You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.5 KiB

'use strict'
const reNomatch = /(?!.*)/
function join (array, joiner) {
return array
.map(function (val) {
return val.trim()
.filter(function (val) {
return val.length
function getNotesRegex (noteKeywords, notesPattern) {
if (!noteKeywords) {
return reNomatch
const noteKeywordsSelection = join(noteKeywords, '|')
if (!notesPattern) {
return new RegExp('^[\\s|*]*(' + noteKeywordsSelection + ')[:\\s]+(.*)', 'i')
return notesPattern(noteKeywordsSelection)
function getReferencePartsRegex (issuePrefixes, issuePrefixesCaseSensitive) {
if (!issuePrefixes) {
return reNomatch
const flags = issuePrefixesCaseSensitive ? 'g' : 'gi'
return new RegExp('(?:.*?)??\\s*([\\w-\\.\\/]*?)??(' + join(issuePrefixes, '|') + ')([\\w-]*\\d+)', flags)
function getReferencesRegex (referenceActions) {
if (!referenceActions) {
// matches everything
return /()(.+)/gi
const joinedKeywords = join(referenceActions, '|')
return new RegExp('(' + joinedKeywords + ')(?:\\s+(.*?))(?=(?:' + joinedKeywords + ')|$)', 'gi')
module.exports = function (options) {
options = options || {}
const reNotes = getNotesRegex(options.noteKeywords, options.notesPattern)
const reReferenceParts = getReferencePartsRegex(options.issuePrefixes, options.issuePrefixesCaseSensitive)
const reReferences = getReferencesRegex(options.referenceActions)
return {
notes: reNotes,
referenceParts: reReferenceParts,
references: reReferences,
mentions: /@([\w-]+)/g