# @unocss/cli The CLI for UnoCSS. A perfect fit for traditional backends. ## Key Features - 🍱 Suited for traditional backends like Laravel or Kirby - 👀 [Watch mode](#development) included - 🔌 Supports custom configurations via [`unocss.config.js`](#unocssconfigjs-support) ## Requirements - Node 14+ (Node 16 recommended) ## Installation This package is shipped with the `unocss` package: ```bash npm i -D unocss ``` You can also install it standalone: ```bash npm i -D @unocss/cli ``` ## Usage You can also pass multiple glob patterns to `@unocss/cli`: ```bash unocss "site/snippets/**/*.php" "site/templates/**/*.php" ``` Example package configuration: > ℹī¸ Make sure to add escaped quotes to your npm script glob patterns. ```json { "scripts": { "dev": "unocss \"site/{snippets,templates}/**/*.php\" --watch", "build": "unocss \"site/{snippets,templates}/**/*.php\"" }, "devDependencies": { "@unocss/cli": "latest" } } ``` ### Development Add the `--watch` (or `-w`) flag to enable watching for file changes: ```bash unocss "site/{snippets,templates}/**/*.php" --watch ``` ### Production ```bash unocss "site/{snippets,templates}/**/*.php" ``` The final `uno.css` will be generated to the current directory by default. ## Built-in Features ### Configurations Create a `unocss.config.js` or `unocss.config.ts` configuration file the root-level of your project to customize UnoCSS. ```js import { defineConfig } from 'unocss' export default defineConfig({ shortcuts: [ { box: 'max-w-7xl mx-auto bg-gray-100 rounded-md shadow-sm p-4' }, ], }) ``` For a list of options, head over to the [UnoCSS configurations](https://github.com/unocss/unocss#configurations) docs. ## CLI Options > Inspect all available options with `unocss --help`. ### `--out-file` The output filename for the generated UnoCSS file. Defaults to `uno.css` in the current working directory. ### `--watch` Indicates if the files found by the glob pattern should be watched. ## License MIT License © 2021-PRESENT [Anthony Fu](https://github.com/antfu) MIT License © 2021-PRESENT [Johann Schopplich](https://github.com/johannschopplich)