var Class = require('./Class'); var Trace = require('./Trace'); var perfNow = require('./perfNow'); var extend = require('./extend'); var isNode = require('./isNode'); var Stack = require('./Stack'); var map = require('./map'); var trim = require('./trim'); var isEmpty = require('./isEmpty'); var intersect = require('./intersect'); var convertBase = require('./convertBase'); var defPid = 0; var defTid = 0; var id = 0; if (isNode) { defPid =; try { defTid = eval('require')('worker_threads').threadId; } catch (e) {} } exports = Class({ initialize: function Tracing() { var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, _ref$pid =, pid = _ref$pid === void 0 ? defPid : _ref$pid, _ref$tid = _ref.tid, tid = _ref$tid === void 0 ? defTid : _ref$tid, _ref$processName = _ref.processName, processName = _ref$processName === void 0 ? 'Process' : _ref$processName, _ref$threadName = _ref.threadName, threadName = _ref$threadName === void 0 ? 'Thread' : _ref$threadName; this._pid = pid; this._tid = tid; this._processName = processName; this._threadName = threadName; }, start: function() { var cat = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; this._targetCat = processCat(cat); if (!isEmpty(this._targetCat)) { this._targetCat.push('__metadata'); } this._traceEventStack = new Stack(); this._asyncEventMap = {}; this._trace = new Trace(); this.metadata( 'process_name', { name: this._processName }, { tid: 0, ts: 0 } ); this.metadata( 'thread_name', { name: this._threadName }, { ts: 0 } ); }, stop: function() { var trace = this._trace; if (!trace) { throw Error('Need to call start first'); } delete this._targetCat; delete this._traceEventStack; delete this._asyncEventMap; delete this._trace; return trace.toJSON(); }, metadata: function(name, args, extra) { this._addEvent('__metadata', name, Phase.Metadata, args, extra); }, begin: function(cat, name) { var args = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; if (!this._traceEventStack) { return; } this._traceEventStack.push({ cat: cat, name: name, args: args, ts: this._getCurTs() }); }, end: function(args) { if (!this._traceEventStack) { return; } var beginEvent = this._traceEventStack.pop(); if (!beginEvent) { throw Error('Need to call begin first'); } var cat =, name =, ts = beginEvent.ts; args = extend(beginEvent.args, args); this._addEvent(cat, name, Phase.Complete, args, { dur: this._getCurTs() - ts, ts: ts }); }, asyncBegin: function(cat, name) { var id = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] :; var args = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {}; if (!this._asyncEventMap) { return id; } this._asyncEventMap[id] = { cat: cat, name: name }; this._addEvent(cat, name, Phase.NestableAsyncBegin, args, { id: id }); return id; }, asyncEnd: function(id) { var args = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; if (!this._asyncEventMap) { return; } var asyncBeginEvent = this._asyncEventMap[id]; if (!asyncBeginEvent) { throw Error('Need to call async begin first'); } var cat =, name =; delete this._asyncEventMap[id]; this._addEvent(cat, name, Phase.NestableAsyncEnd, args, { id: id }); }, instant: function(cat, name) { var scope = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 't'; var args = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; this._addEvent(cat, name, Phase.Instant, args, { s: scope }); }, id: function() { return '0x' + convertBase(id++, 10, 16); }, _addEvent: function(cat, name, ph) { var args = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {}; var extra = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : {}; if (!this._trace) { return; } var targetCat = this._targetCat; if (!isEmpty(targetCat)) { var catArr = processCat(cat); if (isEmpty(intersect(catArr, targetCat))) { return; } } var event = extend( { name: name, cat: cat, ph: ph, ts: this._getCurTs(), pid: this._pid, tid: this._tid, args: args }, extra ); this._trace.addEvent(event); }, _getCurTs: function() { return Math.round(perfNow() * 1000); } }); var Phase = { Begin: 'B', End: 'E', Complete: 'X', Instant: 'I', NestableAsyncBegin: 'b', NestableAsyncEnd: 'e', Metadata: 'M' }; function processCat(cat) { cat = trim(cat); if (cat === '') { return []; } return map(cat.split(','), trim); } module.exports = exports;