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* Promise, or maybe not
type Awaitable<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;
* Null or whatever
type Nullable<T> = T | null | undefined;
* Array, or not yet
type Arrayable<T> = T | Array<T>;
* Function
type Fn<T = void> = () => T;
* Constructor
type Constructor<T = void> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
* Infers the element type of an array
type ElementOf<T> = T extends (infer E)[] ? E : never;
* Defines an intersection type of all union items.
* @param U Union of any types that will be intersected.
* @returns U items intersected
* @see
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends unknown ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never;
* Infers the arguments type of a function
type ArgumentsType<T> = T extends ((...args: infer A) => any) ? A : never;
type MergeInsertions<T> = T extends object ? {
[K in keyof T]: MergeInsertions<T[K]>;
} : T;
type DeepMerge<F, S> = MergeInsertions<{
[K in keyof F | keyof S]: K extends keyof S & keyof F ? DeepMerge<F[K], S[K]> : K extends keyof S ? S[K] : K extends keyof F ? F[K] : never;
* Convert `Arrayable<T>` to `Array<T>`
* @category Array
declare function toArray<T>(array?: Nullable<Arrayable<T>>): Array<T>;
* Convert `Arrayable<T>` to `Array<T>` and flatten it
* @category Array
declare function flattenArrayable<T>(array?: Nullable<Arrayable<T | Array<T>>>): Array<T>;
* Use rest arguments to merge arrays
* @category Array
declare function mergeArrayable<T>(...args: Nullable<Arrayable<T>>[]): Array<T>;
type PartitionFilter<T> = (i: T, idx: number, arr: readonly T[]) => any;
* Divide an array into two parts by a filter function
* @category Array
* @example const [odd, even] = partition([1, 2, 3, 4], i => i % 2 != 0)
declare function partition<T>(array: readonly T[], f1: PartitionFilter<T>): [T[], T[]];
declare function partition<T>(array: readonly T[], f1: PartitionFilter<T>, f2: PartitionFilter<T>): [T[], T[], T[]];
declare function partition<T>(array: readonly T[], f1: PartitionFilter<T>, f2: PartitionFilter<T>, f3: PartitionFilter<T>): [T[], T[], T[], T[]];
declare function partition<T>(array: readonly T[], f1: PartitionFilter<T>, f2: PartitionFilter<T>, f3: PartitionFilter<T>, f4: PartitionFilter<T>): [T[], T[], T[], T[], T[]];
declare function partition<T>(array: readonly T[], f1: PartitionFilter<T>, f2: PartitionFilter<T>, f3: PartitionFilter<T>, f4: PartitionFilter<T>, f5: PartitionFilter<T>): [T[], T[], T[], T[], T[], T[]];
declare function partition<T>(array: readonly T[], f1: PartitionFilter<T>, f2: PartitionFilter<T>, f3: PartitionFilter<T>, f4: PartitionFilter<T>, f5: PartitionFilter<T>, f6: PartitionFilter<T>): [T[], T[], T[], T[], T[], T[], T[]];
* Unique an Array
* @category Array
declare function uniq<T>(array: readonly T[]): T[];
* Unique an Array by a custom equality function
* @category Array
declare function uniqueBy<T>(array: readonly T[], equalFn: (a: any, b: any) => boolean): T[];
* Get last item
* @category Array
declare function last(array: readonly []): undefined;
declare function last<T>(array: readonly T[]): T;
* Remove an item from Array
* @category Array
declare function remove<T>(array: T[], value: T): boolean;
* Get nth item of Array. Negative for backward
* @category Array
declare function at(array: readonly [], index: number): undefined;
declare function at<T>(array: readonly T[], index: number): T;
* Genrate a range array of numbers. The `stop` is exclusive.
* @category Array
declare function range(stop: number): number[];
declare function range(start: number, stop: number, step?: number): number[];
* Move element in an Array
* @category Array
* @param arr
* @param from
* @param to
declare function move<T>(arr: T[], from: number, to: number): T[];
* Clamp a number to the index ranage of an array
* @category Array
declare function clampArrayRange(n: number, arr: readonly unknown[]): number;
* Get random items from an array
* @category Array
declare function sample<T>(arr: T[], count: number): T[];
* Shuffle an array. This function mutates the array.
* @category Array
declare function shuffle<T>(array: T[]): T[];
declare const assert: (condition: boolean, message: string) => asserts condition;
declare const toString: (v: any) => string;
declare const getTypeName: (v: any) => string;
declare const noop: () => void;
* Type guard to filter out null-ish values
* @category Guards
* @example array.filter(notNullish)
declare function notNullish<T>(v: T | null | undefined): v is NonNullable<T>;
* Type guard to filter out null values
* @category Guards
* @example array.filter(noNull)
declare function noNull<T>(v: T | null): v is Exclude<T, null>;
* Type guard to filter out null-ish values
* @category Guards
* @example array.filter(notUndefined)
declare function notUndefined<T>(v: T): v is Exclude<T, undefined>;
* Type guard to filter out falsy values
* @category Guards
* @example array.filter(isTruthy)
declare function isTruthy<T>(v: T): v is NonNullable<T>;
declare const isDef: <T = any>(val?: T | undefined) => val is T;
declare const isBoolean: (val: any) => val is boolean;
declare const isFunction: <T extends Function>(val: any) => val is T;
declare const isNumber: (val: any) => val is number;
declare const isString: (val: unknown) => val is string;
declare const isObject: (val: any) => val is object;
declare const isUndefined: (val: any) => val is undefined;
declare const isNull: (val: any) => val is null;
declare const isRegExp: (val: any) => val is RegExp;
declare const isDate: (val: any) => val is Date;
declare const isWindow: (val: any) => boolean;
declare const isBrowser: boolean;
declare function clamp(n: number, min: number, max: number): number;
declare function sum(...args: number[] | number[][]): number;
* Replace backslash to slash
* @category String
declare function slash(str: string): string;
* Ensure prefix of a string
* @category String
declare function ensurePrefix(prefix: string, str: string): string;
* Ensure suffix of a string
* @category String
declare function ensureSuffix(suffix: string, str: string): string;
* Dead simple template engine, just like Python's `.format()`
* @category String
* @example
* ```
* const result = template(
* 'Hello {0}! My name is {1}.',
* 'Inès',
* 'Anthony'
* ) // Hello Inès! My name is Anthony.
* ```
declare function template(str: string, ...args: any[]): string;
* Generate a random string
* @category String
declare function randomStr(size?: number, dict?: string): string;
* First letter uppercase, other lowercase
* @category string
* @example
* ```
* capitalize('hello') => 'Hello'
* ```
declare function capitalize(str: string): string;
declare const timestamp: () => number;
* Call every function in an array
declare function batchInvoke(functions: Nullable<Fn>[]): void;
* Call the function
declare function invoke(fn: Fn): void;
* Pass the value through the callback, and return the value
* @example
* ```
* function createUser(name: string): User {
* return tap(new User, user => {
* = name
* })
* }
* ```
declare function tap<T>(value: T, callback: (value: T) => void): T;
* Map key/value pairs for an object, and construct a new one
* @category Object
* Transform:
* @example
* ```
* objectMap({ a: 1, b: 2 }, (k, v) => [k.toString().toUpperCase(), v.toString()])
* // { A: '1', B: '2' }
* ```
* Swap key/value:
* @example
* ```
* objectMap({ a: 1, b: 2 }, (k, v) => [v, k])
* // { 1: 'a', 2: 'b' }
* ```
* Filter keys:
* @example
* ```
* objectMap({ a: 1, b: 2 }, (k, v) => k === 'a' ? undefined : [k, v])
* // { b: 2 }
* ```
declare function objectMap<K extends string, V, NK = K, NV = V>(obj: Record<K, V>, fn: (key: K, value: V) => [NK, NV] | undefined): Record<K, V>;
* Type guard for any key, `k`.
* Marks `k` as a key of `T` if `k` is in `obj`.
* @category Object
* @param obj object to query for key `k`
* @param k key to check existence in `obj`
declare function isKeyOf<T extends object>(obj: T, k: keyof any): k is keyof T;
* Strict typed `Object.keys`
* @category Object
declare function objectKeys<T extends object>(obj: T): (`${keyof T & undefined}` | `${keyof T & null}` | `${keyof T & string}` | `${keyof T & number}` | `${keyof T & false}` | `${keyof T & true}`)[];
* Strict typed `Object.entries`
* @category Object
declare function objectEntries<T extends object>(obj: T): [keyof T, T[keyof T]][];
* Deep merge :P
* @category Object
declare function deepMerge<T extends object = object, S extends object = T>(target: T, ...sources: S[]): DeepMerge<T, S>;
* Create a new subset object by giving keys
* @category Object
declare function objectPick<O extends object, T extends keyof O>(obj: O, keys: T[], omitUndefined?: boolean): Pick<O, T>;
* Clear undefined fields from an object. It mutates the object
* @category Object
declare function clearUndefined<T extends object>(obj: T): T;
* Determines whether an object has a property with the specified name
* @see
* @category Object
declare function hasOwnProperty<T>(obj: T, v: PropertyKey): boolean;
interface SingletonPromiseReturn<T> {
(): Promise<T>;
* Reset current staled promise.
* Await it to have proper shutdown.
reset: () => Promise<void>;
* Create singleton promise function
* @category Promise
declare function createSingletonPromise<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): SingletonPromiseReturn<T>;
* Promised `setTimeout`
* @category Promise
declare function sleep(ms: number, callback?: Fn<any>): Promise<void>;
* Create a promise lock
* @category Promise
* @example
* ```
* const lock = createPromiseLock()
* () => {
* await doSomething()
* })
* // in anther context:
* await lock.wait() // it will wait all tasking finished
* ```
declare function createPromiseLock(): {
run<T = void>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
wait(): Promise<void>;
isWaiting(): boolean;
clear(): void;
* Promise with `resolve` and `reject` methods of itself
interface ControlledPromise<T = void> extends Promise<T> {
resolve(value: T | PromiseLike<T>): void;
reject(reason?: any): void;
* Return a Promise with `resolve` and `reject` methods
* @category Promise
* @example
* ```
* const promise = createControlledPromise()
* await promise
* // in anther context:
* promise.resolve(data)
* ```
declare function createControlledPromise<T>(): ControlledPromise<T>;
// Type definitions for throttle-debounce 5.0
interface CancelOptions {
upcomingOnly?: boolean;
interface Cancel {
cancel: (options?: CancelOptions) => void;
interface NoReturn<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> {
(...args: Parameters<T>): void;
interface ThrottleOptions {
noTrailing?: boolean;
noLeading?: boolean;
debounceMode?: boolean;
interface DebounceOptions {
atBegin?: boolean;
type throttle<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> = NoReturn<T> & Cancel;
* Throttle execution of a function. Especially useful for rate limiting
* execution of handlers on events like resize and scroll.
* @param delay
* A zero-or-greater delay in milliseconds. For event callbacks, values around
* 100 or 250 (or even higher) are most useful.
* @param callback
* A function to be executed after delay milliseconds. The `this` context and
* all arguments are passed through, as-is, to `callback` when the
* throttled-function is executed.
* @param options
* An object to configure options.
* @param options.noTrailing
* Optional, defaults to false. If noTrailing is true, callback will only execute
* every `delay` milliseconds while the throttled-function is being called. If
* noTrailing is false or unspecified, callback will be executed one final time
* after the last throttled-function call. (After the throttled-function has not
* been called for `delay` milliseconds, the internal counter is reset)
* @param options.noLeading
* Optional, defaults to false. If noLeading is false, the first throttled-function
* call will execute callback immediately. If noLeading is true, the first the
* callback execution will be skipped. It should be noted that callback will never
* executed if both noLeading = true and noTrailing = true.
* @param options.debounceMode If `debounceMode` is true (at begin), schedule
* `callback` to execute after `delay` ms. If `debounceMode` is false (at end),
* schedule `callback` to execute after `delay` ms.
* @return
* A new, throttled, function.
declare function throttle<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
delay: number,
callback: T,
options?: ThrottleOptions,
): throttle<T>;
type debounce<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> = NoReturn<T> & Cancel;
* Debounce execution of a function. Debouncing, unlike throttling,
* guarantees that a function is only executed a single time, either at the
* very beginning of a series of calls, or at the very end.
* @param delay
* A zero-or-greater delay in milliseconds. For event callbacks, values around
* 100 or 250 (or even higher) are most useful.
* @param callback
* A function to be executed after delay milliseconds. The `this` context and
* all arguments are passed through, as-is, to `callback` when the
* debounced-function is executed.
* @param options
* An object to configure options.
* @param options.atBegin
* If atBegin is false or unspecified, callback will only be executed `delay`
* milliseconds after the last debounced-function call. If atBegin is true,
* callback will be executed only at the first debounced-function call. (After
* the throttled-function has not been called for `delay` milliseconds, the
* internal counter is reset).
* @return
* A new, debounced function.
declare function debounce<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
delay: number,
callback: T,
options?: DebounceOptions,
): debounce<T>;
interface POptions {
* How many promises are resolved at the same time.
concurrency?: number | undefined;
declare class PInstance<T = any> extends Promise<Awaited<T>[]> {
items: Iterable<T>;
options?: POptions | undefined;
private promises;
get promise(): Promise<Awaited<T>[]>;
constructor(items?: Iterable<T>, options?: POptions | undefined);
add(...args: (T | Promise<T>)[]): void;
map<U>(fn: (value: Awaited<T>, index: number) => U): PInstance<Promise<U>>;
filter(fn: (value: Awaited<T>, index: number) => boolean | Promise<boolean>): PInstance<Promise<T>>;
forEach(fn: (value: Awaited<T>, index: number) => void): Promise<void>;
reduce<U>(fn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: Awaited<T>, currentIndex: number, array: Awaited<T>[]) => U, initialValue: U): Promise<U>;
clear(): void;
then(fn?: () => PromiseLike<any>): Promise<any>;
catch(fn?: (err: unknown) => PromiseLike<any>): Promise<any>;
finally(fn?: () => void): Promise<Awaited<T>[]>;
* Utility for managing multiple promises.
* @see
* @category Promise
* @example
* ```
* import { p } from '@antfu/utils'
* const items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
* await p(items)
* .map(async i => await multiply(i, 3))
* .filter(async i => await isEven(i))
* // [6, 12]
* ```
declare function p<T = any>(items?: Iterable<T>, options?: POptions): PInstance<T>;
export { ArgumentsType, Arrayable, Awaitable, Constructor, ControlledPromise, DeepMerge, ElementOf, Fn, MergeInsertions, Nullable, PartitionFilter, SingletonPromiseReturn, UnionToIntersection, assert, at, batchInvoke, capitalize, clamp, clampArrayRange, clearUndefined, createControlledPromise, createPromiseLock, createSingletonPromise, debounce, deepMerge, ensurePrefix, ensureSuffix, flattenArrayable, getTypeName, hasOwnProperty, invoke, isBoolean, isBrowser, isDate, isDef, isFunction, isKeyOf, isNull, isNumber, isObject, isRegExp, isString, isTruthy, isUndefined, isWindow, last, mergeArrayable, move, noNull, noop, notNullish, notUndefined, objectEntries, objectKeys, objectMap, objectPick, p, partition, randomStr, range, remove, sample, shuffle, slash, sleep, sum, tap, template, throttle, timestamp, toArray, toString, uniq, uniqueBy };