20 changed files with 136 additions and 1802 deletions
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="content"> |
<view class="list"> |
<view class="item" v-for="(item,index) in data.list" :key="index" @click="itemClick(item,index)"> |
<view class="title"> |
<view class="title-txt"> |
{{item.title}} |
</view> |
<view class="time" v-if="data.isShowTime"> |
2023-12-12 08:00:00 |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec" v-for="(cur,key) in labelList" :key="key"> |
{{cur.label}}:<span>{{item[cur.field]}}</span> |
</view> |
<view class="bottom" v-if="data.isShowStatus"> |
<view class="time"> |
{{item.time}} |
</view> |
<view class="status"> |
<u-tag text="待领取" v-if="item.status==1" bg-color='rgba(255,255,255,0)' color='#fe8463' border-color='#fe8463' type="primary" shape='circle'/> |
<u-tag text="撤单" v-else-if="item.status==2" bg-color='rgba(255,255,255,0)' color='#d7d7d7' border-color='#d7d7d7 ' type="warning" shape='circle'/> |
<u-tag text="待执行" v-else-if="item.status==3" bg-color='rgba(255,255,255,0)' color='#e01f54' border-color='#e01f54' type="success" shape='circle'/> |
<u-tag text="维修中" v-else-if="item.status==4" bg-color='rgba(255,255,255,0)' color='#005eaa' border-color='#005eaa ' type="error" shape='circle'/> |
<u-tag text="待验证" v-else-if="item.status==5" bg-color='rgba(255,255,255,0)' color='#2EC7C9' border-color='#2EC7C9' type="info" shape='circle'/> |
<u-tag text="已完成" v-else-if="item.status==6" bg-color='rgba(255,255,255,0)' color='#2ba471' border-color='#2ba471' type="info" shape='circle'/> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
props: { |
labelList:{ |
type: Array, |
default:()=>{return []}, |
}, |
data:{ |
type: Object, |
default:()=>{return {}}, |
}, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
itemClick(item,index){ |
this.$emit('itemClick',item,index) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.list{ |
background: #f5f5f5; |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
.item{ |
padding: 30rpx 30rpx 0px 30rpx; |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
background: white; |
.title{ |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
padding-bottom: 20rpx; |
.title-txt{ |
color: #409eff; |
font-weight: bold; |
font-size: 36rpx; |
width: 0px; |
flex: 1; |
} |
.time{ |
color: #919191; |
} |
} |
.dec{ |
padding-bottom: 20rpx; |
span{ |
color: #999999; |
} |
} |
.last{ |
padding-bottom: 30rpx; |
} |
.bottom{ |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
align-items: center; |
border-top: 1px solid #E4E4E4; |
padding: 20rpx 0px; |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,400 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<!-- 添加维修工单 --> |
<view class="add-form-container"> |
<u-form :model="form" ref="form1" label-width="160rpx"> |
<u-form-item label="类型" prop="receiverType" required> |
<view class="select" @click="openSingleColumn('receiverType',form.receiverType,appDeviceMoldType)"> |
<view class="input" v-if='form.receiverType'> |
{{selectFormat(form.receiverType,appDeviceMoldType)}} |
</view> |
<view class="placeholder" v-else> |
{{`请选择类型`}} |
</view> |
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#aaaaaa" size="28"></u-icon> |
</view> |
</u-form-item> |
<u-form-item :label="`${type=='DEVICE'?'设备' : '模具'}名称`" prop="deviceNumber" required> |
<view class="select" @click="openSingleColumn('deviceNumber',form.deviceNumber,deviceList)"> |
<view class="input" v-if='form.deviceNumber'> |
{{selectFormat(form.deviceNumber,deviceList)}} |
</view> |
<view class="placeholder" v-else> |
{{`请选择${type=='DEVICE'?'设备' : '模具'}名称`}} |
</view> |
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#aaaaaa" size="28"></u-icon> |
</view> |
</u-form-item> |
<u-form-item label="维修人员" prop="describes" required> |
<view class="select" @click="openSelecUser('receiverUserId')"> |
<view class="input" v-if='form.receiverUserId'> |
{{selectFormatRadin(form.receiverUserId,selecUserList)}} |
</view> |
<view class="placeholder" v-else> |
请选择维修人员 |
</view> |
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#aaaaaa" size="28"></u-icon> |
</view> |
</u-form-item> |
</u-form> |
<view class="footer"> |
<view class="btns"> |
<button class="reset" @click="reset">重置</button> |
<button class="sure" @click="submit" :loading='loading' :disabled='loading'>确定</button> |
</view> |
<view style="height: constant(safe-area-inset-bottom); height: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);"></view> |
</view> |
<!-- 选择维修人员 --> |
<u-popup v-model="isShowSelecUser" mode="center" border-radius="14"> |
<view class="popup-title">选择维修人员</view> |
<view class="popup"> |
<u-radio-group v-model="form.receiverUserId" |
@change="radioGroupChange('receiverUserId',form.receiverUserId,selecUserList)"> |
<u-radio v-for="(item, index) in selecUserList" :key="index" :name="item.id"> |
{{item.name}} |
</u-radio> |
</u-radio-group> |
</view> |
<view class="popup-footer"> |
<view @click="isShowSelecUser = false">取消</view> |
<view class="sure" @click="chooseUser">确认</view> |
</view> |
</u-popup> |
<u-select v-model="singleColumnShow" mode="single-column" :default-value='singleColumnDefaultValue' |
:list="singleColumnList" @confirm="chooseSingleColumn"></u-select> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import * as deviceApi from "@/api/device.js" |
import * as moldApi from "@/api/mold.js" |
import * as dictApi from "@/api/dict.js" |
import * as repairOrderApi from "@/api/repairOrder.js" |
import * as deptApi from "@/api/dept.js" |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
loading: false, |
type: "", |
appDeviceMoldType: [], //类型列表字典 |
form: { |
id: '', |
receiverType: "", |
deviceNumber: '', |
deviceName: '', |
receiverUserId: '', |
}, |
deviceList: [], //设备列表 |
singleColumnShow: false, |
singleColumnDefaultValue: [], |
singleColumnList: [], |
field: '', |
// 维修人员 |
selecUserList: [], //维修人员 |
isShowSelecUser: false, |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
// 触发提交表单 |
submit() { |
// 校验 |
if (!this.form.receiverType) { |
this.$modal.showToast('请选择类型') |
return; |
} |
if (!this.form.deviceNumber) { |
this.$modal.showToast(`请选择${this.type=='DEVICE'?'设备' : '模具'}名称`) |
return; |
} |
if (!this.form.receiverUserId) { |
this.$modal.showToast('请选择维修人员') |
return; |
} |
const data = { |
id: this.form && this.form.id ? this.form.id : '', |
receiverType: this.form.receiverType, |
deviceNumber: this.form.deviceNumber, |
receiverUserId: this.form.receiverUserId, |
} |
this.$modal.confirm('是否转办维修工单').then(() => { |
this.$modal.loading('加载中') |
this.loading = true |
repairOrderApi.transfer(data).then((res) => { |
this.$modal.closeLoading() |
if (res.data) { |
this.$modal.showToast('转办成功') |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$tab.navigateBack(2) |
this.loading = false |
}, 1500) |
} else { |
this.$modal.showToast('转办失败') |
this.loading = false |
} |
}).catch(() => { |
this.$modal.closeLoading() |
this.loading = false |
}) |
}) |
}, |
// 重置 |
reset() { |
if (this.form.id) { |
this.form.receiverType = ""; |
this.form.deviceNumber = ''; |
this.form.deviceName = ''; |
this.form.receiverUserId = ''; |
} else { |
this.form = {} |
} |
}, |
// |
selectFormat(val, array) { |
let str = array.filter(item => item.value == val)[0].label |
return str |
}, |
// 单列模式 |
openSingleColumn(field, val, list) { |
this.singleColumnList = list |
this.field = field |
if (val) { |
this.singleColumnDefaultValue = [list.findIndex(item => item.value == val)] |
} else { |
this.singleColumnDefaultValue = [] |
} |
this.singleColumnShow = true |
}, |
// 单列模式点击确定之后 |
chooseSingleColumn(e) { |
console.log(e[0]) |
this.form[this.field] = e[0].value |
if (this.field == 'receiverType') { |
this.type = this.form[this.field] |
this.form.deviceName = '' |
this.form.deviceNumber = '' |
this.getDeviceList() |
} else if (this.field == 'deviceNumber') { |
this.choosesingleColumnItem = this.singleColumnList.filter(item => item.number == e[0].value) |
this.form.factoryAreaName = this.choosesingleColumnItem[0].factoryAreaName |
this.form.factoryAreaNumber = this.choosesingleColumnItem[0].factoryAreaNumber |
this.getSelecUser() |
} |
this.singleColumnShow = false |
this.$emit('singleColumn', this.field, this.form[this.field]) |
this.$forceUpdate() |
}, |
// 获取设备/模具列表 |
async getDeviceList() { |
if (this.type == 'DEVICE') { |
await deviceApi.deviceList().then(res => { |
res.data.map(item => { |
item.value = item.number |
item.label = item.name |
}) |
this.deviceList = res.data |
}) |
} else if (this.type == 'MOLD') { |
await moldApi.moldList().then(res => { |
res.data.map(item => { |
item.value = item.number |
item.label = item.name |
}) |
this.deviceList = res.data |
}) |
} |
}, |
// 获取人员列表 |
async getSelecUser() { |
let data = { |
classType: this.type, |
factoryAreaNumber: this.form.factoryAreaNumber, |
flag: 1 |
} |
let arr = [] |
if (this.form.maintenances) { |
arr = this.form.maintenances.split(',') |
} |
await deptApi.getSelecUser(data).then(res => { |
res.data.forEach(item => { |
item.checked = false |
arr.forEach(cur => { |
if (item.id == cur) { |
item.checked = true |
} |
}) |
}) |
this.selecUserList = res.data |
}) |
}, |
// 打开人员列表 |
openSelecUser(field) { |
this.field = field |
this.isShowSelecUser = true |
}, |
radioGroupChange(field, e, list) { |
this.chooseUserInfo = e |
}, |
// 多选选择框回显 |
selectFormatRadin(val, array) { |
let str = array.filter(item => item.id == val)[0].name |
return str |
}, |
// 选择人员 |
chooseUser() { |
this.form[this.field] = this.chooseUserInfo |
this.isShowSelecUser = false |
}, |
}, |
async onLoad(option) { |
if (option.type) this.type = option.type; |
if (option.id) this.form.id = option.id; |
this.appDeviceMoldType = await dictApi.getDict('app_device_mold_type') |
this.appDeviceMoldType = this.appDeviceMoldType.filter(item => item.value != this.type) |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.add-form-container { |
min-height: calc(100vh - 140rpx); |
background: white; |
padding: 0px 30rpx 140rpx; |
} |
.list { |
padding-bottom: 20rpx; |
.item { |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
background: white; |
padding: 30rpx; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
image { |
width: 160rpx; |
height: 160rpx; |
margin-right: 20rpx; |
} |
.title { |
font-size: 32rpx; |
font-weight: bold; |
} |
.dec1 { |
font-size: 28rpx; |
margin-top: 16rpx; |
color: #acacac; |
} |
.dec2 { |
font-size: 28rpx; |
margin-top: 6rpx; |
color: #acacac; |
} |
} |
} |
.footer { |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0px; |
left: 0px; |
width: 100%; |
} |
.btns { |
display: flex; |
button { |
flex: 1; |
} |
.sure { |
background: #409eff; |
color: white; |
border-radius: 0px; |
&::after { |
border: 1px solid #409eff; |
border-radius: 0px; |
} |
} |
.reset { |
background: #F5F5F5; |
border-radius: 0px; |
&::after { |
border-radius: 0px; |
} |
} |
} |
.right-button { |
background: #409eff; |
color: white; |
padding: 0rpx 30rpx; |
border-radius: 16rpx; |
text-align: center; |
font-size: 28rpx; |
} |
.select { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
height: 72rpx; |
width: 100%; |
.input { |
flex: 1; |
font-size: 28rpx; |
color: #000000; |
} |
.placeholder { |
flex: 1; |
font-size: 28rpx; |
color: rgb(192, 196, 204); |
} |
} |
.popup-title { |
text-align: center; |
font-size: 32rpx; |
font-weight: bold; |
color: #409eff; |
padding: 30rpx 30rpx 0px |
} |
.popup { |
width: 600rpx; |
padding: 30rpx 60rpx 30rpx; |
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.popup-footer { |
display: flex; |
border-top: 1px solid #e4e4e4; |
view { |
line-height: 100rpx; |
flex: 1; |
text-align: center; |
&.sure { |
color: #409eff; |
} |
} |
} |
::v-deep .u-radio-group { |
display: grid !important; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<!-- 设备 --> |
<view class="add-form-container"> |
<Form :form='form' :data='data' ref="form1" @chickRightButton='chickRightButton' @blur='blur'></Form> |
<view class="footer"> |
<view class="btns"> |
<button class="reset" @click="reset">重置</button> |
<button class="sure" @click="submit">确定</button> |
</view> |
<view style="height: constant(safe-area-inset-bottom); height: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Form from '@/components/form/index.vue' |
import * as deviceApi from "@/api/device.js" |
export default { |
components: { |
Form |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
type:'', |
form: { |
disabled: false, |
visible: true, |
loading: false, |
labelWidth: '180rpx', |
border: true, |
errorType: ['toast'], |
formData: [{ |
type: 'text', |
field: 'code', |
label: '报修主题', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '' |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'name', |
label: '设备名称', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '', |
isRightButton: '扫描' |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'location', |
label: '存放位置', |
}, { |
type: 'singleColumn', |
field: 'type', |
label: '紧急程度', |
required: true, |
list: [{ |
label: '程度1', |
value: 1 |
}, { |
label: '程度2', |
value: 2 |
}, { |
label: '程度3', |
value: 3 |
}] |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'location', |
label: '故障描述', |
}], |
}, |
data: { |
name: '', |
sex: 2, |
deviceNumber:'', |
deviceName: '', |
factoryName: '', |
time: '2023-12-12 08:00:00' |
} |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
// 扫描设备条码 |
chickRightButton(field) { |
// 允许从相机和相册扫码 |
if(field == 'deviceNumber'){ |
uni.scanCode({ |
success: function (res) { |
this.data.deviceNumber = res.result |
this.getDetailsByNumber() |
} |
}); |
} |
}, |
blur(val,field){ |
console.log(field) |
this.data.deviceNumber = val |
if(field == 'deviceNumber'){ |
this.getDetailsByNumber() |
} |
}, |
// 根据设备/模具号查询信息 |
getDetailsByNumber(){ |
const data = { |
number :this.data.deviceNumber, |
type:this.type, |
id:'' |
} |
console.log(data) |
deviceApi.getDetailsByNumber(data).then((res)=>{ |
this.data.deviceName = res.data.name |
this.data.factoryName = res.data.factoryName |
this.$forceUpdate() |
}) |
}, |
// 触发提交表单 |
submit() { |
// 校验 |
if(this.type == 1){ |
} |
// for (let i = 0; i < this.form.formData.length; i++) { |
// if (this.form.formData[i].required === true) { |
// if (!this.data[this.form.formData[i].field]) { |
// let placeholder = '请输入' |
// if (this.form.formData[i].type == 'text' || this.form.formData[i].type == 'textarea') { |
// placeholder = '请输入' |
// } else { |
// placeholder = '请选择' |
// } |
// this.$modal.showToast(placeholder + this.form.formData[i].label) |
// return; |
// } |
// } |
// } |
console.log('表单数据信息1:', this.data); |
}, |
// 重置 |
reset() { |
console.log('表单数据信息1:', this.data); |
this.data = {} |
}, |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.type = option.type |
if(option.type == 1){ |
uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ |
title:'添加报修' |
}) |
this.type = 'DEVICE' |
this.form= { |
disabled: false, |
visible: true, |
loading: false, |
labelWidth: '180rpx', |
border: true, |
errorType: ['toast'], |
formData: [{ |
type: 'text', |
field: 'describes', |
label: '故障描述', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '' |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'deviceNumber', |
label: '设备编码', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '', |
isRightButton: '扫描' |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'deviceName', |
label: '设备名称', |
required: true, |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'factoryName', |
label: '所属厂区', |
required: true, |
}], |
} |
}else if(option.type == 2){ |
uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ |
title:'添加维修工单' |
}) |
}else if(option.type == 3){ |
uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ |
title:'添加检修工单' |
}) |
}else if(option.type == 4){ |
uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ |
title:'添加点检工单' |
}) |
}else if(option.type == 5){ |
uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ |
title:'添加保养工单' |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.add-form-container { |
min-height: calc(100vh - 140rpx); |
background: white; |
padding: 0px 30rpx 140rpx; |
} |
.list { |
padding-bottom: 20rpx; |
.item { |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
background: white; |
padding: 30rpx; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
image { |
width: 160rpx; |
height: 160rpx; |
margin-right: 20rpx; |
} |
.title { |
font-size: 32rpx; |
font-weight: bold; |
} |
.dec1 { |
font-size: 28rpx; |
margin-top: 16rpx; |
color: #acacac; |
} |
.dec2 { |
font-size: 28rpx; |
margin-top: 6rpx; |
color: #acacac; |
} |
} |
} |
.footer { |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0px; |
left: 0px; |
width: 100%; |
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display: flex; |
button { |
flex: 1; |
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.sure { |
background: #409eff; |
color: white; |
border-radius: 0px; |
&::after { |
border: 1px solid #409eff; |
border-radius: 0px; |
} |
} |
.reset { |
background: #F5F5F5; |
border-radius: 0px; |
&::after { |
border-radius: 0px; |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<!-- 详情 --> |
<view class="detail-container"> |
<view class="info"> |
<view class="title"> |
<view>维修工单</view> |
<view>转班</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec"> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>工单单号</view> |
<view>WXDH2051351</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>工单主题</view> |
<view>设备一维修2554</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>工单类型</view> |
<view>报修工单</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>维修班组</view> |
<view>维修班组一</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>工程师</view> |
<view>橙子</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>维修工</view> |
<view>香蕉</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="info" style="padding-bottom: 130rpx;"> |
<view class="tab"> |
<u-tabs :list="list" :is-scroll="false" bar-height="2" bar-width="250" v-model="current" |
@change="change"></u-tabs> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view class="title"> |
<view>{{changeItem.name}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec" v-if="current == 0"> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>设备编号</view> |
<view>WXDH2051351</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>设备名称</view> |
<view>设备一维修2554</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>规格型号</view> |
<view>报修工单</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>设备类型</view> |
<view>维修班组一</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>存放位置</view> |
<view>橙子</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>使用部门</view> |
<view>香蕉</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec" v-if="current == 1"> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>设备编号</view> |
<view>WXDH2051351</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>设备名称</view> |
<view>设备一维修2554</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>规格型号</view> |
<view>报修工单</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>设备类型</view> |
<view>维修班组一</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>存放位置</view> |
<view>橙子</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec-item"> |
<view>使用部门</view> |
<view>香蕉</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="dec" v-if="current == 2"> |
<SparePartsCard :subForm='subForm' :data='data' @addSubForm='addSubForm' @delSubFormItem='delSubFormItem'> |
</SparePartsCard> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="footer"> |
<view class="btns"> |
<u-button type="primary">保存/接单</u-button> |
<u-button type="primary">完成</u-button> |
<u-button type="primary">验证完结</u-button> |
</view> |
<view style="height: constant(safe-area-inset-bottom); height: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);"></view> |
</view> |
<u-popup v-model="isPopupShow" mode="center" border-radius="14"> |
<view class="popup-title">添加记录</view> |
<view class="popup"> |
<Form :form='subForm' :data='data' ref="form2"></Form> |
</view> |
<view class="popup-footer"> |
<view @click="cancle">取消</view> |
<view class="sure" @click="addSpare">确认</view> |
</view> |
</u-popup> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Form from '@/components/form/index.vue' |
import SparePartsCard from '@/components/sparePartsCard/index.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
Form, |
SparePartsCard |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
list: [{ |
name: '设备信息' |
}, { |
name: '报修信息' |
}, { |
name: '维修记录' |
}], |
current: 0, |
changeItem: '', |
data: { |
name: '', |
subList: [{ |
name: '备件111111', |
stork: '1', |
number: '30', |
}, { |
name: '备件111111', |
stork: '1', |
number: '30', |
}] |
}, |
isPopupShow:false, |
subForm: { |
formLabel: '', |
formField: 'subList', |
required: true, |
isShowButton: true, |
disabled: false, |
visible: true, |
loading: false, |
labelWidth: '180rpx', |
border: true, |
errorType: ['toast'], |
formData: [{ |
type: 'singleColumn', |
field: 'name', |
label: '模具', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
span: 12, |
list: [{ |
label: '类型1', |
value: 1 |
}, { |
label: '类型2', |
value: 2 |
}, { |
label: '类型3', |
value: 3 |
}] |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'stork', |
label: '库存', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
isList: true, |
span: 6 |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'number', |
label: '数量', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
isList: true, |
span: 6 |
}], |
}, |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
change(index) { |
console.log("index", index); |
this.current = index |
this.changeItem = this.list[this.current] |
}, |
// 添加表格表单 |
addSubForm() { |
console.log(5) |
this.isPopupShow = true |
}, |
// 添加备件 |
addSpare(){ |
// 校验 |
for (let i = 0; i < this.subForm.formData.length; i++) { |
if (this.subForm.formData[i].required === true) { |
if (!this.data[this.subForm.formData[i].field]) { |
let placeholder = '请输入' |
if (this.subForm.formData[i].type == 'text' || this.subForm.formData[i].type == 'textarea') { |
placeholder = '请输入' |
} else { |
placeholder = '请选择' |
} |
this.$modal.showToast(placeholder + this.subForm.formData[i].label) |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
// 取消添加备件 |
cancle(){ |
this.isPopupShow = false |
}, |
}, |
onLoad() { |
this.changeItem = this.list[this.current] |
} |
} |
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@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ |
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:title="title"> |
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</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import workOrderList from '@/components/workOrderList/index.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
workOrderList |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
title:'', |
type:'', |
labelList:[{ |
label: '报修单号', |
field: 'dec1', |
},{ |
label: '设备名称', |
field: 'dec2', |
},{ |
label: '设备编号', |
field: 'dec3', |
},{ |
label: '存放位置', |
field: 'dec4', |
},{ |
label: '紧急程度', |
field: 'dec5', |
}], |
data: { |
isShowTime: true, |
list: [{ |
title: '设备报修205245', |
dec1: 'BX-20224648', |
dec2: 'BX-20224648', |
dec3: 'BX-20224648', |
dec4: 'BX-20224648', |
dec5: 'BX-20224648', |
time: '2023-12-12 06:00:00', |
status: 6 |
}, { |
title: '设备报修205245', |
dec1: 'BX-20224648', |
dec2: 'BX-20224648', |
dec3: 'BX-20224648', |
dec4: 'BX-20224648', |
dec5: 'BX-20224648', |
time: '2023-12-12 06:00:00', |
status: 2 |
}, { |
title: '设备报修205245', |
dec1: 'BX-20224648', |
dec2: 'BX-20224648', |
dec3: 'BX-20224648', |
dec4: 'BX-20224648', |
dec5: 'BX-20224648', |
time: '2023-12-12 06:00:00', |
status: 3 |
}, { |
title: '设备报修205245', |
dec1: 'BX-20224648', |
dec2: 'BX-20224648', |
dec3: 'BX-20224648', |
dec4: 'BX-20224648', |
dec5: 'BX-20224648', |
time: '2023-12-12 06:00:00', |
status: 4 |
}] |
} |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
// 筛选 |
screen() { |
this.$tab.navigateTo(`/pages/workOrderList/screen?type=${this.type}`) |
}, |
itemClick(item,index){ |
this.$tab.navigateTo(`/pages/workOrderList/detail?type=${this.type}`) |
}, |
addForm(){ |
this.$tab.navigateTo(`/pages/workOrderList/addForm?type=${this.type}`) |
}, |
// 获取设备保修列表 |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.type = option.type |
if(option.type == 1){ |
this.title = '设备报修' |
}else if(option.type == 2){ |
this.title = '维修工单' |
}else if(option.type == 3){ |
this.title = '检修工单' |
}else if(option.type == 4){ |
this.title = '点检工单' |
}else if(option.type == 5){ |
this.title = '保养工单' |
} |
} |
} |
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@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<!-- 设备 --> |
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<Form :form='form' :data='data' ref="form1"></Form> |
<view class="footer"> |
<view class="btns"> |
<button class="reset" @click="reset">重置</button> |
<button class="sure" @click="submit">确定</button> |
</view> |
<view style="height: constant(safe-area-inset-bottom); height: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Form from '@/components/form/index.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
Form |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
type:'', |
form: { |
disabled: false, |
visible: true, |
loading: false, |
labelWidth: '180rpx', |
border: true, |
errorType: ['toast'], |
formData: [{ |
type: 'text', |
field: 'code', |
label: '报修主题', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '' |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'name', |
label: '设备名称', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '', |
}, { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'location', |
label: '存放位置', |
}, { |
type: 'singleColumn', |
field: 'type', |
label: '紧急程度', |
list: [{ |
label: '程度1', |
value: 1 |
}, { |
label: '程度2', |
value: 2 |
}, { |
label: '程度3', |
value: 3 |
}] |
}, { |
type: 'singleColumn', |
field: 'type', |
label: '工单状态', |
list: [{ |
label: '状态1', |
value: 1 |
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label: '状态2', |
value: 2 |
}, { |
label: '状态3', |
value: 3 |
}] |
}], |
}, |
data: { |
name: '', |
sex: 2, |
hobby: [1, 2], |
open: true, |
duoxuan: 3, |
time: '2023-12-12 08:00:00' |
} |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
// 触发提交表单 |
submit() { |
}, |
// 重置 |
reset() { |
console.log('表单数据信息1:', this.data); |
this.data={} |
}, |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.type = option.type |
if(option.type == 1){ |
}else if(option.type == 2){ |
this.form.formData[0] = { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'code', |
label: '维修主题', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '' |
} |
}else if(option.type == 3){ |
this.form.formData[0] = { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'code', |
label: '检修主题', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '' |
} |
this.form.formData.pop() |
}else if(option.type == 4){ |
this.form.formData[0] = { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'code', |
label: '点检主题', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '' |
} |
this.form.formData.pop() |
}else if(option.type == 5){ |
this.form.formData[0] = { |
type: 'text', |
field: 'code', |
label: '保养主题', |
disabled: false, |
required: true, |
value: '' |
} |
this.form.formData.pop() |
} |
} |
} |
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@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ |
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<!-- 设备 --> |
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<Form :form='form' :data='data' ref="form1"></Form> |
<view class="footer"> |
<view class="btns"> |
<button class="reset" @click="reset">重置</button> |
<button class="sure" @click="submit">确定</button> |
</view> |
<view style="height: constant(safe-area-inset-bottom); height: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Form from '@/components/form/index.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
Form |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
form: { |
disabled: false, |
visible: true, |
loading: false, |
labelWidth: '180rpx', |
border: true, |
errorType: ['toast'], |
formData: [{ |
type: 'singleColumn', |
field: 'type', |
label: '模具', |
list: [{ |
label: '程度1', |
value: 1 |
}, { |
label: '程度2', |
value: 2 |
}, { |
label: '程度3', |
value: 3 |
}] |
}, { |
type: 'singleColumn', |
field: 'type', |
label: '维修工', |
list: [{ |
label: '状态1', |
value: 1 |
}, { |
label: '状态2', |
value: 2 |
}, { |
label: '状态3', |
value: 3 |
}] |
}], |
rules: { |
// 对name字段进行必填验证 |
name: [ |
{ |
min: 5, |
message: '简介不能少于5个字', |
trigger: 'change' |
}, |
// 对name字段进行必填验证 |
{ |
required: true, |
message: '请填写姓名', |
trigger: ['change', 'blur'] |
}, |
] |
} |
}, |
data: { |
name: '', |
sex: 2, |
hobby: [1, 2], |
open: true, |
duoxuan: 3, |
time: '2023-12-12 08:00:00' |
} |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
// 触发提交表单 |
submit() { |
console.log('表单数据信息1:', this.data); |
this.$refs.form1.$refs.form.validate().then(res => { |
console.log('表单数据信息:', res); |
}).catch(err => { |
console.log('表单错误信息:', err); |
}) |
}, |
// 重置 |
reset() { |
console.log('表单数据信息1:', this.data); |
this.data={} |
}, |
} |
} |
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Reference in new issue