match2[0].length);
_match2[0].replace(regStartTag, parseStartTag);
text = false;
if (text) {
var _endIdx = html.indexOf('<');
var _text = _endIdx < 0 ? html : html.substring(0, _endIdx);
html = _endIdx < 0 ? '' : html.substring(_endIdx);
if (handler.text) handler.text(_text);
} else {
var execRes = new RegExp('</'.concat(last(stack), '[^>]*>')).exec(
if (execRes) {
var _text2 = html.substring(0, execRes.index);
html = html.substring(execRes.index + execRes[0].length);
if (_text2 && handler.text) handler.text(_text2);
parseEndTag('', last(stack));
if (lastHtml === html) {
throw Error('Parse Error: ' + html);
lastHtml = html;
function parseStartTag(tag, tagName, rest, unary) {
tagName = lowerCase(tagName);
unary = !!unary;
if (!unary) stack.push(tagName);
if (handler.start) {
var attrs = {};
rest.replace(regAttr, function(all, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
attrs[$1] = $2 || $3 || $4 || '';
handler.start(tagName, attrs, unary);
function parseEndTag(tag, tagName) {
tagName = lowerCase(tagName);
var pos;
if (!tagName) {
pos = 0;
} else {
for (pos = stack.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
if (stack[pos] === tagName) break;
if (pos >= 0) {
for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
if (handler.end) handler.end(stack[i]);
stack.length = pos;
var regDoctype = /^<!\s*doctype((?:\s+[\w:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/i;
var regEndTag = /^<\/([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)[^>]*>/;
var regStartTag = /^<([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)((?:\s+[-A-Za-z0-9_:@.]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/i;
var regAttr = /([-A-Za-z0-9_:@.]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:\\.|[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:\\.|[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g;
var SPECIAL = arrToMap('script,style'.split(','));
module.exports = exports;