
Tool for Object value retrieval given a string path for node and the browser.

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## What is pathval? Pathval is a module which you can use to retrieve or set an Object's property for a given `String` path. ## Installation ### Node.js `pathval` is available on [npm]( To install it, type: $ npm install pathval ### Browsers You can also use it within the browser; install via npm and use the `pathval.js` file found within the download. For example: ```html ``` ## Usage The primary export of `pathval` is an object which has the following methods: * `hasProperty(object, name)` - Checks whether an `object` has `name`d property or numeric array index. * `getPathInfo(object, path)` - Returns an object with info indicating the value of the `parent` of that path, the `name ` of the property we're retrieving and its `value`. * `getPathValue(object, path)` - Retrieves the value of a property at a given `path` inside an `object`'. * `setPathValue(object, path, value)` - Sets the `value` of a property at a given `path` inside an `object` and returns the object in which the property has been set. ```js var pathval = require('pathval'); ``` #### .hasProperty(object, name) ```js var pathval = require('pathval'); var obj = { prop: 'a value' }; pathval.hasProperty(obj, 'prop'); // true ``` #### .getPathInfo(object, path) ```js var pathval = require('pathval'); var obj = { earth: { country: 'Brazil' } }; pathval.getPathInfo(obj, ''); // { parent: { country: 'Brazil' }, name: 'country', value: 'Brazil', exists: true } ``` #### .getPathValue(object, path) ```js var pathval = require('pathval'); var obj = { earth: { country: 'Brazil' } }; pathval.getPathValue(obj, ''); // 'Brazil' ``` #### .setPathValue(object, path, value) ```js var pathval = require('pathval'); var obj = { earth: { country: 'Brazil' } }; pathval.setPathValue(obj, '', 'USA');; // 'USA' ```