# eslint-plugin-todo-ddl 检查代码中的`TODO`注释是否到期或者将要到期 ## Installation You'll first need to install [ESLint](http://eslint.org): ``` $ npm i eslint --save-dev ``` Next, install `eslint-plugin-todo-ddl`: ``` $ npm install eslint-plugin-todo-ddl --save-dev ``` **Note:** If you installed ESLint globally (using the `-g` flag) then you must also install `eslint-plugin-todo-ddl` globally. ## Usage Add `todo-ddl` to the plugins section of your `.eslintrc` configuration file or `package.json`. You can omit the `eslint-plugin-` prefix: `package.json` demo ```json "eslintConfig": { "plugins": [ "todo-ddl" ], "rules": { "todo-ddl/diy":1 } } ``` After the configuration is complete, you can see the prompts when coding and building Formats that can be detected ```js // TODO: DDL 2020-4-28 提示自己的内容 // fixme: DDL 2020/4/28 提示自己的内容 // TODO: deadline 20200428 提示自己的内容 // fixme: deadline 20-4-28 提示自己的内容 ``` or ```js /** * TODO * DDL 2020-5-19 * 提示自己的内容 */ ``` ## support date formats > For example, June 1, 2020 --- 2020-06-01 | format1 | demo | format2 | demo | format3 | demo | | :--------: | :--------: | :--------: | :--------: | :------: | :------: | | yyyy-mm-dd | 2020-06-01 | yyyy/mm/dd | 2020/06/01 | yyyymmdd | 20200601 | | | 2020-06-1 | | 2020/06/1 | | 200601 | | | 2020-6-01 | | 2020/6/01 | | | 20-06-01 | | 20/06/01 | | | 20-6-1 | | 20/6/1 | | | 20-6-01 | | 20/6/01 | ## customize You can customize the detected keywords | key | type | comment | | :------: | :------: | :----------------------------------------: | | flag | string[] | The beginning of the detected comment | | ddl | string[] | The effective time of the detected comment | | warnline | string | warnline | **default value** ```json "rules": { "todo-ddl/diy":[1,{ "flag": ["todo","fixme"], "ddl": ["ddl","deadline"], "warnline": "7" }] } ```