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1 year ago
# unocss-preset-weapp
[UnoCSS]( 小程序预设 [unocss-preset-weapp](
内置 `transformer` 用于兼容小程序
* [transformerClass]( 转换转义类名,解决小程序不支持`\\`,`\:`,`\[`, `\$`,`\.`等转义类名,保持`原子化css`的规范去书写`class`
* [transformerAttributify](,用于支持 [attributify mode](
[uniapp-vue3 demo 在线地址](
## 使用
### uniapp-vue2
### uniapp-vue3
### taro for react vue2 vue3
### 原生微信小程序 wxml
## PresetWeappOptions
export interface PresetWeappOptions extends PresetOptions {
* 是否转换微信class
* @default true
transform?: boolean
* 平台
* @default 'uniapp'
platform?: 'taro' | 'uniapp'
* taro h5 rem 换算尺寸标准
* @default 750
* @link
designWidth?: number
* taro 设计稿尺寸换算规则
* @default { 640: 2.34 / 2, 750: 1, 828: 1.81 / 2}
* @link
deviceRatio?: Record<number, number>
* taro webpack 版本
* taro webpack4 和 webpack5 h5根字体大小,导致不同版本 rem 不一致
* 见下面issues
* @link
* @default webpack4
taroWebpack?: 'webpack4' | 'webpack5'
* 是否为h5
* @default false
isH5?: boolean
* 自定义转换规则
* @default
transformRules?: Record<string, string>
* wh 是否使用 rpx 为默认单位
* @example
* ```
* whRpx: true
* w-10 -> width: 10rpx
* h-10 -> height: 10rpx
* ```
* @example
* ```
* whRpx: false
* w-10 -> width: 80rpx
* h-10 -> height: 80rpx
* ```
* @default true
whRpx?: boolean
## 其他
### 修改 w h 默认单位
> unocss-preset-weapp,wh默认单位 `rpx`,例如
.text-20 {
font-size: 20rpx;
.h-10 {
height: 10rpx;
.top-10 {
top: 10rpx;
> 设置 `whRpx` 为 `false`,修改默认单位,按 `rem` 规则递增
* unocss.config.ts
import presetWeapp from 'unocss-preset-weapp'
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
whRpx: false,
.text-20 {
font-size: 160rpx;
.h-10 {
height: 80rpx;
.top-10 {
top: 80rpx;
### 自定义转换规则
> 如需更改默认的转换规则,可通过 `transformRules` 进行修改
* unocss.config.js
import presetWeapp from 'unocss-preset-weapp'
import { defaultAttributes, defaultIgnoreNonValuedAttributes, transformerAttributify, transformerClass } from 'unocss-preset-weapp/transformer'
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'
const transformRules = {
'.': '-d111-',
'/': '-s111-',
':': '-c111-',
'%': '-p111-',
'!': '-e111-',
'#': '-w111-',
'(': '-b111l-',
')': '-b111r-',
'[': '-f111l-',
']': '-f111r-',
'$': '-r111-',
',': '-r222-',
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
transformers: [
// options 见
// options 见
### 原子化 css 冲突问题
> 例如 [tmui](,自身有一套[原子化 css](,导致与 unocss 冲突
* unocss.config.ts
> `presetWeapp` 配置 `prefix`, `transformerAttributify` 配置 `classPrefix`
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
prefix: 'li-',
transformers: [
// options 见
classPrefix: 'li-'
// options 见
> 这样冲突问题就解决了
<view bg="#333" p="x-6 y-10" w100 h200 class="li-bg-red">
this is a unocss
<view class="li-bg-red li-bg-#333 li-p-x-6 li-p-y-10 li-w100 li-200">
this is a unocss
## css预设
[UnoCSS 文档](
[Windi CSS文档](
> 默认单位`rpx`,w-100 => w-100rpx
### 渐变背景 (v0.1.12)
<view class="bg-gradient-to-t from-#f39c12/60 via-#2ecc71:80 to-#9b59b6_70"></view>
<img src="" style="zoom: 50%;" />
### animation (v0.1.9)
参考 [windicss-animation]( [@windicss/plugin-animations](
相关动画网站 [animate.css]( [](
* unocss.config.js 自定义动画
import presetWeapp from 'unocss-preset-weapp'
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
theme: {
// v0.1.9 加入动画预设
// 设置自定义动画
animation: {
keyframes: {
'my-animation': '{0% {letter-spacing: -0.5em;transform: translateZ(-700px);opacity: 0;}40% {opacity: 0.6;}100% {transform: translateZ(0);opacity: 1;}}',
durations: {
'my-animation': '0.8s',
counts: {
'my-animation': 'infinite',
timingFns: {
'my-animation': 'cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000)',
<view class="animate-pulse"></view>
<view class="animate-back-in-down animate-iteration-infinite"></view>
<view class="animate-[4s_linear_0s_infinite_alternate_bounce]"></view>
.animate--fl-4s_linear_0s_infinite_alternate_bounce-fr- {
-webkit-animation: 4s linear 0s infinite alternate bounce;
animation: 4s linear 0s infinite alternate bounce;
<img src="" style="zoom: 50%;" />
### safe-area (v0.1.6)
| class | Properties |
| ----------------------- | ---------------- |
| p-safe | padding: env(safe-area-inset-top) env(safe-area-inset-right) env(safe-area-inset-bottom) env(safe-area-inset-left) |
| pt-safe | padding-top: env(safe-area-inset-top) |
| pb-safe | padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom) |
| pl-safe | padding-left: env(safe-area-inset-left) |
| pr-safe | padding-right: env(safe-area-inset-right) |
### width and height
| class | Properties |
| -------------------------- | ---------------- |
| h-1_2<br/>h-1/2<br/>h-half | height: 50% |
| w-1_3<br/>w-1/3 | width: 33.33333% |
| h-full | height: 100% |
| w-20 | width: 20rpx |
| h-xs | height: 180rpx |
> 预设
export const baseSize = {
'xs': '180rpx',
'sm': '220rpx',
'md': '260rpx',
'lg': '300rpx',
'xl': '340rpx',
'2xl': '390rpx',
'3xl': '440rpx',
'4xl': '490rpx',
'5xl': '540rpx',
'6xl': '590rpx',
'7xl': '640rpx',
'8xl': '690rpx',
'9xl': '740rpx',
'full': '100%',
'half': '50%',
### border
| class | Properties |
| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------- |
| border-2 | border-width:2rpx;border-style:solid; |
| b-2 | border-width:2rpx;border-style:solid; |
| border-dashed | border-style:dashed |
| rounded-1_2<br>rounded-1/2<br>rounded-half | border-radius:50% |
| rounded-md | border-radius:12rpx |
> 预设
export const borderRadius = {
'DEFAULT': '8rpx',
'none': '0',
'sm': '4rpx',
'md': '12rpx',
'lg': '16rpx',
'xl': '24rpx',
'2xl': '32rpx',
'3xl': '48rpx',
'half': '50%',
'full': '9999px',
### border-color
| class | Properties |
| ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| border-red-100<br/>border-red-1 | --un-border-opacity:1; border-color:rgba(254,226,226,var(--un-border-opacity)) |
| border-opacity-20<br/>border-op-20<br/> | --un-border-opacity:0.2 |
| border-black_10<br/>border-black/10<br/>border-black:10 | border-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1) |
### color
| class | Properties |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| op-10<br/>opacity-10 | opacity:0.1 |
| color-hex-157<br/>c-hex-157<br/>c-[#157] | --un-text-opacity:1;color:rgba(17,85,119,var(--un-text-opacity)) |
| c-hex-157_10<br/>c-hex-157/10<br/>c-[#157]/10<br/>c-[#157]:10<br/>c-[#157]_10 | color:rgba(17,85,119,0.1) |
| color-blue,<br/>color-blue-400,<br/>c-blue | --un-text-opacity:1;color:rgba(96,165,250,var(--un-text-opacity)) |
| text-red-100<br/>text-red100<br/>text-red1 | --un-text-opacity:1;color:rgba(254,226,226,var(--un-text-opacity)) |
| text-red-100_20<br/>text-red-100/20<br/>text-red-100:20 | color:rgba(254,226,226,0.2) |
### bg
| class | Properties |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| bg-hex-452233_40<br/>bg-[#452233]_40<br/>bg-[#452233]/40<br/>bg-[#452233]:40 | background-color:rgba(69,34,51,0.4) |
| bg-red-100<br/>bg-red1<br/>bg-red100 | --un-bg-opacity:1;background-color:rgba(254,226,226,var(--un-bg-opacity)) |
| bg-teal-100_55<br/>bg-teal-100/55<br/>bg-teal-100:55 | background-color:rgba(204,251,241,0.55) |
| bg-opacity-45 | --un-bg-opacity:0.45 |
### typography
| class | Properties |
| ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| text-base | font-size:32rpx;line-height:48rpx |
| text-100<br/>text-size-100 | font-size:100rpx |
| text-2em | font-size:2em |
| font-900,<br/>font-black<br/>fw-900 | font-weight:900 |
| font-leading-2 <br/>leading-2 | line-height:16rpx |
| indent | text-indent:48rpx |
| indent-2 | text-indent:16rpx |
| indent-1_2<br/>indent-1/2<br/>indent-1:2 | text-indent:50% |
| indent-lg | text-indent:64rpx |
| text-shadow-lg | --un-text-shadow:6rpx 6rpx 12rpx var(--un-text-shadow-color, rgba(0,0,0,0.26)),0 0 10rpx var(--un-text-shadow-color, rgba(15,3,86,0.22));text-shadow:var(--un-text-shadow) |
| word-spacing-2 | word-spacing:16rpx |
| tracking-2 | letter-spacing:16rpx |
> fontSize预设 `text-base`
export const fontSize: Theme['fontSize'] = {
'xs': ['24rpx', '32rpx'],
'sm': ['28rpx', '40rpx'],
'base': ['32rpx', '48rpx'],
'lg': ['36rpx', '56rpx'],
'xl': ['40rpx', '56rpx'],
'2xl': ['48rpx', '64rpx'],
'3xl': ['60rpx', '72rpx'],
'4xl': ['72rpx', '80rpx'],
'5xl': ['96rpx', '1'],
'6xl': ['120rpx', '1'],
'7xl': ['144rpx', '1'],
'8xl': ['192rpx', '1'],
'9xl': ['256rpx', '1'],
text-100 => font-size:100rpx
> textIndent 预设 `indent-lg`
export const textIndent: Theme['textIndent'] = {
'DEFAULT': '48rpx',
'xs': '16rpx',
'sm': '32rpx',
'md': '48rpx',
'lg': '64rpx',
'xl': '80rpx',
'2xl': '96rpx',
'3xl': '128rpx',
> `leadings` `tracking` `word-spacing` `indent` 计算方式
`indent-2` 原为 `text-indent: 0.5rem` 等于 `8px` ,
小程序使用 `750rpx` 的基准是 `2倍px` 等于 `16rpx` ,
所以计算为 `2*0.5*1rem = 2*0.5*16px = 16rpx`
text-indent: 0.5rem
text-indent: 16rpx
letter-spacing: 0.5rem
word-spacing: 0.5rem
line-height: 0.5rem
### spacing
| class | Properties |
| ------- | ------------------------------------ |
| p-2,p2 | padding:16rpx |
| mx-2 | margin-left:16rpx;margin-right:16rpx |
| -m-lg | margin:-36rpx |
| pl-10px | padding-left:10px |
| m-10rpx | margin:10rpx |
> 预设
export const spacing = {
'DEFAULT': '32rpx',
'none': '0',
'xs': '24rpx',
'sm': '28rpx',
'md': '36rpx',
'lg': '40rpx',
'xl': '48rpx',
'2xl': '60rpx',
'3xl': '72rpx',
'4xl': '96rpx',
'5xl': '120rpx',
'6xl': '144rpx',
'7xl': '192rpx',
'8xl': '256rpx',
### box-shadow
> 预设
export const boxShadow = {
'DEFAULT': ['var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', 'var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 1px 2px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'],
'none': '0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'sm': 'var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.05)',
'md': ['var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', 'var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 2px 4px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'],
'lg': ['var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', 'var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'],
'xl': ['var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', 'var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 8px 10px -6px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'],
'2xl': 'var(--un-shadow-inset) 0 25px 50px -12px rgba(0,0,0,0.25)',
'inner': 'inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.05)',
> 连体写法
<view class="shadow-[0px_4px_4px_0px_rgba(237,_0,_0,_1)]"></view>
### flex gap
| class | Properties |
| -------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| flex-basis-1_2 | flex-basis:50% |
| flex-basis-2 | flex-basis:16rpx |
| gap-4 | grid-gap:32rpx;gap:32rpx |
| gap-x-2 | grid-column-gap:16rpx;column-gap:16rpx; |