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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Entity.Core;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using CK.SCP.Models;
using CK.SCP.Models.Enums;
using CK.SCP.Models.ScpEntity;
using CK.SCP.Models.UniApiEntity;
using CK.SCP.Utils;
namespace CK.SCP.Controller
public static class UniApiController
public static void Get_TS_UNI_API_List(TS_UNI_API p_entity, Action<ResultObject<IQueryable<TS_UNI_API>>> p_action)
ResultObject<IQueryable<TS_UNI_API>> _ret = new ResultObject<IQueryable<TS_UNI_API>>();
using (Models.ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
IQueryable<TS_UNI_API> q = db.TS_UNI_API;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode))
q = q.Where(p => p.PartCode.Contains(p_entity.PartCode));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendId == p_entity.VendId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.BillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.BillNum == p_entity.BillNum);
q = q.Where(p => p.State == p_entity.State);
q = q.Where(p => p.InterfaceType == p_entity.InterfaceType);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = q;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(UniApiController), "Get_TS_UNI_API_List", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(UniApiController), "Get_TS_UNI_API_List", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(UniApiController), "Get_TS_UNI_API_List", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(UniApiController), "Get_TS_UNI_API_List", e.Message);
throw e;
public static void RemoveList(ScpEntities db, List<TS_UNI_API> uniApiList)
public static void AddHisList(ScpEntities db, List<TS_UNI_API_HIS> uniApiHisList)
public static void AddApiData(ScpEntities wdb, TS_UNI_API apiData)
public static void AddApiDataList(ScpEntities wdb, List<TS_UNI_API> apiDataList)
public static WmsTableName GetTableName(UniApiType uniApiType)
WmsTableName tableName;
switch (uniApiType)
case UniApiType.PO:
tableName = WmsTableName.TS_UNI_API;//中间表的名字
case UniApiType.Receive:
tableName = WmsTableName.TS_UNI_API;
case UniApiType.BarCode:
tableName = WmsTableName.TS_UNI_API;
case UniApiType.Invoice:
tableName = WmsTableName.TS_UNI_API;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(uniApiType), uniApiType, null);
return tableName;
public static TS_UNI_API CreateBy(TB_PO bill, TB_PO_DETAIL detail, UniApiType uniApiType)
var tableName = GetTableName(uniApiType);
var apiData = new TS_UNI_API
InterfaceType = uniApiType.ToString(),
TableName = tableName.ToString(),
BillNum = bill.PoBillNum,
PartCode = detail.PartCode,
Batch = "",
Qty = detail.PlanQty,
PoUnit = detail.PoUnit,
LocUnit = detail.LocUnit,
State = detail.State,
CreateOper = bill.CreateUser,
CreateTime = bill.CreateTime,
PutTime = ScpCache.GetServerTime(),
VendId = bill.VendId,
BillType = (int)BillType.PuchaseOrder,
SubBillType = 0,
ValidDate = (DateTime)detail.EndTime,
ErpBillNum = bill.ErpBillNum,
ErpLineNum = int.Parse(detail.PoBillNum),
VendBatch = "",
SourceBillNum = "",
Price = detail.Price,
PackQty = detail.PackQty,
Currency = detail.Currency,
Attn = "",//TODO
Buyer = bill.Buyer,
BuyerPhone = bill.BuyerPhone,
ModType = bill.ModType.ToString(),
Receiver = "",//TODO
UmConv = (decimal)detail.UnConv,
return apiData;
private static ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance();
public static TS_UNI_API CreateBy(TB_PO bill, List<TB_PO_DETAIL> detail, UniApiType uniApiType)
var tableName = GetTableName(uniApiType);
TS_UNI_API asp = new TS_UNI_API();
foreach (var item in detail)
asp.InterfaceType = uniApiType.ToString();
asp.TableName = tableName.ToString();
asp.BillNum = bill.PoBillNum;
asp.Batch = string.Empty;
asp.CreateOper = bill.CreateUser;
asp.CreateTime = bill.CreateTime;
asp.PutTime = ScpCache.GetServerTime();
asp.VendId = bill.VendId;
asp.BillType = (int)BillType.PO;
asp.SubBillType = 0;
asp.VendBatch = string.Empty;
asp.SourceBillNum = string.Empty;
asp.Attn = "";//TODO
asp.Buyer = bill.Buyer;
asp.BuyerPhone = bill.BuyerPhone;
asp.ModType = bill.ModType.ToString();
asp.Receiver = "";//TODO
asp.PartCode = item.PartCode;
asp.Qty = item.PlanQty;
asp.PoUnit = item.PoUnit;
asp.LocUnit = item.LocUnit;
asp.State = item.State;
asp.ValidDate = (DateTime)item.EndTime;
asp.ErpBillNum = bill.ErpBillNum;//暂时跟billnum 一样 后期可能会改 预留
asp.ErpLineNum = item.PoLine;
asp.Price = item.Price;
asp.PackQty = item.PackQty;
asp.Currency = item.Currency;
asp.UmConv = (decimal)item.UnConv;
return asp;
public static DataTable FindUniapi(string p_type, string p_billNum, string p_domain)
string sql = string.Empty;
switch (p_type)
case "xxqad_pod_det":
sql ="SELECT * FROM[xxqad_pod_det] a inner join xxqad_ctrl b on a.xxqad_pod_seq = b.xxqad_seq where xxqad_domain = '{1}' and xxqad_pod_nbr in ({0}) order by xxqad_pod_nbr, b.xxqad_seq ";
case "xxqad_prh_det":
sql = "SELECT * FROM[xxqad_prh_det] a inner join xxqad_ctrl b on a.xxqad_prh_seq = b.xxqad_seq where xxqad_domain = '{1}' and (xxqad_prh_psnbr in ({0}) or xxqad_prh_receiver in ({0})) order by xxqad_prh_psnbr, b.xxqad_seq ";
case "xxwms_rc_det":
sql = "select * from xxwms_rc_det a inner join xxwms_ctrl b on a.xxwms_rc_seq = b.xxwms_seq where xxwms_domain = '{1}' and (xxwms_rc_nbr in ({0}) order by xxwms_rc_nbr, b.xxwms_seq";
case "xxscm_tx_mstr":
sql = "select * from xxscm_tx_mstr a inner join xxscm_ctrl b on a.xxscm_tx_seq = b.xxscm_seq where xxscm_domain = '{1}' and xxscm_tx_nbr in ({0}) order by xxscm_tx_nbr, b.xxscm_seq";
case "xxscm_inv_det":
sql = "select * from xxscm_inv_det a inner join xxscm_ctrl b on a.xxscm_inv_seq = b.xxscm_seq where xxscm_domain = '{1}' and xxscm_inv_nbr IN({0}) order by xxscm_inv_nbr,b.xxscm_seq";
DataTable _dt = new DataTable();
var dbSetting = GlobalConfig.UniApiDatabase;
var strConn = EntitiesFactory.GetEfConnectionString(dbSetting);
SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = strConn;
if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = string.Format(sql, p_billNum, p_domain);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
catch (Exception e)
return _dt;
public static TS_UNI_API CreateBy(V_TB_ASN bill, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL detail, UniApiType uniApiType)
var tableName = GetTableName(uniApiType);
var apiData = new TS_UNI_API();
apiData.InterfaceType = uniApiType.ToString();
apiData.TableName = tableName.ToString();
apiData.BillNum = bill.AsnBillNum;
apiData.PartCode = detail.PartCode;
apiData.Batch = detail.Batch;
apiData.Qty = detail.Qty;
apiData.PoUnit = detail.PoUnit;
apiData.LocUnit = detail.LocUnit;
apiData.State = (int)detail.State;
apiData.CreateOper = bill.CreateUser;
apiData.CreateTime = bill.CreateTime;
apiData.PutTime = ScpCache.GetServerTime();
apiData.VendId = bill.VendId;
apiData.BillType = (int)BillType.PuchaseOrder;
apiData.SubBillType = 0;
apiData.ValidDate = (DateTime)detail.ProduceDate;
apiData.ErpBillNum = bill.PoBillNum;
apiData.ErpLineNum = detail.PoLine;
if (bill.Site == "BJCIAI")
apiData.VendBatch = detail.Batch;
apiData.VendBatch = detail.VendBatch;
apiData.Price = detail.Price;
apiData.PackQty = detail.PackQty;
apiData.Currency = detail.Currency;
apiData.UmConv = (decimal) detail.UnConv;
apiData.Buyer = bill.Buyer;
apiData.BuyerPhone = bill.BuyerPhone;
apiData.Domain = bill.Site;
apiData.Site = bill.SubSite;
apiData.Extend1 = Utils.JsonHelper.GetJson(bill);
apiData.Extend2 = Utils.JsonHelper.GetJson(detail);
return apiData;
public static TS_UNI_API CreateBy(TB_ASN bill, TS_BARCODE detail, UniApiType uniApiType)
var tableName = GetTableName(uniApiType);
var apiData = new TS_UNI_API();
apiData.Barcode = detail.BarCode;
apiData.InterfaceType = uniApiType.ToString();
apiData.TableName = tableName.ToString();
apiData.BillNum = bill.AsnBillNum;
apiData.PartCode = detail.PartCode;
apiData.Batch = detail.Batch;
apiData.Qty = detail.Qty;
apiData.PoUnit = detail.PoUnit;
apiData.LocUnit = detail.LocUnit;
apiData.State = detail.State;
apiData.CreateOper = bill.CreateUser;
apiData.CreateTime = bill.CreateTime;
apiData.PutTime = ScpCache.GetServerTime();
apiData.VendId = bill.VendId;
apiData.BillType = (int)BillType.PuchaseOrder;
apiData.SubBillType = 0;
apiData.ValidDate = detail.ProduceDate;
apiData.ErpBillNum = bill.PoBillNum;
apiData.ErpLineNum = detail.PoBillLine;
apiData.VendBatch = detail.VendBatch;
apiData.SourceBillNum = bill.AsnBillNum;
apiData.Domain = bill.Site;
apiData.Site = bill.Remark;
apiData.PackQty = detail.PackQty;
return apiData;
public static TS_UNI_API CreateBy(V_TB_INVOICE bill, V_TB_INVOICE_DETAIL detail, UniApiType uniApiType)
var tableName = GetTableName(uniApiType);
var apiData = new TS_UNI_API
InterfaceType = uniApiType.ToString(),
TableName = tableName.ToString(),
BillNum = bill.InvcBillNum,
PartCode = detail.PartCode,
Batch = "",
Qty = detail.Qty,
PoUnit = detail.PoUnit,
LocUnit = detail.PoUnit,
State = (int)detail.State,
CreateOper = bill.CreateUser,
CreateTime = (DateTime)bill.CreateTime,
PutTime = ScpCache.GetServerTime(),
VendId = bill.VendId,
BillType = (int)BillType.PuchaseOrder,
SubBillType = 0,
ValidDate = DateTime.Now,//暂时添上
ErpBillNum = detail.PoBillNum,
ErpLineNum = detail.PoLineNum,
VendBatch = detail.ProjectId,
SourceBillNum = detail.AsnBillNum,
Price = detail.Price,
PackQty = (decimal)detail.PackQty,
Currency = detail.Currency,
Invoice = bill.InvoiceNum,
Receiver = detail.ErpRecvBillNum,
Tax = (decimal)bill.Tax,
TaxAmt = (decimal)(detail.Price * bill.Tax),
Domain = bill.Site,
Site = bill.Site,
Attn = Utils.JsonHelper.GetJson(bill),
Extend1 = Utils.JsonHelper.GetJson(bill),
Extend2 = Utils.JsonHelper.GetJson(detail)
return apiData;
public static List<TS_UNI_API> GetNewInterfaceList(ScpEntities wdb)
return wdb.TS_UNI_API.Where(p => p.State == (int)BillState.New).OrderBy(p => p.UID).ToList();