mirror of https://gitee.com/lmlz_0/dc-ui.git
8 changed files with 1297 additions and 13 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
import request from '@/utils/request' |
// 查询供暖办推送信息日志列表
export function listHeatapi(query) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatSendLog/list', |
method: 'get', |
params: query |
}) |
} |
// 查询供暖办推送信息日志详细
export function getHeatapi(id) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatSendLog/' + id, |
method: 'get' |
}) |
} |
// 新增供暖办推送信息日志
export function addHeatapi(data) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatSendLog', |
method: 'post', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 修改供暖办推送信息日志
export function updateHeatapi(data) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatSendLog', |
method: 'put', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 删除供暖办推送信息日志
export function delHeatapi(id) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatSendLog/' + id, |
method: 'delete' |
}) |
} |
// 导出供暖办推送信息日志
export function exportHeatapi(query) { |
return request({ |
url: '/${baseUrl}/export', |
method: 'get', |
params: query |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
import request from '@/utils/request' |
// 查询供热办推送接口配置列表
export function listHeatapiconf(query) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatStandardValueConf/list', |
method: 'get', |
params: query |
}) |
} |
// 查询供热办推送接口配置详细
export function getHeatapiconf(id) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatStandardValueConf/' + id, |
method: 'get' |
}) |
} |
// 新增供热办推送接口配置
export function addHeatapiconf(data) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatStandardValueConf', |
method: 'post', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 修改供热办推送接口配置
export function updateHeatapiconf(data) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatStandardValueConf', |
method: 'put', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 删除供热办推送接口配置
export function delHeatapiconf(id) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatStandardValueConf/' + id, |
method: 'delete' |
}) |
} |
// 导出供热办推送接口配置
export function exportHeatapiconf(query) { |
return request({ |
url: '/${baseUrl}/export', |
method: 'get', |
params: query |
}) |
} |
// 查询供热办推送接口配置列表
export function listNoPage(query) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatStandardValueConf/listNoPage', |
method: 'get', |
params: query |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
import request from '@/utils/request' |
// 查询热源推送参数配置列表
export function listHeatParamModel(query) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatParamModel/list', |
method: 'get', |
params: query |
}) |
} |
// 查询热源推送参数配置详细
export function getHeatParamModel(id) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatParamModel/' + id, |
method: 'get' |
}) |
} |
// 新增热源推送参数配置
export function addHeatParamModel(data) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatParamModel', |
method: 'post', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 修改热源推送参数配置
export function updateHeatParamModel(data) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatParamModel', |
method: 'put', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 删除热源推送参数配置
export function delHeatParamModel(id) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatParamModel/' + id, |
method: 'delete' |
}) |
} |
// 导出热源推送参数配置
export function exportHeatParamModel(query) { |
return request({ |
url: '/${baseUrl}/export', |
method: 'get', |
params: query |
}) |
} |
// 新增热源推送参数配置
export function addBatchHeatParamModel(data) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatParamModel/addBatch', |
method: 'post', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 修改热源推送参数配置
export function updateHeatParamModelNew(data) { |
return request({ |
url: '/model/dcHeatParamModel/editBatch', |
method: 'put', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryRef" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="100px"> |
<el-form-item label="配置编号" prop="confId"> |
<el-input |
v-model="queryParams.confId" |
placeholder="请输入配置编号" |
clearable |
@keyup.enter="handleQuery" |
/> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="推送目标接口" prop="sendIp"> |
<el-input |
v-model="queryParams.sendIp" |
placeholder="请输入推送目标接口" |
clearable |
@keyup.enter="handleQuery" |
/> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="成功标志" prop="successFlag"> |
<el-select v-model="queryParams.successFlag" placeholder="请选择成功标志" clearable> |
<el-option |
v-for="dict in dc_yes_no" |
:key="dict.value" |
:label="dict.label" |
:value="dict.value" |
/> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="返回信息" prop="returnInfo"> |
<el-input |
v-model="queryParams.returnInfo" |
placeholder="请输入返回信息" |
clearable |
@keyup.enter="handleQuery" |
/> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="Search" @click="handleQuery">搜索</el-button> |
<el-button type="info" plain icon="Refresh" @click="resetQuery">重置</el-button> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-form> |
<el-row :gutter="10" class="mb8"> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button |
type="success" |
icon="Plus" |
@click="handleAdd" |
>新增</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button |
type="success" |
icon="Edit" |
@click="handleUpdate" |
>修改</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button |
type="success" |
icon="Delete" |
@click="handleDelete" |
>删除</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button |
type="warning" |
icon="Download" |
@click="handleExport" |
>导出</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<right-toolbar v-model:showSearch="showSearch" @queryTable="getList"></right-toolbar> |
</el-row> |
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="heatapiList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" /> |
<!-- <el-table-column label="主键" align="center" prop="id" /> --> |
<el-table-column label="配置策略" align="center" prop="confId" > |
<template #default="scope"> |
<span>{{ getConfName(scope.row.confId) }}</span> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="推送目标接口" align="center" prop="sendIp" /> |
<el-table-column |
label="推送内容" align="center" prop="infoDetail" |
show-overflow-tooltip="true" |
:tooltip-options="{ |
placement: 'bottom', |
closeDelay: 2000, |
leaveDelay: 2000, |
autoHide: false, |
popperClass: 'custom-tooltip' |
}"> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="成功标志" align="center" prop="successFlag"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
<dict-tag :options="dc_yes_no" :value="scope.row.successFlag"/> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="返回信息" align="center" prop="returnInfo" /> |
<el-table-column label="操作" align="center" class-name="small-padding fixed-width"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
<el-button |
type="text" |
icon="Edit" |
@click="handleUpdate(scope.row)" |
>修改</el-button> |
<el-button |
type="text" |
icon="Delete" |
@click="handleDelete(scope.row)" |
>删除</el-button> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<pagination |
v-show="total>0" |
:total="total" |
v-model:page="queryParams.pageNum" |
v-model:limit="queryParams.pageSize" |
@pagination="getList" |
/> |
<!-- 添加或修改供暖办推送信息日志对话框 --> |
<el-dialog :title="title" v-model="open" width="500px" append-to-body> |
<el-form ref="heatapiRef" :model="form" :rules="rules" label-width="80px"> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-form-item label="配置编号" prop="confId"> |
<el-input v-model="form.confId" placeholder="请输入配置编号" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-form-item label="推送目标接口" prop="sendIp"> |
<el-input v-model="form.sendIp" placeholder="请输入推送目标接口" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-form-item label="推送内容" prop="infoDetail"> |
<el-input v-model="form.infoDetail" type="textarea" placeholder="请输入内容" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-form-item label="成功标志"> |
<el-radio-group v-model="form.successFlag"> |
<el-radio |
v-for="dict in dc_yes_no" |
:key="dict.value" |
:label="dict.value" |
>{{dict.label}}</el-radio> |
</el-radio-group> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-form-item label="返回信息" prop="returnInfo"> |
<el-input v-model="form.returnInfo" placeholder="请输入返回信息" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<template #footer> |
<div class="dialog-footer"> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">确 定</el-button> |
<el-button @click="cancel">取 消</el-button> |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-dialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style lang="scss" > @import "@/assets/styles/self-defined.scss"; |
.custom-tooltip { |
max-height: 100px; |
overflow-y: auto; |
} |
</style> |
<script setup name="HeatSendLog"> |
import { listHeatapi, getHeatapi, delHeatapi, addHeatapi, updateHeatapi } from "@/api/model/heatSendLog"; |
import { listHeatapiconf, getHeatapiconf, delHeatapiconf, addHeatapiconf, updateHeatapiconf } from "@/api/model/heatapiconf"; |
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); |
const dc_yes_no = ref([ |
{ label: '成功', value: 'true', elTagType: 'default', elTagClass: null }, |
{ label: '失败', value: 'false', elTagType: 'default', elTagClass: null } |
]); |
const heatapiList = ref([]); |
const open = ref(false); |
const loading = ref(true); |
const showSearch = ref(true); |
const ids = ref([]); |
const single = ref(true); |
const multiple = ref(true); |
const total = ref(0); |
const title = ref(""); |
const tooltipConfig = ref({ hideAfter: 3000}); |
const heatapiconfList = ref([]); |
const data = reactive({ |
form: {}, |
queryParams: { |
pageNum: 1, |
pageSize: 10, |
confId: null, |
sendIp: null, |
infoDetail: null, |
successFlag: null, |
returnInfo: null |
}, |
rules: { |
} |
}); |
const { queryParams, form, rules } = toRefs(data); |
/** 查询供暖办推送信息日志列表 */ |
function getList() { |
loading.value = true; |
listHeatapi(queryParams.value).then(response => { |
heatapiList.value = response.rows; |
total.value = response.total; |
loading.value = false; |
}); |
} |
// 取消按钮 |
function cancel() { |
open.value = false; |
reset(); |
} |
// 表单重置 |
function reset() { |
form.value = { |
tentantId: null, |
version: null, |
createBy: null, |
createTime: null, |
updateBy: null, |
updateTime: null, |
deptId: null, |
userId: null, |
deleteBy: null, |
deleteTime: null, |
id: null, |
confId: null, |
sendIp: null, |
infoDetail: null, |
successFlag: "0", |
returnInfo: null |
}; |
proxy.resetForm("heatapiRef"); |
} |
/** 搜索按钮操作 */ |
function handleQuery() { |
queryParams.value.pageNum = 1; |
getList(); |
} |
/** 重置按钮操作 */ |
function resetQuery() { |
proxy.resetForm("queryRef"); |
handleQuery(); |
} |
// 多选框选中数据 |
function handleSelectionChange(selection) { |
ids.value = selection.map(item => item.id); |
single.value = selection.length != 1; |
multiple.value = !selection.length; |
} |
/** 新增按钮操作 */ |
function handleAdd() { |
reset(); |
open.value = true; |
title.value = "添加供暖办推送信息日志"; |
} |
/** 修改按钮操作 */ |
function handleUpdate(row) { |
reset(); |
const _id = row.id || ids.value |
getHeatapi(_id).then(response => { |
form.value = response.data; |
open.value = true; |
title.value = "修改供暖办推送信息日志"; |
}); |
} |
/** 提交按钮 */ |
function submitForm() { |
proxy.$refs["heatapiRef"].validate(valid => { |
if (valid) { |
if (form.value.id != null) { |
updateHeatapi(form.value).then(response => { |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("修改成功"); |
open.value = false; |
getList(); |
}); |
} else { |
addHeatapi(form.value).then(response => { |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("新增成功"); |
open.value = false; |
getList(); |
}); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
/** 删除按钮操作 */ |
function handleDelete(row) { |
const _ids = row.id || ids.value; |
proxy.$modal.confirm('是否确认删除供暖办推送信息日志编号为"' + _ids + '"的数据项?').then(function() { |
return delHeatapi(_ids); |
}).then(() => { |
getList(); |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("删除成功"); |
}).catch(() => {}); |
} |
/** 导出按钮操作 */ |
function handleExport() { |
proxy.download('model/heatapi/export', { |
...queryParams.value |
}, `heatapi_${new Date().getTime()}.xlsx`) |
} |
/** 查询供热办推送接口配置列表 */ |
function getListHeatapiconf() { |
loading.value = true; |
listHeatapiconf().then(response => { |
heatapiconfList.value = response.rows; |
total.value = response.total; |
loading.value = false; |
}); |
} |
function getConfName(id){ |
let name = ''; |
heatapiconfList.value.forEach(item=>{ |
if(String(item.id)==id){ |
name = item.orgName; |
} |
}) |
return name; |
} |
getListHeatapiconf(); |
getList(); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,420 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="4" class="card-box"> |
<div class="head-container"> |
<el-input v-model="deptName" placeholder="请输入部门名称" clearable prefix-icon="Search" style="margin-bottom: 20px" /> |
</div> |
<div class="head-container"> |
<el-tree :data="deptOptions" :props="{ label: 'label', children: 'children' }" :expand-on-click-node="false" |
:filter-node-method="filterNode" ref="deptTreeRef" node-key="id" highlight-current default-expand-all |
@node-click="handleNodeClick" /> |
</div> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="20"> |
<el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryRef" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="90px" |
class="my-custom-form"> |
<el-row> |
<!-- <el-col :span="4"> |
<el-form-item label="机构编号" prop="orgCode"> |
<el-tree-select v-model="queryParams.orgCode" :data="deptOptions" |
:props="{ value: 'id', label: 'label', children: 'children' }" value-key="id" placeholder="请选择" |
check-strictly :default-expand-all="true" @node-click="selectDept" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> --> |
<el-col :span="4"> |
<el-form-item label="标准值" prop="standard"> |
<el-input v-model="queryParams.standard" placeholder="请输入标准值" clearable @keyup.enter="handleQuery" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="4"> |
<el-form-item label="发送地址" prop="sendIp"> |
<el-input v-model="queryParams.sendIp" placeholder="请输入发送地址" clearable @keyup.enter="handleQuery" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="4"> |
<el-form-item class="childTextAlignCenter"> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="Search" @click="handleQuery">搜索</el-button> |
<el-button type="info" plain icon="Refresh" @click="resetQuery">重置</el-button> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<el-row :gutter="10" class="mb8"> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="Plus" @click="handleAdd">新增</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<!-- <el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="Edit" @click="handleUpdate">修改</el-button> |
</el-col> --> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="Delete" @click="handleDelete">删除</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button type="warning" icon="Download" @click="handleExport">导出</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<right-toolbar v-model:showSearch="showSearch" @queryTable="getList"></right-toolbar> |
</el-row> |
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="heatapiconfList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
:max-height="tableHeight" :border="true" :column-width-draggable="true"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" fixed="left" /> |
<!-- <el-table-column label="主键" align="center" prop="id" /> --> |
<el-table-column label="机构编号" align="center" prop="orgCode" /> |
<el-table-column label="机构名称" align="center" prop="orgName" /> |
<el-table-column label="标准值" align="center" prop="standard" /> |
<el-table-column label="发送地址" align="center" prop="sendIp" /> |
<el-table-column label="是否启用" align="center" prop="available"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
<el-switch v-model="scope.row.available" @change="changeEnabled(scope.row)"/> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="操作" align="center" class-name="small-padding fixed-width" :width="300" |
:fixed="fixedColumns ? 'right' : false"> |
<template #header> |
<div class="fixed-column-header" style="text-align: center;display: block;" @dblclick="toggleFixedColumns"> |
<span style="text-align: center;display: block;">操作<img style="width:10px;margin-left:5px" |
v-show="fixedColumns" :src="lock" alt="Image" /></span> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #default="scope"> |
<el-button type="text" icon="Edit" @click="handleUpdate(scope.row)">修改</el-button> |
<el-button type="text" icon="Delete" @click="handleDelete(scope.row)">删除</el-button> |
<el-button type="text" icon="Edit" @click="turnToParamConf(scope.row)">维护推送参数配置</el-button> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<pagination v-show="total > 0" :total="total" v-model:page="queryParams.pageNum" |
v-model:limit="queryParams.pageSize" @pagination="getList" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<!-- 添加或修改供热办推送接口配置对话框 --> |
<el-dialog :title="title" v-model="open" width="700px" append-to-body> |
<el-form ref="heatapiconfRef" :model="form" :rules="rules" label-width="80px"> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="14"> |
<el-form-item label="机构编号" prop="orgCode"> |
<el-tree-select v-model="form.orgCode" :data="deptOptions" |
:props="{ value: 'id', label: 'label', children: 'children' }" value-key="id" placeholder="请选择" |
check-strictly :default-expand-all="true" @node-click="selectDept" filterable /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="10"> |
<el-form-item label="标准值" prop="standard"> |
<el-input v-model="form.standard" placeholder="请输入标准值" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-form-item label="发送地址" prop="sendIp"> |
<el-input v-model="form.sendIp" placeholder="请输入发送地址" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<template #footer> |
<div class="dialog-footer"> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">确 定</el-button> |
<el-button @click="cancel">取 消</el-button> |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-dialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style lang="scss" > @import "@/assets/styles/self-defined.scss"; |
</style> |
<script setup name="Heatapiconf"> |
import { listHeatapiconf, getHeatapiconf, delHeatapiconf, addHeatapiconf, updateHeatapiconf } from "@/api/model/heatapiconf"; |
import { deptTreeSelect } from "@/api/system/user"; |
import lock from "@/assets/icons/svg/lock.svg"; |
import { ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus'; |
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); |
const heatapiconfList = ref([]); |
const open = ref(false); |
const loading = ref(true); |
const showSearch = ref(true); |
const ids = ref([]); |
const single = ref(true); |
const multiple = ref(true); |
const total = ref(0); |
const title = ref(""); |
const deptOptions = ref([]); |
const deptName = ref(null); |
const fixedColumns = ref(false); |
const tableHeight = ref("0px"); |
const collapseVisible = ref(false); |
const router = useRouter(); |
const data = reactive({ |
form: {}, |
queryParams: { |
pageNum: 1, |
pageSize: 10, |
orgCode: null, |
standard: null |
}, |
rules: { |
} |
}); |
const { queryParams, form, rules } = toRefs(data); |
/** 查询供热办推送接口配置列表 */ |
function getList() { |
loading.value = true; |
listHeatapiconf(queryParams.value).then(response => { |
heatapiconfList.value = response.rows; |
total.value = response.total; |
loading.value = false; |
}); |
} |
// 取消按钮 |
function cancel() { |
open.value = false; |
form.value.standard = null; |
} |
// 表单重置 |
function reset() { |
form.value = { |
tentantId: null, |
version: null, |
createBy: null, |
createTime: null, |
updateBy: null, |
updateTime: null, |
deptId: null, |
userId: null, |
deleteBy: null, |
deleteTime: null, |
id: null, |
standard: null |
}; |
} |
/** 搜索按钮操作 */ |
function handleQuery() { |
queryParams.value.pageNum = 1; |
getList(); |
} |
/** 重置按钮操作 */ |
function resetQuery() { |
proxy.resetForm("queryRef"); |
queryParams.value.orgCode = null; |
queryParams.value.orgName = null; |
queryParams.value.standard = null; |
queryParams.value.sendIp = null; |
handleQuery(); |
} |
// 多选框选中数据 |
function handleSelectionChange(selection) { |
ids.value = selection.map(item => item.id); |
ids.names = selection.map(item => item.orgName); |
single.value = selection.length != 1; |
multiple.value = !selection.length; |
} |
/** 新增按钮操作 */ |
function handleAdd() { |
form.value.standard = null; |
form.value.available = true; |
form.value.sendIp = null; |
open.value = true; |
title.value = "添加供热办推送接口配置"; |
} |
/** 修改按钮操作 */ |
function handleUpdate(row) { |
reset(); |
const _id = row.id || ids.value |
if (_id.length === 0) { |
ElMessageBox.alert('请选择需要修改的记录', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
center: true, |
}) |
return; |
} else if (_id.length > 1) { |
ElMessageBox.alert('只能选择一条记录进行修改', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
center: true, |
}) |
return; |
} |
getHeatapiconf(_id).then(response => { |
form.value = response.data; |
open.value = true; |
title.value = "修改供热办推送接口配置"; |
}); |
} |
/** 提交按钮 */ |
function submitForm() { |
proxy.$refs["heatapiconfRef"].validate(valid => { |
if (valid) { |
if (form.value.id != null) { |
updateHeatapiconf(form.value).then(response => { |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("修改成功"); |
open.value = false; |
getList(); |
}); |
} else { |
addHeatapiconf(form.value).then(response => { |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("新增成功"); |
open.value = false; |
getList(); |
}); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
/** 删除按钮操作 */ |
function handleDelete(row) { |
const _ids = row.id || ids.value; |
if (_ids.length == 0) { |
ElMessageBox.alert('请先选择要删除的项', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
center: true, |
}) |
return; |
} |
const _names = row.orgName || ids.names; |
proxy.$modal.confirm('是否确认删除供热办推送接口配置编号为"' + _names + '"的数据项?').then(function () { |
return delHeatapiconf(_ids); |
}).then(() => { |
getList(); |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("删除成功"); |
}).catch(() => { }); |
} |
function getDeptTree() { |
deptTreeSelect().then(response => { |
deptOptions.value = response.data; |
const filteredData = getDeptTreeNew(deptOptions.value); |
deptOptions.value = filteredData; |
}); |
}; |
function selectDept(val) { |
form.value.orgCode = val.id; |
form.value.orgName = val.label; |
} |
/** 节点单击事件 */ |
function handleNodeClick(data) { |
queryParams.value.orgCode = data.id; |
form.value.orgCode = data.id; |
form.value.orgName = data.label; |
handleQuery(); |
}; |
/** 通过条件过滤节点 */ |
const filterNode = (value, data) => { |
if (!value) return true; |
return data.label.indexOf(value) !== -1; |
}; |
/** 根据名称筛选部门树 */ |
watch(deptName, val => { |
proxy.$refs["deptTreeRef"].filter(val); |
}); |
/**固定操作列 */ |
function toggleFixedColumns() { |
fixedColumns.value = !fixedColumns.value; |
} |
onMounted(() => { |
calculateTableHeight(); |
window.addEventListener('resize', calculateTableHeight); |
window.onresize = () => { |
return (() => { |
calculateTableHeight(); |
})() |
} |
}) |
onUnmounted(() => { |
window.removeEventListener('resize', calculateTableHeight); |
}); |
watch( |
[collapseVisible, showSearch], |
() => { |
calculateTableHeight(); |
} |
); |
const calculateTableHeight = () => { |
nextTick(() => { |
const heightForm = proxy.$refs.queryRef?.$el.clientHeight || 0; |
const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; |
const paginationHeight = 60; |
const tableHeaderHeight = 40; |
const tableMargin = 20; |
const remainingHeight = windowHeight - paginationHeight - tableHeaderHeight - tableMargin - heightForm - 100; |
tableHeight.value = remainingHeight + 'px'; |
}); |
}; |
function getDeptTreeNew(data, level = 0) { |
const result = []; |
if (level === 0) { |
data.forEach(item => { |
if (item.children) { |
result.push(...getDeptTreeNew(item.children, level + 1)); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
data.forEach(item => { |
if (level < 2) { |
const newItem = { ...item }; |
newItem.id = String(item.id); // 格式化id为字符串 |
if (item.children) { |
newItem.children = getDeptTreeNew(item.children, level + 1); |
} |
result.push(newItem); |
} |
}); |
} |
return result; |
} |
function changeEnabled(row){ |
ElMessageBox.confirm('确定修改该启用状态吗', '提示', { |
distinguishCancelAndClose: true, |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
}) |
.then(() => { |
console.log("确定"); |
let param = { |
id:row.id, |
available:row.available |
} |
updateHeatapiconf(param); |
}) |
.catch((action) => { |
console.log("取消"); |
row.available = !row.available; |
}) |
} |
function turnToParamConf(row){ |
router.push({ |
path: "heatParamModel", |
query: { |
standardConfId:row.id, |
} |
}); |
} |
getDeptTree(); |
getList(); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryRef" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="100px"> |
<el-form-item label="参数模版编号" prop="paramClassId"> |
<el-input v-model="queryParams.paramClassId" placeholder="请输入参数模版编号" clearable @keyup.enter="handleQuery" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="参数模板名称" prop="paramClassName"> |
<el-input v-model="queryParams.paramClassName" placeholder="请输入参数模板名称" clearable @keyup.enter="handleQuery" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="Search" @click="handleQuery">搜索</el-button> |
<el-button type="info" plain icon="Refresh" @click="resetQuery">重置</el-button> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-form> |
<el-row :gutter="10" class="mb8"> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="Plus" @click="handleAdd">新增</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<!-- <el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="Edit" @click="handleUpdate">修改</el-button> |
</el-col> --> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="Delete" @click="handleDelete">删除</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="1.5"> |
<el-button type="warning" icon="Download" @click="handleExport">导出</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<right-toolbar v-model:showSearch="showSearch" @queryTable="getList"></right-toolbar> |
</el-row> |
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="heatParamModelList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" /> |
<!-- <el-table-column label="主键" align="center" prop="id" /> --> |
<el-table-column label="热源" align="center" prop="standardConfId"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
{{ getHeatName(scope.row.standardConfId) }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="参数模版" align="center" prop="paramClassId"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
{{ getParamClassName(scope.row.paramClassId) }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="操作" align="center" class-name="small-padding fixed-width"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
<el-button type="text" icon="Edit" @click="handleUpdate(scope.row)">修改</el-button> |
<el-button type="text" icon="Delete" @click="handleDelete(scope.row)">删除</el-button> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<pagination v-show="total > 0" :total="total" v-model:page="queryParams.pageNum" v-model:limit="queryParams.pageSize" |
@pagination="getList" /> |
<!-- 添加或修改热源推送参数配置对话框 --> |
<el-dialog :title="title" v-model="open" width="500px" append-to-body> |
<el-form ref="heatParamModelRef" :model="form" :rules="rules" label-width="100px"> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="24"> |
<el-form-item label="参数模版编号" prop="paramClassId"> |
<el-select v-model="form.paramClassId" filterable placeholder="请选择参数模版ID" @change="paramClassChange" |
multiple> |
<el-option v-for="dict in paramClassList" :label="dict.paramClassName" :value=dict.paramClassCode> |
</el-option> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<template #footer> |
<div class="dialog-footer"> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">确 定</el-button> |
<el-button @click="cancel">取 消</el-button> |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-dialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style lang="scss" > @import "@/assets/styles/self-defined.scss"; |
.center-message { |
position: fixed; |
left: 50%; |
top: 50%; |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); |
} |
</style> |
<script setup name="HeatParamModel"> |
import { listHeatParamModel, getHeatParamModel, delHeatParamModel, addHeatParamModel, updateHeatParamModel, addBatchHeatParamModel, updateHeatParamModelNew } from "@/api/model/heatparammodel"; |
import { listNoPage } from "@/api/model/heatapiconf"; |
import { listParamclassNoPage } from "@/api/model/paramclass"; |
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); |
const heatParamModelList = ref([]); |
const open = ref(false); |
const loading = ref(true); |
const showSearch = ref(true); |
const ids = ref([]); |
const single = ref(true); |
const multiple = ref(true); |
const total = ref(0); |
const title = ref(""); |
const router = useRouter(); |
const heatList = ref([]); |
const standardConfId = (router.currentRoute._value.query.standardConfId !== undefined && router.currentRoute._value.query.standardConfId !== null && router.currentRoute._value.query.standardConfId !== "") ? router.currentRoute._value.query.standardConfId : null; |
const paramClassList = ref([]); |
const data = reactive({ |
form: { |
standardConfId: standardConfId, |
}, |
queryParams: { |
pageNum: 1, |
pageSize: 10, |
standardConfId: null, |
paramClassId: null, |
paramClassName: null |
}, |
rules: { |
} |
}); |
const { queryParams, form, rules } = toRefs(data); |
/** 查询热源推送参数配置列表 */ |
function getList() { |
if (standardConfId != null && standardConfId != undefined && standardConfId != "") { |
queryParams.value.standardConfId = standardConfId; |
} |
loading.value = true; |
listHeatParamModel(queryParams.value).then(response => { |
heatParamModelList.value = response.rows; |
total.value = response.total; |
loading.value = false; |
}); |
} |
// 取消按钮 |
function cancel() { |
open.value = false; |
reset(); |
} |
// 表单重置 |
function reset() { |
form.value = { |
tentantId: null, |
version: null, |
createBy: null, |
createTime: null, |
updateBy: null, |
updateTime: null, |
deptId: null, |
userId: null, |
deleteBy: null, |
deleteTime: null, |
id: null, |
standardConfId: standardConfId, |
paramClassId: null, |
paramClassName: null |
}; |
proxy.resetForm("heatParamModelRef"); |
} |
/** 搜索按钮操作 */ |
function handleQuery() { |
queryParams.value.pageNum = 1; |
getList(); |
} |
/** 重置按钮操作 */ |
function resetQuery() { |
proxy.resetForm("queryRef"); |
handleQuery(); |
} |
// 多选框选中数据 |
function handleSelectionChange(selection) { |
ids.value = selection.map(item => item.id); |
single.value = selection.length != 1; |
multiple.value = !selection.length; |
} |
/** 新增按钮操作 */ |
function handleAdd() { |
reset(); |
open.value = true; |
title.value = "添加热源推送参数配置"; |
} |
/** 修改按钮操作 */ |
function handleUpdate(row) { |
reset(); |
const _id = row.id || ids.value |
getHeatParamModel(_id).then(response => { |
form.value = response.data; |
open.value = true; |
title.value = "修改热源推送参数配置"; |
}); |
} |
/** 提交按钮 */ |
function submitForm() { |
proxy.$refs["heatParamModelRef"].validate(valid => { |
if (valid) { |
if (form.value.id != null) { |
let paramSub = new Array(); |
form.value.paramClassId?.forEach(item => { |
paramSub.push({ |
paramClassId: item, |
standardConfId: standardConfId, |
}) |
}) |
let paramAll = { |
standardConfId: standardConfId, |
dcHeatParamModelList: paramSub |
} |
updateHeatParamModelNew(paramAll).then(response => { |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("修改成功"); |
open.value = false; |
getList(); |
}); |
} else { |
let paramSub = new Array(); |
form.value.paramClassId?.forEach(item => { |
paramSub.push({ |
paramClassId: item, |
standardConfId: standardConfId, |
}) |
}) |
addBatchHeatParamModel(paramSub).then(response => { |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("新增成功"); |
open.value = false; |
getList(); |
}); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
/** 删除按钮操作 */ |
function handleDelete(row) { |
const _ids = row.id || ids.value; |
proxy.$modal.confirm('是否确认删除热源推送参数配置编号为"' + _ids + '"的数据项?').then(function () { |
return delHeatParamModel(_ids); |
}).then(() => { |
getList(); |
proxy.$modal.msgSuccess("删除成功"); |
}).catch(() => { }); |
} |
/** 导出按钮操作 */ |
function handleExport() { |
proxy.download('model/heatParamModel/export', { |
...queryParams.value |
}, `heatParamModel_${new Date().getTime()}.xlsx`) |
} |
function getParamModel() { |
listParamclassNoPage({}).then(response => { |
paramClassList.value = response.data; |
}); |
} |
function getParamClassName(paramClassId) { |
for (let item of paramClassList.value) { |
if (item.paramClassCode === paramClassId) { |
return item.paramClassName |
} |
} |
return '' |
} |
function getHeatList() { |
listNoPage({}).then(response => { |
heatList.value = response.data; |
}); |
} |
function getHeatName(standardConfId) { |
for (let item of heatList.value) { |
if (String(item.id) === standardConfId) { |
return item.orgName |
} |
} |
return '' |
} |
// created() { |
// eventBus.$on('reload-heatParamModel', () => { |
// this.reload(); |
// }); |
// } |
getHeatList(); |
getParamModel(); |
getList(); |
</script> |
Reference in new issue