You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

6516 lines
215 KiB

Public Domain.
This code should be minified before deployment.
This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify
and parse.
JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space)
value any JavaScript value, usually an object or array.
replacer an optional parameter that determines how object
values are stringified for objects. It can be a
function or an array of strings.
space an optional parameter that specifies the indentation
of nested structures. If it is omitted, the text will
be packed without extra whitespace. If it is a number,
it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each
level. If it is a string (such as '\t' or ' '),
it contains the characters used to indent at each level.
This method produces a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
When an object value is found, if the object contains a toJSON
method, its toJSON method will be called and the result will be
stringified. A toJSON method does not serialize: it returns the
value represented by the name/value pair that should be serialized,
or undefined if nothing should be serialized. The toJSON method
will be passed the key associated with the value, and this will be
bound to the value
For example, this would serialize Dates as ISO strings.
Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z';
You can provide an optional replacer method. It will be passed the
key and value of each member, with this bound to the containing
object. The value that is returned from your method will be
serialized. If your method returns undefined, then the member will
be excluded from the serialization.
If the replacer parameter is an array of strings, then it will be
used to select the members to be serialized. It filters the results
such that only members with keys listed in the replacer array are
Values that do not have JSON representations, such as undefined or
functions, will not be serialized. Such values in objects will be
dropped; in arrays they will be replaced with null. You can use
a replacer function to replace those with JSON values.
JSON.stringify(undefined) returns undefined.
The optional space parameter produces a stringification of the
value that is filled with line breaks and indentation to make it
easier to read.
If the space parameter is a non-empty string, then that string will
be used for indentation. If the space parameter is a number, then
the indentation will be that many spaces.
text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}]);
// text is '["e",{"pluribus":"unum"}]'
text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}], null, '\t');
// text is '[\n\t"e",\n\t{\n\t\t"pluribus": "unum"\n\t}\n]'
text = JSON.stringify([new Date()], function (key, value) {
return this[key] instanceof Date ?
'Date(' + this[key] + ')' : value;
// text is '["Date(---current time---)"]'
JSON.parse(text, reviver)
This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or array.
It can throw a SyntaxError exception.
The optional reviver parameter is a function that can filter and
transform the results. It receives each of the keys and values,
and its return value is used instead of the original value.
If it returns what it received, then the structure is not modified.
If it returns undefined then the member is deleted.
// Parse the text. Values that look like ISO date strings will
// be converted to Date objects.
myData = JSON.parse(text, function (key, value) {
var a;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
a =
if (a) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(+a[1], +a[2] - 1, +a[3], +a[4],
+a[5], +a[6]));
return value;
myData = JSON.parse('["Date(09/09/2001)"]', function (key, value) {
var d;
if (typeof value === 'string' &&
value.slice(0, 5) === 'Date(' &&
value.slice(-1) === ')') {
d = new Date(value.slice(5, -1));
if (d) {
return d;
return value;
This is a reference implementation. You are free to copy, modify, or
/*jslint evil: true, strict: false, regexp: false */
/*members "", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\f", "\r", "\"", JSON, "\\", apply,
call, charCodeAt, getUTCDate, getUTCFullYear, getUTCHours,
getUTCMinutes, getUTCMonth, getUTCSeconds, hasOwnProperty, join,
lastIndex, length, parse, prototype, push, replace, slice, stringify,
test, toJSON, toString, valueOf
// Create a JSON object only if one does not already exist. We create the
// methods in a closure to avoid creating global variables.
var JSON;
if (!JSON) {
JSON = {};
(function () {
"use strict";
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== 'function') {
Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ?
this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z' : null;
String.prototype.toJSON =
Number.prototype.toJSON =
Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
return this.valueOf();
var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
meta = { // table of character substitutions
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
function quote(string) {
// If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
// backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it.
// Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape
// sequences.
escapable.lastIndex = 0;
return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) {
var c = meta[a];
return typeof c === 'string' ? c :
'\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
}) + '"' : '"' + string + '"';
function str(key, holder) {
// Produce a string from holder[key].
var i, // The loop counter.
k, // The member key.
v, // The member value.
mind = gap,
value = holder[key];
// If the value has a toJSON method, call it to obtain a replacement value.
if (value && typeof value === 'object' &&
typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
value = value.toJSON(key);
// If we were called with a replacer function, then call the replacer to
// obtain a replacement value.
if (typeof rep === 'function') {
value =, key, value);
// What happens next depends on the value's type.
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return quote(value);
case 'number':
// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
case 'boolean':
case 'null':
// If the value is a boolean or null, convert it to a string. Note:
// typeof null does not produce 'null'. The case is included here in
// the remote chance that this gets fixed someday.
return String(value);
// If the type is 'object', we might be dealing with an object or an array or
// null.
case 'object':
// Due to a specification blunder in ECMAScript, typeof null is 'object',
// so watch out for that case.
if (!value) {
return 'null';
// Make an array to hold the partial results of stringifying this object value.
gap += indent;
partial = [];
// Is the value an array?
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
// The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder
// for non-JSON values.
length = value.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
// Join all of the elements together, separated with commas, and wrap them in
// brackets.
v = partial.length === 0 ? '[]' : gap ?
'[\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + ']' :
'[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
gap = mind;
return v;
// If the replacer is an array, use it to select the members to be stringified.
if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
length = rep.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
if (typeof rep[i] === 'string') {
k = rep[i];
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
} else {
// Otherwise, iterate through all of the keys in the object.
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
// Join all of the member texts together, separated with commas,
// and wrap them in braces.
v = partial.length === 0 ? '{}' : gap ?
'{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + '}' :
'{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
gap = mind;
return v;
// If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one.
if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') {
JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) {
// The stringify method takes a value and an optional replacer, and an optional
// space parameter, and returns a JSON text. The replacer can be a function
// that can replace values, or an array of strings that will select the keys.
// A default replacer method can be provided. Use of the space parameter can
// produce text that is more easily readable.
var i;
gap = '';
indent = '';
// If the space parameter is a number, make an indent string containing that
// many spaces.
if (typeof space === 'number') {
for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
indent += ' ';
// If the space parameter is a string, it will be used as the indent string.
} else if (typeof space === 'string') {
indent = space;
// If there is a replacer, it must be a function or an array.
// Otherwise, throw an error.
rep = replacer;
if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' &&
(typeof replacer !== 'object' ||
typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
throw new Error('JSON.stringify');
// Make a fake root object containing our value under the key of ''.
// Return the result of stringifying the value.
return str('', {'': value});
// If the JSON object does not yet have a parse method, give it one.
if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') {
JSON.parse = function (text, reviver) {
// The parse method takes a text and an optional reviver function, and returns
// a JavaScript value if the text is a valid JSON text.
var j;
function walk(holder, key) {
// The walk method is used to recursively walk the resulting structure so
// that modifications can be made.
var k, v, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = walk(value, k);
if (v !== undefined) {
value[k] = v;
} else {
delete value[k];
return, key, value);
// Parsing happens in four stages. In the first stage, we replace certain
// Unicode characters with escape sequences. JavaScript handles many characters
// incorrectly, either silently deleting them, or treating them as line endings.
text = String(text);
cx.lastIndex = 0;
if (cx.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
return '\\u' +
('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
// In the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look
// for non-JSON patterns. We are especially concerned with '()' and 'new'
// because they can cause invocation, and '=' because it can cause mutation.
// But just to be safe, we want to reject all unexpected forms.
// We split the second stage into 4 regexp operations in order to work around
// crippling inefficiencies in IE's and Safari's regexp engines. First we
// replace the JSON backslash pairs with '@' (a non-JSON character). Second, we
// replace all simple value tokens with ']' characters. Third, we delete all
// open brackets that follow a colon or comma or that begin the text. Finally,
// we look to see that the remaining characters are only whitespace or ']' or
// ',' or ':' or '{' or '}'. If that is so, then the text is safe for eval.
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/
.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@')
.replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']')
.replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
// In the third stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a
// JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity
// in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text
// in parens to eliminate the ambiguity.
j = eval('(' + text + ')');
// In the optional fourth stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing
// each name/value pair to a reviver function for possible transformation.
return typeof reviver === 'function' ?
walk({'': j}, '') : j;
// If the text is not JSON parseable, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');
* Base64 encode / decode
var Base64 = {
// private property
_keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
// public method for encoding
encode: function(input) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
input = Base64._utf8_encode(input);
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output +
this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4);
return output;
// public method for decoding
decode: function(input) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
output = Base64._utf8_decode(output);
return output;
// private method for UTF-8 encoding
_utf8_encode: function(string) {
string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
var utftext = "";
for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
else {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
return utftext;
// private method for UTF-8 decoding
_utf8_decode: function(utftext) {
var string = "";
var i = 0;
var c = c1 = c2 = 0;
while (i < utftext.length) {
c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
if (c < 128) {
string += String.fromCharCode(c);
else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
i += 2;
else {
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2);
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
i += 3;
return string;
// FineUI应用程序域
var F = function (cmpName) {
return Ext.getCmp(cmpName);
// 标识这个页面是由 FineUI 创建的
F.fineui = '6.0.2'; = function (target) {
return F.util.getTargetWindow(target);
F.alert = function () {
F.util.alert.apply(window, arguments);
F.f_init = function () {
F.util.init.apply(window, arguments);
F.load = function () {
F.util.load.apply(window, arguments);
F.ready = function () {
F.util.ready.apply(window, arguments);
F.ajaxReady = function () {
F.util.ajaxReady.apply(window, arguments);
F.beforeAjax = function () {
F.util.beforeAjax.apply(window, arguments);
F.beforeAjaxSuccess = function () {
F.util.beforeAjaxSuccess.apply(window, arguments);
F.stop = function () {
var event = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0] || window.event;
F.confirm = function () {
F.util.confirm.apply(null, arguments);
F.toggle = function (el, className) {
F.fieldValue = function (cmp) {
return F.util.getFormFieldValue(cmp);
F.getHidden = function () {
return F.util.getHiddenFieldValue.apply(window, arguments);
F.setHidden = function () {
return F.util.setHiddenFieldValue.apply(window, arguments);
F.addCSS = function () {
F.util.addCSS.apply(window, arguments);
F.initTreeTabStrip = function () {
F.util.initTreeTabStrip.apply(window, arguments);
F.addMainTab = function () {
F.util.addMainTab.apply(window, arguments);
F.getActiveWindow = function () {
return F.wnd.getActiveWindow.apply(window, arguments);
F.isEOBJ = function (value) {
return F.util.isObjectEmpty(value);
F.defer = function (fn, miliseconds, scope) {
if (scope) {
return window.setTimeout(function () {
}, miliseconds);
} else {
return window.setTimeout(fn, miliseconds);
// 创建客户端控件,标识这是一个FineUI服务器端创建的控件
F.ui = F.create = function () {
var cmp = Ext.create.apply(window, arguments);
// 是个UI组件(排除
if (cmp instanceof Ext.Component) {
cmp.fineui = true;
return cmp;
// 记录最后一个控件的序号
F.f_objectIndex = 0;
// 为了兼容保留函数签名:F.customEvent
F.f_customEvent = F.customEvent = function (argument, validate) {
//var pmv = F.f_pagemanager.validate;
//if (validate && pmv) {
// if (!F.util.validForms(pmv.forms,, pmv.messagebox)) {
// return false;
// }
//__doPostBack(, argument);
var enableAjax;
if (typeof (argument) === 'boolean') {
enableAjax = argument;
argument = validate;
validate = arguments[2];
var pmv = F.f_pagemanager.validate;
if (validate && pmv) {
if (!F.util.validateForms(pmv.forms,, pmv.messagebox)) {
return false;
if (typeof (enableAjax) === 'boolean') {
__doPostBack(enableAjax,, argument);
} else {
__doPostBack(, argument);
// 更新EventValidation的值
F.f_eventValidation = function (newValue) {
F.setHidden("__EVENTVALIDATION", newValue);
F.f_state = function (cmp, state, statev) {
F.util.setFState(cmp, state, statev);
// 为了兼容保留函数签名:F.enable
F.f_enable = F.enable = function (id) {
// 为了兼容保留函数签名:F.disable
F.f_disable = F.disable = function (id) {
// 更新ViewState的值
F.f_viewState = function (viewStateBeforeAJAX, newValue, startIndex) {
var viewStateHiddenFiledId = '__VIEWSTATE';
var oldValue = F.getHidden(viewStateHiddenFiledId);
var viewStateChanged = false;
if (oldValue !== viewStateBeforeAJAX) {
viewStateChanged = true;
if (typeof (newValue) === 'undefined') {
// AJAX过程中ViewState值没变化
if (viewStateChanged) {
F.setHidden(viewStateHiddenFiledId, viewStateBeforeAJAX);
} else {
// AJAX过程中ViewState值有变化
if (typeof (startIndex) === 'number' && startIndex > 0) {
// 只返回startIndex之后的内容
if (viewStateChanged) {
// 无法处理!
return false;
} else {
F.setHidden(viewStateHiddenFiledId, oldValue.substr(0, startIndex) + newValue);
} else {
// 返回完整的ViewState
F.setHidden(viewStateHiddenFiledId, newValue);
// 更新成功!
return true;
// cookie('theme');
// cookie('theme', 'gray');
// cookie('theme', 'gray', { 'expires': 3 });
// expires: 天
// 新增 或者 修改Cookie
F.cookie = function (key, value, options) {
if (typeof (value) === 'undefined') {
var cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split('; ') : [];
var result = key ? '' : {};
Ext.Array.each(cookies, function (cookie, index) {
var parts = cookie.split('=');
var partName = decodeURIComponent(Ext.String.trim(parts[0]));
var partValue = decodeURIComponent(Ext.String.trim(parts[1]));
if (key) {
if (key === partName) {
result = partValue;
return false;
} else {
result[partName] = partValue;
return result;
} else {
// Set cookie
options = Ext.apply(options || {}, {
path: '/'
var expTime;
if (typeof (options.expires) === 'number') {
expTime = new Date();
expTime.setTime(expTime.getTime() + options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
document.cookie = [
encodeURIComponent(key), '=', encodeURIComponent(value),
options.expires ? '; expires=' + expTime.toUTCString() : '',
options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '',
options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', ? '; secure' : ''
// 删除Cookie
F.removeCookie = function (key, options) {
options = Ext.apply(options || {}, {
path: '/',
'expires': -1
F.cookie(key, '', options);
// 能否访问 iframe 中的 window.F 对象
F.canAccess = function (iframeWnd) {
// 访问 iframeWnd.F 时,可能出现错误 Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
// Blocked:这个问题出现在 页面加载一个 的 iframe 页面
try {
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (!iframeWnd.F || !iframeWnd.window) {
return false;
return true;
Ext.onReady(function () {
// 加延迟,以保证在 zh_CN 中通过 Ext.onReady 注册的脚本先执行(其中对 Ext.Date 进行了初始化)
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
(function () {
// 遍历定义了 renderTo 属性的对象
// callback: 'return false' to prevent loop continue
function resolveRenderToObj(callback) {
Ext.ComponentManager.each(function (key, cmp) {
if (cmp.isXType && cmp.renderTo) {
var result = callback.apply(cmp, [cmp]);
if (result === false) {
return false; // break
function isUND(value) {
return typeof (value) === 'undefined' || value === null;
// 能否访问 iframe 中的 window.F 对象
function canIFrameWindowAccessed(iframeWnd) {
// 访问 iframeWnd.F 时,可能出现错误 Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
// Blocked:这个问题出现在 页面加载一个 的 iframe 页面
try {
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (!iframeWnd.F) {
return false;
return true;
// FineUI常用函数域(Utility)
F.util = {
alertTitle: "Alert Dialog",
confirmTitle: "Confirm Dialog",
//formAlertMsg: "Please provide valid value for {0}!",
formAlertTitle: "Form Invalid",
loading: "Loading...",
// 下拉列表的模板
ddlTPL: '<tpl for="."><div class="x-boundlist-item<tpl if="!enabled"> x-boundlist-item-disabled</tpl>">{prefix}{text}</div></tpl>',
// 初始化
init: function (options) { // msgTarget, labelWidth, labelSeparator, blankImageUrl, enableAjaxLoading, ajaxLoadingType, enableAjax, themeName, formChangeConfirm) {
Ext.apply(F, options, {
language: 'zh_CN',
msgTarget: 'side',
labelWidth: 100,
labelSeparator: ':',
//blankImageUrl: '',
enableAjaxLoading: true,
ajaxLoadingType: 'default',
enableAjax: true,
theme: 'neptune',
formChangeConfirm: false,
ajaxTimeout: 120,
fstateValidation: false
// Ext.QuickTips.init(true); 在原生的IE7(非IE8下的IE7模式)会有问题
// 表现为iframe中的页面出现滚动条时,页面上的所有按钮都不能点击了。
// 测试例子在:aspnet/test.aspx
//F.global_enable_ajax = F.enableAjax;
//F.global_enable_ajax_loading = F.enableAjaxLoading;
//F.global_ajax_loading_type = F.ajaxLoadingType;
// 添加Ajax Loading提示节点
F.ajaxLoadingDefault = Ext.get(F.util.appendLoadingNode());
F.ajaxLoadingMask = Ext.create('Ext.LoadMask', Ext.getBody(), {
hidden: true,
msg: F.util.loading
//F.form_upload_file = false;
//F.global_disable_ajax = false;
//F.x_window_manager = new Ext.WindowManager();
//F.x_window_manager.zseed = 6000;
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_CHANGED', 'false');
document.forms[0].autocomplete = 'off';
Ext.Ajax.setTimeout(F.ajaxTimeout * 1000);
// 向document.body添加主题类
if (F.theme) {
Ext.getBody().addCls('f-theme-' + F.theme);
if (Ext.form.field) {
var fieldPro = Ext.form.field.Base.prototype;
fieldPro.msgTarget = F.msgTarget;
fieldPro.labelWidth = F.labelWidth;
fieldPro.labelSeparator = F.labelSeparator;
fieldPro.autoFitErrors = true;
if (Ext.form.CheckboxGroup) {
var checkboxgroupPro = Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.prototype;
checkboxgroupPro.msgTarget = F.msgTarget;
checkboxgroupPro.labelWidth = F.labelWidth;
checkboxgroupPro.labelSeparator = F.labelSeparator;
checkboxgroupPro.autoFitErrors = true;
F.beforeunloadCheck = true;
// 启用表单改变确认对话框
if (F.formChangeConfirm) {
// 下面这个方法在 Chrome、 Firefox下无效
//Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'beforeunload', function (event) {
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
// 允许关闭页面前提示,并且表单改变
if (F.beforeunloadCheck && F.util.formChanged()) {
return F.wnd.formChangeConfirmMsg;
//if (enableBigFont) {
// Ext.getBody().addCls('bigfont');
if (Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7) {
Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = F.blankImageUrl;
// Submit
F.ready(function () {
if (F.submitbutton) {
Ext.ComponentManager.each(function (key, cmp) {
if (cmp.isXType && cmp.renderTo) {
if (cmp.isXType('tooltip')) {
return true; // continue
if (cmp.isXType('panel') || cmp.isXType('formviewport')) {
// 为了防止【页面中只有一个input[type=text],则回车会提交表单】的问题,现在页面上创建一个input[type=text]的空元素
//F.util.appendFormNode('<input type="text" class="f-input-text-hidden">');
Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(document.forms[0], '<input type="text" class="f-input-text-hidden">');
_readyList: [],
_ajaxReadyList: [],
_beforeAjaxList: [],
_beforeAjaxSuccessList: [],
_loadList: [],
ready: function (callback) {
triggerReady: function () {
Ext.Array.each(F.util._readyList, function (item, index) {
ajaxReady: function (callback) {
triggerAjaxReady: function () {
Ext.Array.each(F.util._ajaxReadyList, function (item, index) {
beforeAjax: function (callback) {
triggerBeforeAjax: function () {
var result = true, args = arguments;
Ext.Array.each(F.util._beforeAjaxList, function (item, index) {
if (item.apply(window, args) === false) {
result = false;
return result;
beforeAjaxSuccess: function (callback) {
triggerBeforeAjaxSuccess: function () {
var result = true, args = arguments;
Ext.Array.each(F.util._beforeAjaxSuccessList, function (item, index) {
if (item.apply(window, args) === false) {
result = false;
return result;
load: function (callback) {
triggerLoad: function () {
Ext.Array.each(F.util._loadList, function (item, index) {
setFState: function (cmp, state, statev) {
if (!cmp) {
// 如果不存在,则初始化为空对象
if (!cmp['f_state']) {
cmp['f_state'] = {};
var oldValue, newValue, el;
// 如果state中包含CssClass,也就是在服务器端修改了CssClass属性,则需要首先删除原来的CssClass属性。
if (typeof (state['CssClass']) !== 'undefined') {
newValue = state['CssClass'];
oldValue = cmp['f_state']['CssClass'];
if (!oldValue) {
oldValue = cmp.initialConfig.cls;
el = cmp.el;
//if (typeof (state['FormItemClass']) !== 'undefined') {
// newValue = state['FormItemClass'];
// oldValue = cmp['f_state']['FormItemClass'];
// if (!oldValue) {
// oldValue = cmp.initialConfig.itemCls;
// }
// // Search for max 10 depth.
// el = cmp.el.findParent('.x-form-item', 10, true);
// el.removeCls(oldValue);
// el.addCls(newValue);
// 注意:f_state是更新属性(可能只更新其中一个属性),而非覆盖属性
Ext.apply(cmp['f_state'], state);
if (F.fstateValidation && statev) {
// 注意:f_state_v是覆盖
cmp.f_state_v = statev;
stopEventPropagation: function (event) {
event = event || window.event;
if (typeof (event.cancelBubble) === 'boolean') {
event.cancelBubble = true;
} else {
// 绑定函数的上下文
bind: function (fn, scope) {
return function () {
return fn.apply(scope, arguments);
// 在页面上查找id为findId的节点,替换成replaceHtml
replace: function (findId, replaceHtml) {
// 在findId外面添加一个DIV层,然后更新此wrapper的InnerHTML
var findedControl = Ext.get(findId);
if (findedControl) {
var wrapper = findedControl.wrap().update(replaceHtml);
// 将新增的节点移到wrapper上面
// 然后删除wrapper
// 隐藏PageLoading节点
hidePageLoading: function () {
if (fadeOut) {
Ext.get("loading-mask").fadeOut({ remove: true });
else {
// 去掉字符串中的html标签
stripHtmlTags: function (str) {
return str.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
// 向页面添加Loading...节点
appendLoadingNode: function () {
return F.util.appendFormNode({ tag: 'div', id: 'f_ajax_loading', cls: 'f-ajax-loading', html: F.util.loading });
// 向页面的 form 节点最后添加新的节点
appendFormNode: function (htmlOrObj) {
return Ext.DomHelper.append(document.forms[0], htmlOrObj);
// 向页面添加一个隐藏字段,如果已经存在则更新值
setHiddenFieldValue: function (fieldId, fieldValue) {
var itemNode = Ext.get(fieldId);
if (!itemNode) {
// Ext.DomHelper.append 有问题,例如下面这个例子得到的结果是错的;变通一下,先插入节点,在设置节点的值。
// Ext.DomHelper.append(document.forms[0], { tag: "input", type: "hidden", value: '{"X_Items":[["Value1","可选项1",1],["Value2","可选项2(不可选择)",0],["Value3","可选项3(不可选择)",0],["Value4","可选项4",1],["Value5","可选项5",1],["Value6","可选项6",1],["Value7","可选择项7",1],["Value8","可选择项8",1],["Value9","可选择项9",1]],"SelectedValue":"Value1"}'});
// 上面的这个字符串,在IETest的IE8模式下会变成:
// {"DropDownList1":{"X_Items":[["Value1","\u9009\u9879 1",1],["Value2","\u9009\u9879 2\uff08\u4e0d\u53ef\u9009\u62e9\uff09",0],["Value3","\u9009\u9879 3\uff08\u4e0d\u53ef\u9009\u62e9\uff09",0],["Value4","\u9009\u9879 4",1],["Value5","\u9009\u9879 5",1],["Value6","\u9009\u9879 6",1],["Value7","\u9009\u9879 7",1],["Value8","\u9009\u9879 8",1],["Value9","\u9009\u9879 9",1]],"SelectedValue":"Value1"}}
F.util.appendFormNode({ tag: "input", type: "hidden", id: fieldId, name: fieldId });
Ext.get(fieldId).dom.value = fieldValue;
else {
itemNode.dom.value = fieldValue;
// 从表单中删除隐藏字段
removeHiddenField: function (fieldId) {
var itemNode = Ext.get(fieldId);
if (itemNode) {
// 获取页面中一个隐藏字段的值
getHiddenFieldValue: function (fieldId) {
var itemNode = Ext.get(fieldId);
if (itemNode) {
return itemNode.getValue();
return null;
// 禁用提交按钮(在回发之前禁用以防止重复提交)
disableSubmitControl: function (controlClientID) {
// extjs v6.0需要,如果禁用按钮,则会查找页面上第一个可以获取焦点的元素,并使其获得焦点(对于面板而言,就是右上角的折叠按钮)
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_TARGET', controlClientID);
// 启用提交按钮(在回发之后启用提交按钮)
enableSubmitControl: function (controlClientID) {
// extjs v6.0需要,启用按钮并不会使其获取焦点,必须手工调用
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_TARGET', '');
// 更新ViewState的值
updateViewState: function (newValue, startIndex, gzipped) {
if (typeof (startIndex) === 'boolean') {
gzipped = startIndex;
startIndex = -1;
var viewStateHiddenFiledID = "__VIEWSTATE";
if (gzipped) {
viewStateHiddenFiledID = "__VIEWSTATE_GZ";
var oldValue = F.util.getHiddenFieldValue(viewStateHiddenFiledID);
if (Ext.type(startIndex) == "number" && startIndex > 0) {
if (startIndex < oldValue.length) {
oldValue = oldValue.substr(0, startIndex);
} else {
// Added on 2011-5-2, this is a horrible mistake.
oldValue = '';
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue(viewStateHiddenFiledID, oldValue + newValue);
// 更新EventValidation的值
updateEventValidation: function (newValue) {
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue("__EVENTVALIDATION", newValue);
// 设置页面状态是否改变
setPageStateChanged: function (changed) {
var pageState = Ext.get("F_CHANGED");
if (pageState) {
pageState.dom.value = changed;
// 页面状态是否改变
isPageStateChanged: function () {
var pageState = Ext.get("F_CHANGED");
if (pageState && pageState.getValue() == "true") {
return true;
return false;
// 阻止页面关闭(页面中iframe内的表单已改变,或者页面中iframe定义了beforeunload)
preventPageClose: function (el) {
var me = this;
// 是否阻止关闭
var preventClose = false;
var iframeEls;
if (el) {
iframeEls ='iframe');
} else {
iframeEls ='iframe');
iframeEls.each(function (iframeEl) {
var iframeWnd = iframeEl.dom.contentWindow;
if (!F.canAccess(iframeWnd)) {
return true; // continue
if (iframeWnd && iframeWnd.F) {
var iframeF = iframeWnd.F;
// 启用表单改变确认对话框 并且 表单已改变
if (iframeF.formChangeConfirm && iframeF.util.formChanged()) {
// 阻止关闭当前面板
if (!window.confirm(F.wnd.formChangeConfirmMsg)) {
preventClose = true;
return false; // break
} else {
// 没有阻止,不要在触发 $(window).beforeunload 事件了
iframeF.beforeunloadCheck = false;
// 是否自定义了 beforeunload 事件
var beforeunloadCallbacks = iframeF.util._fjs_getEvent('beforeunload');
if (beforeunloadCallbacks) {
for (var i = 0, count = beforeunloadCallbacks.length; i < count; i++) {
var beforeunloadCallback = beforeunloadCallbacks[i];
var confirmMsg = beforeunloadCallback.apply(iframeWnd);
if (confirmMsg) {
// 阻止关闭当前面板
if (!window.confirm(confirmMsg)) {
preventClose = true;
return false; // break
} else {
// 没有阻止,不要在触发 $(window).beforeunload 事件了
iframeF.beforeunloadCheck = false;
// 子页面是否阻止关闭
var childrenPreventClose = iframeF.util.preventPageClose();
if (childrenPreventClose) {
// 被子页面阻止了,则恢复父页面的 beforeunloadCheck 标识
iframeF.beforeunloadCheck = true;
preventClose = true;
return false; // break
return preventClose;
// 页面中表单字段是否改变
formChanged: function () {
var changed = false;
resolveRenderToObj(function (obj) {
if (obj.isXType('container') && obj.f_isDirty()) {
changed = true;
return false; // break
return changed;
trim: function (source) {
return Ext.String.trim(source);
// 验证多个表单,返回数组[是否验证通过,第一个不通过的表单字段]
validForms: function (forms, targetName, showBox) {
var util = F.util;
var target = util.getTargetWindow(targetName);
var valid = true;
var firstInvalidField = null;
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
var result = F(forms[i]).f_isValid();
if (!result[0]) {
valid = false;
if (firstInvalidField == null) {
firstInvalidField = result[1];
if (!valid) {
if (showBox) {
// var alertMsg = Ext.String.format(F.util.formAlertMsg, firstInvalidField.fieldLabel);
var fieldLabel = util.trim(util.stripHtmlTags(firstInvalidField.fieldLabel));
// 去除后面的*
if (fieldLabel.charAt(fieldLabel.length - 1) === '*') {
fieldLabel = fieldLabel.substr(0, fieldLabel.length - 1);
var activeError = util.trim(util.stripHtmlTags(firstInvalidField.activeError));
var alertMsg = '<div class="f-messagebox-errorfield">' + fieldLabel + '</div><div class="f-messagebox-errormsg">' + activeError + '</div>';
target.F.util.alert(alertMsg, util.formAlertTitle, Ext.MessageBox.INFO, function () {
// 第一次验证失败的字段获取焦点(选中文本,延迟执行)
firstInvalidField.focus(true, 200);
} else {
firstInvalidField.focus(true, 200);
return false;
return true;
// 判断隐藏字段值(数组)是否包含value
isHiddenFieldContains: function (domId, testValue) {
testValue += "";
var domValue = Ext.get(domId).dom.value;
if (domValue === "") {
return false;
else {
var sourceArray = domValue.split(",");
return Ext.Array.indexOf(sourceArray, testValue) >= 0 ? true : false;
// 将一个字符添加到字符列表中,将2添加到[5,3,4]
addValueToHiddenField: function (domId, addValue) {
addValue += "";
var domValue = Ext.get(domId).dom.value;
if (domValue == "") {
Ext.get(domId).dom.value = addValue + "";
else {
var sourceArray = domValue.split(",");
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(sourceArray, addValue) < 0) {
Ext.get(domId).dom.value = sourceArray.join(",");
// 从字符列表中移除一个字符,将2从dom的值"5,3,4,2"移除
removeValueFromHiddenField: function (domId, addValue) {
addValue += "";
var domValue = Ext.get(domId).dom.value;
if (domValue != "") {
var sourceArray = domValue.split(",");
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(sourceArray, addValue) >= 0) {
sourceArray = sourceArray.remove(addValue);
Ext.get(domId).dom.value = sourceArray.join(",");
// 取得隐藏字段的值
getHiddenFieldValue: function (fieldId) {
var itemNode = Ext.get(fieldId);
if (!itemNode) {
return "";
else {
return itemNode.dom.value;
// 取得表单字段的值
getFormFieldValue: function (cmp) {
if (typeof (cmp) === 'string') {
cmp = F(cmp);
var value = cmp.getValue();
if (cmp.isXType('displayfield')) {
value = value.replace(/<\/?span[^>]*>/ig, '');
return value;
// 由target获取window对象
getTargetWindow: function (target) {
var wnd = window;
if (target === '_self') {
wnd = window;
} else if (target === '_parent') {
wnd = parent;
} else if (target === '_top') {
wnd = top;
return wnd;
// 预加载图片
preloadImages: function (images) {
var imageInstance = [];
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
imageInstance[i] = new Image();
imageInstance[i].src = images[i];
hasCSS: function (id) {
return !!Ext.get(id);
addCSS: function (id, content, isCSSFile) {
// 如果此节点已经存在,则先删除此节点
var node = Ext.get(id);
if (node) {
var ss1;
if (isCSSFile) {
ss1 = document.createElement('link');
ss1.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
ss1.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
ss1.setAttribute('id', id);
ss1.setAttribute('href', content);
} else {
// Tricks From:
ss1 = document.createElement("style");
ss1.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
ss1.setAttribute("id", id);
if (ss1.styleSheet) { // IE
ss1.styleSheet.cssText = content;
} else { // the world
var tt1 = document.createTextNode(content);
var hh1 = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var ss1;
var hh1 = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (isCSSFile) {
ss1 = document.createElement('link');
//ss1.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
ss1.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
ss1.setAttribute('id', id);
ss1.setAttribute('href', content);
} else {
// Tricks From:
ss1 = document.createElement('style');
//ss1.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
ss1.setAttribute('id', id);
// Update: note that it's important for IE that you append the style to the head *before* setting its content. Otherwise IE678 will *crash* is the css string contains an @import.
if (ss1.styleSheet) { // IE
ss1.styleSheet.cssText = content;
} else { // the world
var tt1 = document.createTextNode(content);
// 在启用AJAX的情况下,使所有的Asp.net的提交按钮(type="submit")不要响应默认的submit行为,而是自定义的AJAX
makeAspnetSubmitButtonAjax: function (buttonId) {
// 低版本IE浏览器不允许使用JS修改input标签的type属性,导致此函数无效
function resetButton(button) {
button.set({ "type": "button" });
button.addListener("click", function (event, el) {
__doPostBack(el.getAttribute("name"), "");
if (typeof (buttonId) === "undefined") {
Ext.Array.each("input[type=submit]"), function (item, index) {
} else {
var button = Ext.get(buttonId);
if (button.getAttribute("type") === "submit") {
htmlEncode: function (str) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
return div.innerHTML;
htmlDecode: function (str) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = str;
return div.innerHTML;
// Whether a object is empty (With no property) or not.
// 可以使用 Ext.Object.isEmpty
isObjectEmpty: function (obj) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return false;
return true;
// Convert an array to object.
// ['Text', 'Icon'] -> {'Text':true, 'Icon': true}
arrayToObject: function (arr) {
var obj = {};
Ext.Array.each(arr, function (item, index) {
obj[item] = true;
return obj;
hideScrollbar: function () {
if (Ext.isIE) {
window.document.body.scroll = 'no';
} else { = 'hidden';
// 动态添加一个标签页
// mainTabStrip: 选项卡实例
// id: 选项卡ID
// iframeUrl: 选项卡IFrame地址
// title: 选项卡标题
// icon: 选项卡图标
// createToolbar: 创建选项卡前的回调函数(接受tabConfig参数)
// refreshWhenExist: 添加选项卡时,如果选项卡已经存在,是否刷新内部IFrame
addMainTab: function (mainTabStrip, tabOptions) {
// 兼容 addMainTab(mainTabStrip, treeNode, createToolbar, refreshWhenExist) 调用方式
if (typeof (id) !== 'string') {
refreshWhenExist = text;
createToolbar = url;
url =;
icon =;
text =;
id = id.getId();
// 兼容之前的写法
if (typeof (tabOptions) === 'string') {
tabOptions = {
id: arguments[1],
iframeUrl: arguments[2],
title: arguments[3],
icon: arguments[4],
createToolbar: arguments[5],
refreshWhenExist: arguments[6]
} else if (typeof (tabOptions) === 'object' && {
var paramTreeNode = tabOptions;
tabOptions = {
id: paramTreeNode.getId(),
createToolbar: arguments[2],
refreshWhenExist: arguments[3]
//var href = node.attributes.href;
if (tabOptions.icon) {
var iconId = tabOptions.icon.replace(/\W/ig, '_');
if (!F.util.hasCSS(iconId)) {
var iconCss = [];
F.util.addCSS(iconId, iconCss.join(''));
// 动态添加一个带工具栏的标签页
//tabId = 'dynamic_added_tab' + id.replace('__', '-');
var currentTab = mainTabStrip.getTab(;
if (!currentTab) {
var tabConfig = {
'url': tabOptions.iframeUrl,
'title': tabOptions.title,
'closable': true,
'bodyStyle': 'padding:0px;'
if (tabOptions.icon) {
tabConfig['iconCls'] = iconId;
if (tabOptions.createToolbar) {
var addTabCallbackResult = tabOptions.createToolbar.apply(window, [tabConfig]);
// 兼容之前的方法,函数返回值如果不为空,则将返回值作为顶部工具条实例
if (addTabCallbackResult) {
tabConfig['tbar'] = addTabCallbackResult;
} else {
if (tabOptions.icon) {
if (tabOptions.refreshWhenExist) {
var iframeNode = currentTab.body.query('iframe')[0];
if (iframeNode) {
if (tabOptions.iframeUrl) {
iframeNode.contentWindow.location.href = tabOptions.iframeUrl;
} else {
// 初始化左侧树(或者手风琴+树)与右侧选项卡控件的交互
// treeMenu: 主框架中的树控件实例,或者内嵌树控件的手风琴控件实例
// mainTabStrip: 选项卡实例
// createToolbar: 创建选项卡前的回调函数(接受tabConfig参数)
// updateHash: 切换Tab时,是否更新地址栏Hash值
// refreshWhenExist: 添加选项卡时,如果选项卡已经存在,是否刷新内部IFrame
// refreshWhenTabChange: 切换选项卡时,是否刷新内部IFrame
// hashWindow:需要更新Hash值的窗口对象,默认为当前window
// maxTabCount: 最大允许打开的选项卡数量
// maxTabMessage: 超过最大允许打开选项卡数量时的提示信息
initTreeTabStrip: function (treeMenu, mainTabStrip, createToolbar,
updateHash, refreshWhenExist, refreshWhenTabChange, hashWindow, maxTabCount, maxTabMessage) {
// 如果传入的对象 - (treeMenu, mainTabStrip, options)
if (createToolbar && typeof (createToolbar) === 'object') {
maxTabCount = createToolbar.maxTabCount;
maxTabMessage = createToolbar.maxTabMessage;
hashWindow = createToolbar.hashWindow;
refreshWhenTabChange = createToolbar.refreshWhenTabChange;
refreshWhenExist = createToolbar.refreshWhenExist;
updateHash = createToolbar.updateHash;
// 放到最后
createToolbar = createToolbar.createToolbar;
} else {
// 处理忽略 createToolbar 参数的情况
if (typeof (createToolbar) === 'boolean') {
maxTabMessage = maxTabCount;
maxTabCount = hashWindow;
hashWindow = refreshWhenTabChange;
refreshWhenTabChange = refreshWhenExist;
refreshWhenExist = updateHash;
updateHash = createToolbar;
createToolbar = undefined;
if (!hashWindow) {
hashWindow = window;
// 默认值
if (isUND(refreshWhenTabChange)) {
refreshWhenTabChange = false;
if (isUND(refreshWhenExist)) {
refreshWhenExist = false;
if (isUND(updateHash)) {
updateHash = true;
// 注册树的节点点击事件
function registerTreeClickEvent(treeInstance) {
click: function (event) {
delegate: 'a.x-tree-node-text',
translate: false,
stopEvent: true
treeInstance.on('itemclick', function (view, record, item, index, event) {
var href =;
// 不管当前节点是否子节点,只要有 href 属性,都需要打开一个新Tab
if (href) {
// 定义了 maxTabCount,并且当前打开的选项卡已经达到最大值了
if (!isUND(maxTabCount) && mainTabStrip.items.length >= maxTabCount) {
// 阻止事件传播
if (updateHash) {
// 修改地址栏
hashWindow.location.hash = '#' + href;
// 新增Tab节点
F.util.addMainTab(mainTabStrip, record, createToolbar, refreshWhenExist);
// treeMenu可能是Accordion或者Tree
if (treeMenu.getXType() === 'panel') {
treeMenu.items.each(function (item) {
var tree = item.items.getAt(0);
if (tree && tree.getXType() === 'treepanel') {
} else if (treeMenu.getXType() === 'treepanel') {
// 切换主窗口的Tab
mainTabStrip.on('tabchange', function (tabStrip, tab) {
var tabHash = '#' + (tab.url || '');
// 只有当浏览器地址栏的Hash值和将要改变的不一样时,才进行如下两步处理:
// 1. 更新地址栏Hash值
// 2. 刷新Tab内的IFrame
if (tabHash !== hashWindow.location.hash) {
if (updateHash) {
hashWindow.location.hash = tabHash;
if (refreshWhenTabChange) {
var iframeNode = tab.body.query('iframe')[0];
if (iframeNode) {
var currentLocationHref = iframeNode.contentWindow.location.href;
if (/^http(s?):\/\//.test(currentLocationHref)) {
// 页面第一次加载时,根据URL地址在主窗口加载页面
var HASH = hashWindow.location.hash.substr(1);
if (HASH) {
var FOUND = false;
function initTreeMenu(treeInstance, node) {
var i, currentNode, nodes, node, path;
if (!FOUND && node.hasChildNodes()) {
nodes = node.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
currentNode = nodes[i];
if (currentNode.isLeaf()) {
if ( === HASH) {
path = currentNode.getPath();
treeInstance.expandPath(path); //node.expand();
treeInstance.selectPath(path); //;
F.util.addMainTab(mainTabStrip, currentNode, createToolbar);
FOUND = true;
} else {
arguments.callee(treeInstance, currentNode);
if (treeMenu.getXType() === 'panel') {
treeMenu.items.each(function (item) {
var tree = item.items.getAt(0);
if (tree && tree.getXType() === 'treepanel') {
initTreeMenu(tree, tree.getRootNode());
// 找到树节点
if (FOUND) {
return false;
} else if (treeMenu.getXType() === 'treepanel') {
initTreeMenu(treeMenu, treeMenu.getRootNode());
// 复选框分组处理
resolveCheckBoxGroup: function (name, xstateContainer, isradiogroup) {
var items = [], i, count, xitem, xitemvalue, xitems, xselectedarray, xselected, xchecked, xitemname;
xitems = xstateContainer.F_Items;
xselectedarray = xstateContainer.SelectedValueArray;
xselected = xstateContainer.SelectedValue;
if (xitems && xitems.length > 0) {
for (i = 0, count = xitems.length; i < count; i++) {
xitem = xitems[i];
xitemvalue = xitem[1];
xchecked = false;
if (!isradiogroup) {
// xselectedarray 可能是undefined, [], ["value1", "value2"]
if (xselectedarray) {
xchecked = (Ext.Array.indexOf(xselectedarray, xitemvalue) >= 0) ? true : false;
xitemname = name + '_' + i;
} else {
xchecked = (xselected === xitemvalue) ? true : false;
xitemname = name;
'inputValue': xitemvalue,
'boxLabel': xitem[0],
'name': xitemname,
'checked': xchecked
else {
'inputValue': "tobedeleted",
'boxLabel': "&nbsp;",
'name': "tobedeleted"
return items;
// 防止在短时间内,同一GroupName的单选框触发两次事件
// 用于 MenuCheckBox 和 RadioButton
checkGroupLastTime: function (groupName) {
var checkName = groupName + '_lastupdatetime';
var checkValue = F.util[checkName];
F.util[checkName] = new Date();
if (typeof (checkValue) === 'undefined') {
return true;
} else {
if ((new Date() - checkValue) < 100) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// 对话框图标
getMessageBoxIcon: function (iconShortName) {
var icon = iconShortName || Ext.MessageBox.WARNING;
if (iconShortName === 'info') {
icon = Ext.MessageBox.INFO;
} else if (iconShortName === 'warning') {
icon = Ext.MessageBox.WARNING;
} else if (iconShortName === 'question') {
icon = Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION;
} else if (iconShortName === 'error') {
icon = Ext.MessageBox.ERROR;
return icon;
// 弹出Alert对话框
alert: function (target, message, title, messageIcon, ok) { // 老的顺序:msg, title, icon, okscript
var args = [], 0);
var options = args[0];
if (typeof (options) === 'string') {
if (!/^_self|_parent|_top$/.test(args[0])) {
args.splice(0, 0, '_self');
options = {
target: args[0],
message: args[1],
title: args[2],
messageIcon: args[3],
ok: args[4]
var wnd = F.util.getTargetWindow(;
if (!F.canAccess(wnd)) {
return; // return
var icon = Ext.MessageBox.INFO;
if (options.messageIcon) {
icon = F.util.getMessageBoxIcon(options.messageIcon);
cls: options.cls || '',
title: options.title || F.util.alertTitle,
msg: options.message,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK,
icon: icon,
fn: function (buttonId) {
if (buttonId === "ok") {
if (typeof (options.ok) === "function") {;
// 确认对话框
confirm: function (target, message, title, messageIcon, ok, cancel) { // 老的顺序:targetName, title, msg, okScript, cancelScript, iconShortName)
var args = [], 0); //$.makeArray(arguments);
var options = args[0];
if (typeof (options) === 'string') {
if (!/^_self|_parent|_top$/.test(args[0])) {
args.splice(0, 0, '_self');
options = {
target: args[0],
message: args[1],
title: args[2],
messageIcon: args[3],
ok: args[4],
cancel: args[5]
var wnd = F.util.getTargetWindow(;
if (!F.canAccess(wnd)) {
return; // return
var icon = F.util.getMessageBoxIcon(options.messageIcon);{
cls: options.cls || '',
title: options.title || F.util.confirmTitle,
msg: options.message,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL,
icon: icon,
fn: function (btn) {
if (btn == 'cancel') {
if (options.cancel) {
if (typeof (options.cancel) === 'string') {
new Function(options.cancel)();
} else {
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (options.ok) {
if (typeof (options.ok) === 'string') {
new Function(options.ok)();
} else {
} else {
return false;
summaryRenderer: function (gridId) {
return function (value, summaryData, dataIndex) {
var summary = F(gridId).f_state['SummaryData'];
if (summary) {
var summaryValue = summary[dataIndex];
if (typeof (summaryValue) !== 'undefined') {
return summaryValue;
return '';
// 表单字段内按回车键触发提交按钮
registerPanelEnterKey: function (panel) {
if (F.submitbutton) {
F.create('Ext.util.KeyNav', panel.el, {
enter: function (e) {
var el = Ext.Element.getActiveElement();
if (el.type !== 'textarea') {
scope: panel
reset: function () {
Ext.ComponentManager.each(function (key, cmp) {
if (cmp.isXType && cmp.isXType('panel') && cmp.renderTo) {
isDate: function (value) {
return === '[object Date]';
resolveGridDateToString: function (fields, fieldName, fieldValue) {
var i, fieldConfig, result = fieldValue;
for (i = 0, count = fields.length; i < count; i++) {
fieldConfig = fields[i];
if ( === fieldName && fieldConfig.type === 'date' && fieldConfig.dateFormat) {
result =, fieldConfig.dateFormat);
return result;
noop: function () { }
(function () {
// 正在进行中的AJAX请求个数
var __ajaxUnderwayCount = 0;
F.ajax = {
timeoutErrorMsg: "Request timeout, please refresh the page and try again!",
errorMsg: "Error! {0} ({1})",
errorWindow: null,
hookPostBack: function () {
if (typeof (__doPostBack) != 'undefined') {
__doPostBack = f__doPostBack;
function enableAjax() {
if (typeof (F.controlEnableAjax) === 'undefined') {
return F.enableAjax;
return F.controlEnableAjax;
function enableAjaxLoading() {
if (typeof (F.controlEnableAjaxLoading) === 'undefined') {
return F.enableAjaxLoading;
return F.controlEnableAjaxLoading;
function ajaxLoadingType() {
if (typeof (F.controlAjaxLoadingType) === 'undefined') {
return F.ajaxLoadingType;
return F.controlAjaxLoadingType;
function f__doPostBack_internal() {
//if (typeof (F.util.beforeAjaxPostBackScript) === 'function') {
// F.util.beforeAjaxPostBackScript();
// 如果显式返回false,则阻止AJAX回发
if(F.util.triggerBeforeAjax() === false) {
// Ext.encode will convert Chinese characters. Ext.encode({a:"你好"}) => '{"a":"\u4f60\u597d"}'
// We will include the official JSON object from
// 现在还是用的 Ext.encode,在 IETester的 IE8下 JSON.stringify 生成的中文是\u9009\u9879形式。
//F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_STATE', encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(getFState())));
var fstate = Ext.encode(getFState());
if (Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7) {
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_STATE_URI', 'true');
fstate = encodeURIComponent(fstate);
} else {
fstate = Base64.encode(fstate);
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_STATE', fstate);
//F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_STATE', encodeURIComponent(Ext.encode(getFState())));
if (!enableAjax()) {
// 当前请求结束后必须重置 F.controlEnableAjax
F.controlEnableAjax = undefined;
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_AJAX', 'false');
} else {
// 当前请求结束后必须重置 F.controlEnableAjax
F.controlEnableAjax = undefined;
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_AJAX', 'true');
var url = document.location.href;
var urlHashIndex = url.indexOf('#');
if (urlHashIndex >= 0) {
url = url.substring(0, urlHashIndex);
var viewStateBeforeAJAX = F.util.getHiddenFieldValue('__VIEWSTATE');
var disabledButtonIdBeforeAJAX = F.getHidden('F_TARGET');
function processEnd() {
function ajaxSuccess(data, viewStateBeforeAJAX) {
// 如果显式返回false,则阻止AJAX回发
if (F.util.triggerBeforeAjaxSuccess(data) === false) {
try {
new Function('__VIEWSTATE', data)(viewStateBeforeAJAX);
// 有可能响应返回后即关闭本窗体
if (F && F.util) {
} catch (e) {
// 重新抛出异常
throw e;
} finally {
// 判断是否有文件上传
var isFileUpload = !!Ext.get(theForm).query('input[type=file]').length;
url: url,
isUpload: isFileUpload, //F.form_upload_file,
//params: serializeForm(theForm) + '&X_AJAX=true',
success: function (data) {
var scripts = data.responseText;
if (scripts && isFileUpload) {
// 文件上传时,输出内容经过encodeURIComponent编码(在ResponseFilter中的Close函数中)
//scripts = scripts.replace(/<\/?pre[^>]*>/ig, '');
scripts = decodeURIComponent(scripts);
// 启用AJAX发起时禁用的按钮
if (disabledButtonIdBeforeAJAX) {
// 因为这里调用后(可能会关闭当前页面),extjs还有代码要执行(Ext.callback...),所以这里要延迟一下,等 extjs 代码执行完毕后再执行这里代码
window.setTimeout(function () {
ajaxSuccess(scripts, viewStateBeforeAJAX);
}, 0);
failure: function (data) {
//var lastDisabledButtonId = F.util.getHiddenFieldValue('F_TARGET');
if (disabledButtonIdBeforeAJAX) {
processEnd(); // v6.0.0:失败也要做清理工作
callback: function (options, success, response) {
// AJAX结束时需要清空此字段,否则下一次的type=submit提交(ASP.NET回发方式之一)会被误认为是AJAX提交
if (F && F.util) {
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue('F_AJAX', 'false');
// 如果启用 Ajax,则所有对 __doPostBack 的调用都会到这里来
function f__doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
var enableAjax;
if (typeof (eventTarget) === 'boolean') {
enableAjax = eventTarget;
eventTarget = eventArgument;
eventArgument = arguments[2];
// 回发页面之前延时 100 毫秒,确保页面上的操作完成(比如选中复选框的动作)
window.setTimeout(function () {
// theForm variable will always exist, because we invoke the GetPostBackEventReference in PageManager.
if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) {
theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget;
theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;
// 设置当前请求是否为AJAX请求
if (typeof (enableAjax) === 'boolean') {
F.controlEnableAjax = enableAjax;
}, 100);
function writeContentToIFrame(iframe, content) {
// contentWindow is always there.
if (iframe) {
var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
if (doc) {;
// 创建出错窗口
function createErrorWindow(data) {
// 如果是请求超时错误,则弹出简单提醒对话框
if (data.isTimeout) {
// 如果响应正文为空,则弹出简单提醒对话框
if (!data.responseText) {
F.util.alert(Ext.String.format(F.ajax.errorMsg, data.statusText, data.status));
if (!F.ajax.errorWindow) {
F.ajax.errorWindow = F.create('Ext.window.Window', {
renderTo: window.body,
width: 550,
height: 350,
border: true,
animCollapse: true,
collapsible: false,
collapsed: false,
closeAction: "hide",
plain: false,
modal: true,
draggable: true,
minimizable: false,
minHeight: 100,
minWidth: 200,
resizable: true,
maximizable: true,
closable: true
F.ajax.errorWindow.body.dom.innerHTML = F.wnd.createIFrameHtml('about:blank', 'FINEUI_ERROR');
F.ajax.errorWindow.setTitle(Ext.String.format(F.ajax.errorMsg, data.statusText, data.status));
writeContentToIFrame(F.ajax.errorWindow.body.query('iframe')[0], data.responseText);
// 序列化表单为 URL 编码字符串,除去 <input type="submit" /> 的按钮
var extjsSerializeForm = Ext.Element.serializeForm;
Ext.Element.serializeForm = function (form) {
var el, originalStr = extjsSerializeForm(form);
for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
el = form.elements[i];
if (el.type === 'submit') {
var submitStr = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(el.value);
if (originalStr.indexOf(submitStr) == 0) {
originalStr = originalStr.replace(submitStr, '');
} else {
originalStr = originalStr.replace('&' + submitStr, '');
return originalStr;
function getFState() {
var state = {};
Ext.ComponentManager.each(function (key, cmp) {
// 只处理FineUI服务器端生成的控件(f_state表明这个控件对应一个服务器端控件)
if (cmp.fineui && cmp.f_state) {
var fstate = cmp['f_state'];
if (fstate && !F.isEOBJ(fstate)) {
if (F.fstateValidation) {
// 如果验证信息不存在,则不添加f_state
var fstatev = cmp['f_state_v'];
if (fstatev) {
state[] = [fstate, fstatev];
} else {
state[] = fstate;
if (cmp.isXType) {
var fstate = cmp['f_state'];
if (fstate && Ext.isObject(fstate)) {
var cmpState = getFStateViaCmp(cmp, fstate);
if (!F.util.isObjectEmpty(cmpState)) {
state[] = cmpState;
return state;
//F.ajax.getFState = getFState;
// 设置控件相关隐藏字段的值
function resolveCmpHiddenFields(cmp) {
//var state = {};
//Ext.apply(state, fstate);
function saveInHiddenField(property, currentValue) {
// Save this client-changed property in a form hidden field.
F.util.setHiddenFieldValue( + '_' + property, currentValue);
function removeHiddenField(property) {
F.util.removeHiddenField( + '_' + property);
// 如果存在Gzip压缩的属性,就删除原来的属性
function resolveGZProperty(property) {
var gzProperty = property + '_GZ';
if (state[gzProperty]) {
delete state[property];
} else {
delete state[gzProperty];
// 有些属性可以在客户端改变,因此需要在每个请求之前计算
if (cmp.isXType('menucheckitem')) {
saveInHiddenField('Checked', cmp.checked);
if (cmp.isXType('checkbox')) {
// 包含RadioButton
saveInHiddenField('Checked', cmp.getValue());
if (cmp.isXType('checkboxgroup')) {
var selected = cmp.f_getSelectedValues();
if (selected.length > 0) {
saveInHiddenField('SelectedValueArray', selected.join(','));
} else {
if (cmp.isXType('panel') || cmp.isXType('fieldset')) {
saveInHiddenField('Collapsed', cmp.f_isCollapsed());
if (cmp.isXType('datepicker')) {
saveInHiddenField('SelectedDate', Ext.Date.format(cmp.getValue(), cmp.initialConfig.format));
if (cmp.isXType('button')) {
if (cmp.initialConfig.enableToggle) {
saveInHiddenField('Pressed', cmp.pressed);
if (cmp.isXType('grid')) {
// 启用分页
if (cmp.f_paging) {
var pagingBar = cmp.f_getPaging();
saveInHiddenField('PageIndex', pagingBar.f_pageIndex);
// 启用排序
if (cmp.f_sorting) {
var gridSorter = cmp.getStore().sorters.get(0);
// 如果启用排序,但是默认没有排序,则可能 gridSorter 不存在
if (gridSorter) {
saveInHiddenField('SortDirection', gridSorter.direction);
//if (cmp.getPlugin( + '_celledit')) {
if(cmp.f_cellEditing) {
// 可编辑单元格的表格
// 选中单元格
//saveInHiddenField('SelectedCell', cmp.f_getSelectedCell().join(','));
// 选中单元格
var selectedCell = cmp.f_getSelectedCell();
if (selectedCell && selectedCell.length) {
saveInHiddenField('SelectedCell', JSON.stringify(selectedCell));
} else {
//// 新增行
//var newAddedRows = cmp.f_getNewAddedRows();
//if (newAddedRows.length > 0) {
// saveInHiddenField('NewAddedRows', newAddedRows.join(','));
//} else {
// removeHiddenField('NewAddedRows');
// 修改的数据
var modifiedData = cmp.f_getModifiedData();
if (modifiedData.length > 0) {
saveInHiddenField('ModifiedData', Ext.encode(modifiedData));
} else {
// 删除的行索引列表
var deletedRows = cmp.f_getDeletedRows();
if (deletedRows.length > 0) {
saveInHiddenField('DeletedRows', deletedRows.join(','));
} else {
} else {
// 普通的表格
// 选中行索引列表
//saveInHiddenField('SelectedRowIndexArray', cmp.f_getSelectedRows().join(','));
// 选中行标识符列表
var selectedRows = cmp.f_getSelectedRows();
if (selectedRows && selectedRows.length) {
saveInHiddenField('SelectedRows', JSON.stringify(selectedRows));
} else {
// 隐藏的列索引列表
var gridHiddenColumns = cmp.f_getHiddenColumns();
if (gridHiddenColumns.length > 0) {
saveInHiddenField('HiddenColumns', gridHiddenColumns.join(','));
} else {
// 目前States仅用于CheckBoxField
var gridStates = cmp.f_getStates();
if (gridStates.length > 0) {
saveInHiddenField('States', Ext.encode(gridStates));
} else {
//// 如果存在 GZIPPED 的属性,就用 GZIPPED 属性
//if (cmp.isXType('combo') || cmp.isXType('checkboxgroup') || cmp.isXType('radiogroup')) {
// // 如果存在 GZIPPED 的属性,就用 GZIPPED 属性
// resolveGZProperty('F_Items');
if (cmp.isXType('field')) {
//// 如果存在 GZIPPED 的属性,就用 GZIPPED 属性
if (cmp.isXType('treepanel')) {
saveInHiddenField('ExpandedNodes', cmp.f_getExpandedNodes(cmp.getRootNode().childNodes).join(','));
saveInHiddenField('CheckedNodes', cmp.f_getCheckedNodes().join(','));
saveInHiddenField('SelectedNodeIDArray', cmp.f_getSelectedNodes().join(','));
//// 如果存在 GZIPPED 的属性,就用 GZIPPED 属性
if (cmp.isXType('tabpanel')) {
saveInHiddenField('ActiveTabIndex', cmp.f_getActiveTabIndex());
if (cmp.isXType('panel') && cmp.getLayout().type === 'accordion') {
saveInHiddenField('ActivePaneIndex', cmp.f_getActiveIndex());
if (cmp['f_type'] && cmp['f_type'] === 'tab') {
//return state;
function showMaskAjaxLoading() {
var loadingMaskNode = Ext.get('f_ajax_loading_mask_mask');
var loadingNode = Ext.get('f_ajax_loading_mask');
// 如果还没有创建,则创建节点
if (!loadingNode) {
var loadingMaskHtml = '<div id="f_ajax_loading_mask_mask" class="f-loading-mask"></div>'
+ '<div id="f_ajax_loading_mask" class="f-loading"><div class="f-loading-img"><img src="' + F.loadingImage + '"/></div></div>';
Ext.DomHelper.append(Ext.getBody(), loadingMaskHtml);
loadingMaskNode = Ext.get('f_ajax_loading_mask_mask');
loadingNode = Ext.get('f_ajax_loading_mask');
function hideMaskAjaxLoading() {
// 显示“正在载入...”的提示信息
function _showAjaxLoading(ajaxLoadingType) {
// 延迟后,要再次检查当前有 AJAX 正在进行,才显示提示信息
if (__ajaxUnderwayCount > 0) {
if (ajaxLoadingType === "default") {
F.ajaxLoadingDefault.setStyle('left', (Ext.getBody().getWidth() - F.ajaxLoadingDefault.getWidth()) / 2 + 'px');;
} else {
// 隐藏“正在载入...”的提示信息
function _hideAjaxLoading(ajaxLoadingType) {
if (__ajaxUnderwayCount === 0) {
if (ajaxLoadingType === "default") {
} else {
function ajaxStart() {
// 计数加一
// 仅在第一个 AJAX 发起时,延迟显示提示信息
if (__ajaxUnderwayCount !== 1) {
if (!enableAjaxLoading()) {
// Do nothing
} else {
Ext.defer(_showAjaxLoading, 50, window, [ajaxLoadingType()]);
function ajaxStop() {
// 计数减一
if (__ajaxUnderwayCount < 0) {
__ajaxUnderwayCount = 0;
if (!enableAjaxLoading()) {
// ...
} else {
Ext.defer(_hideAjaxLoading, 0, window, [ajaxLoadingType()]);
if (__ajaxUnderwayCount === 0) {
F.controlEnableAjaxLoading = undefined;
F.controlAjaxLoadingType = undefined;
// 当前 Ajax 的并发请求数
//var _requestCount = 0;
var _ajaxStarted = false;
// 发起 Ajax 请求之前事件处理
Ext.Ajax.on('beforerequest', function (conn, options) {
_ajaxStarted = true;
// Ajax 请求结束
Ext.Ajax.on('requestcomplete', function (conn, options) {
_ajaxStarted = false;
// Ajax 请求发生异常
Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception', function (conn, options) {
_ajaxStarted = false;
// // 不适用于所有Extjs控件(比如Toolbar中放置按钮,这个按钮就没有ownerCt对象)
// // 更新一个Javascript对象
// updateObject: function(obj, newObjFunction, renderImmediately) {
// var id =;
// if (Ext.type(renderImmediately) == 'boolean' && !renderImmediately) {
// // 1.取得父容器
// var owner = obj.ownerCt;
// // 2.本控件在父容器的位置
// var insertIndex = owner.items.indexOf(obj);
// // 3.从父容器中销毁此控件
// owner.remove(obj);
// // 4.创建新的控件
// newObjFunction();
// // 5.将新的控件添加到删除的位置
// owner.insert(insertIndex, Ext.getCmp(id));
// // 6.父容器重新布局
// owner.doLayout();
// }
// else {
// // 1.销毁此控件
// obj.destroy();
// // 2.新建此控件
// newObjFunction();
// }
// }
(function () {
// 计算黄金分割点的位置
// bodySize : 整个页面的Body的大小
// windowSize : 窗口的大小
function _calculateGoldenPosition(bodySize, windowSize) {
var top = (bodySize.height - (bodySize.height / 1.618)) - windowSize.height / 2;
if (top < 0) {
top = 0;
var left = (bodySize.width - windowSize.width) / 2;
if (left < 0) {
left = 0;
return { left: left, top: top };
// 计算中间的位置
// bodySize : 整个页面的Body的大小
// windowSize : 窗口的大小
function _calculateCenterPosition(bodySize, windowSize) {
var top = (bodySize.height - windowSize.height) / 2;
if (top < 0) {
top = 0;
var left = (bodySize.width - windowSize.width) / 2;
if (left < 0) {
left = 0;
return { left: left, top: top };
// 创建IFrame节点片段
function _createIFrameHtml(iframeUrl, iframeName) {
return '<iframe frameborder="0" style="overflow:auto;height:100%;width:100%;" name="' + iframeName + '" src="' + iframeUrl + '"></iframe>';
// 获取窗体的外部容器
function _getWrapperNode(panel) {
return Ext.get(panel.el.findParentNode('.f-window-wrapper'));
// FineUI窗口域(Window)
F.wnd = {
closeButtonTooltip: "Close this window",
formChangeConfirmMsg: "Current form has been modified, abandon changes?",
createIFrameHtml: function (iframeUrl, iframeName) {
return _createIFrameHtml(iframeUrl, iframeName);
// 窗体定义:Original Panel / Ghost Panel
// 显示一个弹出窗体
// 在 panel 实例中,定义了几个自定义属性,用于标示此实例的状态(在PanelBase中定义)
// 属性 - f_iframe/f_iframe_url/f_iframe_name/f_iframe_loaded
// panel : 当前弹出的窗体(Ext-Window)
// iframeUrl : 弹出窗体中包含的IFrame的地址
// windowTitle : 弹出窗体的标题
// left/top : 弹出窗体的左上角坐标(如果为空字符串,则使用中间位置或黄金分隔位置)
// isGoldenSection : 弹出窗体位于页面的黄金分隔位置
// hiddenHiddenFieldID : 隐藏表单字段记录此窗体是否弹出,也页面回发时保持状态用
show: function (panel, iframeUrl, windowTitle, left, top, isGoldenSection, hiddenHiddenFieldID, width, height) {
var target = F.util.getTargetWindow(panel.f_property_target);
var guid = panel.f_property_guid;
// 当前页面在IFrame中(window.frameElement 存在) - 这个判断有问题
// ----如果外部页面是 而内部页面是 在 内弹出窗体时, window.frameElement 就会出现拒绝访问
// parent != window - 当前窗体不是顶层窗体
// target !== window - 并且当前窗体不是需要弹出的位置(target)
if (parent != window && target !== window) {
if (!target.F[guid]) {
// 父窗口中已经创建了这个Ext-Window对象
var wrapper = guid + '_wrapper';
if (!target.Ext.get(wrapper)) {
target.F.util.appendFormNode('<div class="f-window-wrapper" id="' + wrapper + '"></div>');
} else {
target.Ext.get(wrapper).dom.innerHTML = '';
// Ext.apply 的第三个参数是default obejct
var config = Ext.apply({}, {
renderTo: wrapper,
id: guid,
f_property_window: window,
f_property_ext_window: panel
}, panel.initialConfig);
delete config.f_state;
delete config.items;
delete config.listeners;
// 在父页面中创建一个Ext-Window的幻影(拷贝)
//target.F[guid] = target.Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', config);
panel = target.F[guid];
if (iframeUrl !== '') {
F.wnd.updateIFrameNode(panel, iframeUrl);
if (windowTitle != '') {
if (typeof(width) === 'number' && width) {
if (typeof(height) === 'number' && height) {
Ext.get(hiddenHiddenFieldID).dom.value = 'false';;
if (left !== '' && top !== '') {
panel.setPosition(parseInt(left, 10), parseInt(top, 10));
} else {
var bodySize = target.window.Ext.getBody().getViewSize();
var panelSize = panel.getSize(), leftTop;
if (isGoldenSection) {
leftTop = _calculateGoldenPosition(bodySize, panelSize);
} else {
leftTop = _calculateCenterPosition(bodySize, panelSize);
//panel.alignTo(target.Ext.getBody(), "c-c");
createGhostWindow: function (config) {
var ghostWnd = F.create('Ext.window.Window', config);
ghostWnd.on('beforeclose', function () {
// 如果原始窗体所在的页面存在,则触发原始窗体的 beforeclose 事件
if (F.canAccess(config.f_property_window)) {
config.f_property_ext_window.fireEvent('beforeclose', config.f_property_ext_window);
return false;
// 如果原始窗体已经被关闭,则不拦截 beforeclose 事件,会简单的关闭窗体
ghostWnd.on('maximize', function () {
// 如果原始窗体所在的页面存在,则触发原始窗体的 maximize 事件
if (F.canAccess(config.f_property_window)) {
config.f_property_ext_window.fireEvent('maximize', config.f_property_ext_window);
} else {
F[] = ghostWnd;
// 获取Ghost Panel实例
getGhostPanel: function (panel, targetName, guid) {
if (typeof (targetName) === 'undefined') {
targetName = panel.f_property_target;
if (typeof (guid) === 'undefined') {
guid = panel.f_property_guid;
var target = F.util.getTargetWindow(targetName);
if (parent != window && target !== window) {
// 从父页面中查找幻影Ext-Window对象
panel = target.F[guid];
return panel;
// 隐藏Ext-Window(比如用户点击了关闭按钮)
hide: function (panel, enableIFrame, hiddenHiddenFieldID) {
var panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(panel);
// 如果返回 false,则说明隐藏操作被阻止了
if (panel.hide() !== false) {
// 修改当前页面中记录弹出窗口弹出状态的隐藏表单字段
Ext.get(hiddenHiddenFieldID).dom.value = 'true';
// 如果启用IFrame,则清空IFrame的内容,防止下次打开时显示残影
if (enableIFrame) {
// 如果不加延迟,IE下AJAX会出错,因为在success中已经把当前窗体关闭后,而后面还要继续使用本页面上相关对象
window.setTimeout(function () {
panel['f_iframe_loaded'] = false;
}, 100);
// 最大化
maximize: function (panel) {
var panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(panel);
// 最小化
minimize: function (panel) {
var panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(panel);
// 恢复窗体大小
restore: function (panel) {
var panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(panel);
// 这是 Extjs 的一个 bug,如果 Window 控件不是渲染在 document.body 中,则 maximize 函数并不能真正的最大化
// 现在的 Window 控件时渲染在 from 表单里面的一个 DIV 中的
fixMaximize: function (panel) {
if (panel.maximized) {
var target = F.util.getTargetWindow(panel.f_property_target);
var bodySize = target.window.Ext.getBody().getViewSize();
panel.setSize(bodySize.width, bodySize.height);
// 不要忘记左上角坐标
panel.setPosition(0, 0);
// 创建或更新IFrame节点,同时更新panel实例中的自定义属性值
updateIFrameNode: function (panel, iframeUrl) {
var iframeUrlChanged = false;
panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(panel);
// 如果此Panel中包含有IFrame
if (panel && panel['f_iframe']) {
if (iframeUrl && panel['f_iframe_url'] !== iframeUrl) {
panel['f_iframe_url'] = iframeUrl;
iframeUrlChanged = true;
// 如果此Panel中包含的IFrame还没有加载
if (!panel['f_iframe_loaded']) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
// 如果此Panel已经创建完毕,但有时Panel可能是延迟创建的(比如TabStrip中的Tab,只有点击这个Tab时才创建Tab的内容)
panel['f_iframe_loaded'] = true;
panel.update(_createIFrameHtml(panel['f_iframe_url'], panel['f_iframe_name']));
}, 0);
else {
if (iframeUrlChanged) {
panel.body.query('iframe')[0].src = panel['f_iframe_url'];
// 处理表单中有任何字段发生变化时,关闭当前窗口时的提示
confirmModified: function (closeFn) {
if (F.util.isPageStateChanged()) {
F.util.confirm('_self', F.wnd.formModifiedConfirmTitle, F.wnd.formChangeConfirmMsg, function () {
closeFn.apply(window, arguments);
} else {
closeFn.apply(window, arguments);
// Ext-Window中IFrame里页面中的表单发生变化时弹出确认消息
iframeModifiedConfirm: function (panel, closeFn) {
// 这个页面所在的Window对象
var pageWindow = F.wnd.getIFrameWindowObject(panel);
// 如果弹出的页面没能正常加载(比如说网络暂时连接中断)
// 则直接关闭弹出的Ext-Window,而不会去检查页面表单变化,因为页面对象不存在
if (pageWindow.F) {
else {
// 取得Ghost Panel所在页面window对象
getIFrameWindowObject: function (panel) {
// 当前页面在IFrame中(也即时 window.frameElement 存在)
// 此Ext-Window需要在父窗口中弹出
if (window.frameElement && panel['f_property_show_in_parent']) {
panel = parent.F[panel['f_property_guid']];
panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(panel);
var iframeNode = Ext.query('iframe', panel.body.dom);
if (iframeNode.length === 0) {
// 当前panel(Ext-Window)不包含iframe
return window;
else {
return iframeNode[0].contentWindow;
// 返回当前活动Window组件对象(浏览器窗口对象通过F.wnd.getActiveWindow().window获取)
getActiveWindow: function (justParentWindow) {
// Ext.WindowManager.getActive();有可能返回一个弹出对话框
function getActiveFineUIWindow(wnd) {
var result = wnd.Ext.WindowManager.getActive();
// 如果弹出的窗体不是 FineUI.Window 生成的窗体(有可能是Alert、Notify),则需要从排序列表中找
if (result && !result.f_property_guid) {
wnd.Ext.WindowManager.eachTopDown(function (cmp) {
if (cmp.f_property_guid) {
result = cmp;
return false;
return result;
var activeWindow = parent.window;
var activeExtWindow = getActiveFineUIWindow(activeWindow);
if (activeExtWindow) {
if (activeExtWindow.f_property_window && !justParentWindow) {
activeWindow = activeExtWindow.f_property_window;
activeExtWindow = activeExtWindow.f_property_ext_window;
activeExtWindow.window = activeWindow;
return activeExtWindow;
// 向弹出此Ext-Window的页面写入值
writeBackValue: function () {
var aw = F.wnd.getActiveWindow();
if (F.canAccess(aw.window)) {
var controlIds = aw.f_property_save_state_control_client_ids;
var controlCount = Math.min(controlIds.length, arguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < controlCount; i++) {
function hideActiveWindow(type, param) {
var aw = F.getActiveWindow();
if (aw) {
if (F.canAccess(aw.window)) {
if (type === 'hide') {
} else if (type === 'hiderefresh') {
} else if (type === 'hidepostback') {, param)
} else if (type === 'hideexecutescript') {, param)
} else {
var parentAW = F.getActiveWindow(true);
// 当前激活窗体
F.activeWnd = {
hide: function () {
hideRefresh: function () {
hidePostBack: function (param) {
hideActiveWindow('hidepostback', param);
hideExecuteScript: function (param) {
hideActiveWindow('hideexecutescript', param);

F.originalComponentHide = Ext.Component.prototype.hide;
Ext.override(Ext.Component, {
// override
hide: function () {
var me = this;
if ( &&'tab')) {
// tabpanel 单独处理
} else {
// 除了 tabpanel 的其他面板
if (me.body) {
// 检查当前组件内的表单是否改变(包含组件内 iframe 页面,递归查找所有 iframe)
if (F.util.preventPageClose(me.body)) {
return false;
return F.originalComponentHide.apply(me, arguments);
f_setDisabled: function () {
f_setVisible: function () {
f_setWidth: function () {
f_setHeight: function () {
// Extjs v6.0: doLayout method has been removed. Use updateLayout instead.
doLayout: function (params) {
// 1. tabpanel 单独处理,选项卡右上角的关闭按钮
F.originalTabBarCloseTab =;
Ext.override(, {
// override
closeTab: function (toClose) {
var me = this, card = toClose.card;
if (card.body) {
// 检查当前组件内的表单是否改变(包含组件内 iframe 页面,递归查找所有 iframe)
if (F.util.preventPageClose(card.body)) {
return false;
return F.originalTabBarCloseTab.apply(me, arguments);
// 2. tabpanel 单独处理,选项卡的右键菜单
F.originalTabPanelRemove =;
Ext.override(, {
// override
remove: function (comp) {
var me = this, c = me.getComponent(comp);
if (c && c.body) {
// 检查当前组件内的表单是否改变(包含组件内 iframe 页面,递归查找所有 iframe)
if (F.util.preventPageClose(c.body)) {
return false;
return F.originalTabPanelRemove.apply(me, arguments);
// 验证一个表单是否有效,会递归查询表单中每个字段
// 如果表单隐藏或者字段隐藏,则不进行有效性校验
Ext.override(Ext.container.Container, {
f_isValid: function () {
var valid = true;
var firstInvalidField = null;
if (!this.hidden) {
this.items.each(function (f) {
if (!f.hidden) {
if (f.isXType('field') || f.isXType('checkboxgroup')) {
if (!f.validate()) {
valid = false;
if (firstInvalidField == null) {
firstInvalidField = f;
} else if (f.isXType('container') && f.items.length) {
var validResult = f.f_isValid();
if (!validResult[0]) {
valid = false;
if (firstInvalidField == null) {
firstInvalidField = validResult[1];
return [valid, firstInvalidField];
f_reset: function () {
var me = this;
if (me.items && me.items.length) {
me.items.each(function (item) {
if (item.isXType('field')) {
} else if (item.isXType('container') && item.items.length) {
// 当前面板内的表单字段是否改变
f_isDirty: function () {
var me = this, dirty = false;
if (me.items && me.items.length) {
me.items.each(function (item) {
if (item.isXType('field')) {
if (item.isDirty()) {
dirty = true;
return false;
} else if (item.isXType('container') && item.items.length) {
if (item.f_isDirty()) {
dirty = true;
return false;
return dirty;
// 当前面板内的表单字段
f_clearDirty: function () {
var me = this;
if (me.items && me.items.length) {
me.items.each(function (item) {
if (item.isXType('field')) {
} else if (item.isXType('container') && item.items.length) {
//F.originalPanelClose = Ext.panel.Panel.prototype.close;
Ext.override(Ext.panel.Panel, {
//// override
//close: function () {
// // 检查当前组件内的表单是否改变(包含组件内 iframe 页面,递归查找所有 iframe)
// if (F.util.preventPageClose(this.body)) {
// return false;
// }
// return F.originalPanelClose.apply(this, arguments);
f_setCollapse: function () {
var collapsed = this.f_state['Collapsed'];
if (collapsed) {
} else {
f_isCollapsed: function () {
var collapsed = false;
var state = this.getState();
if (state && state.collapsed) {
collapsed = true;
return collapsed;
return !!this.getCollapsed();
f_setTitle: function () {
f_getActiveIndex: function () {
var activeIndex = -1;
this.items.each(function (item, index) {
if (item.f_isCollapsed && !item.f_isCollapsed()) {
activeIndex = index;
return false;
return activeIndex;
Ext.override(Ext.form.FieldSet, {
f_setCollapse: function () {
var collapsed = this.f_state['Collapsed'];
if (collapsed) {
} else {
f_isCollapsed: function () {
var collapsed = false;
var state = this.getState();
if (state && state.collapsed) {
collapsed = true;
return collapsed;
return !!this.getCollapsed();
f_setTitle: function () {
if ( {
Ext.override(, {
f_setChecked: function () {
this.setChecked(this.f_state['Checked'], true);
if (Ext.form.field.Base) {
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.Base, {
// Add functionality to Field's initComponent to enable the change event to bubble
initComponent: Ext.form.Field.prototype.initComponent.createSequence(function () {
/* 这会导致在文本输入框中按回车键,无法触发type=submit的表单回发事件
listeners: {
specialkey: function (field, e) {
if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) {
// When show or hide the field, also hide the label.
hide: function () {;
//var label = Ext.get(this.el.findParent('div[class=x-form-item]')).first('label[for=' + + ']');
var labelAndField = this.el.findParentNode('div[class*=x-form-item]', 10, true);
if (labelAndField) {
if (this.hideMode == 'display') {
} else {
show: function () {;
//var label = Ext.get(this.el.findParent('div[class=x-form-item]')).first('label[for=' + + ']');
var labelAndField = this.el.findParentNode('div[class*=x-form-item]', 10, true);
if (labelAndField) {
if (this.hideMode == 'display') {
} else {
f_setValue: function (value) {
if (typeof (value) === 'undefined') {
value = this.f_state['Text'];
f_setLabel: function (text) {
if (this.label && this.label.update) {
this.label.update(text || this.f_state['Label']);
var text = text || this.f_state['Label'];
if (this.setFieldLabel) {
f_setReadOnly: function (readonly) {
var me = this;
if (typeof (readonly) === 'undefined') {
readonly = me.f_state['Readonly'];
if (me.setReadOnly) {
if (readonly) {
} else {
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.Trigger, {
showTrigger: function () {
this.setTriggerVisible(1, true);
showTrigger1: function () {
this.setTriggerVisible(1, true);
showTrigger2: function () {
this.setTriggerVisible(2, true);
hideTrigger: function () {
this.setTriggerVisible(1, false);
hideTrigger1: function () {
this.setTriggerVisible(1, false);
hideTrigger2: function () {
this.setTriggerVisible(2, false);
setTriggerVisible: function (triggerNumber, visible) {
this.triggerCell.item(triggerNumber - 1).setDisplayed(visible);
if (Ext.form.Label) {
Ext.override(Ext.form.Label, {
f_setReadOnly: function (readonly) {
var me = this;
if (typeof (readonly) === 'undefined') {
readonly = me.f_state['Readonly'];
if (me.setReadOnly) {
if (readonly) {
} else {
if (Ext.form.CheckboxGroup) {
Ext.override(Ext.form.CheckboxGroup, {
f_setReadOnly: function (readonly) {
var me = this;
if (typeof (readonly) === 'undefined') {
readonly = me.f_state['Readonly'];
if (me.setReadOnly) {
if (readonly) {
} else {
f_reloadData: function (name, isradiogroup) {
var container = this.ownerCt;
var newConfig = Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, {
"f_state": this.f_state,
"f_state_v": this.f_state_v,
"items": F.util.resolveCheckBoxGroup(name, this.f_state, isradiogroup)
if (container) {
var originalIndex = container.items.indexOf(this);
container.remove(this, true);
if (isradiogroup) {
container.insert(originalIndex, F.create('Ext.form.RadioGroup', newConfig));
} else {
container.insert(originalIndex, F.create('Ext.form.CheckboxGroup', newConfig));
} else {
if (isradiogroup) {
F.create('Ext.form.RadioGroup', newConfig);
} else {
F.create('Ext.form.CheckboxGroup', newConfig);
f_toBeDeleted: function () {
var tobedeleted = this.items.items[0];
if (tobedeleted && tobedeleted.inputValue === 'tobedeleted') {
// 选中项
f_setValue: function (values) {
// valueArray:["value1", "value2", "value3"]
var values = values || this.f_state['SelectedValueArray'];
var selectedObj = {};
this.items.each(function (item) {
var itemSelected = false;
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(values, item.inputValue) >= 0) {
itemSelected = true;
selectedObj[] = itemSelected;
// 返回 ["value1", "value2", "value3"]
f_getSelectedValues: function () {
var selectedValues = [];
var values = this.getValue();
Ext.Object.each(values, function (key, value) {
return selectedValues;
if (Ext.form.field.Time) {
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.Time, {
// Time 继承自 ComboBox,这个函数被覆盖了,因此需要重新定义
f_setValue: function (value) {
if (typeof (value) === 'undefined') {
value = this.f_state['Text'];
if (Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor) {
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor, {
f_setValue: function (text) {
if (typeof (text) === 'undefined') {
text = this.f_state['Text'];
if (Ext.form.field.Checkbox) {
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.Checkbox, {
f_setValue: function () {
if (Ext.form.RadioGroup) {
Ext.override(Ext.form.RadioGroup, {
f_setValue: function (value) {
value = value || this.f_state['SelectedValue'];
var selectedObj = {};
selectedObj[] = value;
//Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.prototype.f_setValue.apply(this, [value]);
if (Ext.form.field.ComboBox) {
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.ComboBox, {
// Load data from local cache.
// mode: "local",
// triggerAction: "all",
displayField: "text",
valueField: "value",
//tpl: "<tpl for=\".\"><div class=\"x-combo-list-item <tpl if=\"!enabled\">x-combo-list-item-disable</tpl>\">{prefix}{text}</div></tpl>",
// These variables are in the Ext.form.ComboBox.prototype, therefore all instance will refer to the same store instance.
//store: new{ fields: ['value', 'text', 'enabled', 'prefix'] }),
f_setValue: function (value) {
// value 可以是空字符串
if (typeof (value) === 'undefined') {
var stateSelectedValueArray = this.f_state['SelectedValueArray'];
if (this.multiSelect) {
value = stateSelectedValueArray;
} else {
value = stateSelectedValueArray[0];
f_loadData: function (data) {
data = data || this.f_state['F_Items'];
if (data) {;
f_getTextByValue: function (value, data) {
data = data || this.f_state['F_Items'];
value += ''; // 把Value转换为字符串
for (var i = 0, count = data.length; i < count; i++) {
var item = data[i];
if (item[0] === value) {
return item[1];
return '';
if (Ext.button.Button) {
Ext.override(Ext.button.Button, {
f_setTooltip: function () {
f_toggle: function () {
f_setText: function () {
if (Ext.grid.column.RowNumberer) {
F.originalRowNumbererRenderer = Ext.grid.column.RowNumberer.prototype.defaultRenderer;
Ext.override(Ext.grid.column.RowNumberer, {
defaultRenderer: function () {
var number = F.originalRowNumbererRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.f_paging) {
var pagingBar = F(this.f_paging_grid).f_getPaging();
if (pagingBar) {
number += pagingBar.f_pageIndex * pagingBar.f_pageSize;
return number;
if (Ext.grid.Panel) {
Ext.override(Ext.grid.Panel, {
f_getData: function () {
var $this = this, rows = this.f_state['F_Rows'];
var tpls = this.f_getTpls(this.f_tpls);
// 将Grid1_ctl37与对应的outHTML放在哈希表中
var tplsHash = {};
var e = document.createElement('div');
e.innerHTML = tpls;
Ext.Array.each(e.childNodes, function (item, index) {
tplsHash[] = item.outerHTML.replace(/\r?\n\s*/ig, '');
// 将服务器返回的字符串转换为实际的JavaScript类型
function resolveActualDataItem(fieldValue, fieldIndex) {
var fieldType = $this.f_fields[fieldIndex].type;
if (fieldType) {
if (fieldType === 'date') {
fieldValue = new Date(fieldValue);
} else if (fieldType === 'boolean') {
if (fieldValue == 'true' || fieldValue == '1') {
fieldValue = true;
} else {
fieldValue = false;
} else if (fieldType === 'float') {
fieldValue = parseFloat(fieldValue);
} else if (fieldType === 'int') {
fieldValue = parseInt(fieldValue, 10);
return fieldValue;
// 不要改变 F_Rows.Values 的原始数据,因为这个值会被POST到后台
var newdata = [], newdataitem;
Ext.Array.each(data, function (row, rowIndex) {
newdataitem = [];
Ext.Array.each(row, function (item, index) {
if (typeof (item) === 'string' && item.substr(0, 7) === "#@TPL@#") {
var clientId = $ + '_' + item.substr(7);
newdataitem.push('<div id="' + clientId + '_container">' + tplsHash[clientId] + '</div>');
} else {
//newdataitem.push(resolveActualDataItem(item, index));
var newdata = [];
Ext.Array.each(rows, function (row, rowIndex) {
var newdataitem = [];
// row['f0'] -> Values
// [v6.0.1]修正DataKeyNames值是小数(比如9.80),则页面回发时会出现F_STATE验证出错的问题(Fire-8910)。
var rowf0 = row['f0'];
if(typeof(rowf0) === 'string') {
rowf0 = JSON.parse(rowf0);
Ext.Array.each(rowf0, function (item, cellIndex) {
var newcellvalue = item;
if (typeof (item) === 'string' && item.substr(0, 7) === "#@TPL@#") {
var clientId = $ + '_' + item.substr(7);
newcellvalue = '<div id="' + clientId + '_container">' + tplsHash[clientId] + '</div>';
// idProperty
var rowId = row['f6'];
if (typeof (rowId) === 'undefined') {
// 如果未定义 id,要生成一个 id,用来记录选中的行(否则在行调整顺序后,选中的行就乱了)
rowId = 'fineui_row_' + rowIndex;
return newdata;
f_getTpls: function (paramTpls) {
var tpls;
if (typeof (paramTpls) !== 'undefined') {
// 1. 如果Tpls存在于函数参数中
tpls = paramTpls;
this['data-last-tpls'] = tpls;
} else {
var tplsNode = Ext.get( + '_tpls');
if (tplsNode) {
// 2. 如果Tpls存在于页面节点中
tpls = tplsNode.dom.innerHTML;
// 获取模板列的内容之后,必须要删除原有的节点,因为会在表格中创建完全相同的新节点
// 将模板列内容保存到表格实例中
this['data-last-tpls'] = tpls;
} else {
// 3. 从缓存中读取
// 从表格实例中读取模板列内容
tpls = this['data-last-tpls'];
return tpls;
f_updateTpls: function (tpls) {
tpls = this.f_getTpls(tpls);
var e = document.createElement('div');
e.innerHTML = tpls;
Ext.Array.each(e.childNodes, function (item, index) {
var nodeId =;
var tplContainer = Ext.get(nodeId + '_container');
// 对于内存分页,模板列的内容可能还没有渲染到页面中
if (tplContainer) {
tplContainer.dom.innerHTML = item.outerHTML;
f_getPaging: function () {
var toolbar = this.getDockedItems('toolbar[dock="bottom"][xtype="simplepagingtoolbar"]');
return toolbar.length ? toolbar[0] : undefined;
f_loadData: function () {
var datas = this.f_getData();
var pagingBar = this.f_getPaging();
if (pagingBar) {
var pagingDatas = [];
if (pagingBar.f_databasePaging) {
pagingDatas = datas;
} else {
for (var i = pagingBar.f_startRowIndex; i <= pagingBar.f_endRowIndex; i++) {
datas = pagingDatas;
var store = this.getStore();
// 已经设置 的 pruneModifiedRecords ,在重新加载数据时都会清除所有已经改变的数据
// 所以无需 rejectChanges
// 拒绝之前对表格的编辑,因为接下来就要重新加载数据
// 重新加载数据前清空之前的改变
//this.f_newAddedRows = [];
//this.f_deletedRows = [];
if (this.f_cellEditing) {
// 初始化所有记录的ID列表
f_initRecordIDs: function () {
var $this = this;
this.f_recordIDs = [];
this.getStore().each(function (record, index) {
// 展开所有的行扩展列
f_expandAllRows: function () {
var expander = this.getPlugin( + '_rowexpander');
if (expander) {
var store = this.getStore();
for (var i = 0, count = store.getCount() ; i < count; i++) {
var record = store.getAt(i);
if (!expander.recordsExpanded[record.internalId]) {
expander.toggleRow(i, record);
// 隐藏所有的行扩展列
f_collapseAllRows: function () {
var expander = this.getPlugin( + '_rowexpander');
if (expander) {
var store = this.getStore();
for (var i = 0, count = store.getCount() ; i < count; i++) {
var record = store.getAt(i);
if (expander.recordsExpanded[record.internalId]) {
expander.toggleRow(i, record);
// IE下允许选中表格中的文本
f_enableTextSelection: function () {
var elems ="div[unselectable=on]", this.el.dom);
for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) {
Ext.get(elems[i]).set({ 'unselectable': 'off' }).removeCls('x-unselectable');
// 获取选中的行数,或者单元格数(单元格编辑模式)
f_getSelectedCount: function () {
var selectedCount = 0;
var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
if (sm.hasSelection()) {
if (sm.getCount) {
selectedCount = sm.getCount();
} else {
// 单元格编辑模式,只可能选中一个单元格
selectedCount = 1;
return selectedCount;
f_clearSelections: function () {
var me = this;
var sm = me.getSelectionModel();
// 选中某些行
f_selectRows: function (rows) {
var me = this;
rows = rows || me.f_state['SelectedRowIDArray'] || [];
var sm = me.getSelectionModel();
var store = me.getStore();
// 如果传入 rows=[],则需要先清空全部选中行
if (rows.length) {
Ext.Array.each(rows, function (row, index) {
// select( records, [keepExisting], [suppressEvent] )
// 有可能存在指定的行找不到的情况
var rowInstance = store.getById(row);
if (rowInstance) {, true, true);
// 选中全部行
f_selectAllRows: function () {
var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
if (sm.selectAll) {
// 获取选中的行
f_getSelectedRows: function () {
var me = this, selectedRows = [];
var sm = me.getSelectionModel();
if (sm.getSelection) {
var selection = sm.getSelection();
var store = me.getStore();
Ext.Array.each(selection, function (record, index) {
// 晕倒:新增行的 record.getId() 居然为 undedined,没办法!
return selectedRows;
// 选中单元格(AllowCellEditing)
f_selectCell: function (rowId, columnId) {
var me = this;
var cell = rowId;
if (typeof (cell) === 'undefined') {
cell = me.f_state['SelectedCell'] || [];
} else if (!Ext.isArray(cell)) {
cell = [rowId, columnId];
if (cell && cell.length === 2) {
// 支持[行索引,列索引],也支持[行Id,列Id]
var row = cell[0];
var column = cell[1];
// 如果未定义,则直接返回
if (!row || !column) {
if (typeof (row) === 'string') {
row = me.f_getRow(row);
if (typeof (column) === 'string') {
column = me.f_getColumn(column);
var sm = me.getSelectionModel();
row: row,
column: column
// 获取选中的单元格(AllowCellEditing)
f_getSelectedCell: function () {
var me = this, selectedCell = [], currentPos;
var sm = me.getSelectionModel();
if (sm.getCurrentPosition) {
currentPos = sm.getCurrentPosition();
if (currentPos) {
selectedCell = [currentPos.record.getId(),];
return selectedCell;
// 获取隐藏列的名称列表
f_getHiddenColumns: function () {
var hiddens = [], columns = this.f_getColumns();
Ext.Array.each(columns, function (column, index) {
var columnId =;
// 行扩展列需要单独处理,id属性不是 expander
if (!column.dataIndex && column.innerCls && column.innerCls.indexOf('row-expander') > 0) {
columnId = 'expander';
if (column.isHidden()) {
return hiddens;
// 隐藏需要隐藏的列,显示不需要隐藏的列
f_updateColumnsHiddenStatus: function (hiddens) {
hiddens = hiddens || this.f_state['HiddenColumns'] || [];
var columns = this.f_getColumns();
Ext.Array.each(columns, function (column, index) {
var columnId =;
// 行扩展列需要单独处理,id属性不是 expander
if (!column.dataIndex && column.innerCls && column.innerCls.indexOf('row-expander') > 0) {
columnId = 'expander';
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(hiddens, columnId) !== -1) {
} else {
// 初始化排序列头
f_initSortHeaders: function () {
var gridEl = Ext.get(, columns = this.f_getColumns();
// 为所有可排序列添加手型光标
Ext.Array.each(columns, function (item, index) {
if (item['sortable']) {
// 设置表格标题栏的排序图标
f_setSortIcon: function (sortColumnID, sortDirection) {
var gridEl = Ext.get(, columns = this.f_getColumns(), headers ='.x-column-header');
// 清空所有可排序列的排序箭头
headers.removeCls(['x-column-header-sort-DESC', 'x-column-header-sort-ASC']);
// 为所有可排序列添加手型光标
Ext.Array.each(columns, function (item, index) {
if (item['sortable']) {
// 设置当前列的排序箭头
if (sortColumnID) {
Ext.get(sortColumnID).addCls('x-column-header-sort-' + sortDirection.toUpperCase());
// 获取表格列
f_getColumns: function () {
var columns = [];
var configColumns = this.getColumnModel().config;
Ext.Array.each(configColumns, function (item, index) {
// expander也属于表格列的一种类型,否则设置f_setSortIcon会出错
if ( !== 'numberer' && !== 'checker') { // && !== 'expander'
// columns 属性不包含行扩展列
//return this.columns;
// this.columnManager.columns 返回相同内容
return this.headerCt.getGridColumns();
// 这个方法用不到了,现在对States的更新会导致Values的改变,进而促使表格的重新加载
f_setRowStates: function (states) {
var gridEl = Ext.get(, columns = this.f_getColumns(), states = states || this.f_state['f_states'] || [];
function setCheckBoxStates(columnIndex, stateColumnIndex) {
var checkboxRows ='.x-grid-body .x-grid-item .x-grid-td-' + columns[columnIndex].id + ' .f-grid-checkbox');
checkboxRows.each(function (row, rows, index) {
if (states[index][stateColumnIndex]) {
if (row.hasCls('box-grid-checkbox-unchecked-disabled')) {
} else {
} else {
if (row.hasCls('box-grid-checkbox-disabled')) {
} else {
var stateColumnIndex = 0;
Ext.Array.each(columns, function (column, index) {
if (column['f_persistState']) {
if (column['f_persistStateType'] === 'checkbox') {
setCheckBoxStates(index, stateColumnIndex);
// 获取列状态(目前只有CheckBoxField用到)
f_getStates: function () {
var gridEl = Ext.get(, columns = this.f_getColumns(), states = [];
function getCheckBoxStates(columnIndex) {
var checkboxRows ='.x-grid-item .x-grid-cell-' + columns[columnIndex].id + ' .f-grid-checkbox');
var columnStates = [];
checkboxRows.each(function (row, index) {
if (row.hasCls('unchecked')) {
} else {
return columnStates;
Ext.Array.each(columns, function (column, index) {
if (column['f_persistState']) {
if (column['f_persistStateType'] === 'checkbox') {
// 把列状态列表转换为行状态列表,与后台数据保持一致
var i, resolvedStates = [], rowState, rowCount;
if (states.length > 0) {
rowCount = states[0].length;
for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
rowState = [];
Ext.Array.each(states, function (state, index) {
return resolvedStates;
// 提交客户端改变
f_commitChanges: function () {
if (this.f_cellEditing) {
// 仅内部使用(f_deleteSelectedRows)
f_getSelectedRowsIndex: function () {
var selectedRows = [];
var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
if (sm.getSelection) {
var selection = sm.getSelection();
var store = this.getStore();
Ext.Array.each(selection, function (record, index) {
return selectedRows;
// 仅内部使用(f_deleteSelectedRows)
f_getSelectedCellIndex: function () {
var selectedCell = [], currentPos;
var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
if (sm.getCurrentPosition) {
currentPos = sm.getCurrentPosition();
if (currentPos) {
selectedCell = [currentPos.row, currentPos.columnHeader.f_columnIndex];
return selectedCell;
// 从Store中删除选中的行(或者单元格)
f_deleteSelectedRows: function () {
var $this = this;
var store = this.getStore();
var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
if (sm.getSelection) {
var rows = this.f_getSelectedRowsIndex();
Ext.Array.each(rows, function (rowIndex, index) {
} else if (sm.getSelectedCell) {
var selectedCell = this.f_getSelectedCellIndex();
if (selectedCell.length) {
f_generateNewId: function () {
var newid = 'fineui_' + F.f_objectIndex;
return newid;
// 添加一条新纪录
f_addNewRecord: function (defaultObj, appendToEnd, editColumnId) {
var me = this, store = me.getStore();
var newRecord = defaultObj; //new;
// 如果设置了 id,则 extjs 认为这不是一个 phantom(幻影),而是一个真实存在的数据,rejectChanges 就不能去除这条数据了
// 自动生成ID
if(typeof(newRecord.__id) === 'undefined') {
newRecord.__id = me.f_generateNewId();
// 清空当前选中的单元格
// 取消正在编辑
var newAddedRecords;
//var rowIndex = 0;
if (appendToEnd) {
newAddedRecords = store.add(newRecord);
//rowIndex = store.getCount() - 1;
} else {
newAddedRecords = store.insert(0, newRecord);
//rowIndex = 0;
var newAddedRecord = newAddedRecords[0];
// phantom: True when the record does not yet exist in a server-side database (see setDirty). Any record which has a real database pk set as its id property is NOT a phantom -- it's real.
// 如果设置了 id 属性,则 extjs 认为这不是一个 phantom(幻影),而是一个真实存在的数据,然后通过 getStore().getModifiedRecords() 就得不到这条记录了。
// 所以需要设置 setDirty
var column;
if (typeof (editColumnId) === 'undefined') {
column = me.f_firstEditableColumn();
} else {
column = me.f_getColumn(editColumnId);
me.f_cellEditing.startEdit(newAddedRecord, column);
f_startEdit: function (rowId, columnId) {
var me = this;
me.f_cellEditing.startEdit(me.f_getRow(rowId), me.f_getColumn(columnId));
//// 获取新增的行索引(在修改后的列表中)
//f_getNewAddedRows: function () {
// var $this = this;
// var newAddedRows = [];
// this.getStore().each(function (record, index) {
// if (Ext.Array.indexOf($this.f_recordIDs, < 0) {
// newAddedRows.push(index);
// }
// });
// return newAddedRows;
// 获取删除的行索引(在原始的列表中)
f_getDeletedRows: function () {
var me = this, currentRecordIDs = [], deletedRows = [];
me.getStore().each(function (record, index) {
// 快速判断是否存在行被删除的情况
if (currentRecordIDs.join('') === me.f_recordIDs.join('')) {
return []; // 没有行被删除
// 内存分页,特殊处理
var originalIndexPlus = 0;
var pagingBar = me.f_getPaging();
if (pagingBar && !pagingBar.f_databasePaging) {
originalIndexPlus = pagingBar.f_pageIndex * pagingBar.f_pageSize;
Ext.Array.each(me.f_recordIDs, function (recordID, index) {
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(currentRecordIDs, recordID) < 0) {
//deletedRows.push(index + originalIndexPlus);
index: -1,
originalIndex: index + originalIndexPlus,
id: recordID,
status: 'deleted'
return deletedRows;
f_firstEditableColumn: function () {
var me = this, columns = me.f_getColumns();
for (var i = 0, count = columns.length; i < count; i++) {
var column = columns[i];
if (me.f_columnEditable(column)) {
return column;
return undefined;
f_columnEditable: function (columnID) {
var me = this, columns = me.f_getColumns();
var column = columnID;
if (typeof (columnID) === 'string') {
column = me.f_getColumn(column);
if (column && column.f_editable) {
return true;
if((column.getEditor && column.getEditor()) || column.xtype === 'checkcolumn') {
return true;
return false;
f_getColumn: function (columnID) {
var me = this, columns = me.f_getColumns();
for (var i = 0, count = columns.length; i < count; i++) {
var column = columns[i];
if ( === columnID) {
return column;
return undefined;
f_getRow: function (rowId) {
var me = this, store = me.getStore();
return store.getById(rowId);
f_getCellValue: function (rowId, columnId) {
var me = this;
var row = me.f_getRow(rowId);
if (row && {
return undefined;
f_updateCellValue: function (rowId, columnId, newvalue) {
var me = this;
var row = me.f_getRow(rowId);
if (row && row.set) {
row.set(columnId, newvalue);
// 获取用户修改的单元格值
f_getModifiedData: function () {
var me = this, i, j, count, columns = this.f_getColumns();
// 内存分页,特殊处理
var originalIndexPlus = 0;
var pagingBar = me.f_getPaging();
if (pagingBar && !pagingBar.f_databasePaging) {
originalIndexPlus = pagingBar.f_pageIndex * pagingBar.f_pageSize;
var modifiedRows = [];
var store = this.getStore();
var modifiedRecords = store.getModifiedRecords();
var rowIndex, rowData, newData, modifiedRecord, recordID, rowIndexOriginal;
for (i = 0, count = modifiedRecords.length; i < count; i++) {
modifiedRecord = modifiedRecords[i];
recordID =;
rowIndex = store.indexOf(modifiedRecord);
rowData =;
if (rowIndex < 0) {
// 本行数据在原始数据集合中的行索引
rowIndexOriginal = Ext.Array.indexOf(this.f_recordIDs, recordID);
if (rowIndexOriginal < 0) {
var newRowData = {};
// 删除那些不能编辑的列
for (var columnID in rowData) {
if (this.f_columnEditable(columnID)) {
//delete rowData[columnID];
var rowDataColumn = rowData[columnID];
// 如果是日期对象,则转化为字符串
if (F.util.isDate(rowDataColumn)) {
rowDataColumn = F.util.resolveGridDateToString(me.f_fields, columnID, rowDataColumn);
newRowData[columnID] = rowDataColumn;
// 新增数据行
modifiedRows.push([rowIndex, -1, newRowData]);
} else {
var rowModifiedObj = {};
for (var columnID in modifiedRecord.modified) {
if (this.f_columnEditable(columnID)) {
newData = rowData[columnID];
// 如果是日期对象,则转化为字符串
if (F.util.isDate(newData)) {
newData = F.util.resolveGridDateToString(me.f_fields, columnID, newData);
rowModifiedObj[columnID] = newData;
// 修改现有数据行
modifiedRows.push([rowIndex, rowIndexOriginal + originalIndexPlus, rowModifiedObj]);
// 结果按照 rowIndex 升序排序
return modifiedRows.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; });
// 获取用户修改的单元格值
f_getModifiedData: function () {
var me = this, i, j, count, columns = me.f_getColumns();
// 内存分页,特殊处理
var originalIndexPlus = 0;
var pagingBar = me.f_getPaging();
if (pagingBar && !pagingBar.f_databasePaging) {
originalIndexPlus = pagingBar.f_pageIndex * pagingBar.f_pageSize;
var modifiedRows = [];
var store = me.getStore();
var modifiedRecords = store.getModifiedRecords();
for (i = 0, count = modifiedRecords.length; i < count; i++) {
var modifiedRecord = modifiedRecords[i];
var recordID =;
var rowId = modifiedRecord.getId(); // getId() is not the same as id property
var rowIndex = store.indexOf(modifiedRecord);
var rowData =;
if (rowIndex < 0) {
// 本行数据在原始数据集合中的行索引
var rowIndexOriginal = Ext.Array.indexOf(me.f_recordIDs, recordID);
if (rowIndexOriginal < 0) {
var newRowData = {};
//for (var columnID in rowData) {
Ext.Object.each(rowData, function (columnID, value) {
//if (me.f_columnEditable(columnID)) {
//delete rowData[columnID];
var column = me.f_getColumn(columnID);
if (column && (column.f_columnType === 'rendercheckfield' || column.f_columnType === 'renderfield')) {
var newData = rowData[columnID];
// 如果是日期对象,则转化为字符串
if (F.util.isDate(newData)) {
newData = F.util.resolveGridDateToString(me.f_fields, columnID, newData);
newRowData[columnID] = newData;
// 新增数据行
//modifiedRows.push([rowIndex, -1, newRowData]);
index: rowIndex,
originalIndex: -1,
id: rowId,
values: newRowData,
status: 'newadded'
} else {
var rowModifiedObj = {};
Ext.Object.each(modifiedRecord.modified, function (columnID, value) {
//for (var columnID in modifiedRecord.modified) {
// 不删除非可编辑列,比如[总成绩(不可编辑)]列不可编辑,但是可以通过代码更改
//if (me.f_columnEditable(columnID)) {
var newData = rowData[columnID];
// 如果是日期对象,则转化为字符串
if (F.util.isDate(newData)) {
newData = F.util.resolveGridDateToString(me.f_fields, columnID, newData);
rowModifiedObj[columnID] = newData;
// 修改现有数据行
//modifiedRows.push([rowIndex, rowIndexOriginal + originalIndexPlus, rowModifiedObj]);
index: rowIndex,
originalIndex: rowIndexOriginal + originalIndexPlus,
id: rowId,
values: rowModifiedObj,
status: 'modified'
// 删除的行
//modifiedRows = modifiedRows.concat(me.f_getDeletedRows());
var removedRecords = store.getRemovedRecords();
Ext.Array.each(removedRecords, function (record, index) {
var recordOriginalIndex = Ext.Array.indexOf(me.f_recordIDs,;
index: -1,
originalIndex: recordOriginalIndex + originalIndexPlus,
id: record.getId(),
status: 'deleted'
// 结果按照 originalIndex 升序排序
return modifiedRows.sort(function (a, b) { return a.originalIndex - b.originalIndex; });
if (Ext.tree.Panel) {
Ext.override(Ext.tree.Panel, {
f_loadData: function () {
var datas = this.f_state['F_Nodes'];
var nodes = this.f_tranformData(datas);
var root = this.getRootNode();
if (root) {
//id: + '_root',
expanded: true,
children: nodes
f_tranformData: function (datas) {
var that = this, i = 0, nodes = [];
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
var data = datas[i], node = {};
// 0 - Text
// 1 - Leaf
// 2 - NodeID
// 3 - Enabled
// 4 - EnableCheckBox
// 5 - Checked
// 6 - Expanded
// 7 - NavigateUrl
// 8 - Target
// 9 - href
// 10 - Icon
// 11 - IconUrl
// 12 - iconUrl
// 13 - ToolTip
// 14 - OnClientClick
// 15 - EnableClickEvent
// 16 - CommandName
// 17 - CommandArgument
// 18 - EnableCheckEvent
// 19 - EnableExpandEvent
// 20 - EnableCollapseEvent
// 21 - CssClass
// 22 - Nodes
node.text = data[0];
node.leaf = !!data[1]; = data[2];
node.disabled = !data[3];
if (!!data[4]) {
// node.checked === undefined, no checkbox
node.checked = !!data[5];
if (!data[1]) {
node.expanded = !!data[6];
if (data[9]) {
node.href = data[9];
node.hrefTarget = data[8];
if (data[12]) {
node.icon = data[12];
node.qtip = data[13];
if (data[14]) {
node.f_clientclick = data[14];
node.f_enableclickevent = !!data[15];
node.f_commandname = data[16];
node.f_commandargument = data[17];
node.f_enablecheckevent = !!data[18];
node.f_enableexpandevent = !!data[19];
node.f_enablecollapseevent = !!data[20];
if (data[21]) {
node.cls = data[21];
if (data[22] && data[22].length > 0) {
node.children = that.f_tranformData(data[22]);
return nodes;
f_getExpandedNodes: function (nodes) {
var i = 0, that = this, expandedNodes = [];
for (; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
if (node.isExpanded()) {
if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
expandedNodes = expandedNodes.concat(that.f_getExpandedNodes(node.childNodes));
return expandedNodes;
f_getCheckedNodes: function () {
var checkedIDs = [], checkedArray = this.getChecked();
Ext.Array.each(checkedArray, function (node, index) {
return checkedIDs;
f_getSelectedNodes: function () {
var selectedNodeIDs = [];
var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
if (sm.getSelection) {
var selection = sm.getSelection();
Ext.Array.each(selection, function (node, index) {
return selectedNodeIDs;
f_selectNodes: function () {
var nodeIDs = this.f_state['SelectedNodeIDArray'] || [];
var model = this.getSelectionModel(), store = this.getStore(), nodes = [], node;
Ext.Array.each(nodeIDs, function (nodeID, index) {
node = store.getNodeById(nodeID);
if (node) {
if (Ext.PagingToolbar) {
// We don't use this Class in current version.
Ext.override(Ext.PagingToolbar, {
f_hideRefresh: function () {
var index = this.items.indexOf(this.refresh);
this.items.get(index - 1).hide();
if ( {
Ext.override(, {
f_autoPostBackTabsContains: function (tabId) {
var tabs = this.f_state['F_AutoPostBackTabs'];
return tabs.indexOf(tabId) !== -1;
f_setActiveTab: function () {
var tabIndex = this.f_state['ActiveTabIndex'];
f_getActiveTabIndex: function () {
return this.items.indexOf(this.getActiveTab());
activateNextTab: function (c) {
if (c == this.activeTab) {
var next =;
if (next) {
if (next = this.items.find(function (t) { return !== 'none'; })) {
// Find the first visible tab and set it active tab.
} else {
hideTab: function (tabId) {
var tab = F(tabId).tab;
if (tab) {
showTab: function (tabId) {
var tab = F(tabId).tab;
if (tab) {;
addTab: function (id, url, title, closable) {
var options = {
'cls': 'f-tab'
}, tab;
if (typeof (id) === 'string') {
Ext.apply(options, {
'id': id,
'title': title,
'closable': closable,
'url': url
} else {
// 如果id不是字符串,则id为对象并且只有一个参数
Ext.apply(options, id);
tab = this.getTab(;
if (!tab) {
Ext.apply(options, {
'f_dynamic_added_tab': true,
'html': '<iframe id="' + + '" name="' + + '" src="' + options.url + '" frameborder="0" style="height:100%;width:100%;overflow:auto;"\></iframe\>'
tab = this.add(options);
return tab;
getTab: function (tabId) {
return F(tabId);
removeTab: function (tabId) {
if (Ext.WindowManager) {
Ext.override(Ext.WindowManager, {
// 确保窗体的遮罩层覆盖整个窗口
getMaskBox: function () {
this.mask.maskTarget = Ext.getBody();
return this.callParent(arguments);
if (Ext.window.Window) {
Ext.override(Ext.window.Window, {
hide: function () {
if (this.modal) {'.x-mask').setStyle({ top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%' });
show: function(){
if (this.modal) {'.x-mask').setStyle({ top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%' });
// @private
onWindowResize: function () {
var me = this;
if (me.maximized) {
// 改变浏览器大小可以自动调整窗体控件的大小(窗体控件最大化时)
} else {
bof_hide: function () {
bof_hide_refresh: function () {
bof_hide_postback: function (argument) {
bof_show: function (iframeUrl, windowTitle) {
this.f_show(iframeUrl, windowTitle);
f_setWidth: function () {
var panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(this);
f_setHeight: function () {
var panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(this);
f_setTitle: function () {
var panel = F.wnd.getGhostPanel(this);
f_hide: function () {
F.wnd.hide(this, this.f_iframe, + '_Hidden');
f_hide_refresh: function () {
f_hide_postback: function (argument) {
var me = this;
if (me.f_property_enable_ajax === false) {
F.controlEnableAjax = false;
// 如果argument为undefined,则传入 __doPostBack 的 argument 应该为空字符串
argument = argument || '';
__doPostBack(, 'Close$' + argument);
f_hide_executescript: function (scripts) {
var me = this;
if (scripts) {
with (window) {
new Function(scripts)();
f_show: function (iframeUrl, windowTitle, width, height) {
var me = this;
if (typeof (iframeUrl) === 'undefined') {
iframeUrl = me.f_iframe_url;
if (typeof (windowTitle) === 'undefined') {
windowTitle = me.title;
}, iframeUrl, windowTitle, me.f_property_left, me.f_property_top, me.f_property_position, + '_Hidden', width, height);
f_maximize: function () {
f_minimize: function () {
f_restore: function () {
if (Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander) {
Ext.override(Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander, {
// 将行扩展列的 td CSS类改为 x-grid-cell-row-expander
getHeaderConfig: function () {
var config = this.callParent(arguments);
config.tdCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-row-expander';
return config;
// 修正IE7下,窗口出现滚动条时,点击Window控件标题栏有时node为null的问题
if (Ext.dd.DragDrop) {
F.originalIsValidHandleChild = Ext.dd.DragDrop.prototype.isValidHandleChild;
Ext.dd.DragDrop.prototype.isValidHandleChild = function (node) {
if (!node || !node.nodeName) {
return false;
return F.originalIsValidHandleChild.apply(this, [node]);
// 修正在IE下,Grid的模版列中出现文本输入框或者下拉列表时,第一次不能选中的问题
// 已经有网友发现这个问题:
// This is what caused my self-rendered-Html-Elements to "flicker" as described in my other thread.
// The Dropdown receives the Click, opens and stays open for the Millisecond until
// Ext calls back and gives focus to the Cell, causing my Drop-Down to close again.
if (Ext.grid.GridPanel) {
Ext.grid.GridView.prototype.focusCell = function (row, col, hscroll) {
this.syncFocusEl(this.ensureVisible(row, col, hscroll));
var focusEl = this.focusEl;
// 修正Chrome下多表头样式错位
// 增加 !Ext.isChrome 的判断,在Chrome下DIV的宽度不包括边框的宽度
if (Ext.ux.grid && Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup) {
Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getGroupStyle = function (group, gcol) {
var width = 0, hidden = true;
for (var i = gcol, len = gcol + group.colspan; i < len; i++) {
if (! {
var cw =;
if (typeof cw == 'number') {
width += cw;
hidden = false;
return {
width: (Ext.isBorderBox || (Ext.isWebKit && !Ext.isSafari2 && !Ext.isChrome) ? width : Math.max(width - this.borderWidth, 0)) + 'px',
hidden: hidden
// enableTextSelection: true --> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getVisibleIndex' of undefined
Ext.override(Ext.selection.CellModel, {
onMouseDown: function (view, cell, cellIndex, record, row, recordIndex, e) {
// Added - Change cellIndex value
if (view.enableTextSelection && cellIndex === -1) {
cellIndex = cell.cellIndex;
// Record index will be -1 if the clicked record is a metadata record and not selectable
if (recordIndex !== -1) {
view: view,
row: row,
column: cellIndex
(function () {
// 修正IE7/IE8下Date.parse('2015-10-01')出错的问题
function parseISO8601(dateStr) {
var isoExp = /(\d{2,4})-(\d\d?)-(\d\d?)/,
date = new Date(NaN), month,
parts = isoExp.exec(dateStr);
if (parts) {
month = +parts[2];
date.setFullYear(parts[1], month - 1, parts[3]);
if (month != date.getMonth() + 1) {
return date;
var originalParse = Date.parse;
Date.parse = function (dateStr) {
var date = originalParse(dateStr);
if (isNaN(date)) {
date = parseISO8601(dateStr);
return date;
if (Ext.form.field.ComboBox) {
var originalComboSetValue = Ext.form.field.ComboBox.prototype.setValue;
Ext.form.field.ComboBox.prototype.setValue = function (value, doSelect) {
// value可能是数字(可编辑单元格,列的FieldType可能是Int)
if (typeof (value) === 'number' || typeof (value) === 'boolean') {
value += '';
return originalComboSetValue.apply(this, [value, doSelect]);

(function() {
function getParentIndex(levels, level, index) {
if (level > 0) {
for (var i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (levels[i] == level - 1) {
return i;
return -1;
function hasLittleBrother(levels, level, index) {
if (index < levels.length - 1) {
for (var i = index + 1; i < levels.length; i++) {
if (levels[i] == level) {
return true;
} else if (levels[i] < level) {
return false;
return false;
function getParentTempData(tempdatas, tempdata, prefixIndex) {
for (var i = 0; i < prefixIndex - 1; i++) {
tempdata = tempdatas[tempdata.parentIndex];
return tempdata;
function getPrefixInner(tempdatas, tempdata, prefixIndex) {
// If level = 3, then prefixIndex array will be: [3, 2, 1]
// prefixIndex === 1 will always present the nearest prefix next to the Text.
if (prefixIndex === 1) {
if (tempdata.littleBrother) {
return '<div class="x-elbow"></div>';
else {
return '<div class="x-elbow-end"></div>';
} else {
var parentdata = getParentTempData(tempdatas, tempdata, prefixIndex);
if (parentdata.littleBrother) {
return '<div class="x-elbow-line"></div>';
else {
return '<div class="x-elbow-empty"></div>';
return "";
function getPrefix(tempdatas, index) {
var tempdata = tempdatas[index];
var level = tempdata.level;
var prefix = [];
for (var i = level; i > 0; i--) {
prefix.push(getPrefixInner(tempdatas, tempdata, i));
return prefix.join('');
F.simulateTree = {
transform: function(datas) {
if (!datas.length || datas[0].length < 4) {
return datas;
//// store: new{ fields: ['value', 'text', 'enabled', 'prefix'] })
//// Sample data:
// ["0", "jQuery", 0, 0],
// ["1", "Core", 0, 1],
// ["2", "Selectors", 0, 1],
// ["3", "Basic Filters", 1, 2],
// ["4", "Content Filters", 1, 2],
// ["41", "Contains", 1, 3],
// ["5", "Attribute Filters", 1, 2],
// ["6", "Traversing", 1, 1],
// ["7", "Filtering", 1, 2],
// ["8", "Finding", 1, 2],
// ["9", "Events", 0, 1],
// ["10", "Page Load", 1, 2],
// ["11", "Event Handling", 1, 2],
// ["12", "Interaction Helpers", 1, 2],
// ["13", "Ajax", 1, 1]
var levels = [];
Ext.Array.each(datas, function (data, index) {
var tempdatas = [];
Ext.Array.each(levels, function (level, index) {
'level': level,
'parentIndex': getParentIndex(levels, level, index),
'littleBrother': hasLittleBrother(levels, level, index)
var newdatas = [];
Ext.Array.each(datas, function (data, index) {
newdatas.push([data[0], data[1], data[2], getPrefix(tempdatas, index)]);
return newdatas;
(function () {
var ExtF = Ext.util.Format;
F.format = {
capitalize: ExtF.capitalize,
dateRenderer: ExtF.dateRenderer,
ellipsisRenderer: function (length) {
return function (value) {
return ExtF.ellipsis(value, length, false);
fileSize: ExtF.fileSize,
htmlEncode: ExtF.htmlEncode,
htmlDecode: ExtF.htmlDecode,
lowercase: ExtF.lowercase,
uppercase: ExtF.uppercase,
nl2br: ExtF.nl2br,
//number: ExtF.numberRenderer,
stripScripts: ExtF.stripScripts,
stripTags: ExtF.stripTags,
trim: ExtF.trim
//usMoney: ExtF.usMoney
Ext.define('Ext.ux.FormViewport', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
alias: 'widget.formviewport',
isViewport: true,
ariaRole: 'application',
preserveElOnDestroy: true,
viewportCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'viewport',
initComponent: function () {
var me = this,
html = document.body.parentNode,
el = me.el = Ext.getBody();
/////��ʼ �޸ĵ�һ/////////////////////////////
el = me.el = Ext.get(me.renderTo);
var body = Ext.getBody();
/////���� �޸ĵ�һ/////////////////////////////
// Get the DOM disruption over with before the Viewport renders and begins a layout
// Clear any dimensions, we will size later on
me.width = me.height = undefined;
if (me.autoScroll) {;
delete me.autoScroll;
el.setHeight = el.setWidth = Ext.emptyFn;
el.dom.scroll = 'no';
me.allowDomMove = false;
me.renderTo = me.el;
// override here to prevent an extraneous warning
applyTargetCls: function (targetCls) {
onRender: function () {
var me = this;
// Important to start life as the proper size (to avoid extra layouts)
// But after render so that the size is not stamped into the body
me.width = Ext.Element.getViewportWidth();
me.height = Ext.Element.getViewportHeight();
afterFirstLayout: function () {
var me = this;
setTimeout(function () {
Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(me.fireResize, me);
}, 1);
fireResize: function (width, height) {
// In IE we can get resize events that have our current size, so we ignore them
// to avoid the useless layout...
if (width != this.width || height != this.height) {
this.setSize(width, height);
initHierarchyState: function (hierarchyState) {
this.callParent([this.hierarchyState = Ext.rootHierarchyState]);
beforeDestroy: function () {
var me = this;
Ext.define('Ext.ux.SimplePagingToolbar', {
extend: 'Ext.toolbar.Paging',
alias: 'widget.simplepagingtoolbar',
cls: 'x-toolbar-paging',
// Override parent
initComponent: function () {
var me = this; = Ext.Object.merge({},, {
getCount: function () {
return me.f_recordCount;
currentPage: me.f_pageIndex + 1
// Override parent
getPagingItems: function() {
var items = this.callParent();
// Remove refresh and separator items.
return items.slice(0, items.length - 2);
// Override parent
getPageData: function () {
var fromRecord = 0, toRecord = 0;
if (this.f_databasePaging) {
fromRecord = (this.f_pageIndex * this.f_pageSize) + 1;
toRecord = fromRecord + this.f_pageSize - 1;
} else {
fromRecord = this.f_startRowIndex + 1;
toRecord = this.f_endRowIndex + 1;
if (toRecord > this.f_recordCount) {
toRecord = this.f_recordCount;
return {
total: this.f_recordCount,
currentPage: this.f_pageIndex + 1,
pageCount: this.f_pageCount <= 0 ? 1 : this.f_pageCount,
fromRecord: fromRecord,
toRecord: toRecord
f_update: function (configs) {
var me = this;
Ext.Object.merge(me, configs); = me.f_pageIndex + 1;
// �Ƿ����˷�ҳ������Ҫ���¼��� f_startRowIndex �� f_endRowIndex
if (!me.f_databasePaging) {
var startRowIndex = me.f_pageSize * me.f_pageIndex;
var endRowIndex = (me.f_pageIndex + 1) * me.f_pageSize - 1;
if(endRowIndex > me.f_recordCount - 1) {
endRowIndex = me.f_recordCount - 1;
me.f_startRowIndex = startRowIndex;
me.f_endRowIndex = endRowIndex;
// v6.0.3������������ҳ��Ϣ������ʾ����ȷ��9097��
// onLoad����������getPageData�����õ�f_startRowIndex, f_endRowIndex��������Ҫ����ִ��onLoad
// feature idea to enable Ajax loading and then the content
// cache would actually make sense. Should we dictate that they use
// data or support raw html as well?
* Plugin (ptype = 'rowexpander') that adds the ability to have a Column in a grid which enables
* a second row body which expands/contracts. The expand/contract behavior is configurable to react
* on clicking of the column, double click of the row, and/or hitting enter while a row is selected.
* **Note:** The {@link Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander rowexpander} plugin and the rowbody
* feature are exclusive and cannot both be set on the same grid / tree.
Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander', {
extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract',
lockableScope: 'top',
requires: [
alias: 'plugin.rowexpander',
* @cfg {Number} [columnWidth=24]
* The width of the row expander column which contains the [+]/[-] icons to toggle row expansion.
columnWidth: 24,
* @cfg {Ext.XTemplate} rowBodyTpl
* An XTemplate which, when passed a record data object, produces HTML for the expanded row content.
* Note that if this plugin is applied to a lockable grid, the rowBodyTpl applies to the normal (unlocked) side.
* See {@link #lockedTpl}
rowBodyTpl: null,
* @cfg {Ext.XTemplate} [lockedTpl]
* An XTemplate which, when passed a record data object, produces HTML for the expanded row content *on the locked side of a lockable grid*.
lockedTpl: null,
* @cfg {Boolean} expandOnEnter
* This config is no longer supported. The Enter key initiated the grid's actinoable mode.
* @cfg {Boolean} expandOnDblClick
* `true` to toggle a row between expanded/collapsed when double clicked
* (defaults to `true`).
expandOnDblClick: true,
* @cfg {Boolean} selectRowOnExpand
* `true` to select a row when clicking on the expander icon
* (defaults to `false`).
selectRowOnExpand: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} scrollIntoViewOnExpand
* @since 6.2.0
* `true` to ensure that the full row expander body is visible when clicking on the expander icon
* (defaults to `true`)
scrollIntoViewOnExpand: true,
* @cfg {Number}
* The width of the Row Expander column header
headerWidth: 24,
* @cfg {Boolean} [bodyBefore=false]
* Configure as `true` to put the row expander body *before* the data row.
bodyBefore: false,
rowBodyTrSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody-tr',
rowBodyHiddenCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-row-body-hidden',
rowCollapsedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-row-collapsed',
addCollapsedCls: {
fn: function(out, values, parent) {
var me = this.rowExpander;
if (!me.recordsExpanded[values.record.internalId]) {
this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);
syncRowHeights: function(lockedItem, normalItem) {
this.rowExpander.syncRowHeights(lockedItem, normalItem);
// We need a high priority to get in ahead of the outerRowTpl
// so we can setup row data
priority: 20000
* @event expandbody
* **Fired through the grid's View**
* @param {HTMLElement} rowNode The &lt;tr> element which owns the expanded row.
* @param {} record The record providing the data.
* @param {HTMLElement} expandRow The &lt;tr> element containing the expanded data.
* @event collapsebody
* **Fired through the grid's View.**
* @param {HTMLElement} rowNode The &lt;tr> element which owns the expanded row.
* @param {} record The record providing the data.
* @param {HTMLElement} expandRow The &lt;tr> element containing the expanded data.
setCmp: function(grid) {
var me = this,
// Keep track of which record internalIds are expanded.
me.recordsExpanded = {};
// <debug>
if (!me.rowBodyTpl) {
Ext.raise("The 'rowBodyTpl' config is required and is not defined.");
// </debug>
me.rowBodyTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(me, 'rowBodyTpl');
features = me.getFeatureConfig(grid);
if (grid.features) {
grid.features = Ext.Array.push(features, grid.features);
} else {
grid.features = features;
// NOTE: features have to be added before init (before Table.initComponent)
* @protected
* @return {Array} And array of Features or Feature config objects.
* Returns the array of Feature configurations needed to make the RowExpander work.
* May be overridden in a subclass to modify the returned array.
getFeatureConfig: function(grid) {
var me = this,
features = [],
featuresCfg = {
ftype: 'rowbody',
rowExpander: me,
rowIdCls: me.rowIdCls,
bodyBefore: me.bodyBefore,
recordsExpanded: me.recordsExpanded,
rowBodyHiddenCls: me.rowBodyHiddenCls,
rowCollapsedCls: me.rowCollapsedCls,
setupRowData: me.getRowBodyFeatureData,
setup: me.setup
lockableScope: 'normal',
getRowBodyContents: me.getRowBodyContentsFn(me.rowBodyTpl)
}, featuresCfg));
// Locked side will need a copy to keep the two DOM structures symmetrical.
// A lockedTpl config is available to create content in locked side.
// The enableLocking flag is set early in Ext.panel.Table#initComponent if any columns are locked.
if (grid.enableLocking) {
lockableScope: 'locked',
getRowBodyContents: me.lockedTpl ? me.getRowBodyContentsFn(me.lockedTpl) : function() {return '';}
}, featuresCfg));
return features;
getRowBodyContentsFn: function(rowBodyTpl) {
var me = this;
return function (rowValues) {
rowBodyTpl.owner = me;
return rowBodyTpl.applyTemplate(rowValues.record.getData());
init: function(grid) {
var me = this,
// Plugin attaches to topmost grid if lockable
ownerLockable = grid.lockable && grid,
view, lockedView, normalView;
if (ownerLockable) {
me.lockedGrid = ownerLockable.lockedGrid;
me.normalGrid = ownerLockable.normalGrid;
lockedView = me.lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView();
normalView = me.normalView = me.normalGrid.getView();
me.grid = grid;
view = me.view = grid.getView();
// Bind to view for key and mouse events
// If the owning grid is lockable, ensure the collapsed class is applied to the locked side by adding
// a row processor to both views.
if (ownerLockable) {
me.addExpander(me.lockedGrid.headerCt.items.getCount() ? me.lockedGrid : me.normalGrid);
// Add row processor which adds collapsed class.
// Ensure tpl and view can access this plugin via a "rowExpander" property.
lockedView.addRowTpl(me.addCollapsedCls).rowExpander =
normalView.addRowTpl(me.addCollapsedCls).rowExpander =
lockedView.rowExpander =
normalView.rowExpander = me;
// If our client grid part of a lockable grid, we listen to its ownerLockable's processcolumns
ownerLockable.mon(ownerLockable, {
processcolumns: me.onLockableProcessColumns,
lockcolumn: me.onColumnLock,
unlockcolumn: me.onColumnUnlock,
scope: me
// Add row processor which adds collapsed class
else {
// Ensure tpl and view can access this plugin
view.addRowTpl(me.addCollapsedCls).rowExpander =
view.rowExpander = me;
grid.on('beforereconfigure', me.beforeReconfigure, me);
onItemAdd: function(newRecords, startIndex, newItems) {
var me = this,
ownerLockable = me.grid.lockable,
len = newItems.length,
// If any added items are expanded, we will need a syncRowHeights call on next layout
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
record = newRecords[i];
if (!record.isNonData && me.recordsExpanded[record.internalId]) {
ownerLockable && (me.grid.syncRowHeightOnNextLayout = true);
beforeReconfigure: function(grid, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns) {
var me = this;
if (me.viewListeners) {
if (columns) {
me.expanderColumn = new Ext.grid.Column(me.getHeaderConfig());
onLockableProcessColumns: function(lockable, lockedHeaders, normalHeaders) {
this.addExpander(lockedHeaders.length ? lockable.lockedGrid : lockable.normalGrid);
* @private
* Inject the expander column into the correct grid.
* If we are expanding the normal side of a lockable grid, poke the column into the locked side if the locked side has columns
addExpander: function(expanderGrid) {
var me = this,
selModel = expanderGrid.getSelectionModel(),
checkBoxPosition = selModel.injectCheckbox;
me.expanderColumn = expanderGrid.headerCt.insert(0, me.getHeaderConfig());
// If a CheckboxModel, and it's position is 0, it must now go at position one because this
// cell always gets in at position zero, and spans 2 columns.
if (checkBoxPosition === 0 || checkBoxPosition === 'first') {
checkBoxPosition = 1;
selModel.injectCheckbox = checkBoxPosition;
getRowBodyFeatureData: function(record, idx, rowValues) {
var me = this;
me.self.prototype.setupRowData.apply(me, arguments);
rowValues.rowBody = me.getRowBodyContents(rowValues);
rowValues.rowBodyCls = me.recordsExpanded[record.internalId] ? '' : me.rowBodyHiddenCls;
bindView: function(view) {
var me = this,
listeners = {
itemkeydown: me.onKeyDown,
scope: me
if (me.expandOnDblClick) {
listeners.itemdblclick = me.onDblClick;
if (me.grid.lockable) {
listeners.itemadd = me.onItemAdd;
onKeyDown: function(view, record, row, rowIdx, e) {
var me = this,
key = e.getKey(),
pos = view.getNavigationModel().getPosition(),
if (pos) {
row =;
isCollapsed = row.hasCls(me.rowCollapsedCls);
// + key on collapsed or - key on expanded
if (((key === 107 || (key === 187 && e.shiftKey)) && isCollapsed) || ((key === 109 || key === 189) && !isCollapsed)) {
me.toggleRow(rowIdx, record);
onDblClick: function(view, record, row, rowIdx, e) {
this.toggleRow(rowIdx, record);
toggleRow: function(rowIdx, record) {
var me = this,
// If we are handling a lockable assembly,
// handle the normal view first
view = me.normalView || me.view,
fireView = view,
rowNode = view.getNode(rowIdx),
normalRow =,
nextBd = normalRow.down(me.rowBodyTrSelector, true),
wasCollapsed = normalRow.hasCls(me.rowCollapsedCls),
addOrRemoveCls = wasCollapsed ? 'removeCls' : 'addCls',
ownerLockable = me.grid.lockable && me.grid,
me.recordsExpanded[record.internalId] = wasCollapsed;
// Sync the collapsed/hidden classes on the locked side
if (ownerLockable) {
componentLayoutCounter = ownerLockable.componentLayoutCounter;
// It's the top level grid's LockingView that does the firing when there's a lockable assembly involved.
fireView = ownerLockable.getView();
// Only attempt to toggle lockable side if it is visible.
if (me.lockedGrid.isVisible()) {
view = me.lockedView;
// The other side must be thrown into the layout matrix so that
// row height syncing can be done. If it is collapsed but floated,
// it will not automatically be added to the layout when the top
// level grid layout calculates its layout children.
// Process the locked side.
lockedRow =;
// Just because the grid is locked, doesn't mean we'll necessarily have a locked row.
if (lockedRow) {
// If there is a template for expander content in the locked side, toggle that side too
nextBd = lockedRow.down(me.rowBodyTrSelector, true);[addOrRemoveCls](me.rowBodyHiddenCls);
// We're going to need a layout run to synchronize row heights
ownerLockable.syncRowHeightOnNextLayout = true;
fireView.fireEvent(wasCollapsed ? 'expandbody' : 'collapsebody', rowNode, record, nextBd);
if (me.scrollIntoViewOnExpand && wasCollapsed) {
// The two sides are layout roots. The top grid will not have layed out.
// We must postprocess it now.
if (ownerLockable && ownerLockable.componentLayoutCounter === componentLayoutCounter) {
// Called from TableLayout.finishedLayout
syncRowHeights: function(lockedItem, normalItem) {
var me = this,
lockedBd =,
normalBd =,
// If expanded, we have to ensure expander row heights are synched
if (normalBd.isVisible()) {
// If heights are different, expand the smallest one
if ((lockedHeight = lockedBd.getHeight()) !== (normalHeight = normalBd.getHeight())) {
if (lockedHeight > normalHeight) {
} else {
// When not expanded we do not control the heights
else { = = '';
onColumnUnlock: function(lockable, column) {
var me = this,
lockable = lockable || me.grid;
lockedColumns = lockable.lockedGrid.visibleColumnManager.getColumns();
// User has unlocked all columns and left only the expander column in the locked side.
if (lockedColumns.length === 1) {
lockable.normalGrid.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-hide-row-expander-spacer');
lockable.lockedGrid.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-hide-row-expander-spacer');
if (lockedColumns[0] === me.expanderColumn) {
} else {
lockable.lock(me.expanderColumn, 0);
onColumnLock: function(lockable, column) {
var me = this,
lockable = lockable || me.grid;
lockedColumns = me.lockedGrid.visibleColumnManager.getColumns();
// This is the first column to move into the locked side.
// The expander column must follow it.
if (lockedColumns.length === 1) {
me.lockedGrid.headerCt.insert(0, me.expanderColumn);
lockable.normalGrid.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-hide-row-expander-spacer');
lockable.lockedGrid.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-hide-row-expander-spacer');
getHeaderConfig: function() {
var me = this,
lockable = me.grid.lockable && me.grid;
return {
width: me.headerWidth,
ignoreExport: true,
lockable: false,
autoLock: true,
sortable: false,
resizable: false,
draggable: false,
hideable: false,
menuDisabled: true,
tdCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-special',
innerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-inner-row-expander',
renderer: function() {
return '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-row-expander" role="presentation" tabIndex="0"></div>';
processEvent: function(type, view, cell, rowIndex, cellIndex, e, record) {
var isTouch = e.pointerType === 'touch',
isExpanderClick = !!e.getTarget('.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-row-expander');
if ((type === "click" && isExpanderClick) || (type === 'keydown' && e.getKey() === e.SPACE)) {
// Focus the cell on real touch tap.
// This is because the toggleRow saves and restores focus
// which may be elsewhere than clicked on causing a scroll jump.
if (isTouch) {
me.toggleRow(rowIndex, record, e);
e.stopSelection = !me.selectRowOnExpand;
} else if (e.type === 'mousedown' && !isTouch && isExpanderClick) {
// This column always migrates to the locked side if the locked side is visible.
// It has to report this correctly so that editors can position things correctly
isLocked: function() {
return lockable && (lockable.lockedGrid.isVisible() || this.locked);
// In an editor, this shows nothing.
editRenderer: function() {
return '&#160;';
* @deprecated
* Ext.ux.RowExpander has been promoted to the core framework. Use
* {@link Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander} instead. Ext.ux.RowExpander is now just an empty
* stub that extends Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander for backward compatibility reasons.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.RowExpander', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander'
* Plugin for adding a close context menu to tabs. Note that the menu respects
* the closable configuration on the tab. As such, commands like remove others
* and remove all will not remove items that are not closable.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu', {
extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract',
alias: 'plugin.tabclosemenu',
mixins: {
observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'
* @cfg {String} closeTabText
* The text for closing the current tab.
closeTabText: 'Close Tab',
* @cfg {Boolean} showCloseOthers
* Indicates whether to show the 'Close Others' option.
showCloseOthers: true,
* @cfg {String} closeOthersTabsText
* The text for closing all tabs except the current one.
closeOthersTabsText: 'Close Other Tabs',
* @cfg {Boolean} showCloseAll
* Indicates whether to show the 'Close All' option.
showCloseAll: true,
* @cfg {String} closeAllTabsText
* The text for closing all tabs.
closeAllTabsText: 'Close All Tabs',
* @cfg {Array} extraItemsHead
* An array of additional context menu items to add to the front of the context menu.
extraItemsHead: null,
* @cfg {Array} extraItemsTail
* An array of additional context menu items to add to the end of the context menu.
extraItemsTail: null,
constructor: function (config) {
this.callParent([config]);, config);
init : function(tabpanel){
this.tabPanel = tabpanel;
this.tabBar = tabpanel.down("tabbar");
this.mon(this.tabPanel, {
scope: this,
afterlayout: this.onAfterLayout,
single: true
onAfterLayout: function() {
this.mon(this.tabBar.el, {
scope: this,
contextmenu: this.onContextMenu,
delegate: '.x-tab'
destroy: function() {
* @private
onContextMenu : function(event, target){
var me = this,
menu = me.createMenu(),
disableAll = true,
disableOthers = true,
tab = me.tabBar.getChildByElement(target),
index = me.tabBar.items.indexOf(tab);
me.item = me.tabPanel.getComponent(index);
if (me.showCloseAll || me.showCloseOthers) {
me.tabPanel.items.each(function(item) {
if (item.closable) {
disableAll = false;
if (item !== me.item) {
disableOthers = false;
return false;
return true;
if (me.showCloseAll) {
if (me.showCloseOthers) {
me.fireEvent('beforemenu', menu, me.item, me);
createMenu : function() {
var me = this;
if (! {
var items = [{
itemId: 'close',
text: me.closeTabText,
scope: me,
handler: me.onClose
if (me.showCloseAll || me.showCloseOthers) {
if (me.showCloseOthers) {
itemId: 'closeOthers',
text: me.closeOthersTabsText,
scope: me,
handler: me.onCloseOthers
if (me.showCloseAll) {
itemId: 'closeAll',
text: me.closeAllTabsText,
scope: me,
handler: me.onCloseAll
if (me.extraItemsHead) {
items = me.extraItemsHead.concat(items);
if (me.extraItemsTail) {
items = items.concat(me.extraItemsTail);
} = Ext.create('', {
items: items,
listeners: {
hide: me.onHideMenu,
scope: me
onHideMenu: function () {
var me = this;
me.fireEvent('aftermenu',, me);
onClose : function(){
onCloseOthers : function(){
onCloseAll : function(){
doClose : function(excludeActive){
var items = [];
if(!excludeActive || item !== this.item){
}, this);
Ext.Array.forEach(items, function(item){
}, this);