You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
756 B

export type Watermark = [number, number];
export declare class Report {
constructor(opts: {
exclude?: string | string[],
extension?: string | string[],
excludeAfterRemap?: boolean,
include?: string | string[],
reporter: string[],
reportsDirectory?: string,
reporterOptions?: Record<string, Record<string, unknown>>
tempDirectory?: string,
watermarks?: Partial<{
statements: Watermark;
functions: Watermark;
branches: Watermark;
lines: Watermark;
omitRelative?: boolean,
wrapperLength?: number,
resolve?: string,
all?: boolean,
src?: Array<string>,
allowExternal?: boolean,
skipFull?: boolean,
excludeNodeModules?: boolean
run(): Promise<void>;