1 year ago
703 changed files with 142053 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
root = true |
[*] |
charset=utf-8 |
end_of_line=lf |
insert_final_newline=true |
indent_style=space |
indent_size=2 |
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[*.{yml,yaml,json}] |
indent_style = space |
indent_size = 2 |
[*.md] |
trim_trailing_whitespace = false |
[Makefile] |
indent_style = tab |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
# 标题 |
# 项目本地运行端口号 |
# open 运行 npm run dev 时自动打开浏览器 |
VITE_OPEN=true |
# 租户开关 |
# 验证码的开关 |
# 百度统计 |
VITE_APP_BAIDU_CODE = a1ff8825baa73c3a78eb96aa40325abc |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
# 开发环境 |
NODE_ENV=development |
VITE_DEV=false |
# 请求路径 |
VITE_BASE_URL='http://localhost:12080' |
# 上传路径 |
VITE_UPLOAD_URL='http://localhost:12080/admin-api/infra/file/upload' |
# 接口前缀 |
# 接口地址 |
VITE_API_URL=/admin-api |
# 打包路径 |
# 是否删除debugger |
# 是否删除console.log |
# 是否sourcemap |
# 输出路径 |
# 自定义接口路径 |
VITE_INTERFACE_URL='http://localhost:12080/magic/web/index.html' |
# 积木报表请求路径 |
VITE_JMREPORT_BASE_URL='http://localhost:12080' |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
# 生产环境 |
NODE_ENV=production |
VITE_DEV=false |
# 请求路径 |
VITE_BASE_URL='http://localhost:12080' |
# 上传路径 |
VITE_UPLOAD_URL='http://localhost:12080/admin-api/infra/file/upload' |
# 接口前缀 |
# 接口地址 |
VITE_API_URL=/admin-api |
# 是否删除debugger |
# 是否删除console.log |
# 是否sourcemap |
# 打包路径 |
# 输出路径 |
VITE_OUT_DIR=dist-pro |
# 积木报表请求路径 |
VITE_JMREPORT_BASE_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25110' |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
# 生产环境 |
NODE_ENV=test |
VITE_DEV=false |
# 请求路径 |
VITE_BASE_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25100/api' |
# 上传路径 |
VITE_UPLOAD_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25100/api/admin-api/infra/file/upload' |
# 接口前缀 |
# 接口地址 |
VITE_API_URL=/admin-api |
# 是否删除debugger |
# 是否删除console.log |
# 是否sourcemap |
# 打包路径 |
# 输出路径 |
VITE_OUT_DIR=dist-test |
# 自定义接口路径 |
VITE_INTERFACE_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25110/magic/web/index.html' |
# 积木报表请求路径 |
VITE_JMREPORT_BASE_URL='http://dev.ccwin-in.com:25110' |
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// @ts-check
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MIT License |
Copyright (c) 2021-present Archer |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy |
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal |
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights |
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell |
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is |
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all |
copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ |
**严肃声明:现在、未来都不会有商业版本,所有代码全部开源!!** |
**「我喜欢写代码,乐此不疲」** |
**「我喜欢做开源,以此为乐」** |
我 ?? 在上海艰苦奋斗,早中晚在 top3 大厂认真搬砖,夜里为开源做贡献。 |
如果这个项目让你有所收获,记得 Star 关注哦,这对我是非常不错的鼓励与支持。 |
## ?? 新手必读 |
* nodejs > 16.18.0 && pnpm > 8.6.0 (强制使用pnpm) |
* 演示地址【Vue3 + element-plus】:<http://dashboard-vue3.yudao.iocoder.cn> |
* 演示地址【Vue3 + vben(ant-design-vue)】:<http://dashboard-vben.yudao.iocoder.cn> |
* 演示地址【Vue2 + element-ui】:<http://dashboard.yudao.iocoder.cn> |
* 启动文档:<https://doc.iocoder.cn/quick-start/> |
* 视频教程:<https://doc.iocoder.cn/video/> |
## ?? 平台简介 |
**闻荫**,以开发者为中心,打造中国第一流的快速开发平台,全部开源,个人与企业可 100% 免费使用。 |
* 采用 [vue-element-plus-admin](https://gitee.com/kailong110120130/vue-element-plus-admin) 实现 |
* 改换 saas,自动引入等功能 |
* 使用 Element Plus 免费开源的中后台模版,具备如下特性: |
![首页](public/home.png) |
* **最新技术栈**:使用 Vue3、Vite4 等前端前沿技术开发 |
* **TypeScript**: 应用程序级 JavaScript 的语言 |
* **主题**: 可配置的主题 |
* **国际化**:内置完善的国际化方案 |
* **权限**:内置完善的动态路由权限生成方案 |
* **组件**:二次封装了多个常用的组件 |
* **示例**:内置丰富的示例 |
## 技术栈 |
| 框架 | 说明 | 版本 | |
|----------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------|--------| |
| [Vue](https://staging-cn.vuejs.org/) | Vue 框架 | 3.3.4 | |
| [Vite](https://cn.vitejs.dev//) | 开发与构建工具 | 4.4.9 | |
| [Element Plus](https://element-plus.org/zh-CN/) | Element Plus | 2.3.14 | |
| [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/) | JavaScript 的超集 | 5.2.2 | |
| [pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) | Vue 存储库 替代 vuex5 | 2.1.6 | |
| [vueuse](https://vueuse.org/) | 常用工具集 | 10.4.1 | |
| [vue-i18n](https://kazupon.github.io/vue-i18n/zh/introduction.html/) | 国际化 | 9.4.1 | |
| [vue-router](https://router.vuejs.org/) | Vue 路由 | 4.2.5 | |
| [unocss](https://uno.antfu.me/) | 原子 css | 0.56.1 | |
| [iconify](https://icon-sets.iconify.design/) | 在线图标库 | 3.1.1 | |
| [wangeditor](https://www.wangeditor.com/) | 富文本编辑器 | 5.1.23 | |
## 开发工具 |
推荐 VS Code 开发,配合插件如下: |
| 插件名 | 功能 | |
|-------------------------------|--------------------------| |
| TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) | 用于 TypeScript 的 Vue 插件 | |
| Vue Language Features (Volar) | Vue3.0 语法支持 | |
| unocss | unocss for vscode | |
| Iconify IntelliSense | Iconify 预览和搜索 | |
| i18n Ally | 国际化智能提示 | |
| Stylelint | Css 格式化 | |
| Prettier | 代码格式化 | |
| ESLint | 脚本代码检查 | |
| DotENV | env 文件高亮 | |
## 内置功能 |
系统内置多种多种业务功能,可以用于快速你的业务系统: |
* 系统功能 |
* 基础设施 |
* 工作流程 |
* 支付系统 |
* 会员中心 |
* 数据报表 |
* 商城系统 |
* 微信公众号 |
### 系统功能 |
| | 功能 | 描述 | |
|-----|-------|---------------------------------| |
| | 用户管理 | 用户是系统操作者,该功能主要完成系统用户配置 | |
| ⭐️ | 在线用户 | 当前系统中活跃用户状态监控,支持手动踢下线 | |
| | 角色管理 | 角色菜单权限分配、设置角色按机构进行数据范围权限划分 | |
| | 菜单管理 | 配置系统菜单、操作权限、按钮权限标识等,本地缓存提供性能 | |
| | 部门管理 | 配置系统组织机构(公司、部门、小组),树结构展现支持数据权限 | |
| | 岗位管理 | 配置系统用户所属担任职务 | |
| ?? | 租户管理 | 配置系统租户,支持 SaaS 场景下的多租户功能 | |
| ?? | 租户套餐 | 配置租户套餐,自定每个租户的菜单、操作、按钮的权限 | |
| | 字典管理 | 对系统中经常使用的一些较为固定的数据进行维护 | |
| ?? | 短信管理 | 短信渠道、短息模板、短信日志,对接阿里云、腾讯云等主流短信平台 | |
| ?? | 邮件管理 | 邮箱账号、邮件模版、邮件发送日志,支持所有邮件平台 | |
| ?? | 站内信 | 系统内的消息通知,提供站内信模版、站内信消息 | |
| ?? | 操作日志 | 系统正常操作日志记录和查询,集成 Swagger 生成日志内容 | |
| ⭐️ | 登录日志 | 系统登录日志记录查询,包含登录异常 | |
| ?? | 错误码管理 | 系统所有错误码的管理,可在线修改错误提示,无需重启服务 | |
| | 通知公告 | 系统通知公告信息发布维护 | |
| ?? | 敏感词 | 配置系统敏感词,支持标签分组 | |
| ?? | 应用管理 | 管理 SSO 单点登录的应用,支持多种 OAuth2 授权方式 | |
| ?? | 地区管理 | 展示省份、城市、区镇等城市信息,支持 IP 对应城市 | |
### 工作流程 |
| | 功能 | 描述 | |
|-----|-------|----------------------------------------| |
| ?? | 流程模型 | 配置工作流的流程模型,支持文件导入与在线设计流程图,提供 7 种任务分配规则 | |
| ?? | 流程表单 | 拖动表单元素生成相应的工作流表单,覆盖 Element UI 所有的表单组件 | |
| ?? | 用户分组 | 自定义用户分组,可用于工作流的审批分组 | |
| ?? | 我的流程 | 查看我发起的工作流程,支持新建、取消流程等操作,高亮流程图、审批时间线 | |
| ?? | 待办任务 | 查看自己【未】审批的工作任务,支持通过、不通过、转发、委派、退回等操作 | |
| ?? | 已办任务 | 查看自己【已】审批的工作任务,未来会支持回退操作 | |
| ?? | OA 请假 | 作为业务自定义接入工作流的使用示例,只需创建请求对应的工作流程,即可进行审批 | |
### 支付系统 |
| | 功能 | 描述 | |
|-----|------|---------------------------| |
| ?? | 商户信息 | 管理商户信息,支持 Saas 场景下的多商户功能 | |
| ?? | 应用信息 | 配置商户的应用信息,对接支付宝、微信等多个支付渠道 | |
| ?? | 支付订单 | 查看用户发起的支付宝、微信等的【支付】订单 | |
| ?? | 退款订单 | 查看用户发起的支付宝、微信等的【退款】订单 | |
ps:核心功能已经实现,正在对接微信小程序中... |
### 基础设施 |
| | 功能 | 描述 | |
|-----|----------|----------------------------------------------| |
| ?? | 代码生成 | 前后端代码的生成(Java、Vue、SQL、单元测试),支持 CRUD 下载 | |
| ?? | 系统接口 | 基于 Swagger 自动生成相关的 RESTful API 接口文档 | |
| ?? | 数据库文档 | 基于 Screw 自动生成数据库文档,支持导出 Word、HTML、MD 格式 | |
| | 表单构建 | 拖动表单元素生成相应的 HTML 代码,支持导出 JSON、Vue 文件 | |
| ?? | 配置管理 | 对系统动态配置常用参数,支持 SpringBoot 加载 | |
| ⭐️ | 定时任务 | 在线(添加、修改、删除)任务调度包含执行结果日志 | |
| ?? | 文件服务 | 支持将文件存储到 S3(MinIO、阿里云、腾讯云、七牛云)、本地、FTP、数据库等 | |
| ?? | API 日志 | 包括 RESTful API 访问日志、异常日志两部分,方便排查 API 相关的问题 | |
| | MySQL 监控 | 监视当前系统数据库连接池状态,可进行分析SQL找出系统性能瓶颈 | |
| | Redis 监控 | 监控 Redis 数据库的使用情况,使用的 Redis Key 管理 | |
| ?? | 消息队列 | 基于 Redis 实现消息队列,Stream 提供集群消费,Pub/Sub 提供广播消费 | |
| ?? | Java 监控 | 基于 Spring Boot Admin 实现 Java 应用的监控 | |
| ?? | 链路追踪 | 接入 SkyWalking 组件,实现链路追踪 | |
| ?? | 日志中心 | 接入 SkyWalking 组件,实现日志中心 | |
| ?? | 分布式锁 | 基于 Redis 实现分布式锁,满足并发场景 | |
| ?? | 幂等组件 | 基于 Redis 实现幂等组件,解决重复请求问题 | |
| ?? | 服务保障 | 基于 Resilience4j 实现服务的稳定性,包括限流、熔断等功能 | |
| ?? | 日志服务 | 轻量级日志中心,查看远程服务器的日志 | |
| ?? | 单元测试 | 基于 JUnit + Mockito 实现单元测试,保证功能的正确性、代码的质量等 | |
### 数据报表 |
| | 功能 | 描述 | |
|-----|-------|--------------------| |
| ?? | 报表设计器 | 支持数据报表、图形报表、打印设计等 | |
| ?? | 大屏设计器 | 拖拽生成数据大屏,内置几十种图表组件 | |
### 微信公众号 |
| | 功能 | 描述 | |
|-----|--------|-------------------------------| |
| ?? | 账号管理 | 配置接入的微信公众号,可支持多个公众号 | |
| ?? | 数据统计 | 统计公众号的用户增减、累计用户、消息概况、接口分析等数据 | |
| ?? | 粉丝管理 | 查看已关注、取关的粉丝列表,可对粉丝进行同步、打标签等操作 | |
| ?? | 消息管理 | 查看粉丝发送的消息列表,可主动回复粉丝消息 | |
| ?? | 自动回复 | 自动回复粉丝发送的消息,支持关注回复、消息回复、关键字回复 | |
| ?? | 标签管理 | 对公众号的标签进行创建、查询、修改、删除等操作 | |
| ?? | 菜单管理 | 自定义公众号的菜单,也可以从公众号同步菜单 | |
| ?? | 素材管理 | 管理公众号的图片、语音、视频等素材,支持在线播放语音、视频 | |
| ?? | 图文草稿箱 | 新增常用的图文素材到草稿箱,可发布到公众号 | |
| ?? | 图文发表记录 | 查看已发布成功的图文素材,支持删除操作 | |
### 商城系统 |
建设中... |
![功能图](http://static.iocoder.cn/mall%20%E5%8A%9F%E8%83%BD%E5%9B%BE-min.png) |
![GIF 图-耐心等待](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunaiV/Blog/master/Mall/onemall-admin-min.gif) |
![GIF 图-耐心等待](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunaiV/Blog/master/Mall/onemall-h5-min.gif) |
## ?? 演示图 |
### 系统功能 |
| 模块 | biu | biu | biu | |
|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| 登录 & 首页 | ![登录](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/登录.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![首页](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/首页.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![个人中心](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/个人中心.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 用户 & 应用 | ![用户管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/用户管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![令牌管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/令牌管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![应用管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/应用管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 租户 & 套餐 | ![租户管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/租户管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![租户套餐](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/租户套餐.png) | - | |
| 部门 & 岗位 | ![部门管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/部门管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![岗位管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/岗位管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| 菜单 & 角色 | ![菜单管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/菜单管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![角色管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/角色管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| 审计日志 | ![操作日志](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/操作日志.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![登录日志](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/登录日志.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| 短信 | ![短信渠道](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/短信渠道.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![短信模板](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/短信模板.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![短信日志](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/短信日志.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 字典 & 敏感词 | ![字典类型](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/字典类型.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![字典数据](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/字典数据.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![敏感词](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/敏感词.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 错误码 & 通知 | ![错误码管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/错误码管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![通知公告](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/通知公告.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
### 工作流程 |
| 模块 | biu | biu | biu | |
|---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| 流程模型 | ![流程模型-列表](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/流程模型-列表.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![流程模型-设计](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/流程模型-设计.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![流程模型-定义](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/流程模型-定义.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 表单 & 分组 | ![流程表单](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/流程表单.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![用户分组](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/用户分组.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| 我的流程 | ![我的流程-列表](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/我的流程-列表.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![我的流程-发起](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/我的流程-发起.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![我的流程-详情](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/我的流程-详情.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 待办 & 已办 | ![任务列表-审批](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/任务列表-审批.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![任务列表-待办](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/任务列表-待办.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![任务列表-已办](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/任务列表-已办.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| OA 请假 | ![OA请假-列表](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/OA请假-列表.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![OA请假-发起](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/OA请假-发起.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![OA请假-详情](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/OA请假-详情.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
### 基础设施 |
| 模块 | biu | biu | biu | |
|---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| 代码生成 | ![代码生成](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/代码生成.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![生成效果](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/生成效果.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| 文档 | ![系统接口](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/系统接口.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![数据库文档](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/数据库文档.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| 文件 & 配置 | ![文件配置](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/文件配置.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![文件管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/文件管理2.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![配置管理](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/配置管理.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 定时任务 | ![定时任务](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/定时任务.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![任务日志](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/任务日志.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| API 日志 | ![访问日志](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/访问日志.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![错误日志](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/错误日志.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| MySQL & Redis | ![MySQL](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/MySQL.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![Redis](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/Redis.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | - | |
| 监控平台 | ![Java监控](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/Java监控.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![链路追踪](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/链路追踪.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![日志中心](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/日志中心.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
### 支付系统 |
| 模块 | biu | biu | biu | |
|---------|------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| 商家 & 应用 | ![商户信息](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/商户信息.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![应用信息-列表](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/应用信息-列表.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![应用信息-编辑](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/应用信息-编辑.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 支付 & 退款 | ![支付订单](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/支付订单.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![退款订单](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/退款订单.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | --- | |
### 数据报表 |
| 模块 | biu | biu | biu | |
|-------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| 报表设计器 | ![数据报表](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/报表设计器-数据报表.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![图形报表](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/报表设计器-图形报表.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![报表设计器-打印设计](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/报表设计器-打印设计.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
| 大屏设计器 | ![大屏列表](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/大屏设计器-列表.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![大屏预览](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/大屏设计器-预览.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | ![大屏编辑](https://static.iocoder.cn/images/ruoyi-vue-pro/大屏设计器-编辑.jpg?imageView2/2/format/webp/w/1280) | |
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
import { resolve } from 'path' |
import Vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' |
import VueJsx from '@vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx' |
import progress from 'vite-plugin-progress' |
import EslintPlugin from 'vite-plugin-eslint' |
import PurgeIcons from 'vite-plugin-purge-icons' |
import { ViteEjsPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-ejs' |
// @ts-ignore
import ElementPlus from 'unplugin-element-plus/vite' |
import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/vite' |
import Components from 'unplugin-vue-components/vite' |
import { ElementPlusResolver } from 'unplugin-vue-components/resolvers' |
import viteCompression from 'vite-plugin-compression' |
import topLevelAwait from 'vite-plugin-top-level-await' |
import VueI18nPlugin from '@intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n/vite' |
import { createSvgIconsPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-svg-icons' |
import UnoCSS from 'unocss/vite' |
export function createVitePlugins() { |
const root = process.cwd() |
// 路径查找
function pathResolve(dir: string) { |
return resolve(root, '.', dir) |
} |
return [ |
Vue(), |
VueJsx(), |
UnoCSS(), |
progress(), |
PurgeIcons(), |
ElementPlus({}), |
AutoImport({ |
include: [ |
/\.[tj]sx?$/, // .ts, .tsx, .js, .jsx
/\.vue$/, |
/\.vue\?vue/, // .vue
/\.md$/ // .md
], |
imports: [ |
'vue', |
'vue-router', |
// 可额外添加需要 autoImport 的组件
{ |
'@/hooks/web/useI18n': ['useI18n'], |
'@/hooks/web/useMessage': ['useMessage'], |
'@/hooks/web/useTable': ['useTable'], |
'@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas': ['useCrudSchemas'], |
'@/utils/formRules': ['required'], |
'@/utils/dict': ['DICT_TYPE'] |
} |
], |
dts: 'src/types/auto-imports.d.ts', |
resolvers: [ElementPlusResolver()], |
eslintrc: { |
enabled: false, // Default `false`
filepath: './.eslintrc-auto-import.json', // Default `./.eslintrc-auto-import.json`
globalsPropValue: true // Default `true`, (true | false | 'readonly' | 'readable' | 'writable' | 'writeable')
} |
}), |
Components({ |
// 要搜索组件的目录的相对路径
dirs: ['src/components'], |
// 组件的有效文件扩展名
extensions: ['vue', 'md'], |
// 搜索子目录
deep: true, |
include: [/\.vue$/, /\.vue\?vue/], |
// 生成自定义 `auto-components.d.ts` 全局声明
dts: 'src/types/auto-components.d.ts', |
// 自定义组件的解析器
resolvers: [ElementPlusResolver()], |
exclude: [/[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/] |
}), |
EslintPlugin({ |
cache: false, |
include: ['src/**/*.vue', 'src/**/*.ts', 'src/**/*.tsx'] // 检查的文件
}), |
VueI18nPlugin({ |
runtimeOnly: true, |
compositionOnly: true, |
include: [resolve(__dirname, 'src/locales/**')] |
}), |
createSvgIconsPlugin({ |
iconDirs: [pathResolve('src/assets/svgs')], |
symbolId: 'icon-[dir]-[name]', |
svgoOptions: true |
}), |
viteCompression({ |
verbose: true, // 是否在控制台输出压缩结果
disable: false, // 是否禁用
threshold: 10240, // 体积大于 threshold 才会被压缩,单位 b
algorithm: 'gzip', // 压缩算法,可选 [ 'gzip' , 'brotliCompress' ,'deflate' , 'deflateRaw']
ext: '.gz', // 生成的压缩包后缀
deleteOriginFile: false //压缩后是否删除源文件
}), |
ViteEjsPlugin(), |
topLevelAwait({ |
// https://juejin.cn/post/7152191742513512485
// The export name of top-level await promise for each chunk module
promiseExportName: '__tla', |
// The function to generate import names of top-level await promise in each chunk module
promiseImportName: (i) => `__tla_${i}` |
}) |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ |
const include = [ |
'qs', |
'url', |
'vue', |
'sass', |
'mitt', |
'axios', |
'pinia', |
'dayjs', |
'qrcode', |
'unocss', |
'vue-router', |
'vue-types', |
'vue-i18n', |
'crypto-js', |
'cropperjs', |
'lodash-es', |
'nprogress', |
'web-storage-cache', |
'@iconify/iconify', |
'@vueuse/core', |
'@zxcvbn-ts/core', |
'echarts/core', |
'echarts/charts', |
'echarts/components', |
'echarts/renderers', |
'echarts-wordcloud', |
'@wangeditor/editor', |
'@wangeditor/editor-for-vue', |
'element-plus', |
'element-plus/es', |
'element-plus/es/locale/lang/zh-cn', |
'element-plus/es/locale/lang/en', |
'element-plus/es/components/avatar/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/space/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/backtop/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/form/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/radio-group/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/radio/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/checkbox/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/checkbox-group/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/switch/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/time-picker/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/date-picker/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/descriptions/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/descriptions-item/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/link/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/tooltip/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/drawer/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/dialog/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/checkbox-button/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/option-group/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/radio-button/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/cascader/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/color-picker/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/input-number/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/rate/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/select-v2/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/tree-select/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/slider/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/time-select/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/autocomplete/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/image-viewer/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/upload/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/col/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/form-item/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/alert/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/breadcrumb/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/select/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/input/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/breadcrumb-item/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/tag/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/pagination/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/table/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/table-v2/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/table-column/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/card/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/row/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/button/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/menu/style/css', |
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'element-plus/es/components/menu-item/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/option/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/dropdown/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/dropdown-menu/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/dropdown-item/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/skeleton/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/skeleton/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/backtop/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/menu/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/sub-menu/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/menu-item/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/dropdown/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/tree/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/dropdown-menu/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/dropdown-item/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/badge/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/breadcrumb/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/breadcrumb-item/style/css', |
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'element-plus/es/components/collapse/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/collapse-item/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/button-group/style/css', |
'element-plus/es/components/text/style/css' |
] |
const exclude = ['@iconify/json'] |
export { include, exclude } |
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
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import { useDesign } from '@/hooks/web/useDesign' |
import { CACHE_KEY, useCache } from '@/hooks/web/useCache' |
import routerSearch from '@/components/RouterSearch/index.vue' |
defineOptions({ name: 'APP' }) |
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const currentSize = computed(() => appStore.getCurrentSize) |
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// 根据浏览器当前主题设置系统主题色 |
const setDefaultTheme = () => { |
// let isDarkTheme = wsCache.get(CACHE_KEY.IS_DARK) |
let isDarkTheme = false |
if (isDarkTheme === null) { |
isDarkTheme = isDark() |
} |
appStore.setIsDark(isDarkTheme) |
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setDefaultTheme() |
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export const getActivityList = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: '/bpm/activity/list', |
params |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export const getProcessDefinitionBpmnXML = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: '/bpm/process-definition/get-bpmn-xml?id=' + id |
}) |
} |
export const getProcessDefinitionPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: '/bpm/process-definition/page', |
params |
}) |
} |
export const getProcessDefinitionList = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: '/bpm/process-definition/list', |
params |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type FormVO = { |
id: number |
name: string |
conf: string |
fields: string[] |
status: number |
remark: string |
createTime: string |
} |
// 创建工作流的表单定义
export const createForm = async (data: FormVO) => { |
return await request.post({ |
url: '/bpm/form/create', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 更新工作流的表单定义
export const updateForm = async (data: FormVO) => { |
return await request.put({ |
url: '/bpm/form/update', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 删除工作流的表单定义
export const deleteForm = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ |
url: '/bpm/form/delete?id=' + id |
}) |
} |
// 获得工作流的表单定义
export const getForm = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: '/bpm/form/get?id=' + id |
}) |
} |
// 获得工作流的表单定义分页
export const getFormPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: '/bpm/form/page', |
params |
}) |
} |
// 获得动态表单的精简列表
export const getSimpleFormList = async () => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: '/bpm/form/list-all-simple' |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type LeaveVO = { |
id: number |
result: number |
type: number |
reason: string |
processInstanceId: string |
startTime: string |
endTime: string |
createTime: string |
} |
// 创建请假申请
export const createLeave = async (data: LeaveVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/bpm/oa/leave/create', data: data }) |
} |
// 获得请假申请
export const getLeave = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/oa/leave/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 获得请假申请分页
export const getLeavePage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/oa/leave/page', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type ProcessDefinitionVO = { |
id: string |
version: number |
deploymentTIme: string |
suspensionState: number |
} |
export type ModelVO = { |
id: number |
formName: string |
key: string |
name: string |
description: string |
category: string |
formType: number |
formId: number |
formCustomCreatePath: string |
formCustomViewPath: string |
processDefinition: ProcessDefinitionVO |
status: number |
remark: string |
createTime: string |
bpmnXml: string |
} |
export const getModelPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/model/page', params }) |
} |
export const getModel = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/model/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
export const updateModel = async (data: ModelVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/bpm/model/update', data: data }) |
} |
// 任务状态修改
export const updateModelState = async (id: number, state: number) => { |
const data = { |
id: id, |
state: state |
} |
return await request.put({ url: '/bpm/model/update-state', data: data }) |
} |
export const createModel = async (data: ModelVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/bpm/model/create', data: data }) |
} |
export const deleteModel = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: '/bpm/model/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
export const deployModel = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/bpm/model/deploy?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type Task = { |
id: string |
name: string |
} |
export type ProcessInstanceVO = { |
id: number |
name: string |
processDefinitionId: string |
category: string |
result: number |
tasks: Task[] |
fields: string[] |
status: number |
remark: string |
businessKey: string |
createTime: string |
endTime: string |
} |
export const getMyProcessInstancePage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/process-instance/my-page', params }) |
} |
export const createProcessInstance = async (data) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/bpm/process-instance/create', data: data }) |
} |
export const cancelProcessInstance = async (id: number, reason: string) => { |
const data = { |
id: id, |
reason: reason |
} |
return await request.delete({ url: '/bpm/process-instance/cancel', data: data }) |
} |
export const getProcessInstance = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/process-instance/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type TaskVO = { |
id: number |
} |
export const getTodoTaskPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task/todo-page', params }) |
} |
export const getDoneTaskPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task/done-page', params }) |
} |
export const completeTask = async (data) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/bpm/task/complete', data }) |
} |
export const approveTask = async (data) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/bpm/task/approve', data }) |
} |
export const rejectTask = async (data) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/bpm/task/reject', data }) |
} |
export const backTask = async (data) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/bpm/task/back', data }) |
} |
export const updateTaskAssignee = async (data) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/bpm/task/update-assignee', data }) |
} |
export const getTaskListByProcessInstanceId = async (processInstanceId) => { |
return await request.get({ |
url: '/bpm/task/list-by-process-instance-id?processInstanceId=' + processInstanceId |
}) |
} |
// 导出任务
export const exportTask = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: '/bpm/task/export', params }) |
} |
// 获取所有可回退的节点
export const getReturnList = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task/get-return-list', params }) |
} |
// 回退
export const returnTask = async (data) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/bpm/task/return', data }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type TaskAssignVO = { |
id: number |
modelId: string |
processDefinitionId: string |
taskDefinitionKey: string |
taskDefinitionName: string |
options: string[] |
type: number |
} |
export const getTaskAssignRuleList = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task-assign-rule/list', params }) |
} |
export const createTaskAssignRule = async (data: TaskAssignVO) => { |
return await request.post({ |
url: '/bpm/task-assign-rule/create', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
export const updateTaskAssignRule = async (data: TaskAssignVO) => { |
return await request.put({ |
url: '/bpm/task-assign-rule/update', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type UserGroupVO = { |
id: number |
name: string |
description: string |
memberUserIds: number[] |
status: number |
remark: string |
createTime: string |
} |
// 创建用户组
export const createUserGroup = async (data: UserGroupVO) => { |
return await request.post({ |
url: '/bpm/user-group/create', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 更新用户组
export const updateUserGroup = async (data: UserGroupVO) => { |
return await request.put({ |
url: '/bpm/user-group/update', |
data: data |
}) |
} |
// 删除用户组
export const deleteUserGroup = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: '/bpm/user-group/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 获得用户组
export const getUserGroup = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/user-group/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 获得用户组分页
export const getUserGroupPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/user-group/page', params }) |
} |
// 获取用户组精简信息列表
export const getSimpleUserGroupList = async (): Promise<UserGroupVO[]> => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/user-group/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ApiAccessLogVO { |
id: number |
traceId: string |
userId: number |
userType: number |
applicationName: string |
requestMethod: string |
requestParams: string |
requestUrl: string |
userIp: string |
userAgent: string |
beginTime: Date |
endTIme: Date |
duration: number |
resultCode: number |
resultMsg: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询列表API 访问日志
export const getApiAccessLogPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/api-access-log/page', params }) |
} |
// 导出API 访问日志
export const exportApiAccessLog = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/infra/api-access-log/export-excel', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ApiErrorLogVO { |
id: number |
traceId: string |
userId: number |
userType: number |
applicationName: string |
requestMethod: string |
requestParams: string |
requestUrl: string |
userIp: string |
userAgent: string |
exceptionTime: Date |
exceptionName: string |
exceptionMessage: string |
exceptionRootCauseMessage: string |
exceptionStackTrace: string |
exceptionClassName: string |
exceptionFileName: string |
exceptionMethodName: string |
exceptionLineNumber: number |
processUserId: number |
processStatus: number |
processTime: Date |
resultCode: number |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询列表API 访问日志
export const getApiErrorLogPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/api-error-log/page', params }) |
} |
// 更新 API 错误日志的处理状态
export const updateApiErrorLogPage = (id: number, processStatus: number) => { |
return request.put({ |
url: '/infra/api-error-log/update-status?id=' + id + '&processStatus=' + processStatus |
}) |
} |
// 导出API 访问日志
export const exportApiErrorLog = (params) => { |
return request.download({ |
url: '/infra/api-error-log/export-excel', |
params |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type CodegenTableVO = { |
id: number |
tableId: number |
isParentMenuIdValid: boolean |
dataSourceConfigId: number |
scene: number |
tableName: string |
tableComment: string |
remark: string |
moduleName: string |
businessName: string |
className: string |
classComment: string |
author: string |
createTime: Date |
updateTime: Date |
templateType: number |
parentMenuId: number |
} |
export type CodegenColumnVO = { |
id: number |
tableId: number |
columnName: string |
dataType: string |
columnComment: string |
nullable: number |
primaryKey: number |
autoIncrement: string |
ordinalPosition: number |
javaType: string |
javaField: string |
dictType: string |
example: string |
createOperation: number |
updateOperation: number |
listOperation: number |
listOperationCondition: string |
listOperationResult: number |
htmlType: string |
} |
export type DatabaseTableVO = { |
name: string |
comment: string |
} |
export type CodegenDetailVO = { |
table: CodegenTableVO |
columns: CodegenColumnVO[] |
} |
export type CodegenPreviewVO = { |
filePath: string |
code: string |
} |
export type CodegenUpdateReqVO = { |
table: CodegenTableVO | any |
columns: CodegenColumnVO[] |
} |
export type CodegenCreateListReqVO = { |
dataSourceConfigId: number |
tableNames: string[] |
} |
// 查询列表代码生成表定义
export const getCodegenTablePage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/codegen/table/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询详情代码生成表定义
export const getCodegenTable = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/codegen/detail?tableId=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增代码生成表定义
export const createCodegenTable = (data: CodegenCreateListReqVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/infra/codegen/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改代码生成表定义
export const updateCodegenTable = (data: CodegenUpdateReqVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/codegen/update', data }) |
} |
// 基于数据库的表结构,同步数据库的表和字段定义
export const syncCodegenFromDB = (id: number) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/codegen/sync-from-db?tableId=' + id }) |
} |
// 基于 SQL 建表语句,同步数据库的表和字段定义
export const syncCodegenFromSQL = (id: number, sql: string) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/codegen/sync-from-sql?tableId=' + id + '&sql=' + sql }) |
} |
// 预览生成代码
export const previewCodegen = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/codegen/preview?tableId=' + id }) |
} |
// 下载生成代码
export const downloadCodegen = (id: number) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/infra/codegen/download?tableId=' + id }) |
} |
// 获得表定义
export const getSchemaTableList = (params) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/codegen/db/table/list', params }) |
} |
// 基于数据库的表结构,创建代码生成器的表定义
export const createCodegenList = (data) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/infra/codegen/create-list', data }) |
} |
// 删除代码生成表定义
export const deleteCodegenTable = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/infra/codegen/delete?tableId=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ConfigVO { |
id: number | undefined |
category: string |
name: string |
key: string |
value: string |
type: number |
visible: boolean |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询参数列表
export const getConfigPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/config/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询参数详情
export const getConfig = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/config/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 根据参数键名查询参数值
export const getConfigKey = (configKey: string) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/config/get-value-by-key?key=' + configKey }) |
} |
// 新增参数
export const createConfig = (data: ConfigVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/infra/config/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改参数
export const updateConfig = (data: ConfigVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/config/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除参数
export const deleteConfig = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/infra/config/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出参数
export const exportConfig = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/infra/config/export', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface DataSourceConfigVO { |
id: number | undefined |
name: string |
url: string |
username: string |
password: string |
createTime?: Date |
} |
// 新增数据源配置
export const createDataSourceConfig = (data: DataSourceConfigVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改数据源配置
export const updateDataSourceConfig = (data: DataSourceConfigVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除数据源配置
export const deleteDataSourceConfig = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 查询数据源配置详情
export const getDataSourceConfig = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 查询数据源配置列表
export const getDataSourceConfigList = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/list' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
// 导出Html
export const exportHtml = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/infra/db-doc/export-html' }) |
} |
// 导出Word
export const exportWord = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/infra/db-doc/export-word' }) |
} |
// 导出Markdown
export const exportMarkdown = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/infra/db-doc/export-markdown' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface FilePageReqVO extends PageParam { |
path?: string |
type?: string |
createTime?: Date[] |
} |
// 查询文件列表
export const getFilePage = (params: FilePageReqVO) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/file/page', params }) |
} |
// 删除文件
export const deleteFile = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/infra/file/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface FileClientConfig { |
basePath: string |
host?: string |
port?: number |
username?: string |
password?: string |
mode?: string |
endpoint?: string |
bucket?: string |
accessKey?: string |
accessSecret?: string |
domain: string |
} |
export interface FileConfigVO { |
id: number |
name: string |
storage: any |
master: boolean |
visible: boolean |
config: FileClientConfig |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询文件配置列表
export const getFileConfigPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/file-config/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询文件配置详情
export const getFileConfig = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/file-config/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 更新文件配置为主配置
export const updateFileConfigMaster = (id: number) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/file-config/update-master?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增文件配置
export const createFileConfig = (data: FileConfigVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/infra/file-config/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改文件配置
export const updateFileConfig = (data: FileConfigVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/file-config/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除文件配置
export const deleteFileConfig = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/infra/file-config/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 测试文件配置
export const testFileConfig = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/file-config/test?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface JobVO { |
id: number |
name: string |
status: number |
handlerName: string |
handlerParam: string |
cronExpression: string |
retryCount: number |
retryInterval: number |
monitorTimeout: number |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 任务列表
export const getJobPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/job/page', params }) |
} |
// 任务详情
export const getJob = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/job/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增任务
export const createJob = (data: JobVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/infra/job/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改定时任务调度
export const updateJob = (data: JobVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/job/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除定时任务调度
export const deleteJob = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/infra/job/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出定时任务调度
export const exportJob = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/infra/job/export-excel', params }) |
} |
// 任务状态修改
export const updateJobStatus = (id: number, status: number) => { |
const params = { |
id, |
status |
} |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/job/update-status', params }) |
} |
// 定时任务立即执行一次
export const runJob = (id: number) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/infra/job/trigger?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 获得定时任务的下 n 次执行时间
export const getJobNextTimes = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/job/get_next_times?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface JobLogVO { |
id: number |
jobId: number |
handlerName: string |
handlerParam: string |
cronExpression: string |
executeIndex: string |
beginTime: string |
endTime: string |
duration: string |
status: number |
createTime: string |
} |
// 任务日志列表
export const getJobLogPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/job-log/page', params }) |
} |
// 任务日志详情
export const getJobLog = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/job-log/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出定时任务日志
export const exportJobLog = (params) => { |
return request.download({ |
url: '/infra/job-log/export-excel', |
params |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
/** |
* 获取redis 监控信息 |
*/ |
export const getCache = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/infra/redis/get-monitor-info' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ |
export interface RedisMonitorInfoVO { |
info: RedisInfoVO |
dbSize: number |
commandStats: RedisCommandStatsVO[] |
} |
export interface RedisInfoVO { |
io_threaded_reads_processed: string |
tracking_clients: string |
uptime_in_seconds: string |
cluster_connections: string |
current_cow_size: string |
maxmemory_human: string |
aof_last_cow_size: string |
master_replid2: string |
mem_replication_backlog: string |
aof_rewrite_scheduled: string |
total_net_input_bytes: string |
rss_overhead_ratio: string |
hz: string |
current_cow_size_age: string |
redis_build_id: string |
errorstat_BUSYGROUP: string |
aof_last_bgrewrite_status: string |
multiplexing_api: string |
client_recent_max_output_buffer: string |
allocator_resident: string |
mem_fragmentation_bytes: string |
aof_current_size: string |
repl_backlog_first_byte_offset: string |
tracking_total_prefixes: string |
redis_mode: string |
redis_git_dirty: string |
aof_delayed_fsync: string |
allocator_rss_bytes: string |
repl_backlog_histlen: string |
io_threads_active: string |
rss_overhead_bytes: string |
total_system_memory: string |
loading: string |
evicted_keys: string |
maxclients: string |
cluster_enabled: string |
redis_version: string |
repl_backlog_active: string |
mem_aof_buffer: string |
allocator_frag_bytes: string |
io_threaded_writes_processed: string |
instantaneous_ops_per_sec: string |
used_memory_human: string |
total_error_replies: string |
role: string |
maxmemory: string |
used_memory_lua: string |
rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec: string |
used_memory_startup: string |
used_cpu_sys_main_thread: string |
lazyfree_pending_objects: string |
aof_pending_bio_fsync: string |
used_memory_dataset_perc: string |
allocator_frag_ratio: string |
arch_bits: string |
used_cpu_user_main_thread: string |
mem_clients_normal: string |
expired_time_cap_reached_count: string |
unexpected_error_replies: string |
mem_fragmentation_ratio: string |
aof_last_rewrite_time_sec: string |
master_replid: string |
aof_rewrite_in_progress: string |
lru_clock: string |
maxmemory_policy: string |
run_id: string |
latest_fork_usec: string |
tracking_total_items: string |
total_commands_processed: string |
expired_keys: string |
errorstat_ERR: string |
used_memory: string |
module_fork_in_progress: string |
errorstat_WRONGPASS: string |
aof_buffer_length: string |
dump_payload_sanitizations: string |
mem_clients_slaves: string |
keyspace_misses: string |
server_time_usec: string |
executable: string |
lazyfreed_objects: string |
db0: string |
used_memory_peak_human: string |
keyspace_hits: string |
rdb_last_cow_size: string |
aof_pending_rewrite: string |
used_memory_overhead: string |
active_defrag_hits: string |
tcp_port: string |
uptime_in_days: string |
used_memory_peak_perc: string |
current_save_keys_processed: string |
blocked_clients: string |
total_reads_processed: string |
expire_cycle_cpu_milliseconds: string |
sync_partial_err: string |
used_memory_scripts_human: string |
aof_current_rewrite_time_sec: string |
aof_enabled: string |
process_supervised: string |
master_repl_offset: string |
used_memory_dataset: string |
used_cpu_user: string |
rdb_last_bgsave_status: string |
tracking_total_keys: string |
atomicvar_api: string |
allocator_rss_ratio: string |
client_recent_max_input_buffer: string |
clients_in_timeout_table: string |
aof_last_write_status: string |
mem_allocator: string |
used_memory_scripts: string |
used_memory_peak: string |
process_id: string |
master_failover_state: string |
errorstat_NOAUTH: string |
used_cpu_sys: string |
repl_backlog_size: string |
connected_slaves: string |
current_save_keys_total: string |
gcc_version: string |
total_system_memory_human: string |
sync_full: string |
connected_clients: string |
module_fork_last_cow_size: string |
total_writes_processed: string |
allocator_active: string |
total_net_output_bytes: string |
pubsub_channels: string |
current_fork_perc: string |
active_defrag_key_hits: string |
rdb_changes_since_last_save: string |
instantaneous_input_kbps: string |
used_memory_rss_human: string |
configured_hz: string |
expired_stale_perc: string |
active_defrag_misses: string |
used_cpu_sys_children: string |
number_of_cached_scripts: string |
sync_partial_ok: string |
used_memory_lua_human: string |
rdb_last_save_time: string |
pubsub_patterns: string |
slave_expires_tracked_keys: string |
redis_git_sha1: string |
used_memory_rss: string |
rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec: string |
os: string |
mem_not_counted_for_evict: string |
active_defrag_running: string |
rejected_connections: string |
aof_rewrite_buffer_length: string |
total_forks: string |
active_defrag_key_misses: string |
allocator_allocated: string |
aof_base_size: string |
instantaneous_output_kbps: string |
second_repl_offset: string |
rdb_bgsave_in_progress: string |
used_cpu_user_children: string |
total_connections_received: string |
migrate_cached_sockets: string |
} |
export interface RedisCommandStatsVO { |
command: string |
calls: number |
usec: number |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
import { getRefreshToken } from '@/utils/auth' |
import type { UserLoginVO } from './types' |
export interface SmsCodeVO { |
mobile: string |
scene: number |
} |
export interface SmsLoginVO { |
mobile: string |
code: string |
} |
// 登录
export const login = (data: UserLoginVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/auth/login', data }) |
} |
// 刷新访问令牌
export const refreshToken = () => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/auth/refresh-token?refreshToken=' + getRefreshToken() }) |
} |
// 使用租户名,获得租户编号
export const getTenantIdByName = (name: string) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/tenant/get-id-by-name?name=' + name }) |
} |
// 登出
export const loginOut = () => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/auth/logout' }) |
} |
// 获取用户权限信息
export const getInfo = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/auth/get-permission-info' }) |
} |
export const sendSmsCode = (data: SmsCodeVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/auth/send-sms-code', data }) |
} |
// 短信验证码登录
export const smsLogin = (data: SmsLoginVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/auth/sms-login', data }) |
} |
// 社交授权的跳转
export const socialAuthRedirect = (type: number, redirectUri: string) => { |
return request.get({ |
url: '/system/auth/social-auth-redirect?type=' + type + '&redirectUri=' + redirectUri |
}) |
} |
// 获取验证图片以及 token
export const getCode = (data) => { |
return request.postOriginal({ url: 'system/captcha/get', data }) |
} |
// 滑动或者点选验证
export const reqCheck = (data) => { |
return request.postOriginal({ url: 'system/captcha/check', data }) |
} |
// 获取验证码
export const getCodeImg = () => { |
return request.get({ |
url: 'system/captcha/captchaImage', headers: { |
isToken: false |
}}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
// 获得授权信息
export const getAuthorize = (clientId: string) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/oauth2/authorize?clientId=' + clientId }) |
} |
// 发起授权
export const authorize = ( |
responseType: string, |
clientId: string, |
redirectUri: string, |
state: string, |
autoApprove: boolean, |
checkedScopes: string[], |
uncheckedScopes: string[] |
) => { |
// 构建 scopes
const scopes = {} |
for (const scope of checkedScopes) { |
scopes[scope] = true |
} |
for (const scope of uncheckedScopes) { |
scopes[scope] = false |
} |
// 发起请求
return request.post({ |
url: '/system/oauth2/authorize', |
headers: { |
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' |
}, |
params: { |
response_type: responseType, |
client_id: clientId, |
redirect_uri: redirectUri, |
state: state, |
auto_approve: autoApprove, |
scope: JSON.stringify(scopes) |
} |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
export type UserLoginVO = { |
username: string |
password: string |
captchaVerification: string |
} |
export type TokenType = { |
id: number // 编号
accessToken: string // 访问令牌
refreshToken: string // 刷新令牌
userId: number // 用户编号
userType: number //用户类型
clientId: string //客户端编号
expiresTime: number //过期时间
} |
export type UserVO = { |
id: number |
username: string |
nickname: string |
deptId: number |
email: string |
mobile: string |
sex: number |
avatar: string |
loginIp: string |
loginDate: string |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface RedisVO { |
key: string |
value: string |
} |
// 加入缓存
export const addRedis = async (data:RedisVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/infra/redis/set`, data }) |
} |
// 获取缓存
export const getRedis = async (key) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/infra/redis/get?key=` + key}) |
} |
// 删除物料清单
export const deleteRedis = async (key) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/infra/redis/delete?key=` + key}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
// 获得地区树
export const getAreaTree = async () => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/area/tree' }) |
} |
export const getChildrenArea = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/area/get-children?id=' + id }) |
} |
export const getAreaListByIds = async (ids) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/area/get-by-ids?ids=' + ids }) |
} |
// 获得 IP 对应的地区名
export const getAreaByIp = async (ip: string) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/area/get-by-ip?ip=' + ip }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface DeptVO { |
id?: number |
name: string |
parentId: number |
status: number |
sort: number |
leaderUserId: number |
phone: string |
email: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询部门(精简)列表
export const getSimpleDeptList = async (): Promise<DeptVO[]> => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/dept/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
// 查询部门列表
export const getDeptPage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/dept/list', params }) |
} |
// 查询部门详情
export const getDept = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/dept/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增部门
export const createDept = async (data: DeptVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/dept/create', data: data }) |
} |
// 修改部门
export const updateDept = async (params: DeptVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/system/dept/update', data: params }) |
} |
// 删除部门
export const deleteDept = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: '/system/dept/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type DictDataVO = { |
id: number | undefined |
sort: number | undefined |
label: string |
value: string |
dictType: string |
status: number |
colorType: string |
cssClass: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询字典数据(精简)列表
export const listSimpleDictData = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/dict-data/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
// 查询字典数据列表
export const getDictDataPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/dict-data/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询字典数据详情
export const getDictData = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/dict-data/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增字典数据
export const createDictData = (data: DictDataVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/dict-data/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改字典数据
export const updateDictData = (data: DictDataVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/dict-data/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除字典数据
export const deleteDictData = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/dict-data/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出字典类型数据
export const exportDictData = (params) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/dict-data/export', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type DictTypeVO = { |
id: number | undefined |
name: string |
type: string |
status: number |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询字典(精简)列表
export const getSimpleDictTypeList = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/dict-type/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
// 查询字典列表
export const getDictTypePage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/dict-type/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询字典详情
export const getDictType = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/dict-type/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增字典
export const createDictType = (data: DictTypeVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/dict-type/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改字典
export const updateDictType = (data: DictTypeVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/dict-type/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除字典
export const deleteDictType = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/dict-type/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出字典类型
export const exportDictType = (params) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/dict-type/export', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ErrorCodeVO { |
id: number | undefined |
type: number |
applicationName: string |
code: number | undefined |
message: string |
memo: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询错误码列表
export const getErrorCodePage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/error-code/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询错误码详情
export const getErrorCode = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/error-code/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增错误码
export const createErrorCode = (data: ErrorCodeVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/error-code/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改错误码
export const updateErrorCode = (data: ErrorCodeVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/error-code/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除错误码
export const deleteErrorCode = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/error-code/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出错误码
export const excelErrorCode = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/system/error-code/export-excel', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface LoginLogVO { |
id: number |
logType: number |
traceId: number |
userId: number |
userType: number |
username: string |
status: number |
userIp: string |
userAgent: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询登录日志列表
export const getLoginLogPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/login-log/page', params }) |
} |
// 导出登录日志
export const exportLoginLog = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/system/login-log/export', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface MailAccountVO { |
id: number |
mail: string |
username: string |
password: string |
host: string |
port: number |
sslEnable: boolean |
} |
// 查询邮箱账号列表
export const getMailAccountPage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/mail-account/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询邮箱账号详情
export const getMailAccount = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/mail-account/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增邮箱账号
export const createMailAccount = async (data: MailAccountVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/mail-account/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改邮箱账号
export const updateMailAccount = async (data: MailAccountVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/system/mail-account/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除邮箱账号
export const deleteMailAccount = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: '/system/mail-account/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 获得邮箱账号精简列表
export const getSimpleMailAccountList = async () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/mail-account/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface MailLogVO { |
id: number |
userId: number |
userType: number |
toMail: string |
accountId: number |
fromMail: string |
templateId: number |
templateCode: string |
templateNickname: string |
templateTitle: string |
templateContent: string |
templateParams: string |
sendStatus: number |
sendTime: Date |
sendMessageId: string |
sendException: string |
} |
// 查询邮件日志列表
export const getMailLogPage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/mail-log/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询邮件日志详情
export const getMailLog = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/mail-log/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface MailTemplateVO { |
id: number |
name: string |
code: string |
accountId: number |
nickname: string |
title: string |
content: string |
params: string |
status: number |
remark: string |
} |
export interface MailSendReqVO { |
mail: string |
templateCode: string |
templateParams: Map<String, Object> |
} |
// 查询邮件模版列表
export const getMailTemplatePage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/mail-template/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询邮件模版详情
export const getMailTemplate = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/mail-template/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增邮件模版
export const createMailTemplate = async (data: MailTemplateVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/mail-template/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改邮件模版
export const updateMailTemplate = async (data: MailTemplateVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/system/mail-template/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除邮件模版
export const deleteMailTemplate = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: '/system/mail-template/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 发送邮件
export const sendMail = (data: MailSendReqVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/mail-template/send-mail', data }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface MenuVO { |
id: number |
name: string |
permission: string |
type: number |
sort: number |
parentId: number |
path: string |
icon: string |
component: string |
componentName?: string |
status: number |
visible: boolean |
keepAlive: boolean |
alwaysShow?: boolean |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询菜单(精简)列表
export const getSimpleMenusList = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/menu/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
// 查询菜单列表
export const getMenuList = (params) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/menu/list', params }) |
} |
// 获取菜单详情
export const getMenu = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/menu/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增菜单
export const createMenu = (data: MenuVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/menu/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改菜单
export const updateMenu = (data: MenuVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/menu/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除菜单
export const deleteMenu = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/menu/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface NoticeVO { |
id: number | undefined |
title: string |
type: number |
content: string |
status: number |
remark: string |
creator: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询公告列表
export const getNoticePage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/notice/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询公告详情
export const getNotice = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/notice/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增公告
export const createNotice = (data: NoticeVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/notice/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改公告
export const updateNotice = (data: NoticeVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/notice/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除公告
export const deleteNotice = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/notice/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
import qs from 'qs' |
export interface NotifyMessageVO { |
id: number |
userId: number |
userType: number |
templateId: number |
templateCode: string |
templateNickname: string |
templateContent: string |
templateType: number |
templateParams: string |
readStatus: boolean |
readTime: Date |
} |
// 查询站内信消息列表
export const getNotifyMessagePage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/notify-message/page', params }) |
} |
// 获得我的站内信分页
export const getMyNotifyMessagePage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/notify-message/my-page', params }) |
} |
// 批量标记已读
export const updateNotifyMessageRead = async (ids) => { |
return await request.put({ |
url: '/system/notify-message/update-read?' + qs.stringify({ ids: ids }, { indices: false }) |
}) |
} |
// 标记所有站内信为已读
export const updateAllNotifyMessageRead = async () => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/system/notify-message/update-all-read' }) |
} |
// 获取当前用户的最新站内信列表
export const getUnreadNotifyMessageList = async () => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/notify-message/get-unread-list' }) |
} |
// 获得当前用户的未读站内信数量
export const getUnreadNotifyMessageCount = async () => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/notify-message/get-unread-count' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface NotifyTemplateVO { |
id?: number |
name: string |
nickname: string |
code: string |
content: string |
type: number |
params: string |
status: number |
remark: string |
} |
export interface NotifySendReqVO { |
userId: number | null |
templateCode: string |
templateParams: Map<String, Object> |
} |
// 查询站内信模板列表
export const getNotifyTemplatePage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/notify-template/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询站内信模板详情
export const getNotifyTemplate = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/notify-template/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增站内信模板
export const createNotifyTemplate = async (data: NotifyTemplateVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/notify-template/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改站内信模板
export const updateNotifyTemplate = async (data: NotifyTemplateVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/system/notify-template/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除站内信模板
export const deleteNotifyTemplate = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: '/system/notify-template/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 发送站内信
export const sendNotify = (data: NotifySendReqVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/notify-template/send-notify', data }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface OAuth2ClientVO { |
id: number |
clientId: string |
secret: string |
name: string |
logo: string |
description: string |
status: number |
accessTokenValiditySeconds: number |
refreshTokenValiditySeconds: number |
redirectUris: string[] |
autoApprove: boolean |
authorizedGrantTypes: string[] |
scopes: string[] |
authorities: string[] |
resourceIds: string[] |
additionalInformation: string |
isAdditionalInformationJson: boolean |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询 OAuth2 客户端的列表
export const getOAuth2ClientPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询 OAuth2 客户端的详情
export const getOAuth2Client = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增 OAuth2 客户端
export const createOAuth2Client = (data: OAuth2ClientVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改 OAuth2 客户端
export const updateOAuth2Client = (data: OAuth2ClientVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除 OAuth2
export const deleteOAuth2Client = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface OAuth2TokenVO { |
id: number |
accessToken: string |
refreshToken: string |
userId: number |
userType: number |
clientId: string |
createTime: Date |
expiresTime: Date |
} |
// 查询 token列表
export const getAccessTokenPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/oauth2-token/page', params }) |
} |
// 删除 token
export const deleteAccessToken = (accessToken: string) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/oauth2-token/delete?accessToken=' + accessToken }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export type OperateLogVO = { |
id: number |
userNickname: string |
traceId: string |
userId: number |
module: string |
name: string |
type: number |
content: string |
exts: Map<String, Object> |
requestMethod: string |
requestUrl: string |
userIp: string |
userAgent: string |
javaMethod: string |
javaMethodArgs: string |
startTime: Date |
duration: number |
resultCode: number |
resultMsg: string |
resultData: string |
} |
// 查询操作日志列表
export const getOperateLogPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/operate-log/page', params }) |
} |
// 导出操作日志
export const exportOperateLog = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/system/operate-log/export', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface PermissionAssignUserRoleReqVO { |
userId: number |
roleIds: number[] |
} |
export interface PermissionAssignRoleMenuReqVO { |
roleId: number |
menuIds: number[] |
} |
export interface PermissionAssignRoleDataScopeReqVO { |
roleId: number |
dataScope: number |
dataScopeDeptIds: number[] |
} |
// 查询角色拥有的菜单权限
export const getRoleMenuList = async (roleId: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/permission/list-role-menus?roleId=' + roleId }) |
} |
// 赋予角色菜单权限
export const assignRoleMenu = async (data: PermissionAssignRoleMenuReqVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/permission/assign-role-menu', data }) |
} |
// 赋予角色数据权限
export const assignRoleDataScope = async (data: PermissionAssignRoleDataScopeReqVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/permission/assign-role-data-scope', data }) |
} |
// 查询用户拥有的角色数组
export const getUserRoleList = async (userId: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/permission/list-user-roles?userId=' + userId }) |
} |
// 赋予用户角色
export const assignUserRole = async (data: PermissionAssignUserRoleReqVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/permission/assign-user-role', data }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface PostVO { |
id?: number |
name: string |
code: string |
sort: number |
status: number |
remark: string |
createTime?: Date |
} |
// 查询岗位列表
export const getPostPage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/post/page', params }) |
} |
// 获取岗位精简信息列表
export const getSimplePostList = async (): Promise<PostVO[]> => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/post/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
// 查询岗位详情
export const getPost = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/post/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增岗位
export const createPost = async (data: PostVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/post/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改岗位
export const updatePost = async (data: PostVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/system/post/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除岗位
export const deletePost = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: '/system/post/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出岗位
export const exportPost = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: '/system/post/export', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface RoleVO { |
id: number |
name: string |
code: string |
sort: number |
status: number |
type: number |
dataScope: number |
dataScopeDeptIds: number[] |
createTime: Date |
} |
export interface UpdateStatusReqVO { |
id: number |
status: number |
} |
// 查询角色列表
export const getRolePage = async (params: PageParam) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/role/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询角色(精简)列表
export const getSimpleRoleList = async (): Promise<RoleVO[]> => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/role/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
// 查询角色详情
export const getRole = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: '/system/role/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增角色
export const createRole = async (data: RoleVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: '/system/role/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改角色
export const updateRole = async (data: RoleVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/system/role/update', data }) |
} |
// 修改角色状态
export const updateRoleStatus = async (data: UpdateStatusReqVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: '/system/role/update-status', data }) |
} |
// 删除角色
export const deleteRole = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: '/system/role/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出角色
export const exportRole = (params) => { |
return request.download({ |
url: '/system/role/export-excel', |
params |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
import qs from 'qs' |
export interface SensitiveWordVO { |
id: number |
name: string |
status: number |
description: string |
tags: string[] |
createTime: Date |
} |
export interface SensitiveWordTestReqVO { |
text: string |
tag: string[] |
} |
// 查询敏感词列表
export const getSensitiveWordPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询敏感词详情
export const getSensitiveWord = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增敏感词
export const createSensitiveWord = (data: SensitiveWordVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改敏感词
export const updateSensitiveWord = (data: SensitiveWordVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除敏感词
export const deleteSensitiveWord = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出敏感词
export const exportSensitiveWord = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/export-excel', params }) |
} |
// 获取所有敏感词的标签数组
export const getSensitiveWordTagList = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/get-tags' }) |
} |
// 获得文本所包含的不合法的敏感词数组
export const validateText = (query: SensitiveWordTestReqVO) => { |
return request.get({ |
url: '/system/sensitive-word/validate-text?' + qs.stringify(query, { arrayFormat: 'repeat' }) |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface SerialNumberVO { |
id: number |
ruleCode: string |
ruleName: string |
prefix: string |
pattern: string |
length: byte |
separator: string |
remark: string |
} |
// 查询流水号规则列表
export const getSerialNumberPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/system/serial-number/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询流水号规则详情
export const getSerialNumber = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/system/serial-number/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增流水号规则
export const createSerialNumber = async (data: SerialNumberVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/system/serial-number/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改流水号规则
export const updateSerialNumber = async (data: SerialNumberVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/system/serial-number/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除流水号规则
export const deleteSerialNumber = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/system/serial-number/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出流水号规则 Excel
export const exportSerialNumber = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/system/serial-number/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface SmsChannelVO { |
id: number |
code: string |
status: number |
signature: string |
remark: string |
apiKey: string |
apiSecret: string |
callbackUrl: string |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询短信渠道列表
export const getSmsChannelPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sms-channel/page', params }) |
} |
// 获得短信渠道精简列表
export function getSimpleSmsChannelList() { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sms-channel/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
// 查询短信渠道详情
export const getSmsChannel = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sms-channel/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增短信渠道
export const createSmsChannel = (data: SmsChannelVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/sms-channel/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改短信渠道
export const updateSmsChannel = (data: SmsChannelVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/sms-channel/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除短信渠道
export const deleteSmsChannel = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/sms-channel/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface SmsLogVO { |
id: number | null |
channelId: number | null |
channelCode: string |
templateId: number | null |
templateCode: string |
templateType: number | null |
templateContent: string |
templateParams: Map<string, object> | null |
apiTemplateId: string |
mobile: string |
userId: number | null |
userType: number | null |
sendStatus: number | null |
sendTime: Date | null |
sendCode: number | null |
sendMsg: string |
apiSendCode: string |
apiSendMsg: string |
apiRequestId: string |
apiSerialNo: string |
receiveStatus: number | null |
receiveTime: Date | null |
apiReceiveCode: string |
apiReceiveMsg: string |
createTime: Date | null |
} |
// 查询短信日志列表
export const getSmsLogPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sms-log/page', params }) |
} |
// 导出短信日志
export const exportSmsLog = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/system/sms-log/export-excel', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface SmsTemplateVO { |
id: number | null |
type: number | null |
status: number |
code: string |
name: string |
content: string |
remark: string |
apiTemplateId: string |
channelId: number | null |
channelCode?: string |
params?: string[] |
createTime?: Date |
} |
export interface SendSmsReqVO { |
mobile: string |
templateCode: string |
templateParams: Map<String, Object> |
} |
// 查询短信模板列表
export const getSmsTemplatePage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sms-template/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询短信模板详情
export const getSmsTemplate = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/sms-template/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增短信模板
export const createSmsTemplate = (data: SmsTemplateVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/sms-template/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改短信模板
export const updateSmsTemplate = (data: SmsTemplateVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/sms-template/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除短信模板
export const deleteSmsTemplate = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/sms-template/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出短信模板
export const exportSmsTemplate = (params) => { |
return request.download({ |
url: '/system/sms-template/export-excel', |
params |
}) |
} |
// 发送短信
export const sendSms = (data: SendSmsReqVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/sms-template/send-sms', data }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface TenantVO { |
id: number |
name: string |
contactName: string |
contactMobile: string |
status: number |
domain: string |
packageId: number |
username: string |
password: string |
expireTime: Date |
accountCount: number |
createTime: Date |
} |
export interface TenantPageReqVO extends PageParam { |
name?: string |
contactName?: string |
contactMobile?: string |
status?: number |
createTime?: Date[] |
} |
export interface TenantExportReqVO { |
name?: string |
contactName?: string |
contactMobile?: string |
status?: number |
createTime?: Date[] |
} |
// 查询租户列表
export const getTenantPage = (params: TenantPageReqVO) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/tenant/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询租户详情
export const getTenant = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/tenant/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增租户
export const createTenant = (data: TenantVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/tenant/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改租户
export const updateTenant = (data: TenantVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/tenant/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除租户
export const deleteTenant = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/tenant/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出租户
export const exportTenant = (params: TenantExportReqVO) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/system/tenant/export-excel', params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface TenantPackageVO { |
id: number |
name: string |
status: number |
remark: string |
creator: string |
updater: string |
updateTime: string |
menuIds: number[] |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询租户套餐列表
export const getTenantPackagePage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/tenant-package/page', params }) |
} |
// 获得租户
export const getTenantPackage = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/tenant-package/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增租户套餐
export const createTenantPackage = (data: TenantPackageVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/tenant-package/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改租户套餐
export const updateTenantPackage = (data: TenantPackageVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/tenant-package/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除租户套餐
export const deleteTenantPackage = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/tenant-package/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 获取租户套餐精简信息列表
export const getTenantPackageList = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/tenant-package/get-simple-list' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface UserVO { |
id: number |
username: string |
nickname: string |
deptId: number |
postIds: string[] |
email: string |
mobile: string |
sex: number |
avatar: string |
loginIp: string |
status: number |
remark: string |
loginDate: Date |
createTime: Date |
} |
// 查询用户管理列表
export const getUserPage = (params: PageParam) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/user/page', params }) |
} |
// 查询用户详情
export const getUser = (id: number) => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/user/get?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 新增用户
export const createUser = (data: UserVO) => { |
return request.post({ url: '/system/user/create', data }) |
} |
// 修改用户
export const updateUser = (data: UserVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/user/update', data }) |
} |
// 删除用户
export const deleteUser = (id: number) => { |
return request.delete({ url: '/system/user/delete?id=' + id }) |
} |
// 导出用户
export const exportUser = (params) => { |
return request.download({ url: '/system/user/export', params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importUserTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/system/user/get-import-template' }) |
} |
// 用户密码重置
export const resetUserPwd = (id: number, password: string) => { |
const data = { |
id, |
password |
} |
return request.put({ url: '/system/user/update-password', data: data }) |
} |
// 用户状态修改
export const updateUserStatus = (id: number, status: number) => { |
const data = { |
id, |
status |
} |
return request.put({ url: '/system/user/update-status', data: data }) |
} |
// 获取用户精简信息列表
export const getSimpleUserList = (): Promise<UserVO[]> => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/user/list-all-simple' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ProfileDept { |
id: number |
name: string |
} |
export interface ProfileRole { |
id: number |
name: string |
} |
export interface ProfilePost { |
id: number |
name: string |
} |
export interface SocialUser { |
id: number |
type: number |
openid: string |
token: string |
rawTokenInfo: string |
nickname: string |
avatar: string |
rawUserInfo: string |
code: string |
state: string |
} |
export interface ProfileVO { |
id: number |
username: string |
nickname: string |
dept: ProfileDept |
roles: ProfileRole[] |
posts: ProfilePost[] |
socialUsers: SocialUser[] |
email: string |
mobile: string |
sex: number |
avatar: string |
status: number |
remark: string |
loginIp: string |
loginDate: Date |
createTime: Date |
} |
export interface UserProfileUpdateReqVO { |
nickname: string |
email: string |
mobile: string |
sex: number |
} |
// 查询用户个人信息
export const getUserProfile = () => { |
return request.get({ url: '/system/user/profile/get' }) |
} |
// 修改用户个人信息
export const updateUserProfile = (data: UserProfileUpdateReqVO) => { |
return request.put({ url: '/system/user/profile/update', data }) |
} |
// 用户密码重置
export const updateUserPassword = (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string) => { |
return request.put({ |
url: '/system/user/profile/update-password', |
data: { |
oldPassword: oldPassword, |
newPassword: newPassword |
} |
}) |
} |
// 用户头像上传
export const uploadAvatar = (data) => { |
return request.upload({ url: '/system/user/profile/update-avatar', data: data }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
// 社交绑定,使用 code 授权码
export const socialBind = (type, code, state) => { |
return request.post({ |
url: '/system/social-user/bind', |
data: { |
type, |
code, |
state |
} |
}) |
} |
// 取消社交绑定
export const socialUnbind = (type, openid) => { |
return request.delete({ |
url: '/system/social-user/unbind', |
data: { |
type, |
openid |
} |
}) |
} |
// 社交授权的跳转
export const socialAuthRedirect = (type, redirectUri) => { |
return request.get({ |
url: '/system/auth/social-auth-redirect?type=' + type + '&redirectUri=' + redirectUri |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface AccountcalendarVO { |
year: string |
month: string |
descriiption: string |
beginTime: Date |
endTime: Date |
converttotime: Date |
available: number |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
} |
// 查询账期日历列表
export const getAccountcalendarPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/accountcalendar/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/accountcalendar/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询账期日历详情
export const getAccountcalendar = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/accountcalendar/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增账期日历
export const createAccountcalendar = async (data: AccountcalendarVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/accountcalendar/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改账期日历
export const updateAccountcalendar = async (data: AccountcalendarVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/accountcalendar/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除账期日历
export const deleteAccountcalendar = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/accountcalendar/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出账期日历 Excel
export const exportAccountcalendar = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/accountcalendar/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/accountcalendar/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface AreaVO { |
code: string |
name: string |
description: string |
warehouseCode: string |
type: string |
isFunctional: number |
available: number |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
} |
// 查询库区列表
export const getAreaPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/areabasic/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/areabasic/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询库区列表
export const getAreaList = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/areabasic/list`, params }) |
} |
// 查询库区详情
export const getArea = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/areabasic/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增库区
export const createArea = async (data: AreaVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/areabasic/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改库区
export const updateArea = async (data: AreaVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/areabasic/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除库区
export const deleteArea = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/areabasic/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出库区 Excel
export const exportArea = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/areabasic/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/areabasic/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface BackflushRequestDetailbVO { |
processCode: string |
bomVersion: string |
itemCode: string |
number: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
itemName: string |
itemDesc1: string |
itemDesc2: string |
projectCode: string |
qty: number |
uom: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
creator: string |
} |
// 查询制品收货申请子列表
export const getBackflushRequestDetailbPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/backflush-request-detailb/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询制品收货申请子详情
export const getBackflushRequestDetailb = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/backflush-request-detailb/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增制品收货申请子
export const createBackflushRequestDetailb = async (data: BackflushRequestDetailbVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/backflush-request-detailb/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改制品收货申请子
export const updateBackflushRequestDetailb = async (data: BackflushRequestDetailbVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/backflush-request-detailb/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除制品收货申请子
export const deleteBackflushRequestDetailb = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/backflush-request-detailb/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出制品收货申请子 Excel
export const exportBackflushRequestDetailb = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/backflush-request-detailb/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface BomVO { |
productItemCode: string |
componentItemCode: string |
componentUom: string |
componentQty: number |
processCode: string |
version: string |
layer: number |
available: number |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
} |
// 查询物料清单列表
export const getBomPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/bom/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/bom/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询物料清单详情
export const getBom = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/bom/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增物料清单
export const createBom = async (data: BomVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/bom/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改物料清单
export const updateBom = async (data: BomVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/bom/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除物料清单
export const deleteBom = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/bom/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出物料清单 Excel
export const exportBom = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/bom/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/bom/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface BusinesstypeVO { |
code: string |
name: string |
description: string |
itemTypes: string |
itemStatuses: string |
outLocationTypes: string |
inLocationTypes: string |
outAreaCodes: string |
inAreaCodes: string |
outInventoryStatuses: string |
inInventoryStatuses: string |
outTransactionType: string |
inTransactionType: string |
onTheWayArea: string |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
useOnTheWay: string |
available: string |
isSoftDeleted: string |
} |
// 查询业务类型列表
export const getBusinesstypePage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/businesstype/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/businesstype/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询业务类型详情
export const getBusinesstype = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/businesstype/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增业务类型
export const createBusinesstype = async (data: BusinesstypeVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/businesstype/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改业务类型
export const updateBusinesstype = async (data: BusinesstypeVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/businesstype/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除业务类型
export const deleteBusinesstype = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/businesstype/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出业务类型 Excel
export const exportBusinesstype = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/businesstype/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/businesstype/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CarrierVO { |
code: string |
name: string |
shortName: string |
address: string |
country: string |
city: string |
phone: string |
fax: string |
postId: string |
contacts: string |
bank: string |
currency: string |
taxRate: number |
type: string |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
available: string |
} |
// 查询承运商列表
export const getCarrierPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/carrier/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/carrier/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询承运商详情
export const getCarrier = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/carrier/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增承运商
export const createCarrier = async (data: CarrierVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/carrier/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改承运商
export const updateCarrier = async (data: CarrierVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/carrier/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除承运商
export const deleteCarrier = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/carrier/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出承运商 Excel
export const exportCarrier = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/carrier/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/carrier/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ConditionVO { |
strategyCode: string |
ruleCode: string |
paramCode: string |
operator: string |
value: string |
groupCode: string |
} |
// 查询条件列表
export const getConditionPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/condition/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/condition/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询条件详情
export const getCondition = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/condition/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增条件
export const createCondition = async (data: ConditionVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/condition/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改条件
export const updateCondition = async (data: ConditionVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/condition/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除条件
export const deleteCondition = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/condition/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出条件 Excel
export const exportCondition = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/condition/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/condition/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ConfigurationVO { |
strategyCode: string |
ruleCode: string |
configurationCode: string |
configurationValue: string |
description: string |
groupCode: string |
} |
// 查询配置列表
export const getConfigurationPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/configuration/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/configuration/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询配置详情
export const getConfiguration = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/configuration/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增配置
export const createConfiguration = async (data: ConfigurationVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/configuration/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改配置
export const updateConfiguration = async (data: ConfigurationVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/configuration/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除配置
export const deleteConfiguration = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/configuration/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出配置 Excel
export const exportConfiguration = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/configuration/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/configuration/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ConfigurationsettingVO { |
strategyType: string |
configurationCode: string |
configurationName: string |
dataType: string |
valueScope: string |
relatedTo: string |
description: string |
isRequired: string |
} |
// 查询配置设置列表
export const getConfigurationsettingPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/configurationsetting/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/configurationsetting/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询配置设置详情
export const getConfigurationsetting = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/configurationsetting/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增配置设置
export const createConfigurationsetting = async (data: ConfigurationsettingVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/configurationsetting/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改配置设置
export const updateConfigurationsetting = async (data: ConfigurationsettingVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/configurationsetting/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除配置设置
export const deleteConfigurationsetting = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/configurationsetting/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出配置设置 Excel
export const exportConfigurationsetting = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/configurationsetting/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/configurationsetting/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface ConsumereRequestDetailbVO { |
inventoryStatus: string |
packingNumber: string |
batch: string |
fromLocationCode: string |
number: string |
itemCode: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
creator: string |
itemName: string |
itemDesc1: string |
itemDesc2: string |
projectCode: string |
uom: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
} |
// 查询制品返修申请子列表
export const getConsumereRequestDetailbPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/consumere-request-detailb/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询制品返修申请子详情
export const getConsumereRequestDetailb = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/consumere-request-detailb/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增制品返修申请子
export const createConsumereRequestDetailb = async (data: ConsumereRequestDetailbVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/consumere-request-detailb/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改制品返修申请子
export const updateConsumereRequestDetailb = async (data: ConsumereRequestDetailbVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/consumere-request-detailb/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除制品返修申请子
export const deleteConsumereRequestDetailb = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/consumere-request-detailb/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出制品返修申请子 Excel
export const exportConsumereRequestDetailb = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/consumere-request-detailb/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CountPlanDetailVO { |
type: string |
value: string |
number: string |
itemCode: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
creator: string |
planQty: number |
uom: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
available: string |
} |
// 查询盘点计划子列表
export const getCountPlanDetailPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/count-plan-detail/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询盘点计划子详情
export const getCountPlanDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/count-plan-detail/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增盘点计划子
export const createCountPlanDetail = async (data: CountPlanDetailVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/count-plan-detail/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改盘点计划子
export const updateCountPlanDetail = async (data: CountPlanDetailVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/count-plan-detail/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除盘点计划子
export const deleteCountPlanDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/count-plan-detail/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出盘点计划子 Excel
export const exportCountPlanDetail = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/count-plan-detail/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CountPlanMainVO { |
type: string |
crontab: string |
dimension: string |
limitedValue: number |
ignoreListOfItem: string |
ignoreListOfLocation: string |
scopeList: string |
number: string |
businessType: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
creator: string |
beginTime: Date |
endTime: Date |
status: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
isSnapshot: string |
isFreeze: string |
isCountEmptyLocation: string |
isCountZeroInventory: string |
isCountNegativeInventory: string |
isOpenCount: string |
available: string |
} |
// 查询盘点计划主列表
export const getCountPlanMainPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/count-plan-main/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询盘点计划主详情
export const getCountPlanMain = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/count-plan-main/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增盘点计划主
export const createCountPlanMain = async (data: CountPlanMainVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/count-plan-main/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改盘点计划主
export const updateCountPlanMain = async (data: CountPlanMainVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/count-plan-main/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除盘点计划主
export const deleteCountPlanMain = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/count-plan-main/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出盘点计划主 Excel
export const exportCountPlanMain = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/count-plan-main/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CountRequestDetailVO { |
countDetailNumber: string |
ownerCode: string |
batch: string |
locationCode: string |
inventoryStatus: string |
number: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
creator: string |
itemName: string |
itemDesc1: string |
itemDesc2: string |
projectCode: string |
qty: number |
uom: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
itemCode: string |
fromPackingNumber: string |
toPackingNumber: string |
fromContainerNumber: string |
toContainerNumber: string |
} |
// 查询盘点申请子列表
export const getCountRequestDetailPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/count-request-detail/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询盘点申请子详情
export const getCountRequestDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/count-request-detail/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增盘点申请子
export const createCountRequestDetail = async (data: CountRequestDetailVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/count-request-detail/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改盘点申请子
export const updateCountRequestDetail = async (data: CountRequestDetailVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/count-request-detail/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除盘点申请子
export const deleteCountRequestDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/count-request-detail/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出盘点申请子 Excel
export const exportCountRequestDetail = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/count-request-detail/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CountRequestMainVO { |
requestNumber: string |
planNumber: string |
stage: string |
warehouseCode: string |
number: string |
businessType: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
creator: string |
requestTime: Date |
dueTime: Date |
departmentCode: string |
status: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
autoCommit: string |
autoAgree: string |
autoExecute: string |
directCreateRecord: string |
} |
// 查询盘点申请主列表
export const getCountRequestMainPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/count-request-main/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询盘点申请主详情
export const getCountRequestMain = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/count-request-main/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增盘点申请主
export const createCountRequestMain = async (data: CountRequestMainVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/count-request-main/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改盘点申请主
export const updateCountRequestMain = async (data: CountRequestMainVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/count-request-main/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除盘点申请主
export const deleteCountRequestMain = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/count-request-main/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出盘点申请主 Excel
export const exportCountRequestMain = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/count-request-main/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CountadjustRequestDetailVO { |
countDetailNumber: string |
ownerlCode: string |
packinglNumber: string |
containerlNumber: string |
batch: string |
locationlCode: string |
inventorylStatus: string |
inventorylQty: number |
countlQty: number |
adjustlQty: number |
number: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
creator: string |
itemlName: string |
itemlDesc1: string |
itemlDesc2: string |
projectlCode: string |
qty: number |
uom: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
itemlCode: string |
} |
// 查询盘点调整申请子列表
export const getCountadjustRequestDetailPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-detail/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询盘点调整申请子详情
export const getCountadjustRequestDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-detail/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增盘点调整申请子
export const createCountadjustRequestDetail = async (data: CountadjustRequestDetailVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-detail/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改盘点调整申请子
export const updateCountadjustRequestDetail = async (data: CountadjustRequestDetailVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-detail/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除盘点调整申请子
export const deleteCountadjustRequestDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-detail/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出盘点调整申请子 Excel
export const exportCountadjustRequestDetail = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-detail/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CountadjustRequestMainVO { |
requestNumber: string |
countRecordNumber: string |
warehouseCode: string |
number: string |
businessType: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
creator: string |
requestTime: Date |
dueTime: Date |
departmentCode: string |
status: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
autoCommit: string |
autoAgree: string |
autoExecute: string |
directCreateRecord: string |
} |
// 查询盘点调整申请主列表
export const getCountadjustRequestMainPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-main/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询盘点调整申请主详情
export const getCountadjustRequestMain = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-main/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增盘点调整申请主
export const createCountadjustRequestMain = async (data: CountadjustRequestMainVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-main/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改盘点调整申请主
export const updateCountadjustRequestMain = async (data: CountadjustRequestMainVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-main/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除盘点调整申请主
export const deleteCountadjustRequestMain = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-main/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出盘点调整申请主 Excel
export const exportCountadjustRequestMain = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/countadjust-request-main/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CurrencyexchangeVO { |
currency: string |
basiccurrency: string |
rate: number |
available: number |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
} |
// 查询货币转换列表
export const getCurrencyexchangePage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/currencyexchange/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/currencyexchange/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询货币转换详情
export const getCurrencyexchange = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/currencyexchange/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增货币转换
export const createCurrencyexchange = async (data: CurrencyexchangeVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/currencyexchange/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改货币转换
export const updateCurrencyexchange = async (data: CurrencyexchangeVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/currencyexchange/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除货币转换
export const deleteCurrencyexchange = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/currencyexchange/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出货币转换 Excel
export const exportCurrencyexchange = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/currencyexchange/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/currencyexchange/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CustomerVO { |
code: string |
name: string |
shortName: string |
address: string |
country: string |
city: string |
phone: string |
fax: string |
postId: string |
contacts: string |
bank: string |
currency: string |
taxRate: number |
type: string |
available: number |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
} |
// 查询客户列表
export const getCustomerPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/customer/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customer/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询客户列表
export const getCustomerList = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customer/list`, params }) |
} |
// 查询客户详情
export const getCustomer = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customer/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增客户
export const createCustomer = async (data: CustomerVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/customer/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改客户
export const updateCustomer = async (data: CustomerVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/customer/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除客户
export const deleteCustomer = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/customer/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出客户 Excel
export const exportCustomer = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/customer/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/customer/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CustomerdockVO { |
code: string |
name: string |
description: string |
city: string |
address: string |
contactPerson: string |
contactPhone: string |
customerCode: string |
warehouseCode: string |
defaultLocationCode: string |
available: number |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
} |
// 查询客户月台列表
export const getCustomerdockPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/customerdock/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customerdock/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询客户月台详情
export const getCustomerdock = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customerdock/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增客户月台
export const createCustomerdock = async (data: CustomerdockVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/customerdock/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改客户月台
export const updateCustomerdock = async (data: CustomerdockVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/customerdock/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除客户月台
export const deleteCustomerdock = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/customerdock/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出客户月台 Excel
export const exportCustomerdock = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/customerdock/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/customerdock/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CustomeritemVO { |
customerCode: string |
itemCode: string |
customerItemCode: string |
cusotmerUom: string |
convertRate: number |
packUnit: string |
packQty: number |
altPackUnit: string |
altPackQty: number |
packQtyOfContainer: number |
available: number |
activeTime: Date |
expireTime: Date |
remark: string |
} |
// 查询客户物品列表
export const getCustomeritemPage = async (params) => { |
if (params.isSearch) { |
delete params.isSearch |
const data = {...params} |
return request.post({ url: '/wms/customeritem/senior', data }) |
} else { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customeritem/page`, params }) |
} |
} |
// 查询客户物品详情
export const getCustomeritem = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customeritem/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增客户物品
export const createCustomeritem = async (data: CustomeritemVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/customeritem/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改客户物品
export const updateCustomeritem = async (data: CustomeritemVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/customeritem/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除客户物品
export const deleteCustomeritem = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/customeritem/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出客户物品 Excel
export const exportCustomeritem = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/customeritem/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importTemplate = () => { |
return request.download({ url: '/wms/customeritem/get-import-template' }) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
import request from '@/config/axios' |
export interface CustomerreceiptRequestDetailVO { |
soNumber: string |
soLine: string |
packingNumber: string |
containerNumber: string |
batch: string |
inventoryStatus: string |
fromLocationCode: string |
toLocationCode: string |
number: string |
itemCode: string |
remark: string |
createTime: Date |
creator: string |
itemName: string |
itemDesc1: string |
itemDesc2: string |
projectCode: string |
qty: number |
uom: string |
updateTime: Date |
updater: string |
fromOwnerCode: string |
toOwnerCode: string |
} |
// 查询客户收货申请子列表
export const getCustomerreceiptRequestDetailPage = async (params) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customerreceipt-request-detail/page`, params }) |
} |
// 查询客户收货申请子详情
export const getCustomerreceiptRequestDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.get({ url: `/wms/customerreceipt-request-detail/get?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 新增客户收货申请子
export const createCustomerreceiptRequestDetail = async (data: CustomerreceiptRequestDetailVO) => { |
return await request.post({ url: `/wms/customerreceipt-request-detail/create`, data }) |
} |
// 修改客户收货申请子
export const updateCustomerreceiptRequestDetail = async (data: CustomerreceiptRequestDetailVO) => { |
return await request.put({ url: `/wms/customerreceipt-request-detail/update`, data }) |
} |
// 删除客户收货申请子
export const deleteCustomerreceiptRequestDetail = async (id: number) => { |
return await request.delete({ url: `/wms/customerreceipt-request-detail/delete?id=` + id }) |
} |
// 导出客户收货申请子 Excel
export const exportCustomerreceiptRequestDetail = async (params) => { |
return await request.download({ url: `/wms/customerreceipt-request-detail/export-excel`, params }) |
} |
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