# @unocss/inspector
The inspector UI for UnoCSS. Ships with `unocss` and `@unocss/vite`.
Visit `http://localhost:3000/__unocss` in your Vite dev server to see the inspector.
- [x] Basic Overview
- [x] Basic REPL
- [x] Basic file view
- [x] Resizeable sidebar (use `splitpanes`, refer to playground)
- [x] Data caches (move the fetches to shared modules instead of in components)
- [ ] Manual refresh button
- [x] Auto reload on file changes (reuse Vite's hmr if possible)
- [ ] Config view
- [ ] Edit files directly
- [x] CSS Prettify
> 🙌 Contribution welcome!
## License
MIT License © 2021-PRESENT [Anthony Fu](https://github.com/antfu)