{ "i18n-t/keypath": { "description": "[required]\nThe locale message key can be specified prop", "type": "string" }, "i18n-t/plural": { "description": "[optional]\nThe Plural Choosing the message number prop", "type": "number|string" }, "i18n-t/locale": { "description": "[optional]\nThe locale to be used for the component", "type": "string" }, "i18n-t/scope": { "description": "[optional]\tThe scope to be used in the target component.\nYou can specify either `global` or `parent`", "type": "string" }, "i18n-t/tag": { "description": "[optional]\nUsed to wrap the content that is distribute in the slot.\nIf omitted, the slot content is treated as Fragments", "type": "string|object" }, "i18n-d/value": { "description": "[required]\nThe value specified for the target component", "type": "number|date" }, "i18n-d/format": { "description": "[optional]\nThe format to use in the target component", "type": "string|object" }, "i18n-d/locale": { "description": "[optional]\nThe locale to be used for the component", "type": "string" }, "i18n-d/scope": { "description": "[optional]\tThe scope to be used in the target component.\nYou can specify either `global` or `parent`", "type": "string" }, "i18n-d/tag": { "description": "[optional]\nUsed to wrap the content that is distribute in the slot.\nIf omitted, the slot content is treated as Fragments", "type": "string|object" }, "i18n-n/value": { "description": "[required]\nThe value specified for the target component", "type": "number" }, "i18n-n/format": { "description": "[optional]\nThe format to use in the target component", "type": "string|object" }, "i18n-n/locale": { "description": "[optional]\nThe locale to be used for the component", "type": "string" }, "i18n-n/scope": { "description": "[optional]\tThe scope to be used in the target component.\nYou can specify either `global` or `parent`", "type": "string" }, "i18n-n/tag": { "description": "[optional]\nUsed to wrap the content that is distribute in the slot.\nIf omitted, the slot content is treated as Fragments", "type": "string|object" } }